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Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - UNIT. 3 - Office Automation - Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise


Chapter No.3 - Office Automation
Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise

B. Respond the following:

1. What is a word processor? Write any three applications of a word processor.
Microsoft Word (MS Word) is one of the most famous word-processing software. It was first released and made public in early 1980s by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft.
Latest versions of MS Word come as a part of Microsoft Office Suite which includes other software as well like MS Excel, MS PowerPoint MS Access, MS One Note, MS Publisher and MS Outlook.

Applications / Uses / Advantages Of MS Word Processor:
MS Word is still most widely used word-processing software in the world.
  1. It allows its user to type text and manipulate it.
  2. MS Word first introduced the concept of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) by introducing text formatting and document preview exactly as we would get it on a paper.
  3. It has advanced features like tables, images, advanced formatting and reviewing that give its users the ability to customize their documents as required.

2. Discuss the Margins and Paper Size options in the Page Setup group.
Ans: Margins:
  • A margin is the area or space between the main content of a page and the page edges. This button is used to change the margins of the entire document or selected section.
  • By default, a new document's margins are set to Normal, which means it has a one-inch space between the text and each edge.
  • Word has a variety of predefined margin sizes to choose from drop down list. Such as normal, narrow, moderate, custom etc.

  • The size button is used to choose the size of the paper for current section or entire document.
  • By default, the page size of a new document is 8.5 inches by 11 inches.
  • Word has a variety of predefined page sizes to choose from drop down list. Such as letter, legal, A4, A5, Envelope etc.
  • Word also allows users to customize the page size in the Page Setup dialog box.

3. Name and describe two options in Orientation.
Ans:Word offers two page orientation options:
  1. Landscape and
  2. Portrait

1. Landscape: means the page is oriented horizontally.
2. Portrait means the page is oriented vertically.

4. How can we apply Margins in a document?
Ans: Word has a variety of predefined margin sizes to choose from the list. We can apply different margins as:
To Use Predefined Margins:
  • Select the Layout tab, then click the Margins command.
  • A drop-down menu will appear. Click the predefined margin size reuired.
  • The margins of the document will be changed.

To Use Custom Margins:
  • Word also allows you to customize the size of your margins in the Page Setup dialog box.
  • From the Layout tab, click Margins.
  • Select Custom Margins from the drop-down menu.
  • Selecting Custom Margins.
  • The Page Setup dialog box will appear.
  • Adjust the values for each margin, then click OK.
  • The margins of the document will be changed.

5. Describe the different types of breaks in MS Word.
A document break indicates that how the document is to be partitioned to Word processor.

There are two types of document breaks, namely:
  • Page breaks and
  • Section breaks
These two types are further subdivided into several different kinds of page and section breaks.

The page breaks partition only the body text of the document.

Types Of Page Breaks:
There are three kinds of page breaks, namely:
  1. Simple page breaks:
    ► Mark the point at which one page ends and the next page begins in the text. It will force all the text behind the cursor onto the next page.

  2. Column breaks:
    ► Indicates that if a document have columns, any text to the right of the cursor where the column beak is inserted will begin in the next column.

  3. Text wrapping breaks:
    ► A text wrapping break moves any text to the right of the cursor to the next line.
    ► This kind of break may be particularly useful when a document contains images. It separates text around image on web, such as caption text of an object from body text.

The second type of document break is the section break, which partitions both the body text of the document, as well as its associated formatting, such as page margins, headers and footers, page numbers, footnotes, etc.

Types Of Section Breaks:
The section breaks are of four kinds, namely:
  1. Next page:
    ► Insert a next page section break forces the text to the right of the cursor and start the new section on the following or next page.
    ► It partitions the document into sections, allowing for a change in margins, headers and footers, as well as differently numbered pages and footnotes.
    ► This is most useful when a document must be divided into chapters or sections.

  2. Continuous:
    ► Insert a continuous section break and start the new section on the same page.
    ► It allows the user to change headers and footers, page numbers, margins, etc.
    ► This kind of section break is most useful when a document has already been composed in part or in full, but still requires different formatting such as to footnotes, headings, or pagination in separate sections of the work.
    ► This allows for one section of a document to end and another to begin on the same page.

  3. Even page:
    ► Insert an even page section break and it will shift all the text to the right of the cursor to the top of the next even-numbered page.

  4. Odd page breaks:
    ► Insert an odd page break and it will move the text to the right of the cursor to the top of the next odd-numbered page.

