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Monday 22 November 2021

Islamiat (اسلامیات) For Class IX -New - Do'um: Hadess Shareef - Hisa (ب) - (3)- Hadees No.14 - (ترجمہ و تشریح )

باب دوم : حدیث شریف
حصہ ب (3) - ترجمہ و تشریح (منتخب احادیث)
حدیث شریف نمبر 14

تعارف: سنن ابی دادؤ، حدیث: 3577-
اس حدیث میں رشوت کی مذمت بیان کی گئی ہے۔

حدیث شریف بمعہ ترجمہ

ترجمہ و تشریح

Islamiat (اسلامیات) For Class IX -New - Do'um: Hadess Shareef - Hisa (ب) - (3)- Hadees No.13 - (ترجمہ و تشریح )

باب دوم : حدیث شریف
حصہ ب (3) - ترجمہ و تشریح (منتخب احادیث)
حدیث شریف نمبر 13

تعارف: سنن الترمذی، حدیث: 1919-
اس حدیث میں بزرگوں کی تعظیم اور چھوٹوں پر رحم کرنے کی اہمیت بیان کی گئی ہے

حدیث شریف بمعہ ترجمہ

ترجمہ و تشریح

Islamiat (اسلامیات) For Class IX -New - Do'um: Hadess Shareef - Hisa (ب) - (3)- Hadees No.12 - (ترجمہ و تشریح )

باب دوم : حدیث شریف
حصہ ب (3) - ترجمہ و تشریح (منتخب احادیث)
حدیث شریف نمبر 12

تعارف:  الجامع الکبیر للسیوطی، ح: 11760-
اس حدیث میں بتایا گیا ہے کہ "لوگوں کے لۓ نفع بخش ہونا" آدمی کے بہتر ہونے کے لۓ ضروری ہے۔

حدیث شریف بمعہ ترجمہ

ترجمہ و تشریح

Islamiat (اسلامیات) For Class IX -New - Do'um: Hadess Shareef - Hisa (ب) - (3)- Hadees No.11 - (ترجمہ و تشریح )

باب دوم : حدیث شریف
حصہ ب (3) - ترجمہ و تشریح (منتخب احادیث)
حدیث شریف نمبر 11

تعارف: سنن ابی دادؤ، حدیث: 4682-
اس حدیث میں اچھے اخلاق کی فضیلت و اہمیت بیان کی گئی ہے۔

حدیث شریف بمعہ ترجمہ

ترجمہ و تشریح

Islamiat (اسلامیات) For Class IX -New - Baab So'um: So'um: Mozuaati Mutalah - (Aleef) Imaaniyat - Aqeeda-e-Tauheed - Short Question-Answers

باب سوم: موضوعاتی مطالعہ
(الف) ایمانیات (1- عقیدۂ توحید)
مختصر سوال و جواب

Islamiat (اسلامیات) For Class IX -New - Baab So'um: So'um: Mozuaati Mutalah - (Aleef) Imaaniyat - Aqeeda-e-Tauheed - Detailed Question-Answers

باب سوم: موضوعاتی مطالعہ
(الف) ایمانیات (1- عقیدۂ توحید)
تفصیلی سوال و جواب

Islamiat (اسلامیات) For Class IX -New - Baab So'um: Mozuaati Mutalah - (Aleef) Imaaniyat - Aqeeda-e-Tauheed - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) کثیرالانتخابی سوالات

باب سوم: موضوعاتی مطالعہ
(الف) ایمانیات (1- عقیدۂ توحید)
کثیرالانتخابی سوالات

Sunday 21 November 2021

Kinematics - Physics For Class IX (Science Group) - Numericals

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Physics For Class IX (Science Group)


Worked Example 1: A car travels 700 m in 35 seconds what is the speed of car?

Worked Example 2: The speed of train is 108 kmh-1. How much distance will be covered in 2 hours?

Worked Example 3: A bus start from rest and travels along a straight path its velocity become 15 ms-1 in 5 seconds. Calculate acceleration of the bus?

Worked Example 4: A motorcyclist moving along a straight path applies brakes to slow down from 10 ms-1 to 3ms-1 in 5 seconds. Calculate its acceleration.

