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Thursday 15 April 2021

Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - 6. Web Development - Text Book Exercise And Activity


Chapter No.6. Web Development
Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise

B. Respond to the following:

1. Differentiate between web hosting and web server.
Ans: Difference Between web Hosting And Web Server
S. No.Web HostingWeb Server
1. A web hosting is a service that has access to an internet server. It is sold by specific companies called "web hosters". They rent their servers to their customers, allowing them to create their websites.  A web server is an entity that accepts requests via HTTP or a similar protocol and generates a response to access any website. It can be numeric in the case of Apache web server program, or physical, as a dedicated machine (computer which runs software).
2. Web host types are shared host, dedicated host, free host and reseller host among others. Web servers can be of different types such as proxy servers, mail servers, applications servers and others.
3. A web host uses mltiple networks devices, such as it uses switches and routers to relay information from servers and to servers. Web hosts store multiple servers in multiple data centers and also helps in managing data (hardware and software) properly for their customers. A web server receives data and performs all the operations before returning their results to clients. When any server whether a physical or a software server receives a request then after that it takes the help of the related database and then fills the HTML files with all the recently received information which has been generated.
4. Example, a web host is a group of companies such as HostGator, Godaddy Hosting, Blue Host, and so much more hosting company. Example: Web servers like Apache, Google Web server, etc. run the software. We can also call this software a web server.

2. What are the steps involved in creating a complete website?
Ans: Steps Involved In Creating A Complete Website:
The steps involved in creating a complete website are following:
  1. First of all, need to plan website.
    (e.g: educational, business, social, entertainment, blog or news etc).
  2. Choose a domain name. Domain name is website name and address (extension).
    e.g:, etc.
  3. Register domain name.
    (Common extensions for registration are .com, .net, .org, .uk etc.)
    TIp: Check availability of name through or or any other web host service.)
  4. Choose a hosting service.
    (e.g.:, etc)
  5. Connect domain name to web host.
  6. Then, Design a website.
    (choose theme or template of website according to the type of website)
  7. After designing. add pages, navigation menu and content etc.
  8. Test website.

3. Differentiate between <head>, < title> and <h1> to <h6> tags.
Ans: Difference between <head>, < title> and <h1> to <h6> tags

  •  It is used to define additional information about the web page.
  •  It contains a set of tags such as < title> , < meta> , < style> , < script> , etc .

  •  It defines the title of a web page.
  •  Titles are very important as they appear on top of the browser window and displayed on search engine result pages.

<h1> - <h6>
  •   It is used to define six levels of HTML headings (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6) with <h1> being heaviest heading and <h6> being the lightest heading.

4. Identify and explain some HTML tags used for formatting of the content.
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.7 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

5. Differentiate between ordered and unordered lists.
Ans: Difference between ordered and unordered lists

S.No.Ordered ListUnordered List
1. An ordered list also displays a list of related items. It is used where the order of the list is important e.g. names of students in order of their exam ranks. An unordered list is a list of related items in which the order of items is irrelevant.
2. It is defined by <ol> tag and each of its list item is defined by <li>. It is defined by <ul> tag and each of its list item is defined by <li> tag.
3. The web browser will display these list items with numbers, roman numbers or alphabets etc, instead of bullet points. The web browser will display these list items as bullet points.
4. Ordered lists can also be defined with two of its attributes: start and reversed OR with a value attribute which is used to place that item at a specific position or number in the list. There is no such attribute can be defined in unordered list

6. How are images displayed in an HTML page?
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.9 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

7. How can a user be redirected to another web page?
Ans: Hyperlinks allow a user to navigate from one web page to another. 
"A hyperlink in HTML is defined by <a> tag and its href attribute. The value of href is the reference of another web page or a different section within the same page."

Links to another web page:
  • To send a user to any other web page, use the URL of that page as the value for href attribute.
  • e.g. < a href=“”> Goto Google </a>

8. What kind of HTML elements are used to display data in rows and columns? Discuss some of its formatting features.
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.12 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

9. Is it possible to display the entire contents of another web page in our HTML page? How?
Ans: Yes, it is possible to display the entire contents of another web page in our HTML page by using tag <iframe> in html.
  • An iframe or inline frame is used to display external objects including other web pages within a web page.
  • An iframe pretty much acts like a mini web browser within a web browser. Also, the content inside an iframe exists entirely independent from the surrounding elements.
  • The basic syntax for adding an iframe to a web page can be given with:
    <iframe src="URL"> </iframe>
    The URL specified in the src attribute points to the location of an external object or a web page.

The following example display "Wikipedia website" inside an iframe in current document.


