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Physics (English And Urdu) - Solved Model Paper 2022 - For Class IX (Science Group)

Physics (English And Urdu)
Solved Model Paper 2022
For Class IX (Science Group)

Section 'B'

Q.2: Write down the names of any three renewable energy sources and any three nonrenewable energy sources?
Ans: Renewable Energy Sources:
  1. Solar energy
  2. Wind energy
  3. Tidal energy and
  4. Geothermal energy

Nonrenewable Energy Sources:
  1. Coal
  2. Petroleum and
  3. Natural gases

Q.3: Write any three advantages and three disadvantages of friction.
  1. Friction enables us to walk on ground.
  2. Friction protects from sliding, as sand is thrown to maintain friction on inclined railway tracks during rain.
  3. The car brakes slow down the car to stop safely.
  4. Threads and grooves are designed on tyres to increase the friction and improve grip between road and wheel.
  5. Now vehicles are equipped with Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). ABS is designed to maintain steering stability, improve vehicle control, avoid skidding and decreases stopping distances on dry and slippery surfaces. The ABS maintains the static friction as the wheel starts slipping it releases the brake automatically for a fraction of a second then holds wheel again to create static friction between road and tyres.

  1. A large amount of energy is wasted in the machines due to friction.
  2. Friction leads to wear and tear of parts hence increases the service cost.
  3. Failure of oil pump in car engine results contact between dry metals which yields high temperature hence the car engine is seized.
  4. Due to friction, surface destroys.
  5. Excess friction makes difficult to move object.
(Note: Write down any 3 for each as mentioned in question)

Q.4: Define equilibrium and State the two conditions for equilibrium?
When a body does not possess any acceleration neither linear nor angular it is said to be in equilibrium.
For example:
  • A book lying on table in rest.
  • A paratrooper moving downwards with terminal velocity.
  • A chair lift hanging on supporting ropes.

A body must satisfy certain conditions to be in equilibrium. There are two conditions for equilibrium:

1. First Condition for Equilibrium
According to this condition for equilibrium:
"Sum of the all forces acting on a body must be equal to zero."
"First condition for equilibrium is satisfied if net force acting on a body is zero."
ΣFy = 0

2. Second Condition For Equilibrium:
"Second condition for equilibrium is satisfied if sum of clockwise torques acting on a body is equal to the sum of the anticlockwise torques."
Σ𝜏 = 0

Q.5: Define measurement, which is more accurate Vernier Caliper or a Screw Gauge and why?
It is the determination of the size or magnitude of something. It is explained with the help of describing the mathematical relations between various physical quantities.

Screw Gauge is more accurate than Vernier Caliper:
As compare to Vernier calipers, screw gauge is more accurate and precise because a screw gauge can even measure dimensions smaller (such as the diameter of a wire or sphere) than those measured by a Vernier Caliper. The least count of Vernier calipers is 0.1 mm and for screw gauge it is 0.01 mm. So, a screw gauge can measure accurately up to one hundredth part of a millimeter and more accurate than a Vernier caliper.

Q.6: Write three point of differences between:
Mass and Weight OR
Heat and temperature

Ans: Difference Between Mass and Weight
Comparison Chart MASS WEIGHT
Definition  Mass is the quantity of matter in a body regardless of its volume or of any forces acting on it. Weight is a measurement of the gravitational force acting on an object.
Effect of gravity Mass is always constant at any place. The weight of an object depends on the gravity at that place.
Unit of Measurement Mass is measured in kilogram (kg). Weight is measured in Newton (N).
Nature Mass has no direction so it is scalar quantity. Weight always directed downward towards the center of the earth so it is vector quantity.
Formula Its formula is m = F / a. Its formula is W = mg.
Balance used for measurement Mass is measured using a pan balance, a triple beam balance, lever balance or electronic balance. Weight is measured using a spring balance.

