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Wednesday, 23 October 2019

Computer Studies For Class IX (Science) and X (Arts /General /Humanities Group) - Unit 1 - Short Questions - Answers

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Chapter No.1: Introduction To Computers
Short Questions - Answers

Q.1: What is Computer?
Ans: "Computer is an electronic device that accepts data and instructions (in form of programs) as input, process the data according to the given instructions and produce information as output."

Q.2: Describe different types of computer? Explain each type with example?
Ans: There are three types of computers.
  1. Analog Computer
  2. Digital Computer
  3. Hybrid Computer
1- Analog Computers: The term analog is taken from the word analogous which means similar. These computers use analog method to process data. An analog computers are operates on numbers represented by directly measurable quantities (such as temperature change or voltages) which vary continuously.
Examples: It is commonly used for scientific and engineering problems, particularly in chemical industries, electric power plants, and petroleum refineries.

2- Digital Computers: are computers that specialize in counting. They receive data in continuous form, the digital computers represent data discretely, as binary ) 0s and 1s.
Example: All commonly used computers are digital.

3- Hybrid Computers: are combination of analog and digital computer systems. These are the machines that incorporate in a single computer both analog and digital features. A hybrid computer uses analog-to-digital conversion and digital-to-analog conversion, and may input or output either analog or digital data.
Example: They are used in working out special types of problem in science and various areas of engineering such as space vehicle simulations and training of astronauts. it is also use in robotics.

Q.3: Describe types of Computer according to their classification?
Ans: Computers come in various type and are classified according to:
  • (a) Purpose: (i) General purpose computers and (ii) Special purpose computers
  • (b) Type of data handled: (i) Analog computer (ii) Digital computer and (iii) Hybrid computer (combination of both analog and digital)
  • (c) Capacity (Size): (i) Super computer (ii) Mainframe (Large-scale computers) (iii) Mini-computers (iv) Microcomputers.

Q.4: Describe types of Computer according to their purpose?
Classified according to purpose
1- General Purpose Computers: These computers are designed to handle a variety of different problems and to meet different needs. General purpose machines are strong in versatility but are normally weak in speed and efficiency as compared to special purpose computers.
Examples: It is used in different applications as payroll, accounts, inventory control budgeting sales analysis.
2- Special Purpose Computers: These computers are designed to handle a specific problem or to perform a specific task
Examples: It is used for collecting highway tolls, satellite tracking, air traffic control and industrial process control.

Q.5: Describe types of Computer according to their data handled?
Classified according to type of data handled
1- Analog Computers: The term analog is taken from the word analogous which means similar. These computers use analog method to process data. An analog computers are operates on numbers represented by directly measurable quantities (such as temperature change or voltages) which vary continuously.
Examples: It is commonly used for scientific and engineering problems, particularly in chemical industries, electric power plants, and petroleum refineries.
2- Digital Computers: are computers that specialize in counting. They receive data in continuous form, the digital computers represent data discretely, as binary ) 0s and 1s.
Example: All commonly used computers are digital.
3- Hybrid Computers: are combination of analog and digital computer systems. These are the machines that incorporate in a single computer both analog and digital features. A hybrid computer uses analog-to-digital conversion and digital-to-analog conversion, and may input or output either analog or digital data.
Example: They are used in working out special types of problem in science and various areas of engineering such as space vehicle simulations and training of astronauts. it is also use in robotics.

Q.6: Describe types of Computer according to their capacity?
Classified according to capacity (size)
1- Super Computers: are the largest, fastest and sophisticated machines designed to perform complex calculations at fastest speeds of up to 50 millions operations per second.
Example: They are used as weather patterns, national or global weather forecasting, satellite tracking, cold-testing of atomic and nuclear weapons etc. Cray Research and Intel are well-known producers of super computers.
2- Mainframe (Large-scale computers): A" mainframe" originally meant the cabinet containing the CPU (Central Processor Unit) of a very large computer. After minicomputers, the word mainframe refers to large or macro computer itself. They are very expensive and the most productive general-purpose systems, that are made to model large dynamic computing valuable to the large firms. It serves hundreds of terminals at the same time. These terminals consists of a monitors and keyboards that allow a person to enter information and retrieve it from the computer. These computers are the ultimate in sophistication, flexibility and speed.
Example: They are used mainly in all kinds of large business organizations, such as world wide airlines reservation system, Banks to keep tracks of millions of checks and deposits and Government to keep track of their citizen etc.
3- Mini-computers: are more powerful but less expensive and slow in speed than Mainframes. This make it ideal for small companies. They are smaller than mainframe and lager than microcomputers in size. A minicomputer is a multiprocessing system having terminals attached to it and is capable of supporting 4 to 200 users simultaneously.
Example: DEC VAX and IBM AS/400.
4- Microcomputers: are powered by microprocessors. Sometimes they are referred as SINGLE-CHIP PROCESSOR or a SYSTEM-ON-A-CHIP.
Examples: Microcomputers or personal computers are the smallest computers used by individuals for writing, illustrating, budgeting, playing games, and communicating with other computers.

Q.7: Define Hardware and software?
Ans: HARDWARE: The physical or tangible components forming a computer is called Hardware. Hardware is collective term. It includes not only the computer but also the cables, connectors, power supply units and peripheral devices such as the keyboard, mouse, audio speaker, printers etc.
The term is used to distinguish these fixed parts of a system from the changeable system or data components, which it executes, stores or carries.

SOFTWARE: refers to the programs that instruct the computer what to do. Software makes the computer useful. Software is the general name given to all the programs (instructions) and data necessary to make the computer usable. The term software refers to the non-physical elements of a computer system
Windows, Visual Basic, Norton Antivirus, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel are the example of software.




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