10. List some popular text editors and other tools which help in designing and development of websites.
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.14 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

C. Match the columns.
(i) E-Commerce(a) Add navigation support to web pages (i) (e)
(ii)  <head> (b) Organize information as list points (ii) (d)
(iii)  <ul> <ol> <dl> (c) Organize information in rows and columns (iii) (b)
(iv)  <tables> (d) Contains additional information and styling features of the web page (iv) (c)
(v)  <img> (e) Business website (v) (f)
(vi) Hyperlinks(f) Add images and infographics to the web page (vi) (a)


Create three pages with following features:
Page 1 (home.html):
  • Name of the file should be home.html
  • Title of the page should be “Unit 6 – Activity – Home”
  • Place a heading of “Input and Output Devices”
  • Create an Unordered List with two items:
    ► Input Devices
    ► Output Devices
  • Both of these items should be hyperlinks. Clicking on “Input Devices” should navigate to another html page named “inputs.html” and clicking on “Output Devices” should navigate to page named “outputs.html”

Page 2 (inputs.html):
  • Title of the page should be “Unit 6 – Activity – Input Devices”
  • The page should display a table with two columns:
    ► Left column should contain names of different Input Devices.
    ► Right column should contain images for those input devices. The width of images should be set to 200 pixels.

Page 3 (outputs.html):
  • Title of the page should be “Unit 6 – Activity – Output Devices”
  • The page should display a table with two columns:
    ► Left column should contain names of different Output Devices
    ► Right column should contain images for those output devices. The width of images should be set to 200 pixels.

Short Questions Answers

Friday 9 April 2021

Commercial Geography - For Class ICOM - Part 2 (Commerce Group) - Model papers 2020 -2021

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Commercial Geography
For Class XII (Commerce Group)
Model papers 2020 -2021

(39) The western depression originating from the Mediterranean Sea.
(40) This occur in summer season with peak in May and June: Heat wave.

SOURCE: Board Of Intermediate Education Karachi

Statistics - Paper 2 - For Class ICOM - Part 2 (Commerce Group) - Complete Solved Model Paper With Solved MCQs 2020 -2021

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Statistics- Paper 2
For Class XII (Commerce Group)
Solved Model papers 2020 -2021

Time: 50 Minutes    Max. Marks: 25

Q. No.2 Attempt any Three part questions. All questions carry equal marks.

(i) Differentiate between Primary data and Secondary data Or Define Discrete and Continuous variables with examples.
Primary DataSecondary Data
 Primary data are original in nature. Secondary data are not in original in nature.
 Primary data is collected systematically therefore, suitability of primary data is positive. Suitability of secondary data may or may not be positive.
 It is time consuming and expensive. Secondary data are cheaper than primary data.
 Primary data does not require extra precautions. Secondary data require great care and cautions.
 Primary data are in the shape of raw material. Secondary data are in the shape of finished products.


Discrete Variable:
A discrete variable is a variable whose value is obtained by counting.
  1. Number of students present.
  2. Number of red marbles in a jar.

Continuous Variable:
A continuous variable is a variable whose value is obtained by measuring.
  1. Height of students in class.
  2. Weight of students in class.

(ii) Find relative frequency distribution and cumulative frequency distribution to the following distribution:
C.I. 2 -- 4 5 -- 7 8 -- 10 11 -- 13 14 -- 16
 F 1 3 4 5 2

Class Interval Frequency Relative
2 - 4
5 - 7
11 - 13
14 - 16
1/15 = 0.067
3/15 = 0.200
4/15 = 0.267
5/15 = 0.333
2/15 = 0.133
1 + 3 =4
4 + 4=8
8 + 5 =13
∑f = 151.000 

(iii) Represent the following data by a Pie diagram.
Items A B C D E
 Expenditure (Rs.) 50 30 20 15 35

SOLUTION 2 (iii)
Items Expenditure Degree
A5050/150 x 360 = 120°
B3030/150 x 360 = 72°
C2020/150 x 360 = 48°
D1515/150 x 360 = 36°
E3535/150 x 360 = 84°
Total 150 360°

(iv) Find median for the following data:
C.I. 2 3 4 5 6 7
F 7 11 16 20 22 24

Class Interval Frequency Cumulative
3117 + 11 = 18
41618 + 16 = 34
52034 + 20 = 54
62254 + 22 = 76
72476 + 24 = 100
∑f = 100

(v) From the data given below, calculate the index number of prices for 1991 with reference to 1990 as the base year, using Simple Aggregative Method.
Commodity Year
1990 1991
A 3 5
B 10 15
C 2 4