Difference Between Heat and Temperature
S.NO. Heat Temperature
1. It is the form of energy.  It is a degree of hotness of a body.
2. Heat transfers from hot body to cold body as a result of difference of temperature between them. It determines the direction of flow of heat from one body to the other body.
3. Heat of a body is the sum of all kinetic and potential energy of all the molecules constituting the body Temperature of a body is the average kinetic energy of its molecules.
4. Heat can be measures by a calorimeter. Temperature of a body is measured by a thermometer.
5. Its SI unit is joule. Its other unit is calorie. SI unit of temperature is Kelvin. Its other units are Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F).
(Note: write down any 3 differences as mentioned in question)

Q.7: State Hooke's law and derive equation F = kx?
Robert Hooke, an English scientist first described the mathematical pattern of stretching a spring. He observed the dependence of displacement or size of the deformation upon the deforming force or load.
Hooke's law states that:
"Within elastic limit, the displacement produced in the spring is directly proportional to the force applied."
In other words,
Hooke’s Law state that the extension in spring is proportional to the load applied to it, provided the limit of elasticity is not exceeded.

If ‘F’ is the applied force and ‘x’ is the displacement (extension) in the spring then the equation for Hooke's law may be written as:
F ∝ x
or F = kx ....... (i)
Where, k is spring constant (stiffness of spring).

Q.8: What is the mass of a solid iron wrecking ball of radius 18 cm. if the density of iron is 7.8 gm/cm3?
Radius of iron ball = 18 cm
Density of iron is 7.8 gm/cm3
Mass of a solid iron ball =?

Step 1: write known physical quantities with units and point out the quantity to be found.
  • Density of iron ball = ρ = 7.8 gm/cm3 = 7.8 x 1000 kg/ m3
  • Radius of iron ball = r = 18 cm = 18 x 10-2 m = 0.18 m
  • Volume of the iron ball = V = (4/3) x π x r3 
    V = (1.33) x 3.14 x (0.18 m)3 
    V = 0.024m3

Step 2: write down the formula and rearrange if necessary
m = ρ x V

Step 3: put the values in formula and calculate
Since mass of iron ball is m = ρ x V = (7.8 x 103) x (0.024)
m = 187.2 kg
Answer: The mass Of iron ball = 187.2 kg


Q.10: A ball of mass 400 gram, strikes the wall of velocity 4m/sec. How much is the kinetic energy of the ball at the time it strikes the wall?

Q.11: The "X" and "Y" components of a force F are 6N and 8N respectively. Find the magnitude and direction of F.
  • Horizontal component 'X' = Fx = 6 N
  • Vertical component 'Y' = Fy = 8 N
  • Magnitude or Resultant of force = F = ?
  • Direction of Resultant of force = θ = ?

Working Formula:

Q.12: 2 kg of copper requires 2050 J of heat to raise its temperature through 10°C. Calculate the heat capacity of the sample.
  • mass of copper = m = 2 kg
  • Temperature = ΔT = 10°C
  • Specific heat capacity of copper= c = 385 J/K.°C
  • Heat Capacity = Δ Q = ?

Working Formula:

Δ Q = cmΔT
Δ Q = 385 x 2 x 10 = 7700 Joules.

Answer: Hence the heat capacity of the sample is 7700 J.


Section 'C'

Q.14: Define "g" & Derive the equation h= Vi + 1/2gt2?
Ans: Acceleration Due To Gravity "g":
“The acceleration produces in a free falling body due to force of gravity is called acceleration due to gravity.”
Acceleration due to gravity is a constant and it is denoted by "g". Its value near the surface of earth is found to be 9.81 ms-2. However for ease of calculation value of ‘g’ is approximated to 10 ms-2.

