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"EID Mubarak"

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Computer Studies For Class IX (Science) and X (Arts /General /Humanities Group) - Practical No.5

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Practical No. 5: W.A.P. to prepare any multiplication table up till ten times.

10 CLS
20 Input"Enter any Multiplication table", M
30 Let A=0
40 Let A=A+1
50 Let B= M*A
60 Print M"*"A"="B
70 If A=10 then END
80  Go to 40


10 CLS
20 Let A=0
30 Let A=A+1
40 Let B= 2*A
50 Print 2"*"A"="B
50 If A=10 then END
70  Go to 40


2  *  1  =  2
2  *  2  =  4
2  *  3  =  6
2  *  4  =  8
2  *  5  =  10
2  *  6  =  12
2  *  7  =  14
2  *  8  =  16
2  *  9  =  18
2  *  10 =  20

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