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Sunday 17 April 2022

Urdu book important Solved MCQs - For Class IX - Guess Paper 2022 - By Ustani G

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Urdu book important Solved MCQs
For Class IX (Science)
Guess Paper 2022

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

(الف) ڈاک بنگلے کی رعایت سے یاد آگئی۔

xiv) "سیرت النبی صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم" کے مصنف ہیں۔
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(الف) فتح اللہ خاں نے اندور میں املاک خرید کی۔

(الف) شاعر نے رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ والہ وسلم کو نوح علیہ السلام کا کہا ہے۔

Wednesday 13 April 2022

Linear Equation Ans Linear Inequalities - Chapter No. 06 -Math Class IX - Prepared By Team Of Ustani G, Free Educational Team, KARACHI

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Chapter No. 06: Linear Equation Ans Linear Inequalities
MCQs Preparation Of IX Math

Prepared By Team Of Ustani G,
Free Educational Team, KARACHI

18. |𝑥| = 0 has only _______ solution:
(a) one ✓
(b) two
(c) three
(d) none of these

19. The equation |𝑥| = 2 is equivalent to:
(a) 𝑥 = 2 or 𝑥 = −2 ✓
(b) 𝑥 = −2 or 𝑥 = −2
(c) 𝑥 = 2 or 𝑥 = 12
(d) 𝑥 = 2 or 𝑥 = −12

20. A/an ________ is equation that is satisfied by every number for which both sides are defined:
(a) identity ✓
(b) conditional
(c) inconsistent
(d) inequation

21. A/an ________ equation is an equation whose solution set is the empty set:
(a) identity
(b) conditional
(c) inconsistent ✓
(d) none

22. A/an ________ equation is an equation that is satisfied by at least one number but is not an identity:
(a) identity
(b) conditional
(c) inconsistent ✓
(d) none

23. 𝑥 + 4 = 4 + 𝑥 is __________ equation:
(a) identity ✓
(b) conditional
(c) inconsistent
(d) none

24. 2𝑥 + 1 = 9 is __________ equation:
(a) identity
(b) conditional ✓
(c) inconsistent
(d) none

25. 𝑥 = 𝑥 + 5 is __________ equation:
(a) identity
(b) conditional
(c) inconsistent ✓
(d) none

26. Equations having exactly the same solution are called _____ solution.
(a) equivalent ✓
(b) linear
(c) inconsistent
(d) inequation

27. A solution that does not satisfy the original equation is called ______ solution.
(a) extraneous ✓
(b) root
(c) general
(d) proper

Special Thanks To Ustani G

Algebraic Manipulation - Chapter No. 05 -Math Class IX - Prepared By Team Of Ustani G, Free Educational Team, KARACHI

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Chapter No. 05: Algebraic Manipulation
MCQs Preparation Of IX Math

Prepared By Team Of Ustani G,
Free Educational Team, KARACHI

a) Square
b) Square root ✓
c) L.C.M
d) H.C.F

Special Thanks To Ustani G

Factorization - Chapter No. 04 -Math Class IX - Prepared By Team Of Ustani G, Free Educational Team, KARACHI

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Chapter No. 04: Factorization
MCQs Preparation Of IX Math

Prepared By Team Of Ustani G,
Free Educational Team, KARACHI

Special Thanks To Ustani G

Algebraic Expression And Formulas - Chapter No. 03 -Math Class IX - Prepared By Team Of Ustani G, Free Educational Team, KARACHI

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Chapter No. 03: Algebraic Expression And Formulas
MCQs Preparation Of IX Math

Prepared By Team Of Ustani G,
Free Educational Team, KARACHI

19. Which of the following is not surd?
(a) √2
(b) √3
(c) √2 + 5
(d) √𝜋

20. In the polynomial with the variable 𝑥, all the powers of 𝑥 are _____ integers.
(a) non-negative ✓
(b) negative
(c) non-positive
(d) none of these

21. Polynomial means an expression with:
(a) one term
(b) two terms
(c) three terms
(d) many terms ✓

Special Thanks To Ustani G

Logarithms - Chapter No. 02 -Math Class IX - Prepared By Team Of Ustani G, Free Educational Team, KARACHI