Negative Gravitational Acceleration:
Gravitational acceleration is taken negative for objects moving upward direction. (i.e. -9.8 m/sec2)

Positive Gravitational Acceleration
Gravitational acceleration is taken positive for objects moving downward direction. (i.e. 9.8 m/sec2)

Derivation Of The Equation Of Newton's Second Law Motion For Acceleration Due To gravity
For the motion of bodies under the influence of gravity the equation of motion are slightly modified.
distance is taken as (S = h) and
acceleration is taken as g (a = g)

Suppose a body is moving with uniform acceleration due to gravity “a =g” during some time interval “t”, its initial velocity “vi” changes and denoted as final velocity “vf ”. It covers a distance “s =h” in this duration of time.
The second equation of motion determines the distance covered during some time internal “t”, while a body is accelerating from a known initial velocity.
Let us take the

Q.15: State Newton's Law of gravitation. Determine the mass of the earth using Newton's Law of Gravitation?
Sir Isaac Newton, was one of the greatest scientist of the world. He made fundamental contributions not only to several branches of Physics (like optics and mechanics) but also to Astronomy and Mathematics. He formulated the laws of motion and law of Universal gravitation.

Statement Of Newton’s Law Of Gravitation:
Newton's law of universal gravitation states that:
"Everybody in the universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres."

Mass of Earth can not be measured directly by placing it on any weighing scale. But it can be measured by an indirect method. This method utilizes the Newton's law of universal gravitation.
Let us consider a small ball is placed on the surface of Earth.
  • m ⟶ Mass of the ball.
  • ME ⟶ Mass of Earth.
  • G ⟶ Universal gravitational constant.
  • Rg ⟶ Radius of earth; which is also the distance between the ball and centre of earth.
Then according to Newton's law of universal gravitation, the gravitational force F of the Earth acts on the ball is:

Whereas the force with which Earth attracts the ball towards its centre is equal to the weight of the ball.
F = W = mg ............. (ii)
Comparing equation (i) and (ii); we get:

Numerical values of the constants at right hand side of equation (iii) are:
g = 10 Nkg-1
RE = 6.38 x 106m
G = 6.673 x 10-11Nm2kg-2
Substituting these values in equation (iii), we get:

ME = 6.0 x 1024kg.
Thus, mass of Earth is 6.0 x 1024kg.

Q.16: Define Co-efficient of Linear expansion. Also prove α = 1/3β.
Ans: Co-efficient of Linear expansion:
It is a constant and is denoted by 'α'. It depends upon the nature of the material. The Co-efficient linear expansion of is thus define as:
"Increase in length per unit length per degree rise in temperature" It has unit 1/k or K-1

α = 1/3β:
We know that
β is the coefficient of volumetric expansion and
α is the coefficient of linear expansion.
Consider a block with dimensions l1", "b1" and "t1 as the length breadth and thickness respectively at initial temperature T1.

So the initial volume of the block will be:
Initial Volume = length x breadth x thicness
v1 = l1b1t1 ----- (i)

Let the temperature of the body is raised to T2. The final volume of the block become v2. So,
The increase in volume = ΔV = v2 - v1
and the increase in temperature = ΔT = T2 - T1

Due to increase in temperature the length, breadth and thickness of the body become "l2", "b2" and "t2 respectively.through.
Final Volume = v2 = l2 x b2 x t2 ----- (ii)

As we know that
l2 = l1 (1 + αΔT)
b2 = b1 (1 + αΔT)
t2 = t1 (1 + αΔT)

Putting the above values in equation (ii), we get
v2 = l1 (1 + αΔT) x b1 (1 + αΔT) x t1 (1 + αΔT)
v2 = l1b1t1(1 + αΔT)3

From equation (i) v1 = l1b1t1
v2 = v1 (1 + αΔT)3
By using Formula:
(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3
v2 = v1 {(1)3 + 3(1)2αΔT + 3(1)(αΔT)2 + (αΔT)3}
v2 = v1 (1 + 3αΔT + 3(αΔT)2 + (αΔT)3)

Since α is small, higher ordered terms involving (α)2 and (α)3are neglected. We have:
v2 = v1 (1 + 3αΔT)
v2 = v1 + 3v1αΔT
v2 - v1 = 3αv1ΔT
ΔV = 3αv1ΔT

ΔV = β v1ΔT
∴ β v1ΔT = 3αv1ΔT
β v1ΔT = 3αv1ΔT
β = 3α
Or α = 1/3β
Prove that co-efficient of linear expansion is one third of co-efficient of volumetric expansion.