Commodity Po Pn
Total 15 24

(v) A bag contains 3 Red and 4 Black balls. 2 balls are drawn at random from the bag. Whet is the probability that the balls are one of each colour?
n = 7
r = 2

(10 Marks)

Note: Answer any one question from this section. All question carry equal marks.
Q. No.3 (a): Find Arithmetic mean and Mode for the following frequency distribution.
C.I. F X Fx C - B CF
2 - 42(2 + 4)/2 = 32 x 3 = 61.5 - 4.5 2
5 - 78(5 + 7)/2 = 68 x 6 = 484.5 - 7.52 + 8 = 10
8 - 1012(8 + 10)/2 = 912 x 9 =1087.5 - 10.5 10 + 12 = 22
11 - 134(11 + 13)/2 = 124 x 12 = 4810.5 - 13.522 + 4 = 26
14 - 162(14 + 16)/2 = 152 x 15 = 3013.5 - 16.526 + 2 = 28
∑f = 28 ∑fx = 474

Q, No.3 (b): Given that event A and B are mutually exclusive events such that P(A) = 0.3, P(B) = 0.6; Find P(AUB).

P(AUB) = P(A) + P(B)
P(AUB) = 0.3 + 0.6
P(AUB) = 0.9 Ans.

Q. No.4 (a): Calculate Laspeyre's and Paasche's price index numbers for 1991 using 1990 as base year:

Commodity 1990 1991

Commodity Po qo Pn qn Pnqo Poqo Pnqn Poqn

Q. No.4 (b): Two dice are rolled once. Construct the Sample Space. What Is the probabiltty of getting a total of:
(a) 9?
(b) 7 Or 11


SOURCE: Board Of Intermediate Education Karachi

Accounting - Paper 2 - For Class ICOM - Part 2 (Commerce Group) - Complete Solved Model Papers 2020 -2021

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Accounting- Paper 2
For Class XII (Commerce Group)
Solved Model papers 2020 -2021

Special Thanks To Sir Sameer Hussain 

Time: 1 Hour 30 Min      Max. Marks: 50

Note: Attempt any Three questions from this section. All questions carry equal marks


(Note: We add surplus to expenditure when total income is greater than expenditure.
Surplus = Total Income - Total expenditure i.e: Surplus = 110,000 - 87000 =23,000)




Case - 1:
Computation: (Goodwill to old Partners):


Other Assets = Total Assets - Cash
Other Assets 400,000 - 20,000
Other Assets - 380,000
Quick Company
General Journal




Note: Attempt any one part.


Computation of Depredation Expense by Straight Line Method:


DateParticulars P/R DebitCredit
31 Dec
 Depreciation expense
   Allowance for depreciation
(To record the depreciation expense)



DateParticulars P/R DebitCredit
31 Dec
 Expense and revenue summary
    Depreciation expense
(To close the depreciation expense account)



Computation of Capital at End:


SOURCE: Board Of Intermediate Education Karachi

Principles Of Commerce (Banking) - Paper 2 - For Class ICOM - Part 2 (Commerce Group) - Model papers 2020 -2021

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POC- Paper 2
For Class XII (Commerce Group)
Model papers 2020 -2021

SECTION"B" (Short Answer Questions) (Marks 25)

Note: Answer any 5 Part Questions from this Section. All Questids carry equal marks. No answer should exceed 6-10 lines.

Q.2(i): How was the word "Bank" derived.
Ans: The term bank is either derived from Old Italian word banca or from a French word banque both mean a Bench or money exchange table. In olden days, European money lenders or money changers used to display (show) coins of different countries in big heaps (quantity) on benches or tables for the purpose of lending or exchanging. According to some authorities, the work "Bank" itself is derived from the words "bancus" or "banqee", that is, a bench. The early bankers, the Jews in Lombardy, transacted their business on benches in the market place. There are others, who are of the opinion that the word "bank" is originally derived from the German word "back" meaning a joint stock fund. which was Italianized into "banco" when the Germans were masters of a great part of Italy. This appears to be more possible.