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Chapter No. 02: Logarithms
MCQs Preparation Of IX Math

Prepared By Team Of Ustani G,
Free Educational Team, KARACHI

Special Thanks To Ustani G

Tuesday 12 April 2022

BIOLOGY - 9th Class New Book Most Important MCQs From All Chapters - Sindh Board - By Ustani G

BIOLOGY - New Book
For 9th Class
Most Important MCQs Sindh Board

By Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)

Chapter No.1: Introduction to Biology

1. ____ is the study of science that deals with the study of living beings:
a. Chemistry
b. Biology
c. Mathematics
d. History

2. _____ is the study of external characteristics of living organisms:
a. Anatomy
b. Cytology
c. Morphology
d. None of these

3. The branch of biology that deals with the study of fossils and their types is termed as:
a. Socio biology
b. Pharmacology
c. Taxonomy
d. None of these

4. The branch of biology that deals with the identification, naming and classification of living organisms is called:
a. Taxonomy
b. Paleontology
c. Histology
d. All of these

5. ____ is the smallest unit of classification in taxonomic level:
a. Genus
b. Species
c. Order
d. Family

6. In a particular area, bat population, rabbit population, cat population and human population together make:
a. Biosphere
b. Ecosphere
c. Specie
d. Community

7. A region of earth where life exist is called:
a. Ecosystem
b. Biosphere
c. Habitat
d. All of these

8. Branch of mathematics which collects data of living organisms is called _____.
a. Biometry
b. Statistics
c. Biophysics
d. All of these

9. ____ constitutes the smallest level of organization:
a. Atomic
b. Cellular
c. Molecular
d. None of these

10. ____ is the basic unit of living organism:
a. Tissue
b. Organ
c. Cell
d. Organ system

Chapter No.2: Solving a Biological Problem

1. ____ is the first step to solve biological problem:
a. Observation
b. Hypothesis
c. Theory
d. Law

2. ___ is the cause of Malaria:
a. Euglena
b. Amoeba
c. Plasmodium
d. Rana tigrina

3. Intelligent guess by scientist in the form of statement is termed as:
a. Observation
b. Hypothesis
c. Theory
d. Law

4. ____ reasoning moves from specific to general:
a. Inductive
b. Deductive
c. Both of these
d. None of these

5. _____ is a practical performance on the basis of present facts and figures:
a. Theory
b. Law
c. Experimentation
d. None of these

6. _____ verifies that either hypothesis is true or not.
a. Result
b. Theory
c. Law
d. Observation

7. is uniform or constant fact of nature:
a. Theory
b. Law
c. Hypothesis
d. Observation

8. ____ is an irrefutable theory:
a. Law
b. Theory
c. Observation
d. Hypothesis

9. ______ is used to explain “if.... And then” statements:
a. Law
b. Observation
c. Reasoning
d. Conclusion

10. Malaria is spread through _____.
a. Aedes mosquito
b. Female Anopheles mosquito
c. Tsetse fly
d. All of these

Chapter No. 3: Biodiversity

1. Degree of variation within or among the species is called:
a. Biotechnology
b. Biodiversity
c. Socio biology
d. None of these

2. _____ is the branch of biology that deals with the classification of living organisms:
a. Limnology
b. Taxonomy
c. Physiology
d. Geology

3. Organs which are similar in structure but different in functions are called:
a. Analogous organs
b. Homologous organs
c. Paralogous organs
d. None of these

4. ____ was the first to classify living organisms:
a. Linnaeus
b. Aristotle
c. Mayr
d. None of these

5. ____ gives the concept of Binomial Nomenclature:
a. Lodhi
b. Mayr
c. Robert whittaker
d. None of these

6. In five kingdom classification, only Prokaryotes are placed in group:
a. Plantae
b. Animalia
c. Fungi
d. Monera

7. Hyphae are the characteristic feature of:
a. Algae
b. Fungi
c. Monera
d. None of these

8. The Botanical (Biological) name of onion is:
a. Rana tigrina
b. Musca domestica
c. Alium cepa
d. None of these

9. The scientific name of Human is:
a. Alium cepa
b. Rana tigrina
c. Musca domestica
d. Homo sapiens

10. ____ is the cutting down of forest.
a. Afforestation
b. Biotechnology
c. Deforestation
d. Reforestation