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Computer (English And Urdu) - Solved Model Paper 2022 - For Class IX (Science Group)

Solved Model Paper 2022
For Class IX (Science Group)


Q.2: What is motherboard? what are its components?
Ans: Motherboard:
The motherboard is the main board which connects different parts of computer.
  • We can find CPU, memory slots, expansion slots and a number of chipsets on motherboard.
  • Motherboards are made of layered fiberglass.
  • These layers contain copper lines that form the circuitry by which electrical signals are provided to all parts of computer.
  • Various components of computer may be attached, detached and upgraded on motherboard.
  • According to need of the user. Motherboards also have connectors called ports. These ports are used to connect input, output and other peripheral devices.
Just like nervous system it allows communication between all parts of the computer.

Components Of Motherboard:
It includes the following general components:
  1. Microprocessor (CPU)
  2. Slots (PCI slot)
  3. Ports (VGA port, USB port, LAN port, Audio in port, Audio out port.)
  4. Buses
  5. RAM and ROM
  6. Other electronic components for example resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, jumpers etc.

Q.3: What is the difference  between Compiler and Assembler.
Ans: Compiler and Assembler are language translator which are used to make a program executable. Both have different methods to translate the code into machine level.
Difference between Compiler and Assembler
1. Translate high level code into a machine language Translate low level code into a machine code
2. Translate the whole code into machine at the same time It checks each instruction and converts into machine code
3. There are seven phases for translation. There are only two phases for machine code
4. The translation is according to version of machine The output is in Binary (0, 1) format
5. It is easy in debugging It is difficult in debugging

Q.4: Why it is important to install an antivirus?
Ans: Importance Of Antivirus Software:
1. Save from Harmful Threats
  • To keep our computer secure and free from viruses, we need to install an antivirus software.
  • Antivirus software protects computer from viruses, spyware, malware, Trojans, phishing attacks, rootkits and spam attacks, as well as any other cyber threats.
  • In order to protect business data and its computer systems, antivirus software is necessary.

2. Scan System:
  • Antivirus software provides real-time protection for computer.
  • It scans system quickly to detect and delete infected files or programs.
  • In addition, it allows to arrange drives or files to scan computer.

3. Prevent to Install Malicious Code:
  • Antivirus software also protects online transactions by preventing malicious programs from recording that type on keyboard.
  • It also actively removes any malicious code, if detected.

Q.5: List three uses of spreadsheets in business.
Ans: Uses Of Spreadsheets In Business:
  1. Storing Data:
    Examples: a list of clients, contact information, employee time sheets, sales, and purchases, etc.

  2. Manipulate And Analyze Data:
    Examples: Calculating profit and losses, managing budgets and wages, help in accounting etc.

  3. Visualization Or Presentation:
    Examples: Show business performance, and plan future strategy in a graphical way by using charts and tables etc.

  4. Business Accounting:
    Examples: Formulas make easy to calculate, handle and store huge data.
(Note: Write down three uses only as mentioned in question)

Q.6: What is difference between Data Rate/Bit Rate and Baud Rate?
Ans: Difference between Data Rate/Bit Rate and Baud Rate:
S.NO. Data Rate/Bit Rate Baud Rate
1. Bit rate tells the number of bits transmitted per unit of time (Second). Baud rate is used when we want to know the number of signal units transmitted per unit of time (Second).
2. Bit rate is the number bits (0's and 1's) transmitted per second. Baud rate is the number of times a signal is traveling comprised of bits. One signal can represent more than one bit.
3. Formula:
 Bit rate = baud rate x the number of bits per signal unit
 Baud rate = bit rate / the number of bits per signal unit

Q.7: Explain the importance of computer security in daily life? Write any three reasons.
Ans: Importance of Computer Security:
1. Prevent from viruses and malware:
  • Computer security is important for our computer's overall health.
  • It keeps our information protected and helps prevent viruses and malware, which allows programs to run quicker and smoother.