6. Differentiate “Bring Forward” and “Send Backward” options in the Arrange group with example.
Ans: Objects are placed on different levels according to the order in which they were inserted into a document.
Difference Between "Bring Forward" and "Send Backward"
S.No.Bring ForwardSend Backward
1. Brings a selected object in front of all other objects. Sends a selected object behind all other objects.
3. Example:
 Suppose we have placed different text boxes and inserted shape or image in a document which overlap text boxes and hide some part of the text boxes.
 To bring text box in front of image:
 Select text box
 Click page layout tab
 In Arrange group, click on Bring Forward or   Bring to Front.
 The text box appear on the image.

 Suppose we have placed different text boxes in a document and insert shape or image which overlap text boxes and hide them.
 To send image behind the text:
 Select image
 Click page layout tab
 In Arrange group, click on Send Backward or  Send to Back.
 The image appear behind all text boxes.

7. Explain the “Columns” option in the Page Setup group.
This button is used to split the text into two or more vertical columns.
  • Sometimes the information include in a document is best displayed in columns.
  • Columns can help improve readability, especially with certain types of documents like newspaper articles, newsletters, and flyers.
  • Word also allows to adjust columns by adding column breaks.

8. List and define Position and Wrap Text option in Arrange Group.
Ans: Position:
Definition: Position is used to place an object (picture or shape) on the page wherever you want.
Explanation: It uses a predefined text wrapping setting, which allows to quickly move the image to a specific location on the page. The text will automatically wrap around the object so it's still easy to read.
List Of Position Options:
  • In Line with Text
  • Position in Top Left with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Top Center with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Top Right with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Middle Left with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Middle Center with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Middle Right with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Bottom Left with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Bottom Center with Square Text Wrapping
  • Position in Bottom Right with Square Text Wrapping
  • More Layout Options

Wrap Text:
Definition: Text wrapping is used to arrange the text around an object like an image.
Explanation: When insert a picture from a file, it's difficult to move it exactly where user want. This is because the text wrapping for the image is set to In Line with Text. User will need to change the text wrapping setting if he wants to move the image freely, or just want the text to wrap around the image in a more natural way.
List Of Wrap Text Options:
  • In Line with Text
  • Square
  • Tight
  • Behind Text
  • In Front of Text
  • Top and Bottom
  • Through
  • Edit Wrap Points
  • More Layout Options

9. In what way does a ToC help book reader?
Ans: ToC provides an overview of the document and allows readers to go directly to specific section or content in the document.

10. Write steps that will multiply 37 by 15 using the formula bar in MS Excel.
Ans: To achieve this, follow these steps:
By Using The Formula Bar
1. Type 37 and 15, in columns A2 and B2, respectively.
2. Select cell C2.

3. Click inside formula bar.
4. Type =A2*B2

4. Press Enter.
5. The answer (555) will be calculated by MS Excel and displayed in the selected cell (C2) where the multiplication formula was composed.


By Using cells
1. Type 37 and 15, in columns A2 and B2, respectively.
2. Select cell C2.
3. Type = (equal sign) in Cell C2.
4. Select cell A2 in the worksheet by using the mouse or the keyboard.
5. This action places the cell reference A2 in the formula of selected cell.
6. Type *.
7. Select cell B2 in the worksheet by using the mouse or the keyboard to put that cell's reference in the formula of selected cell. The action also appear in formula bar.
8. Press Enter.
9. The answer (555) will be calculated by MS Excel and displayed in the selected cell (C2) where the multiplication formula was composed.

11. Why do we use Watermark in a document? Give some examples of Watermarks.
Ans: Watermark: (HOTKEY: ALT+P+P+W)
A watermark is a faded background image or ghodted text that displays behind the content in a document.
This is often used to indicate that a document is to be treated specially, such as Confidential or Urgent.
This button is used to insert logos, images or text behind the contents of a page to make a document confidential.

12. List four uses of spreadsheets in business.
Ans: Some Uses Of Spreadsheets In Business:
  1. Storing Data: 
    Examples: a list of clients, contact information, employee time sheets, sales, and purchases, etc.

  2. Manipulate And Analyze Data:
    Examples: Calculating profit and losses, managing budgets and wages, help in accounting etc.

  3. Visualization Or Presentation:
    Examples: Show business performance, and plan future strategy in a graphical way by using charts and tables etc.