Chapter No. 4: (Cell and Tissues)

1. ___ is used as source of illumination in light microscope.
a. Electron beam
b. UV Rays
c. Visible light
d. None of these

2. ___ means increasing size of an object:
a. Magnification
b. Resolution
c. Capacitation
d. All of these

3. Cell theory was proposed by:
a. Watson and crick
b. Singer and Nicolson
c. Schleiden and schwann
d. None of these

4. Bacteria and cyanobacteria are the examples of :
a. Eukaryotes
b. Plants
c. Fungi
d. Prokaryotes

5. it does not contain membrane bounded organelles.
a. Eukaryote
b. Prokaryote
c. None of these
d. All of these

6. Plastids are not present in:
a. Animal cell
b. Plant cell
c. Present in both
d. None of these

7. Which one of the following is a living component?
a. Cell wall
b. Cell membrane
c. Both are living
d. Both are non living

8. It is the movement of molecules from higher concentration to lower concentration.
a. Diffusion
b. Osmosis
c. Active transport
d. None of these

9. Eukaryotic cell contain DNA in:
a. Nucleus
b. Cytoplasm
c. Cytosol
d. All of these

10. It is called power house of cell.
a. Nucleus
b. Cytoplasm
c. Mitochondria
d. Ribosome

11. It is called Protein factories of cell.
a. Ribosome
b. Mitochondria
c. Cytoskeleton
d. Plastids

12. When epithelium is composed of single layer it is called:
a. Compound
b. Simple
c. Both
d. None of these

13. They are soft connective tissues which have composition almost similar to bone:
a. Cartilage
b. Bone
c. Both of these
d. None of these

14. They have ability to contract and relax.
a. Muscular
b. Connective
c. Nervous tissues
d. Skeletal

15. In plants these tissues have ability to divide and re divide:
a. Permanent
b. Meristematic
c. Ground
d. Supporting

16. Root hairs and stomata are present in:
a. Ground
b. Epidermal
c. Permanent
d. Supporting

Chapter No. 5: (Cell Cycle)

1. These are the thread like structures which appears during cell division.
a. DNA
b. Ribosomes
c. Chromosomes
d. All of these

2. Chromosomes with unequal arms are called:
a. Metacentric
b. Sub metacentric
c. Acrocentric
d. Telocentric

3. Type of cell division in which parent cell divides into two daughter cells with similar number of chromosomes is called:
a. Meiosis
b. Amitosis
c. Necrosis
d. Mitosis

4. Non dividing phase between two successive cell divisions is called:
a. Metaphase
b. Telophase
c. Interphase
d. All of these

5. Nuclear membrane is disappeared and uncoiling of chromosomes takes place during:
a. Metaphase
b. Anaphase
c. Telophase
d. None of these

6. Chromosomes are arranged in mid-line of cell during:
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase

7. Contraction of chromosomes towards their respective poles occurred at:
a. Metaphase
b. Telophase
c. Anaphase
d. None of these

8. Division of cytoplasm is called:
a. Karyokinesis
b. Cytokinesis
c. None of these
d. All of these

9. Pre programmed cell death is called:
a. Necrosis
b. Apoptosis
c. None of these
d. Both of these

10. It is also called as reduction division:
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
c. Necrosis
d. All of these

11. Leptotene, Zygotene, Pachytene are the sub stages of:
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
c. Apoptosis
d. None of these

12. Chiasmata formation takes place during:
a. Leptotene
b. Pachytene
c. Diplotene
d. None of these

13. Bivalent tetrads formed during:
a. Pachytene
b. Diakinesis
c. Leptotene
d. None of these

14. Crossing over in meiosis takes place during this sub stage:
a. Pachytene
b. Diakinesis
c. Diplotene
d. Leptotene

15. This type of cell division is responsible for variations among living organisms:
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
c. Necrosis
d. Apoptosis