(ii) Define briefly types of Bank Account.
Ans: Types of Bank Accounts:
There are basically three types of accounts, which arc kept with a bank by customers. They are called:
  1. Current Account
  2. Saving Account
  3. Fixed Account

a) Current Account:
The current account is easily one of the most popular types of bank accounts in Pakistan, widely used by working individuals, businessmen and commercial entities. This account is ideal for making business transactions on a day-to-day basis, which means you can deposit and withdraw your money at any time.
Current Accounts are usually used by entrepreneurs, salaried individuals, traders and companies. Almost all At-Work accounts are also current.

b) Saving Account:
As the name suggests, savings account, are meant for securing your savings. In addition to that, unlike the current account, they also allow you to earn a certain percentage of interest over time. It means the amount you deposit in your savings account will accumulate a modest profit.
Moreover, banks in Pakistan offer a number of different savings accounts for individuals who want to earn income through interest.

c) Fixed Deposits Account:
Fixed deposit accounts also known as Term Deposit Accounts, allows customers to deposit a large amount into their accounts and earn a profit on them. Compared to the savings account, the rate of return is higher on the amount invested in fixed deposit. However, account holders cannot withdraw their funds from a fixed deposit for a certain period or time.
Usually, fixed deposit accounts hold funds for a time frame ranging from one month to 10 years.

(iii) List down the Quantitative method of credit control.
Ans: Quantitative Method Of Credit Control:
Under the general or quantitative controls bank use the following weapons.
  1. bank Rate Policy
  2. Open Market Operation
  3. Variable reserve system
  4. Selective Credit Control

(iv) List down the secondary functions of a commercial Bank?
Ans: Secondary Functions Of A Commercial Bank:
With the advancement of the world, banks are growing as well.
They now have gone a step further by performing the following functions as well.
(1) Public Utility Services:
Under this heading, a bank performs the following functions:
  • (i) Accepting and Discounting bills of exchange.
  • (ii) Creation of Credit Money.
  • (iii) Transfer of Money.
  • (iv )Underwriting of Shares.
  • (v) Locker Services.
  • (vi) Issuing of Letter of credit.

(2) Agency Services:
Commercial banks also works as an attorney for their clients. Under this heading, a commercial hank performs the following functions.
  • (i) Accepting Cheques.
  • (ii) Accepting Utility Bills.
  • (iii) Acting as Attorney.
  • (iv) Dealing in Shares and Bonds

(v) Define scheduled and non-scheduled Bank.
Ans: Scheduled Bank:
The hanks which are registered in the list of central bank under its charter are known as scheduled banks. They are bound to perform banking services, according to the policies and instructions of central bank.

Non-scheduled Bank:
The banks which Are not registered in the list of central bank under its charter are known as non-scheduled banks. They are not bound to perform banking services according to the policies and instructions of central bank.

(vi) What is meant by crossing of Cheque?
Ans: Crossing Of Cheque:
A crossing is a direction to the paying banker that the cheque should be paid only to banker and if the banker is names in the crossing, only to the banker It can be easily identified because it bears two parallel lines across. This ensures the safety of payment by means of cheques. The holder of the cheque is not allowed to cash it across the counter. Therefore it minimizes the possibility of falling the cash into wrong hands. Crossing is an indication to the drawee bank that the payment should be made, only through a banker Cheque not crossed sre called open cheques. There are two kinds of crossing, namely:
  • (a) General crossing
  • (b) Special crossing

(vii) List down the characteristics/features of Bill of Exchange.
Ans: Characteristics of a Bill of Exchange:
A Bill of Exchange, at instrument must possess the following essentials characteristics.
In writing:
It must be in writing.

Express order to pay:
There must be an express order to pay and not a mere request to pay.

Definite and unconditional order:
The order must be definite and unconditional.

Order to pay certain sum:
The order must be to pay a certain sum.

Order to pay money only:
The order must be to pay money only.

Certain three parties:
The three parties (i.e., drawer, drawee and payee) must be certain and must be mentioned in the instrument. It may be noted that the drawer and payee can be the same person but the drawer and drawee cannot be the same person.

Signed by the drawer:
It must be signed by the drawer.

SECTION "C" (Descriptive Answer Questions) (Marks:12)

Note: Answer any ONE question (with detail) from this section.

Q.3: Define Commercial Bank or Central Bank. Describe functions of Commercial Bank or Central Bank in details.
Ans: Definition of Commercial Bank:
Banks come to play a significant role in the development of any country. Among different types of banks, commercial banks are the most popular and successful kind of bank. It is not an easy task to define commercial banks because any bank can be defined on the bases of its functions, while it is very much difficult to identify commercial banks on the bases of their operations. It is rather easy to talk about, what is not commercial bank? For instance. institutions that face a variety of legal constraints on their powers to lend to businesses are not commercial banks. This permit to exclude saving institutions, credit unions and non depository institutions.
So by a process of elimination commercial banks can be define in the following way:

"A commercial bank is a depository institution that faces few legal restrictions on its power to lend to business and that authority to issue checking deposits from which holders may write unlimited numbers of check."

A dictionary of Economic and commerce define commercial banks as:
"A bank which-undertake all kinds of ordinary banking business."