Worked Example 5: A car moving on a road with velocity 30 ms-1, when brakes are applied its velocity decreases at a rate of 6 meter per second. Find the distance it will cover before coming to rest.

Worked Example 6: A motor cycle moving with velocity of 40 ms-1. It gets accelerating at a rate of 8 ms-2. How much distance will it cover in the next 10 seconds.

Worked Example 7: A ball is thrown vertically upward with velocity of 12 ms-1. The ball will be slowing down due to pull of Earth’s gravity on it, and will return back to Earth. Find out the time the ball will take to reach the maximum height.





Dynamics - Physics For Class IX (Science Group) - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) , Fill in the blanks and Concept Map

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Physics For Class IX (Science Group)
Multiple Choice Questions

Section (A) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Tick mark (✓) the correct answer:
1. Newton's First law of motion is also known as the law of:
(a) speed
(b) rest
(c) Inertia ✓
(d) force

2. Quantity of matter contained in body is called:
(a) mass ✓
(b) volume
(c) area
(d) weight

3. Quantity of motion contained in a body is called:
(a) force
(b) inertia
(c) momentum ✓
(d) gravity

4. Law of conservation of momentum defines that the total momentum of a system of two bodies before and after collision:
(a) remains constant ✓
(b) retains more momentum
(c) losses some momentum
(d) None of the above is true

5. Weigh of a body can be measured using a spring balance, it differs from place to place because of variation in:
(a) acceleration
(b) gravitational pull ✓
(c) velocity
(d) size of spring balance

6. It is easier to push an empty shopping cart than a full one because the filled cart has more mass than the empty one. This can be expressed by:
(a) F > m
(b) F < m
(c) F ∝ 1/m
(d) F ∝ m ✓

7. Centrifugal force is always directed:
(a) towards centre
(b) away from centre ✓
(c) along the circular path
(d) all sides

8. Friction opposes motion between two bodies in contact because of:
(a) charges on bodies
(b) weight of bodies
(c) roughness of surfaces ✓
(d) None of above

9. Which statement is true for limiting frictional force?
(a) It Is greater than rolling friction.
(b) It Is greater than sliding friction.
(c) It Is greater than kinetic friction.
(d) All are true ✓

10. A man pulls a crate of mass 25 kg across the leveled ground with a horizontal force of 60 N. A constant force of friction of 20 N acts on the sledge. What is the acceleration of the sledge?
(a) 0.63 ms-2
(b) 1.6 ms-2
(c) 2.4 ms-2
(d) 3.2 ms-2

11. The S.1 unit of force is:
(a) kilogram
(b) Newton ✓
(c) Ampere
(d) Candela

12. The magnitude of a force can be measured using a:
(a) Vernier caliper
(b) screw gauge
(c) light gate
(d) spring balance ✓

13. The momentum depends upon the:
(a) quantity of mass and velocity of the object ✓
(b) quantity of mass and applied force
(c) the velocity of the object and applied force
(d) applied force and acceleration produced

14. Which equation represents the momentum?
(a) ma
(b) m + a
(c) m + v
(d) mv ✓

15. The S.I unit of momentum is:
(a) N
(b) Ns ✓
(c) Ns-1
(d) Ns-2

16. Momentum is equal to the:
(a) ma
(b) Fa
(c) Ft ✓
(d) mt

17. It is very useful quantity when it comes to calculate what happens in collision or explosion.
(a) Force
(b) Velocity
(c) Momentum ✓
(d) Torque

18. The property of an object due to which it tends to continue its state of rest or motion is called:
(a) force
(b) inertia ✓
(c) torque
(d) momentum

19. It is resistance to change the state of a body.
(a) Inertia ✓
(b) momentum
(c) torque
(d) acceleration

20. When a bus starts moving the passengers feel a:
(a) sideway jerk
(b) forward jerk
(c) backward jerk ✓
(d) no jerk

21. The acceleration is directly proportional to:
(a) momentum
(b) torque
(c) velocity
(d) force ✓

22. It is inversely proportional to mass of body.
(a) Acceleration ✓
(b) Velocity
(c) Momentum
(d) Torque

23. The force required to move a body along a circular path is called:
(a) gravitational force
(b) centripetal force ✓
(c) centrifugal force
(d) torque