16. It is responsible for growth, repair and healing of wounds tissues:
a. Mitosis
b. Meiosis
c. Necrosis
d. None of these

Chapter No. 6: (Enzymes)

1. It is considered as Biocatalyst:
a. Enzyme
b. Hormone
c. Protein
d. All of these

2. Enzyme itself does:
a. Not utilized during the chemical reaction
b. Utilized during the chemical reaction
c. Fertilized during chemical reaction
d. Homogenized during chemical reaction

3. Enzymes work:
a. Randomly
b. Specifically
c. Selectively
d. None of these

4. It inhibits the enzyme activity:
a. Activator
b. Inhibitor
c. Moderator
d. Transformer

5. Best performance of enzymes are observed at:
a. Increased pH and Temperature
b. Decreased pH and Temperature
c. Optimum pH and Temperature
d. Work at any pH and Temperature

6. Increasing the temperature more than optimum range, the activity of enzyme is:
a. Decreased
b. Increased
c. Remains same
d. No change will be observed

Chapter No. 7: (Bioenergetics)

1. The study of energy relationships, energy transformation and transmission is called:
a. Biotechnology
b. Bio sociology
c. Bioenergetics
d. Biometry

2. It is considered as energy currency in living organisms:
a. RNA
b. DNA
c. ATP
d. Ribosome

3. The amount of energy in one molecule of ATP is:
a. 733 Kcal/mol.
b. 7.3 Kcal/mol.
c. 73 Kcal/mol.
d. 0.73 Kcal/mol.

4. These are the reactants of Photosynthesis:
a. Glucose and water
b. Carbon dioxide and water
c. Carbon dioxide and glucose
d. Oxygen and glucose

5. It is the site of Photosynthesis:
a. Chloroplast
b. Ribosome
c. Mitochondria
d. None of these

6. ATP and NADPH are synthesized during:
a. Light reaction
b. Dark reaction
c. Both of these
d. None of these

7. C3-cycle occurs during:
a. Light reaction
b. Dark reaction
c. Both of these
d. None of these

8. ATP is formed as a result of:
a. Photosynthesis
b. Respiration
c. Fertilization
d. Pollination

9. It take places in the absence of oxygen:
a. Aerobic respiration
b. Anaerobic respiration
c. Alcoholic fermentation
d. Both b and c

10. Type of anaerobic respiration in which ethanol is produced is called:
a. Lactic acid fermentation
b. Alcoholic fermentation
c. Both of these
d. None of these

11. Type of anaerobic respiration in which lactic acid is produced is called:
a. Lactic acid fermentation
b. Alcoholic fermentation
c. Both of these
d. None of these

12. No. of ATPs produced during Aerobic respiration are:
a. 34
b. 35
c. 36
d. 37

13. The products of Respiration are:
a. Glucose and oxygen
b. Carbon dioxide water and energy
c. Carbon dioxide and water
d. None of these

14. Glycolysis is the splitting of:
a. Sugar
b. Water
c. Carbon dioxide
d. Oxygen

15. What are the number of carbon in pyruvic acid:
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

16. Respiration takes place in:
a. Chloroplast
b. Ribosome
c. Mitochondria
d. None of these

17. It takes place in chlorophyll containing organisms only:
a. Photosynthesis
b. Respiration
c. Both of these
d. None of these

18. Chemical energy is converted into ATP during:
a. Respiration
b. Photosynthesis
c. Both of these
d. None of these

19. In this process, light energy is converted into chemical energy:
a. Respiration
b. Photosynthesis
c. Both of these
d. None of these

Chapter No. 8 (Nutrition)

1. It is a type of nutrition in which living organism prepares its own food:
a. Heterotrophic nutrition
b. Autotrophic nutrition
c. Both of these
d. None of these

2. Mode of nutrition exhibited by humans and other animals:
a. Heterotrophic nutrition
b. Autotrophic nutrition
c. Chemotrophic nutrition
d. None of these

3. A type of nutrition in which living organism obtains food by harming other and on the expense of host is called:
a. Parasitic nutrition
b. Saprotrophic nutrition
c. Holozoic nutrition
d. All of these

