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May Allah showers Ramadan's blessings on all of us. AMEEN. "Ramadan Mubarak"

Computer Practicals - For Class IX (Science Group) - Table Of Content Or Index

Computer Practicals

Computer Practicals Model Paper 2024

Computer Practicals Model Paper 2022

Activity No.1:
Create or save new file or document.

Activity No.2:
Installation of Ms office 2010.

Activity No.3:
Installation of Avg antivirus software.

Activity No.4:
To write a leave application to a teacher.

Activity No.5:
Insert automatic table of content with two heading.

Activity No.6:
To design a birthday card.

Activity No.7:
To create a marks sheets of ten students.

Activity No.8:
Apply Formulas of Ms Excel.

Activity No.9:
To create a website.

Activity No.10:
To create table in html.

Special Thanks To Miss Shabana Sheikh And
Sir Sajjad Akber Chandio


  1. book change ho gaye ha practicals

  2. Replies
    1. Education is the key to success28 October 2023 at 21:37


  3. AssalamoAlaikum! you guys are good. please provide ebook of all practical journal of IX and X

    1. Education is the key to success20 March 2025 at 23:34

      Wa alaikum Assalam, We will try our best to manage it asap, Thanks for your feedback.