Function of Commercial Bank:
Commercial banks are truly the identity of modern banking system. There importance is due to their functions which they perform in the modern world. These functions can be easily divided into two categories.

(i) Primary Function:
Primary functions can be defined as the basic and essential duties of a commercial banks. These functions can be divided into the following categories.

(1) Receiving Deposits:
It is the basic function of commercial banks. Small savers, salaried people, traders, manufactures and others, deposit their money with the bank.

(2) Advancing Loans:
The banks advance loans on an interest rate. It is the source of bank's income.
Today, banks are very much important from economic point of view due to their advancing loans.

(ii) Secondary Functions:
With the advancement of the world banks are growing as well. They now have gone a step further by performing the following functions as well.

(1) Public Utility Services:
Under this heading, a bank performs the following functions.
  1. Accepting and Discounting bills of exchange:
    The bank except the bill on behalf of the debtor and discount it for the creditor.

  2. Creation of Credit Money:
    The whole banking system in any country makes way to the creation of credit money through the deposits which they receives.

  3. Transfer of Money:
    Commercial banks play an important role in the transferring of money from one person, company or city to another. Banks performs this functions between two countries as well and channelize the money from one country to another.

  4. Underwriting of Shares:
    Underwriting refers to purchasing the whole issue of bonds and shares and reselling it to the public. Banks also takes the responsibility to sell the newly issued bonds or shares without underwriting them.

  5. Locker Services:
    Bank offer lockers services for the safe custody of jewel, or other precious items.

  6. Issuing L/C:
    Letter of credit is an open letter which is a reliable guarantee for the exporter or seller froth the bank. Bank also issue travelers cheques to the travelers and tourists.

(2) Agency Services:
Commercial banks also works as an attorney for their clients Under this heading a commercial bank performs the following functions.
  1. Accepting cheques:
    " This is the most valuable service that the bank performs for its clients. Businessmen receive cheques in payments from other parties. They deposit these cheques with their banks and get the payment. other parties. They deposit these cheques with their banks and get the payments.

  2. Accepting Utility Bills:
    Banks also receive payments against utility bills like gas, electricity, phone etc. It also receives and pays premiums, interest, dividends and rent on behalf of its clients.

  3. Acting as Attorney:
    The bank acts as attorney to its clients and thus performs legal and commercial functions for them.

  4. Dealing in Shares and Bonds:
    On the instructions of its clients the bank buys and sells shares and bonds on the stock exchange.


Definition of Central Bank:
A central bank is an entity responsible for overseeing the monetary system for a nation (or group of nations). Central banks have a wide range of responsibilities, from overseeing monetary policy to implementing specific goals such as currency stability, low inflation and full employment. Central banks also generally issue currency. function as the bank of the government, regulate the credit system, oversee commercial banks, manage exchange reserves and act as a lender of last resort.

Functions of Central Bank:
State Bank's basic function is to carry the monetary policy of a country and this requires that it should work closely with the government and must have some means of controlling the commercial banks. On the basis of this information it is clear that State Bank performs broadly the following functions.
  • (a) Government bank's functions
  • (b) Banker's bank functions

(a) Government bank's functions:
As a government bank, State Bank performs the following functions.

(1) Note Issue:
One of the most important function of State Bank of Pakistan is the issue of legal tender currency, the main reason for the concentration of note issue is a state bank may be found in the necessity of bringing about uniformity in the note circulation of a country and of avoiding the anomaly of over issue by many banks established with the primary motive of securing profit.

(2) Control over Credit Creation:
Closely connected with the function of currency regulation is the function of credit control this function assumed importance with the growing popularity of bank credit. The state banks controls and regulate credit money in a country in order to expand or contact it to the requirement of the economy. The state bank's function is to control the credit money and keep it at certain level.

(3) Custodian of National Reserves in a Country:
The state bank of a country is generally entrusted with the custody of the nations reserves. This function was derived from the role of the central bank as the sole authority of note Issue. The reserves are is the main, kept in the form of gold or silver or both. Not infrequently state bank is also consider as the custodian of foreign reserves.

(4) Custodian of Foreign exchange Reserves:
Pakistan is involved in international trade now-a-days. During this processor our country earns foreign exchange, which is kept by the state bank. When businessmen trade their goods, they gets international currency which is not handed in to them and instead it is held with the state bank.

(5) Fiscal Agent:
A state bank is also worked as a fiscal agent of government. The state bank function as the government meaning that it issues, services and redeems debt on the treasury's behalf. The government issue debt instruments i.e. bills, notes and bonds that the government uses to cover short falls between its tax. receives and its expenditures on goods and services.

