Thursday 28 March 2019

English IX - Chapter No. 12 - Questions / Answers

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Health Is Wealth

Questions and Answers

Q.1: What are germs? How are diseases caused? 
Ans: Germs are the smallest living things. They cannot be seen with the naked eyes. We can only see them through a microscope. Diseases are caused by germs.

Q.2: What do flies and dust carry? What diseases are caused by flies? ( KHI* Board General 2012)
Ans: Flies and dust carry hundreds of germs. They are enemies of our health. When germs enter our bodies, they make us ill. Typhoid,cholera and several other diseases are caused by flies.

Q.3: How do flies carry germs to food and how do they make us ill? 
How do germs get into our body? ( KHI* Board Science 2008, 2014)
Ans: There are germs in dirty things. When flies sit on dirty things,the germs stick to their legs. When flies sit on our foods, the germs stick to them. When we eat these foods, the germs get into our body and make us ill.

Q.4: How is malaria caused? How can we control it? (KHI* Board science 2013) 
Ans: Malaria is caused by the bite of a kind of mosquitoes. We can get rid of malaria if everybody takes part in the fight against malaria. Mosquitoes live in stagnant water which is their breeding place. Some people use kerosene oil or DDT to kill mosquitoes.

Q.5: Why did Kashif's mother refuse to buy sweets from the first and second shops?
Ans: she refused to buy  sweets  from the first shop because flies were sitting on them. She refused to buy sweets from the second shop because there was dust on them. Both flies and dust carry germs which can make us ill.

Q.6: why is it said that health is wealth? 
Ans: If a person is health, he can work hard. If a person is not healthy. he can not work hard and will depend on others for his needs. Health is a great blessing of God. It is, therefore, rightly said that health is wealth.

Q.7: How can we keep ourselves healthy? 
Ans: We can keep ourselves healthy by healthy habits. We should always keep ourselves and our surroundings neat and clean. We should avoid eating such food which has germs in it. Most of the food at our hotels and carts is not fit for eating at all.

Q.8: Where do mosquitoes live? What is used to kill them?  (KHI* Board Science 2015) 
Ans: Mosquitoes live in stagnant water. Kerosene oil and DDT are used to kill them.

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