2. Secure Private Information:
  • It safeguards confidential and sensitive information.
  • The advancement in science and technology has changed day to day activities. We rely on computers and mobile phones, where we access a lot of information which we do not want to share with others. This information may include our passwords, banking details, contacts, pictures, etc. To protect this information we need to make our devices secured that no one can damage or access this information without our consent.

3. Provide Safe Environment:
  • Computer Security is important as it enables people to perform their work in safe environments.
  • It helps in the execution of essential business processes.

Q.8. What is the Difference between web hosting and web server.
Ans: Difference Between web Hosting And Web Server
S. No.Web HostingWeb Server
1. A web hosting is a service that has access to an internet server. It is sold by specific companies called "web hosters". They rent their servers to their customers, allowing them to create their websites.  A web server is an entity that accepts requests via HTTP or a similar protocol and generates a response to access any website. It can be numeric in the case of Apache web server program, or physical, as a dedicated machine (computer which runs software).
2. Web host types are shared host, dedicated host, free host and reseller host among others. Web servers can be of different types such as proxy servers, mail servers, applications servers and others.
3. A web host uses mltiple networks devices, such as it uses switches and routers to relay information from servers and to servers. Web hosts store multiple servers in multiple data centers and also helps in managing data (hardware and software) properly for their customers. A web server receives data and performs all the operations before returning their results to clients. When any server whether a physical or a software server receives a request then after that it takes the help of the related database and then fills the HTML files with all the recently received information which has been generated.
4. Example, a web host is a group of companies such as HostGator, Godaddy Hosting, Blue Host, and so much more hosting company. Example: Web servers like Apache, Google Web server, etc. run the software. We can also call this software a web server.

9. Discuss the importance of ERD in business.
Ans: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) graphically displays the structure of a database. Following are the importance of Entity-relationship diagram (ERD) in business.
  • Assist the Database Developer:
    The ER Diagram assists the design even before the construction of tables begins.
  • Visualizing Data:
    This helps the users to plan how to organize data. Entity relationship diagramming is functional as a method of better visualizing data. Every manager of a multinational enterprise knows that spreadsheets are pretty much useless when it comes to understanding the overall picture of their entity's operations and how they are structured in relation to each other.ERD takes advantage of the basic learning strategy that's programmed into our minds by extending the programming into compatible and digestible visualizations of the relationships making up our entity.
  • Documentation Tool:
    ER Diagrams can work as a documentation to make others understand the core of the database. Software applications that diagram entity relationships are meant to make those relationships come to life on the screen (and in our mind), thus making them much easier to understand.
  • Logic of the database:
    It communicates the logical structure of the database to the users. It's only with ERD software that senior management, board and stockholders will be able to assess the whole business and to plot a viable strategy. Basically, an ERD's function is to bring all of that data stored in our servers to life so we can make sense of it.
  • Blueprint:
    An ER Diagram is considered as the blueprint of the database. An ERD tells a story about our entity's current state. It's also an essential part of how we analyze events and plan for the future. So diagramming should not only show what the current state of affairs is, but it should also show the potential ways structures and organizations within an entity can be altered and the potential effects of these changes. For groups that operate with hundreds or thousands of interconnected entities on a multinational scale, without planning, can not make sense.