(6) Development of Financial Institutions:
The state bank is responsible to develop financial institutions, which plays a vital role in industrial, agricultural and capital development of the country. It also facilitate the money market and stock exchanges. All of the above functions clearly indicates that the state bank works as the right hand of government.

(b) State Bank (Central Bank) as a Banker's Bank:
As a sole authority of note issue and as the government's bank, the state bank stands at a privileged position in the money market. This has made the commercial banks to recognize the supremacy and to consider it as their banker. The state bank in turn recognize its duty to help the commercial banks in times of emergencies by extending financial help. Being a banker's bank, state bank performs the following functions.

(l) Lender of the last resort:
In its role, as the banker's bank, the state bank extends financial facilities to commercial banks in times of emergency, In fact, it is the most important duty of state bank in its capacity as the banker's bank.
"The essential duly of the state bank as the lender of the last resort is to make good shortage of each among the competitive banks."
In crises when a commercial bank has exhausted all its resources and still finds itself unable to meet all its obligations and outstanding duties the state bank comes forward to rescue it. The state bank is extending financial accommodation mainly through rediscounts of first class bills of exchange, government securities and such other eligible papers.

(2) Clearing House Service:
Being the holder of the balances of the commercial banks, the state bank is specially qualified to act as a bank of state clearance.
Krick and Klikin mentoined that:
"It is for the central bank to setup an expedition, and economical machinery for the clearance of draft and settlement of internal account."
The bank performs this function for commercial banks. Every bank receives cheques drawn on other banks, because of which every bank becomes creditor or debtor to the other bank or banks. All these cheques are sent to the state bank where it settles all the accounts of the banks by adjusting their debit or credit balances.

(3) Rediscounting bills of Exchange:
Another valuable service performed by the bank is to rediscount bill of exchange. Commercial banks discount bills of exchange of businessmen. Discounting encashment of the bill before it matures, at a certain rate of interest. As a result commercial banks fall short of cash. So they approach the state bank for rediscounting of the same bills.

(4) Cash reserves:
Under banking law, every commercial schedule bank is bound to deposit a certain percentage of all its deposits with the state bank. This service serves many objects.
(i) It provides safety to commercial bank's account holder.
(ii) It makes easy for state bank to control over credit creation.
(iii) These reserves may be used to finance commercial banks in need.

(5) Counseling service:
The state bank offers precious advice and counseling services. In the light of its export opinion and advice commercial banks formulates and read just their policies.

Q.4 What is meant by Rate of Exchange? Describe the factors that affect the rate of Exchange.
Ans: Rate of Exchange: It is defined as:
"The rate of exchange between two countries is the amount o f one currency that will be exchanged for one unit of another currency".
For instance, of $1 can be exchanged for Rs.106, then the rate of exchange between dollar and rupee is $1 = Rs. 106.

Factors Influencing the Exchange Rate:
The market rate of exchange existing on any particular day need not be the same. It is liable to fluctuate. The causes given rise to such fluctuations are as follows:

(1) Trade Factor:
Trade factor relate, to the influences arising from the exports and imports. Suppose the equilibrium rate of exchange between Pakistan and US is $1 = Rs. 150. For some reasons the exports from U.S increase more than the import. That mean Pakistan have to pay more dollar to U.S. the demand for dollar increase and the exchange rate of dollar increase.

(2) Stock exchange factor:
Stock exchange factor relates to the influence arising from granting of loans, repayment of loans, receipt of interest, payment of interest, purchase and sales of foreign securities etc, for e.g. Suppose U.S is granting a loan to Pakistan. The demand for rupees will increases in U.S. The result is the fluctuation of exchange rate in Pakistanis favour.

(i) Banking Factor:
Banking factor relate to the influences arising front the activities of banks such as purchases or sales banker's draft, travelers cheque, arbitrage operations etc. For instance the sale of a draft on a foreign centre creates demand for foreign currency and raise it value. The exchange rate will move in the favour of the foreign currency.

(ii) Currency and credit conditions:
Currency and credit conditions of a country, also influence the rate of exchange. Exchange dealers are always careful to watch the probable trend of the internal and external value of a country's currency. If the total quantity of note-issue is steadily increasing without a corresponding increase in the total volume of goods the result will be inflation.
The increased in price of the commodity will cause a decrease in its exports. An adverse balance of payment position will develop. Such situation induces the exchange dealers to dispose off their stock of home currency relative to its demand thus causing a fluctuation in the rate of exchange unfavourable to the home currency.

(3) Budgetary policies of Country:
Budgetary polices of a country will also cause fluctuations in the rate of exchange. Where it appears than the extent of public expenditure is in compatible with the national stock of that currency.

