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Biology Practical For Class IX (Science Group) - Index

Biology Practicals
For Class IX (Science Group)

Experiment No 1:

Biology Practicals Model Paper 2024

Biology Practicals Model Paper 2022

☛Journal 02 Marks
☛Viva 03 Marks
☛Experiment 05 Marks
☛Spotting 05 Marks
Total Marks 15 Marks

Experiment No.1:
(a): To study the different parts of compound microscope. Describe each part briefly (Diagram not required in examination).

(b): Identify the unicellular organism in the given permanent slide (any one in examination). Draw a labelled diagram and give three characteristics.
  1. Bacilli (Rod- shaped bacteria)
  2. Volvox
  3. Amoeba
  4. Paramecium

Experiment No 2:
To study morphology of Brassica plant or any appropriate dicot plant. Describe each part with the help of diagram.

Experiment No.3:
Study of different organs of a given dissected frog. Draw the labelled diagram of prominently visible organs and describe the functions of the organs.

Experiment No 4:
Prove with the help of any aquatic plant that oxygen gas is evolved during photosynthesis.

Experiment No 5:
Investigation of transpiration in plants under a bell jar or using cobalt chloride paper.

Experiment No 6:
Performance of Iodine test for starch using fresh potato.

Experiment No 7:
Study of animal tissues with the help of permanent slides under microscope.

Experiment No 8: Study of different stages of mitosis with the help of permanent slides or models.

Experiment No 9:
Examination of plant cell (epidermal cell of onion) under the microscope, using an appropriate temporary staining technique.

Experiment No 10:
Study of museum specimen (Spotting)
• Sponge
• Jellyfish
• Tapeworm
• Ascaris (Roundworm)
• Earthworm
• Snail
• Star-fish
• Frog
• Fish (Rahu or any other)
• Pigeon

Viva Voce

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