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Sunday, 29 December 2019

Computer Studies For Class IX (Science) and X (Arts /General /Humanities Group) - Viva Voce -2

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Viva Voce 2

1. Basic is a high level or low level language?
A) It is a high level language

2. When was Basic developed?
A) Basic was developed in 1963.

3. Who invented Basic?

4. What is the range of line number in Basic?
A) 0 to 65535

5. In how many modes we can operate basic language?
A) There are two modes of Basic. 1) Direct Mode 2) Indirect Mode

6. What is meant by Direct Mode?
A) In direct mode, commands and statements are written without line numbers. In this mode Basic acts like a calculator. The Enter key is used to execute the instructions.

7. What is Indirect Mode?
A) In Indirect mode, commands and statements are written in line numbers. This mode is used for writing Basic Programs.

8. Define programming language.
A) The means and techniques to communicate with the computer hardware in an efficient manner is known as programming language.

9. Define Natural language.
A) Natural languages are highly sophisticated programming languages, which can interact with humans and situations in natural way.

10. What is Debugging?
A) Debugging is the process of detecting locating and correcting errors (bugs) by running the program again and again.

11. What is the geometrical name of I/O box?
A) Parallelogram

12. What is the geometrical name of decision box?
A) Diamond

13. What is the geometrical name of process box?
A) Rectangle

14. What is the geometrical name of on page connector?
A) Circle

15. What is the geometrical name of off page connector?
A) Pentagon

16. What is a program?
A) Program is a set of instructions which are used to solve a problem.

17. Define Flowchart.
A) The pictorial, diagrammatically or graphical representation of the logic of the program is known as flow chart.

18. What is coding?
A) The transformation of Flowchart into an appropriate high level language is known as coding.

19. Define Basic Character set.
A) The set of characters recognized by Basic interpreter is known as Basic character set.

20. In how many ways we can categorize Basic Character Set?
A) It can be characterize in three groups. 1) Numeric character 2) Alphabetic character 3) Special character.

21. What are reserve words?
A) Those words whose meaning has already been mentioned to the GWBASIC interpreter are called Reserved Words or Keywords.

22. Define Command.
A) Those instructions which are used to perform macro operations on the program i-e loading, saving, running etc are called commands.

23. List out various Command names?

24. Define statement?
A) Those instructions which are used to perform specified tasks as a part of the program flow are called statements. The statements are usually entered in the indirect mode as part of program.

25. List out various Statement names?

26. Statements are characterized in how many ways?
A) They are characterized as: 1) Executable 2) Non-executable

27. Define Constant.
A) A quantity in a certain program which does not change its value during the execution of the program is known as constant.

28. Define String Constant.
A) A constant which is used to represent non-numeric quantities such as names, addresses etc is known as string constant.

29. Define Numeric Constant.
A) A constant which is used to represent numeric quantities such as marks, percentage quantity etc is known as Numeric Constant.

30. Define Variable.
A) A space (location) in the computer’s memory set aside for a certain kind of data is called variable.

31. What is the function of GOTO statement?
A) The GOTO statement breaks the control execution sequence and transfer control from one portion of the program to another unconditionally.

32. Define String Variable.
A) Memory locations that can store characters or string are known as string variable.

33. Which command is used to generate line numbers automatically?

34. What is the function of DELETE command in BASIC?
A) Deletes program lines.

35. How many types of Loops are there?
A) Pre-test loop (counter loop) 2) Post-test loop ( Controlled loop)

36. Give an example of Pre-test loop.

37. Give an example of Post-test loop.

38. What is nested loop?
A) A loop within a loop is known as nested loop.

39. What are conditional statements? 
A) Those statements which depend upon certain condition for their execution are called CONDITIONAL statements.

40. What is the use of F1 key in basic?
A) To list the entire source code.

41. What is the use of F2 key in basic?
A) To run the program.

42. What is the use of F3 key in basic?
A) To load the program form the directory.

43. What is the use of F4 key in basic?
A) To save the program.

44. How to get the print of source code of basic?
A) F1 then F6

45. How to get the output of a program on paper?
A) Convert all the print statements to Lprint then press F2.

46. What is the use of RENUM command?
A) To arrange the sequence of line numbers.

47. What does BASIC means?
A) BASIC is the abbreviation of Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. It is a language which was invented to teach students a fundamental concept of programming.

48. Who invented the BASIC Language?
A) In 1963 two Americans John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz developed BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language for computers at Darmouth College.

49. What are the basic rules of a GW-BASIC program?
A) Every GW-BASIC program should have the following rules:

  • 1-Every program statement must begin with line number. 
  • 2-Every program should end with an END statement. 
  • 3-There should be no repetition of lines. 
  • 4-Every statement should be separated by (: ) colon.

50. How many types of variables are used in GW-BASIC?
A) Two types of variables are used in GW-BASIC. They are called Numeric Variables and String Variables.

51. What are Numeric Variables?
A) Numeric Variables are those variables that can store numeric values.

52. What are String Variables?
A) String Variables are those variables that can store sequence of characters.

53. What is a constant ?
A) A Constant is a quantity whose value cannot be changed; it cannot be changed like a Variable. There are Numeric Constants and String Constants.

54. What is a Numeric Constant?
A) Numeric Constant consists of integers, single-precision or double- precision numbers.

55. What is a String Constant?
A) A String Constant is a sequence of alphanumeric characters enclosed in double quotation marks. The maximum length of a String Constant is 255 characters.

56. What is a Direct Mode?
A) When GW-BASIC is loaded, it shows OK message, it is in Direct Mode. In this mode GW-BASIC commands are executed as they are typed. Results are displayed immediately but the commands themselves are lost after execution.

57. What is an Indirect Mode?
A) The Indirect mode is used to type the programs. The program loaded in memory is executed by entering RUN command.

58. What is a Flow Chart? 
A) Flowchart is the pictorial representation of an algorithm. We can present the flow of data in visual form with a Flowchart. The following symbols are used in a Flow chart.

59. What is an Algorithm? 
A) An Algorithm is a finite set of steps which, if followed, accomplish a particular task.

60. What are logical errors? 
A) Such errors are called Logical Errors that are caused in a program due to improper use of symbols and date or wrong use of formula.

61. What are Syntax Errors? 
A) Such errors that arise due to limitation of computer are called Syntax Errors.

62. What is a Loop?
A) Loop is a technique to execute a set of statements repeatedly.

64. What is an array?
A) Such collection of contiguous memory collections is called array which can store data of same type.

65. What are reserved words or Key words? 
A) IN GW-BASIC some words have fixed meanings and cannot be used as a variable, such words are called Key Words or reserved Words. Such as, IF, THEN, NEXT, FOR.

66. What is the use of REM statement?
A) We use REM statement to add remarks in our GW-BASIC programs.

67. What is a Screen statement?
A) In GW-BASIC programming Screen statement is used to change the text mode into graphic mode or to change graphic mode into text mode.

68. Why we use Tab with print statement?
A) To provide space to right direction in the screen.

69. When we use dollar sign in gw basic?
A) Whenever we use any string data we use dollar sign with the variable.

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