(4) Political and Internal Industrial Situation:
The political conditions and internal industrial situation of country also cause fluctuation in the rate of exchange. A stable government, the stick maintenance of law and order, the protection of property and of the rights of owners of wealth will all induce an inflow of foreign capital, either for interest gaining purpose or for safety. The adverse situation will induce the withdrawal of capital and cause the unfavourable exchange rate. While stable political and industrial conditions will cause the fluctuation of exchange rate in favour of a country.

SOURCE: Board Of Intermediate Education Karachi

Principles Of Economics - For Class ICOM - Part 1 (Commerce Group) - Model paper with Solved MCQs 2020 -2021

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For Class XI (Commerce Group)
Model papers 2020 -2021

MCQs ix) Reward without any service is termed as:
Transfer payment

Time: 01 hour    10 Minutes   (Marks: 30)


MICRO ECONOMICS      (Marks: 15)

2. Attempt any THREE part questions. All question carry equal marks.
i) Briefly describe the Degrees of Elasticity of Demand.
Ans: Ans: Degrees of Elasticity of Demand show the limit of elasticity of demand means how much change may come in demand of goods due to change in price or other factors.
  • Perfectly Elastic Demand: Perfectly elastic demand is said to happen when a little change in price leads to an infinite change in quantity demanded.
  • Perfectly Inelastic Demand
  • Unitary Elastic Demand
  • Relatively Elastic Demand
  • Relatively Inelastic Demand

ii) Draw Revenue curves under Imperfect market.
Ans: Revenue Curve under Imperfect Competition:
When a firm is working under conditions of monopoly or imperfect competition. its demand curve or AR curve is less than perfectly elastic. In other words, the demand/AR curve has a negative slope and the MR curve lies below it. This is because the monopolist seller ordinarily has to accept a lower price for his product, as he increases his sales.
Under imperfect competition conditions. total revenue increases at a diminishing rate. It becomes maximum and then begins to decline.

iii) Differentiate between Change in Supply and Change in Quantity Supplied with the tool of diagram.
Ans: Ans: In economics, supply is defined as the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at each possible price.
Change In supply occurs due to changes in costs and incentives that change how much a producer can and will produce at a given price. Simply we can say that change in supply due to change in factors other than price.
Whereas Change In quantity supply means change in supply of goods due to change in retail price of goods.
Change in Supply Vs. Change in Quantity Supplied
A change in supply is not the same as a change in quantity supplied.

iv) Explain the concept of MONOPOLY and Mention its types.
Ans: Monopoly is a market situation in which there is only one seller of a product with barriers to entry of others. There are following types of Monopoly:

1. Natural Monopoly:
Some countries due to their physical location and climatic condition can produce a large proportion of the total global production of a product and supply it in the international market at their demanded price.
For example, South Africa has natural monopoly on gold and Brazil on coffee.

2. Legal Monopoly:
When a firm discover a new technique of production or invent a new machine it gets registered its ownership right or we can say that firm has copyright to produce such product and other firms don't have this called legal monopoly.
For example Government Arm factory who have the right to produce arms for defense force.

3. Social Monopoly:
When a firm has right to produce and work for the protection of Public interest for example Sui Gas Company has given rights to produce and distribute natural gas in Pakistan. The company is enjoying a social monopoly.

4. Implied Monopoly:
When some firms or group of business make alliance or pool or cartel to control production of some specific product and make barrier for new companies to enter in their business that is called implied monopoly.

v) Explain the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility with the help of schedule and diagram.
Ans: Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility:
According to the Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility, marginal utility of a good diminishes as an individual consumes more units of a good. In other words, as a consumer takes more units of a good, the extra utility or satisfaction that he derives from an extra unit of the good goes on falling.
Marshal defines that "The additional benefit which a person derives from a given increase of his stock of a thing diminishes with every increase in the stock that he already has."
 Cups Of Tea  Total Utility  Marginal Utility
 1 12 12
 2 22 10
 3 30 8
 4 36 6
 5 40 4
 6 41 1
 7 39 - 2
 8 34 - 5



3. Answer any THREE part questions. All question carry equal marks:
i) Differentiate between PI and DPI.
Ans: Personal Income (PI):
PI stand for Personal income which is actually received by individuals or households of a country during a year. Deductions are not deducted from this income or salary.
For example before deduction of tax and social security from salary is called personal income.