4. They derive their food from dead organic matter:
a. Holozoic animals
b. Saprotrophes
c. Parasites
d. Omnivores

5. Digestion in man starts from:
a. Mouth
b. Stomach
c. Intestine
d. Rectum

6. It is organ where most of the digestion takes place:
a. Rectum
b. Stomach
c. Mouth
d. None of these

7. It is long passage that extends from pharynx to stomach:
a. Trachea
b. Oesophagus
c. Intestine
d. All of these

8. It kills the microorganism inside the stomach:
a. Sulphuric acid
b. Hydrochloric acid
c. Nitric acid
d. All of these

9. Duodenum is the part of:
a. Large intestine
b. Stomach
c. Small intestine
d. None of these

10. Microscopic villi are the part of:
a. Small intestine
b. Large intestine
c. Stomach
d. Trachea

11. Pepsin is present in:
a. Stomach
b. Large intestine
c. Small intestine
d. None of these

12. Absorption takes place in:
a. Stomach
b. Small intestine
c. Large intestine
d. None of these

13. The bile juice produced in:
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Brain
d. Stomach

14. Colon and caecum are the part of:
a. Small intestine
b. Large intestine
c. Ear
d. Esophagus

15. Pepsin digests:
a. Protein
b. Fats
c. Carbohydrate
d. All of these

Chapter No. 9: (Transport)

1. Loss of water through stomata is called:
a. Transpiration
b. Guttation
c. Transportation
d. Active transport

2. In plants, water is transported through:
a. Phloem
b. Xylem
c. Cortex
d. All of these

3. It is a type of circulatory system in which blood is flows through vessels:
a. Open type circulatory system
b. Close type circulatory system
c. Both of these
d. None of these

4. It is considered as fluid connective tissue:
a. Lymph
b. ECF
c. Blood
d. Hormones

5. 90% of plasma is:
a. Water
b. Ions
c. Dissolved susbatnces
d. All of these

6. Another name for White blood corpuscle is:
a. Adipocyte
b. Leukocyte
c. Erythrocyte
d. Chondrocyte

7. Oxygen transport is the carried out by:
a. Leukocyte
b. Erythrocyte
c. Adipocyte
d. None of these

8. They contain fibrinogen which helps in clotting of blood:
a. Plasma
b. Globulin
c. Platelets
d. None of these

9. Pulmonary vein contains:
a. Deoxygenated blood
b. Oxygenated blood
c. Cleaned blood
d. Blood with ECF

10. All the arteries contain oxygenated blood except:
a. Renal artery
b. Pulmonary artery
c. Hepatic artery
d. All of these

11. Largest artery of the body is:
a. Systemic aorta
b. Vena cava
c. Sinus venosus
d. None of these

12. They help in defence mechanism of the body:
a. Erythrocytes
b. Leukocytes
c. Adipocytes
d. All of these

9th Class Biology 2022 MCqs -Youtube Link- Click Here

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Real And Complex Numbers - Chapter No. 01 -Math Class IX - Prepared By Team Of Ustani G, Free Educational Team, KARACHI

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Chapter No. 01: Real And Complex Numbers
MCQs Preparation Of IX Math

Prepared By Team Of Ustani G,
Free Educational Team, KARACHI

Special Thanks To Ustani G

Sunday 10 April 2022


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Zoology Class XI

Contact us on 03110294744

Q.1: What is the higher percentage of carbondioxide transported by Water Of RBCs as compared to water of plasma?
Ans: The higher percentage of CO2 is transported by the water Of RBCs is compared to plasma because of the enzymes carbonic in hydrate present in the RBCs which facilitate the reaction that is why the water of RBCs transported 60% of CO2 where as water of plasma transport only 5% of CO2.

Q.2: Why are leucocytes known as solider of the body?
Ans: WBCs provide the immunity in our body help to against the disease, infection, allergies and foreign particles. That is why they are known as the solider of the body.