24. The centripetal force is equal to:
(a) mvt
(b) mv/t
(c) mv2t
(d) mv2/t ✓

25. It is the tendency of an object to leave the circular path and fly off in a straight line.
(a) gravitational force
(b) centripetal force
(c) centrifugal force ✓
(d) torque

26. These are always parallel to the plane of contact between two surfaces and opposite to the direction of the applied force:
(a) gravitational forces
(b) centripetal forces
(c) centrifugal forces
(d) frictional forces ✓

27. It is a self-adjusting force.
(a) Friction ✓
(b) Torque
(c) Centripetal force
(d) Centrifugal force

28. It is a force acting on an object at rest that resists its ability to start moving:
(a) Kinetic friction
(b) Sliding friction
(c) Static friction ✓
(d) Rolling friction

29. The maximum static friction is known as:
(a) Kinetic friction
(b) Sliding friction
(c) Static friction
(d) Limiting friction ✓

30. Static friction is greater than:
(a) Kinetic friction ✓
(b) Sliding friction
(c) Rolling friction
(d) Limiting friction

  1. Dynamics is the study of cause of motion.
  2. In common force, mass of the object and frictional forces affect the motion of an object.
  3. Force is the agent that changes the state of rest or motion of a body.
  4. Force can accelerate a body.
  5. Momentum is defined as quantity of motion contained in a body.
  6. Momentum is product of mass and velocity of a moving object.
  7. Newton's first law of motion explains that the objects resist to change their state of rest or motion.
  8. Inertia is the property of an object due to which it maintains its state of rest or motion.
  9. Newton's second law of motion states that a net force produces acceleration in the direction of force (F= ma).
  10. Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
  11. Centripetal force is required to move a body along a circular path.
  12. Centrifugal force is tendency of an object to move away from circular path.
  13. Centrifugal force is always opposite and equal to centrifugal force.
  14. Centrifuge equipments are helpful in many laboratory as well as daily life processes.
  15. The force that resists relative motion between two surfaces is called friction.
  16. Maximum static friction is called limiting friction.
  17. The static friction is always greater than kinetic friction.
  18. The Rolling friction is much lesser than the sliding friction due to smaller contact area.
  19. Safety devices are designed to decrease momentum of a body and provide extended time to remain safer.


Saturday 20 November 2021

Kinematics - Physics For Class IX (Science Group) - Self Assessment and Test book Exercise

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Physics For Class IX (Science Group)
Self Assessment and Test book Exercise


Q 1: Define Kinematics.
Ans: Kinematics:
The word kinematics is derived from Greek word “Kinema” which means motion.
"Kinematics is the branch of Mechanics which deals with motion of objects without reference of force which causes motion."
An object changes its position in space in a certain time interval without considering the causes of motion.

Q 2: When is a body said to be in state of rest?
A body is said to be in state of rest if it does not change its position with respect to its surroundings.
  • In classroom, various things like, table, chairs, books etc all are in state of rest.
  • A parking car is in the state of rest with respect to trees and bushes around it.
  • A train is stationed at the platform. A person can notice that the train does not change its position with respect to surroundings; hence the train is in a state of rest.

Q 3: How are rest and motion related to each other?
Ans: Rest And Motion are Relative State:
No body in the universe is in the state of absolute rest or absolute motion. If a body is at rest with respect to some reference point at the same time, it can also be in the state of motion with respect to some other reference point.
For example:
  1. A Passenger sitting in a moving bus is at rest because passenger are not changing their position with respect to other passengers or objects in the bus. But for another observer outside the bus noticed that the passengers and objects inside the bus are in motion as they are changing their position with respect to observer standing at the road.
  2. Similarly a passenger flying on aeroplane is in motion when observed from ground but at the same times he is at rest with reference to other passengers on board.

Q 4. Define Translatory Motion?
Ans:Translatory Motion:
"When all points of a moving body move uniformly along the same straight line, such motion is called translatory motion."
A train is moving along a straight track, we can observe that every part of the train is moving along that straight path.

