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May Allah showers Ramadan's blessings on all of us. AMEEN. "Ramadan Mubarak"

Computer Studies (English) - X (Arts / General / Humanities Group) - Index or Table Of Content - OLD BOOK


For Class IX

UNIT 1: Introduction To Computers

UNIT 2: Computer Components

UNIT 3: Input / Output Devices

UNIT 4: Storage Devices

UNIT 7: Computer Software

For Class X

UNIT 5: Data Representation

UNIT 6: Boolean Algebra

UNIT 8: Introduction To Window Operating System

For Theory and Practicals Viva

Problem Solving Steps

Introduction To Basic Language


  1. W.A.P.  to calculate the average of any four numbers.
  2. W.A.P.  to prepare any multiplication table up till ten times.
  3. W.A.P.  to generate the sequence of 3, 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 in ascending and descending order.
  4. W.A.P.  to prepare your Marks sheet of five subjects along with the calculation of total marks and percentage.
  5. W.A.P.  to convert dollars into rupees and rupees into dollars, where dollars rate is Rs.158.
  6. W.A.P.  to find out the number of male and female out of 10 students. Where the inputted data is Name and Gender.
  7. W.A.P.  to prepare an electricity bill. Where @ 1 unit=Rs.125.
  8. W.A.P.  to prepare BIO-DATA. Inputted data Name, father's name, date of birth, qualification, gender, nationality, Religion.
  9. W.A.P.  to calculate the sum of first ten natural numbers.
  10. W.A.P.  to prepare an employee salary sheet.  Name, Designation, Basic salary, total deduction, total allowances. Calculate NET Salary = Basic Salary + Total Allowances - Total Deduction.

Glossary And Viva Voce

Scheme Of Study - Academic Year 2020-2021

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