Q.10: Explain artificial intelligence with one examples.
Ans: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.):
  • The term Artificial Intelligence comprises of two words ‘Artificial’ and ‘Intelligence’, where, Artificial means ‘copy of  something natural’ and ‘Intelligence’ means ‘able to think.’ So, Artificial Intelligence can be defined as 'a copy of a human brain with thinking ability.'
  • The term A.I. may also be referred to any machine that displays qualities associated with a human brain such as learning, reasoning and problem solving.
  • According to John McCarthy, who is known as the father of AI, 
    “AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially computer programs.”
  • A.I is based on simulating human intelligence in machines that can easily mimic and execute tasks from simple to more complex operations.
    AI is found everywhere in the modern world. Some example of AI are:
    • Electronic Mail:
      Electronic Mail is also called Email. There are lot of services of Emails, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Live etc. These mails systems have AI, to identify the SPAM emails and messages. The AI system protects your Email from viruses and fraud.

    • Web Browsers: 
      Web browsers mean Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and other related programs which provides you safe surfing the Internet. These programs have AI system to protect you from harmful websites and other Internet services.

    • GPS Application:
      GPS (Global Positioning System) applications are useful to find the best route for travelling. GPS applications are also based on AI system to monitor traffic in real time, accidents information, and about busy road.

    • A.I. is also used for Machine Learning. It learns from our daily routines and suggests us different options. Like google maps suggest the best ways for our daily commute.
    • A.I. is vastly used in scientific experiment, healthcare and space technologies.
    (Notes: Write down only one example as mention is question)

    Q.11: What are the advantages using database?
    Ans: Advantages Of Database:
    • A database is playing a leading role to enhance the efficiency and performance of any organization.
    • The goal of database is to minimize the loss and increase the productivity and efficiency of any organization in the age of information technology.
    • Nowadays, everyone is familiar with term database, it is mathematically developed data structure which converts raw input data into meaningful information for a particular organization.
    • These days, database can be seen in every field of life, for example: in industries, health, agriculture, schooling, business and banking
    • The databases can be developed according to the size of its records for a particular organization.
    • Databases can be small in size with a few records or very large like: NADRA (National Database Registration Authority) databases which keep the multi millions of records.

    Q.12: What is a word processor? Write any three applications of a word processor.
    Microsoft Word (MS Word) is one of the most famous word-processing software. It was first released and made public in early 1980s by Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft.
    Latest versions of MS Word come as a part of Microsoft Office Suite which includes other software as well like MS Excel, MS PowerPoint MS Access, MS One Note, MS Publisher and MS Outlook.

    Applications / Uses / Advantages Of MS Word Processor:
    MS Word is still most widely used word-processing software in the world.
    • It allows its user to type text and manipulate it.
    • MS Word first introduced the concept of WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) by introducing text formatting and document preview exactly as we would get it on a paper.
    • It has advanced features like tables, images, advanced formatting and reviewing that give its users the ability to customize their documents as required.

    Q.13: Define IPV4 address.
    Ans: IPV4 ADDRESS:
    • IPV4 stands for Internet Protocol version 4. IP address is a unique number or address used to identify a device on a network. The device could be a computer, printer, smart phone, tablet, etc.
    • Every device connected to the internet must have an IP address to communicate with other devices.
    • IP address acts as a telephone number or a car registration number.
    • It shows ownership and location.
    • IP address allows a device to communicate and be located by other devices on the internet.
    • IP version 4 (IPV4) addresses are comprised of four number segments separated by dots.
    Example: of an IP address is:

    Parts Of IPV4:
    An IPV4 address is made up of 32 binary bits, which is divided into two parts:
    Network: The network portion of the address mentions the computer network.
    Host: The host portion identifies the computer or any other computing device.


    Q.14: Identify and explain HTML tags used for formatting of the content?
    Some HTML tags introduce content directly into the web page while others enhance the design and format of that content.
    Some most commonly used HTML tags which are used for formatting of the content are:


    <h1> - <h6>
    •   It is used to define six levels of HTML headings (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6) with <h1> being heaviest heading and <h6> being the lightest heading.

    Text Formatting:

    <b> , <i> , <u>
    •   These tags are used to bold, italicize and underline text respectively.

    •  It is used to define a preformatted text.
    •  The web browser displays such text with spaces and line breaks as defined in HTML codes.