  4. Business Accounting:
    Examples: Formulas make easy to calculate, handle and store huge data.

C. Match the columns:

S.No. A S.No. B C
(i) Wrap Text(a) documentation(i), (b)
(ii) Automatic Table of Contents(b) allows to arrange text around an image(ii), (d)
(iii) Page Setup Group sets(c) Show data graphically(iii), (e)
(iv) Excel is used to(d) is created based on heading(iv), (f)
(v) Charts (e) margins, orientation and size(v), (c)
(vi) Ms Word is widely used for(f) organize, display, format and calculate data(vi), (a)


Short Questions Answers

MS word Document layout

Quick Access Tool Bar


Urdu And Sindhi Keyboard Layout

Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - UNIT. 3 - Office Automation - Descriptive Questions Answers


Chapter No.3 - Office Automation
Descriptive Questions Answers

Q.1: Demonstrate Page Layout Tab of MS Word. Identify the different groups of Page Layout Tab and also describe different features available in groups of Page Layout Tab.
Ans: Page Layout Tab:
The Page Layout Tab allows user to control the look of document and personalize it.
It lies on the Ribbon between Insert and Reference Tab of the MS word processor.

Function OF Page Layout Tab:
User can set margins, apply themes, control page, orientation and size, add sections and line breaks, display line numbers, and set paragraph indentation and lines.

Groups Of Page Layout Tab:
The Page Layout tab has five groups of related commands namely:
  1. Themes
  2. Page Setup
  3. Page Background
  4. Paragraph
  5. Arrange

(i) Themes Group:
A theme is a predefined set of formatting, colors and settings that changes the overall design and look of the entire document. Applying themes to our work gives it a professional look.

Features or Properties Of Theme Group:
There are different themes available relevant to the type of document being composed. This group includes following buttons namely:
  • Theme
  • Color
  • Fonts
  • Effects

(ii) Page Setup Group:
Page Setup settings help us set the page layout properties such as margins, orientation and size. The settings in this section are often applied throughout the document.

Features or Properties Of Page Set Up:
This group consists of following buttons namely:
  • Margins
  • Orientation
  • Size
  • Columns
  • Breaks
  • Line Numbers
  • Hyphenation

(iii) Page Background Group:
These settings are used mostly for special documents such as certificates, invitations, brochures, essays, etc.

Features or Properties Of Page Background Group:
It consists of 3 buttons namely:
  • Watermark:
  • Page Color and
  • Page Borders

(iv) Paragraph Group:
The Paragraph Group is where we can modify all the settings of the paragraphs that appear in our document. This allows us to set a few basic paragraph styles and also adjust the indents and spacings.

Features or Properties Of Paragraph Group:
This group consists of following buttons namely:
  • Indent Left
  • Indent Right
  • Space Before
  • Space After

(v) Arrange Group:
The buttons in Arrange Group help the users to quickly arrange graphical and other elements of the document in relation to the main textual content.

Features or Properties Of Arrange Group:
This group consists of following buttons namely:
  • Position
  • Wrap Text
  • Bring Forward
  • Send Backward
  • Selection Pane
  • Align
  • Group
  • Rotate

Q.2: Define and explain Table of Contents (ToC)?
Ans: Table of Contents (ToC):
A Table of Contents (ToC) is an organized listing of the sections, groups and headings of content in a document and identified by page numbers where they are placed.

It provides an overview of the document and allows readers to go directly to specific section or content in the document.

Location in a Document:
ToC usually appears after the Title Page in a document.

Inserting ToC In a Document:
  • To create a Table of Contents in MS Word document, Go to the References Tab  (or File Tab in MS Word 2010) where Table of Contents button appears as the first option of that tab.
  • MS Word provides several options of creating a ToC that include Automatic Table creation, Manual Table creation or the user can even create a Customized Table of Contents based on the requirements of the document.

Types OF ToC:
A user can create to type of table of contents in a document, namely:
  1. An Automatic table or
  2. A Manual table

(i) Automatic Table:
  • Automatic Table creates a Table of Contents automatically based on the content used as Heading presets of MS Word.
  • Based on the type of Heading, Automatic Table of Contents will create the appropriate levels and show page numbers where those Headings are placed.
  • MS Word 2010 provides an advanced feature for automatically creating a ToC.
  • The only difference between Automatic Table 1 and Automatic Table 2 is the title of the table that is “Contents” or “Table of Contents”.