Q.3: How breathing is different from respiration?
Ans: Breathing involve inhale of oxygen from the atmosphere excess of carbon dioxide from the lungs into the atmosphere where as cellular respiration involve breakdown in the water by releasing energy. The oxidative and reductive process that occurs In the cell.

Q.4: Why air Is better respiratory medium than water?
Ans: Water has limited amount of oxygen as compared to air. Water has two molecules hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen so it is less of oxygen amount. Where as air has more percentage of oxygen i.e. 21% that help in the respiration that's why it is better medium than water.

Q.5: Why kiwi can not fly?
Ans: They are big sized flightless heavy bird. They can not fly due to their heavy weight. Their wings are vestigial and their flight muscles are poorly developed.

Q.6: Why do the wall of trachea do not collapse when there is less air In it?
Ans: Trachea is supported by C- shaped ring of cartilage which hold them in place when there is less air Inside it so the wall of trachea do not collapse even when their a little air.

Q.7: Why hydra has both types of digestion?
Ans: Their mouth open in their body cavity. Bounded by endoderm having glandular and flagellated cell. The former secrete proteolytic enzymes which initiate extra cellular digestion. While flagellated cell and body wall help in circulation of food. The semi digested food particles are englutted by phagocytosis action of the flagellated cell where they are completely digested. Thus digestion in hydra are both extra as well as intra cellular digestion.

Q.8: Why urea production is high when person diet contain more Proteins than is need for growth and repair?
Ans: Protein are good sources of ammonia and this ammonia is very fatal for body to eliminate it. Liver convert it into urea so our food have more urea when we take more protein than is needed for growth and repair.

Q.9: How filariasis causes Cause edema?
Ans: Filariasis is disease caused by a thread worm. Which causes excessive inflammation of lungs arms and scrotum thus this disease cause lymphatic obstruction result in edema.

Q.10: How phyletic lineage is important to us?
Ans: As we know living organism gradually forming population during different geological period through the process of evolution. It provide basis for establishing a common origin of species or phyletic lineage. It is believed to be an unbroken series of species progressing form ancestor to descendants with each group evolving from one immediately proceeding it. All the missing link are discovered. They may lead to the origin of life it self.

Q.11: A person eat chicken broast. Name the enzymes that will digested This and meal in GIT?
Ans: Meat consist of large molecules of protein. The body digested it into smaller molecules as amino acid. Enzymes participating in the process are pepsin, peptides, trypsin, alpha chymotrypsin.

Q.12: How counter current flow is beneficial for fish?
Ans: Fish gills use a design called counter current. Oxygen exchange to minimize the amount of oxygen that their blood can pick up. Since there is more oxygen can flow from water to lungs.

Q.13: Why bile is necessary for digestion when it has no enzymes?
Ans: Although it does not contain any enzymes it play an important role in the digestion of fats. Bile juice has bile salt such as bilirubin and biliverdin these breakdown largest fat globules into smaller globules.

Q.14: Why does not food enter the trachea instead the esophagus?
Ans: The epiglottis move back and forth to prevent the passage of food and liquid into the lungs when we swallow, the epiglottis flattens backwards to cover the entrance to our larynx and prevent food enter the lungs and windpipe.

Q.15: Why enzymes called biocatalyst?
Ans: Enzymes are organic bio molecules that catalyzes the chemical reaction in biological systems. Similar to catalyst as enzymes accelerate the rate of chemical reactions and it is neither consumed nor changed in the reaction. Therefore the enzymes are also called biocatalysts.

Q.16: Why is liver called metabolic factory?
Ans: It performs more than 500 chemical functions in the organism. It provides detoxification, as cleans the toxic compounds and wastes, stores glucose in the form of glycogen, produces blood-clotting factors, stores vitamins, hormones, cholesterol, and minerals. In addition, the liver produces bile that helps to digest fats in the small intestine. So, the liver helps our organism to transform specific substances into compounds that the body needs.

Saturday 9 April 2022

UNIT 9: THERMAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER - Physics For Class IX (Science Group) - Note By FAW Group Of Education

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Physics For Class IX (Science Group)
Notes By FAW Group Of Education

Special Thanks to Sir Waseem Ahmed Qureshi