Q 5. What is vibratory motion?
Ans: Vibratory Motion:
"Back and forth motion of a body about its mean position is called vibratory or oscillatory motion."
There are many examples of vibratory or oscillatory motion in daily life.
  • Motion of child in swing.
    When swing is pulled away from its mean position and then released, the swing start moving back and forth about the mean position. This type of motion is called vibratory or oscillatory motion.
  • Motion of the clock’s pendulum.

Q 6. Differentiate between translatory motion, rotatory motion and vibratory motion.
Ans: Difference Between Translatory Motion, Rotatory Motion And Vibratory Motion.
S.NO. Translatory Motion Rotatory Motion Vibratory Motion
1. A body moves along a straight line. The spinning of a body about its axis. The body move back and forth about mean position.
2. Movement of an object from one place to another. The motion of an object about fixed point. The body moves up and down.
3. All particles of the rigid body move with the same velocity at every instant of time. The motion of a rigid body about a fixed axis. Every particle of body move in a circular path An object repeat its motion itself.

Q 7. Define Speed.
Ans: See below in section "Types Of Motion" Question (a).

Q 8. What is velocity?
Ans: Ans: See below in section "Types Of Motion" Question (a).

Q 9. Define acceleration.
Ans: See below in section "Types Of Motion" Question (c).

Q 10. Define Vector.
Ans: See below in section "Scalars And Vectors" Question (a)

Q 11. Differentiate with examples between vector and scalar quantities.
Ans: Difference Between Scalar And Vector Quantities.
S.NO. Scalars Vectors
1. Scalar quantities are specified by magnitude only. Vector quantities are specified by both magnitude and direction.
2. Scalar quantities change with change in magnitude only. Vector quantities change either with the change in magnitude or with the change in direction or with the change in both magnitude and direction.
3. Scalars quantities with the same units can be added or subtracted according to ordinary rules of algebra. Vectors quantities cannot be added or subtracted by algebra
4. These are represented by ordinary letters. These are represented by bold-faced letters or letters have an arrow (⟶) over them. Ā> is read as vector A.
5. Examples of scalar quantities are speed, temperature, mass, density, time, distance, work and energy etc. Examples of vector quantities are force ,acceleration , momentum, torque and magnetic field, displacement, velocity and weight etc.

Test book Exercise

Section (B) Structured Questions

Rest and motion

a) Define rest and motion.
A body is said to be in rest if it does not change its position with respect to its surroundings.
  • In classroom, various things like, table, chairs, books etc all are in state of rest.
  • A parking car is in the state of rest with respect to trees and bushes around it.
  • A train is stationed at the platform. A person can notice that the train does not change its position with respect to surroundings; hence the train is in a state of rest.

A body is said to be in motion if it changes its position with respect to its surroundings.
  • A train is stationed at the platform. But as soon as the train starts moving its position continuously changing with respect to its surroundings. Now we can say that the train is in motion.
  • A car moving on a road.

b) What is meant by relative motion.
Ans: Rest Ans Motion are Relative State:
No body in the universe is in the state of absolute rest or absolute motion. If a body is at rest with respect to some reference point at the same time, it can also be in the state of motion with respect to some other reference point.
For example:
  1. A Passenger sitting in a moving bus is at rest because passenger are not changing their position with respect to other passengers or objects in the bus. But for another observer outside the bus noticed that the passengers and objects inside the bus are in motion as they are changing their position with respect to observer standing at the road.
  2. Similarly a passenger flying on aeroplane is in motion when observed from ground but at the same times he is at rest with reference to other passengers on board.

Types of motion

a) Define speed and velocity
The speed of an object determines that how fast an object is moving?
It is rate of change of position of an object.
"Distance covered by the body in unit time is called speed."
It is denoted by V.  There are many ways to determine speed of an object. These methods depend on measurement of two quantities.
  • The distance traveled
  • The time taken to travel that distance
Thus the average speed of an object can be calculated as:
Speed = distance traveled / time taken
V = S /t

Speed is an scalar quantity and its S.I unit is meter per second (m/s or ms-1)

Velocity means speed of an object in a certain direction. Thus velocity of an object can be defined as:
"Rate of change of displacement with respect to time is called velocity."
"Distance covered by the body in unit time in a particular direction is called velocity."
It is denoted by V.
Velocity = Change in displacement / time taken
v = Δd/t
"d" is displacement of the moving object
"t" is time taken by object and
"v" is velocity.