(ii) Manual Table:
  • Choosing Manual Table from the Table of Contents menu will create a template of a generic table of contents.
  • This table will need to be edited and defined manually by providing all the headings, sub-headings and page numbers.
  • To extend the table, simply copy and paste the template lines and edit them to preserve proper formatting.
MS Word 2010

Q.3: Demonstrate the installation of multiple languages like Urdu and Sindhi in Microsoft Windows? How can we compose in Urdu and Sindhi languages in MS Word.
Ans: MS Windows Panel Setting:
To be able to write in other languages like Urdu and Sindhi, the keyboards for those languages have to be installed in Microsoft Windows, as:
1. To do so, first adding languages from the Regional Settings of Windows Control Panel.

2. Installation of these languages also installs their keyboard layouts and enables the ability to type text in those languages.

Purpose Of Multiple languages in MS Word:
  • MS Word 2010 helps in writing letters, applications, CVs, question papers and books in default language set by Microsoft Windows (that is usually English).
  • MS Word 2010 also supports typing text in various other languages like Urdu and Sindhi.

Installation Of Multiple languages Like Urdu and Sindhi in MS Word:
1. Default language of Ms word is English.
2. After installing keyboard for required languages in Microsoft Windows.
3. MS Word also need to bring changing and setting its default language.
4. To change the default language in MS Word,
5. Go to the File menu and select Options.

6. From the Word Options dialog box, select Language tab.

6. Now choose one of the available languages as the default language for MS Word 2010.

Q.4: What are the basics of MS Excel? OR What is an MS Excel? Write down its features?
Ans: MS EXCEL 2010:
Microsoft Excel (MS Excel) is a software that uses spreadsheet system to organize, display, format and calculate data using advanced features and formulas. MS Excel is a part of Microsoft Office Suite and integrates with other applications in the Office Suite.

Features Of MS Excel:
  1. MS Excel offers advanced features to perform calculations, visualize data in graphs and create pivot tables.
  2. It efficiently makes use of spreadsheets to organize, analyze and store data in tabular and graphical forms.
  3. It is the most widely used spreadsheet system and has a high demand in many organizations for keeping records of data and presenting them as tables and graphs.

Q.5: Identify the Elements of MS Excel User Interface?
Ans: MS Excel User Interface:
Following are the Interface Elements:
  1. Quick Access Toolbar:
    i) One click access to any frequently used command.
    ii) By default, it shows the Save, Undo and Repeat commands.

  2. Title Bar:
    i) It lies next to the quick access toolbar or on top of the excel window.
    ii) It displays the name of the open document.

  3. Ribbon:
    i) The Ribbon contains all the commands need to perform common task. It has multiple tabs. ii) Ribbon Tab: is a tab that organizes commands by topic. Each tab will have one or more groups.
    iii) Ribbon Groups: Grouping of related commands.
    iv) Dialog Box Launcher: Some groups have a small arrow called a dialog box launcher. It contains more options or additional commands.
    v) Help Icon: is given for assistance.

  4. Name Box:
    i) Displays location or the name of a selected cell.
    ii) It can be used to navigate to a cell location.

  5. Formula Bar:
    i) View, enter, or edit data, a formula or a function that will appear in specific cell.

  6. Insert Function Button:
    i) It lies between Name box and formula bar and represented by fx.
    ii) It displays Insert Function dialog box.

  7. The Workspace area: 
    i) The work space area used in Excel consist of:
    a. The columns and
    b. The rows
    ii) Columns:
    a. A column is a group of cell that runs from the top of the page to the bottom.
    b. Columns headers are identified by letters.
    iii) Rows:
    a. A row is a group of cell that runs from the left of the page to the right.
    b.  Rows indicators are identified by numbers.

  8. Worksheet tabs:
    i) Excel files are called workbooks. Each workbook holds one or more work sheets (also known as spreadsheets).
    ii) Three worksheets appear by default when we open excel workbook.
    iii) We can rename, add and delete worksheets.
    iv) Tabs in bottom used to select individual worksheets or add new worksheet.

  9. Select All Button:
    i) Select all button lies at the upper left of all worksheets, at the origin of row and column labels.
    ii) It selects all the cells in a worksheet.

  10. Scroll Bars:
    i) They are used to navigate through work sheet to view more data on the screen all at once.
    ii) There are two scroll bars:
    a, Vertical Scroll Bar: hold and slide up or down.
    b. Horizontal Scroll bar: hold and slide left or right,

  11. Zoom Control:
    i) Click and drag the slider to use the zoom control.
    ii) The number to the left of the slider bar reflects the zoom percentage.