Disposable Personal income (DPI):
Disposable personal income is that income which is actually available to individuals or households for spending or consumption. We can also say it take home salary or income of individual. Several deductions such as taxes etc are deducted from salary.
DPI = Personal Income - Personal direct taxes

ii) Differentiate between Balance of Trade and Balance of Payments.
Ans: Balance of Trade:
The difference between aggregate value of exports and imports is called balance of trade. If the export value of a country is more than import value, it will be favorable balance of trade. Contrary If export is less than import, it will be unfavorable or negative balance of trade.

Balance of Payment:
Balance of payment gives a comprehensive picture of a country. It includes not only exports and imports but also includes the non-commodity items. These items are services rendered by shipping, insurance. banking companies, debt repayment and a payment of interest and expenditures done by tourist. The difference between receipts and payments are called balance of payment. If receipts are more than payments it will be favorable. contrary if the receipts are less than payments, it will be negative balance of payment.

iii) Mention the characteristics of a good tax system.
Ans: 1. Productivity or Fiscal Adequacy:
An important principle of a good tax system for a developing country is that it should yield adequate amount of resources for the Government so that it should be able to perform its increasing welfare and developmental activities.

2. Diversity:

A good tax system should follow the principle of diversity. This implies that there should not be a single or a few taxes from which Government seeks to raise large revenue. This is because if a Government tries to get large revenue from a single tax or few taxes, it will have to raise the rates of taxation too high.

3. Taxation as in Instrument of Economic Growth:
In a developing economy such as ours, taxation should serve as an instrument of economic growth. Economic growth is primarily a function of rate of capital formation.

iv) Explain Y = C + I G + (X -M).
Ans: Ans: This equation shows the National Income of a country during a year.
Y = Income
C = Consumption
G = Government Expenditures
X = Export
M= Import
The equation shows that national income of any country depends upon the consumption, government expenditures, and the difference of Export and import means balance of trade. Therefore national income includes the GDP and GNP and overall personal income of a country.

v) Explain the concept of Direct and Indirect Taxes with the help of examples.
Ans: A direct tax is paid by an individual or organization to the entity that levied the tax. Direct taxes include income taxes, property taxes, and taxes on assets. There are also indirect taxes, such as sales taxes, wherein a tax is levied on the seller but paid by the buyer.

Time: 25 Minutes     (Marks: 10)


4. Answer any ONE part question. All question carry equal marks:
i) Explain the concept of Market Price with the help of schedule and diagram.
Ans: The market price is the current price at which an asset or service can be bought or sold. The market price of an asset or service is determined by the forces of supply and demand. The price at which quantity supplied equals quantity demanded is the market price.
The market price is used to calculate consumer and economic surplus. Consumer surplus refers to the difference hetween the highest price a consumer is willing to pay for a good and the actual price they do pay for the good, or the market price.
Market Price depends on the demand of goods and services that are sold in market. Therefore to understand the combination of price and demand of goods, the law of demand explained by economic experts. Law of supply is also the determinant of Market price but here is we are explaining the important factor of market price which is law of demand.

Law of Demand:
The law of demand describes the relationship between the quantity demanded and the price of a product.
It states that the demand for a product decreases with increase in its price and vice versa. while other factors are at constant. Therefore, there is an inverse relationship between the price and quantity demanded of a product.

 Table - 1: Individual Demand Schedule
 Price Of A (Per kg in )  Quantity Demand (per week in kgs)
 10 15
 15 10
 20 8
 25 4
 30 2


The above schedule and diagram show that as the price decreases, the quantity demand increases.

ii) Describe the merits and demerits of International Trade.
Ans: Merits of International Trade:
(i) Optimal use of natural resources:
International trade helps each country to make optimum use of its natural resources. Each country can concentrate on production of those goods for which its resources are best suited. Wastage of resources is avoided.

(ii) Availability of all types of goods:
It enables a country to obtain goods which it cannot produce or which it is not producing due to higher costs, by importing from other countries at lower costs.

(iii) Specialization:
Foreign trade leads to specialization and encourages production of different goods in different countries. Goods can be produced at a comparatively low cost due to advantages of division of labour.

Demerits of International Trade:
(i) Impediment in the Development of Home Industries:
International trade has an adverse effect on the development of home industries. It poses a threat to the survival of infant industries at home. Due to foreign competition and unrestricted imports, the upcoming industries in the country may collapse.

(ii) Economic Dependence:
The underdeveloped countries have to depend upon the developed ones for their economic development. Such reliance often leads to economic exploitation. For instance, most of the underdeveloped countries in Africa and Asia have been exploited by European countries.

(iii) Political Dependence:
International trade often encourages subjugation and slavery. It impairs economic independence which endangers political dependence. For example, the Britishers came to India as traders and ultimately ruled over India for a very long time.

SOURCE: Board Of Intermediate Education Karachi