Velocity is a vector quantity.
S.I. unit of velocity is meter per second (m/s or ms-1).

b) What is difference between distance and displacement. OR Differentiate with examples between distance and displacement?
Ans: Differentiated Between Distance and Displacement
S.NO. Distance Displacement
1. The total length covered by moving body without mentioning direction of motion. The distance measured in straight line in a particular line or direction.
2. It is an scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity.
3. The S.I unit is metre (m). The S.I unit is metre (m).
4. Distance covered can never be negative. It is always positive or zero. Dispalcement may be positive, negative or zero.
5. Distance between two given points may be the same or different path chosen. The displacement between two given points is always the same.
6. It is denoted by 'S'. It is denoted by 'd'.
6. It only need magnitude for specification. It needs not only magnitude but also direction for specification.

c) Define acceleration?
An object accelerates when its velocity changes. Since velocity is a vector quantity so it has both magnitude and direction.
Thus acceleration is produced when ever:
  • Velocity of an object changes
  • Direction of motion of the object changes,
  • Speed and direction of motion of the object change.
Thus acceleration can be defined as:
Rate of change of velocity of an object with respect to time is called acceleration.
It is denoted by a.

Acceleration is a vector quantity. Its SI unit is metre per second per second (ms-2).

Positive Acceleration:
When velocity of an object increases or decreases with passage of time, it causes acceleration. The increase in velocity gives rise to positive acceleration. It means the acceleration is in the direction of velocity.

Acceleration due to decrease in velocity is negative and is called deceleration or retardation. The direction of deceleration is opposite to that of change velocity.

Scalars and vectors

a) Define scalar and vector quantities?
The physical quantities that have magnitude and a suitable unit are called scalar quantities.
Physical quantities, which are completely specified by their magnitude only, are called scalar quantities.
It is denoted by ordinary letter.
For example:
  • The mass of a watermelon is 3 kg, where 3 is the magnitude and kg is a suitable unit such quantities are called scalar quantities.
  • The other examples of scalar quantities are speed, temperature, mass, density, time, distance, work and energy etc.

The physical quantities which are completely specified by magnitude with suitable unit and particular direction are called as “Vector” quantities.
It is denoted by letters with arrow (→) over them.
For example:
  • A bus traveling with a velocity of 50 ms-1 in the direction of North.
  • The other examples of vector quantities are force ,acceleration , momentum, torque and magnetic field, displacement, velocity and weight etc.

b) How represent vector quantities are represented graphically? OR Represent vector quantities by drawing.
Ans: Representation of vector:
Vector diagram is an easy way to represent a vector quantity.
The directed line segment can be used to represent a vector.
  • Magnitude: The length of the line segment gives the magnitude of the vector
  • Direction: Arrow head gives its direction.
For example:
A car travailing at 50ms-1 in the direction of 30° North of East. Its velocity can be represent as:

Motion Due To Gravity

a) Define motion under gravity?
“When a body falls in such a way that no other force accepts the weight acting on it, then such motion is called free fall motion or motion under gravity. Its velocity increases continuously till it strikes the ground and then a body get some acceleration which is called acceleration due to gravity"
It is define as follow:
“The acceleration produces in a free falling body due to force of gravity is called acceleration due to gravity.”
Acceleration due to gravity is a constant and it is denoted by "g".
Its value near the surface of earth is found to be 9.81 ms-2. However for ease of calculation value of ‘g’ is approximated to 10 ms-2.

b) Why gravity is taken negative for an object moving in upward direction?

Ans: Gravitational acceleration or gravity is taken negative for objects moving upward direction. Because if a body moving upwards, the acceleration due to gravity is downward and hence, it acts in opposite direction of the velocity. So it is considered negative.