  12. Page View Buttons:
    i) There are given three buttons to view a spreadsheet.
    a. Normal View: is selected by default and shows unlimited numbers of cells and columns.
    b. Page Layout View: Divides spreadsheet into pages.
    c. Page Break View: To overview of a spreadsheet, page breaks are added.

Q.6: Define sorting in MS excel with example?
Ans: Sorting:
Sorting is the process of rearranging or reordering data based on different criteria like size, quality, value and quantity. MS Excel has the ability to sort data according to the needs of the user.
To help better understand this concept, take or create a list of products with their unit prices and quantities as:
  1. The objective is to sort given list of products with prices and quantities, in alphabetical order based on the names of the products.
  2. To achieve this, first select all the rows and columns which make up given product list then go to the Data tab and select the Sort option.
  3. In the Sort dialog box, choose Product from the Sort by dropdown list and make sure that in the Order dropdown list, A to Z is selected.
  4. Given Data will be rearranged and sorted alphabetically based on the values in Product column and their respective prices and quantities will also be rearranged as sorted data.
  5. This data can also be sorted in terms of unit price and quantity.

Q.7: What are the common calculation performed in MS EXCEL? Also define formulas with example?
Ans: Common Calculations Perform In MS Excel:
MS Excel 2010 allows its user to perform numerous calculations on data. Common calculations include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Comparison of two numbers and finding their average is also possible.

  • Formulas tell MS Excel what calculation needs to be performed on the data.
  • Formulas always start with an equal sign (=).
  • They are defined in the Formula Bar.

To understand this concept, take an example of two numbers, which are 220 and 87 placed in columns A2 and B2, respectively. The objective is to add these two numbers using MS Excel formula.
To achieve this, follow these steps:
  1. Select cell C2.
  2. Type = (equal sign).
  3. Select cell A2 in the worksheet by using the mouse or the keyboard. This action places the cell reference A2 in the formula of selected cell.
  4. Type +.
  5. Select cell B2 in the worksheet by using the mouse or the keyboard to put that cell's reference in the formula of selected cell.
  6. Press Enter.
  7. The answer (307) will be calculated by MS Excel and displayed in the selected cell (C2) where the addition formula was composed.
Likewise subtraction, multiplication, division and other mathematical functions can be applied with the help of formula.

Q.8: What do you mean by charts or graph in MS Excel? What are its different types? With the help of example display data with different charts?
Ans: Charts:
A chart is used to represent data graphically. Charts are also known as graphs. They include diagrams and tables.
Charts feature in MS Excel allows the users to present a set of data visually. A huge set of data may not succeed in presenting its meaning to the reader whereas visual information helps better understand those data values at a glance.
Types Of Charts Or Graphs:
There are many types of Charts. Four most common types of chart used are:
  1. Column Charts
  2. Line Charts
  3. Bar Charts
  4. Pie Charts
Other Charts also used are:
  1. Area Charts and
  2. Surface charts

  1. Column charts: use vertical bars to represent data. They can work with many different types of data, but they're most frequently used for comparing information.

  2. Line charts: are ideal for showing trends. The data points are connected with lines, making it easy to see whether values are increasing or decreasing over time.

  3. Bar charts: work just like column charts, but they use horizontal instead of vertical bars.

  4. Pie charts: make it easy to compare proportions. Each value is shown as a slice of the pie, so it's easy to see which values make up the percentage of a whole.

  5. Area charts: are similar to line charts, except the areas under the lines are filled in.

  6. Surface charts: allow you to display data across a 3D landscape. They work best with large data sets, allowing you to see a variety of information at the same time.

To understand this concept, take an example of the average monthly temperature for Larkana in 2018 as shown below:
1. January23 °C7. July41 °C
2. February26 °C8. August39 °C
3. March32 °C9. September39 °C
4. April38 °C10. October 36 °C
5. May43 °C11. November 31 °C
6. June44 °C12. December24 °C

The temperature table contains data in a form which is not very helpful for every user to understand. If the same data is converted into a graph or chart, the user would be better able to reach a conclusion.
From the bar chart, we can easily derive the hottest and the coldest months and compare them with each other.
The same data, if displayed as a graph or chart, will give more meaning and a user can easily derive an understanding of such values at a glance.
Bar Chart

Line Chart

Making this chart is very easy . All we need to do is to select the table and click at chart button.