    •  It is used to define the font, size and color of its text.
    •  This tag can be composed with three attributes: size, color and face.
    •  This tag is supported till version 4.1 of HTML.

    •  It is used to align its text to the horizontal center of the web page.
    •  This tag is supported till version 4.1 of HTML.

    •  It defines subscript text which is under the baseline of other text and has a smaller size.
    • e.g. H2O

    •  It defines superscript text which is slightly above the normal line of other text and has a smaller size.
    • e.g. E=mc2

    Q.15: Define malware? And describe different types of malware?
    Ans: MALWARE:
    • The term malware is the contraction of malicious software.
    • Malware is a broad term that encompasses computer viruses, worms, spyware, adware and others.
    • Malware is a program that is written generally to cause a mess. They can be so dangerous that they can also damage devices.
    • However commonly malware encrypt, steal or delete data, hijack core functions of computing and disturb different activities.

    Types Of Different Malware:
    Types of malware can include computer viruses, worms, adware, and spyware.
    (i) Computer Virus:
    • A computer virus is a computer program that can spread across computers and networks by making copies of itself, usually without the user's knowledge.
    • It can also modify other computer programs, insert its own code and change computer settings.
    • Viruses are harmful. They can range from displaying irritating messages to make all the documents inaccessible or even delete them.
    • Viruses generally latch on a host file and when they execute they infect other files or programs.
    • Examples: Boot Sector, Resident, Macro Viruses and File Infector are some examples of viruses.

    (ii) Worm:
    • A computer worm spreads copies of itself from computer to computer.
    • A worm can replicate itself without any human interaction.
    • It does not need to attach itself to a file or program to cause damage.
    • It can do several malicious tasks, such as dropping other malware, copying itself onto devices physically attached to the affected system, deleting files, and consuming internal storage and memory resources.

    (iii) Adware:
    • Adware is advertising-supported software.
    • They present endless ads and pop-up windows that could potentially consume memory and processing resources. Adware can also change the different settings of internet browsers like homepage and default search engine.
    • Normally, these are not as dangerous as other malware. However, Adware annoys the user and slows down the processing.
    • The advertisements produced by adware are sometimes in the form of a pop-up or sometimes in little windows that may not be closed.
    • Adware programs include games, desktop toolbars or utilities.
    • Commonly, adware is web-based and collects web browser data to target advertisements, especially pop-ups.

    (iv) Spyware:
    • Spyware is a malware that monitors a device and steals important information about a person or organization without their consent and sends such information to another person or organization.
    • Spyware takes control over a mobile phone or computer without the user's knowledge.
    • They capture information like web browsing history, e-mail messages, usernames and passwords and online payment information.
    • Spyware can come through cookies or even when we install software without reading its terms and conditions.
    • Examples: System monitors, cookies trackers, rootkits and key-loggers are few examples of Spyware.

    Q.16: Describe 1st, 2nd and 4th generation of computer with advantages?
    Ans: First Generation of Computers (1940 to1956):
    Main Features
    • Technology Used: Vacuum Tubes
    • Size: Very large in size (Main frame)
    • Language: Low level Machine language (i.e. 1's and 0's).
    • Main memory (primary internal storage): Magnetic drums
    • External storage: Punched card
    • I/O Device: Punched cards and papers
    • Operating system: Batch processing operating system (i.e human operates to set system, no proper operating system)
    • Use: Scientific and research purpose.
    Example:  ENIAC, EDVAC, UNIVAC

    • Vacuum tubes were as electronic components.
    • Electronic digital computers were developed for the first time.
    • These computers were the fastest calculating devices of their time.
    • Computations were performed in millisecond.
    • Punch cards were used for input and output.

    Second Generation of Computers (1956 to 1963):
    Main Features
    • Technology Used: Transistors.
    • Size: smaller and faster (main frame), cheaper and more efficient.
    • Language: Assembly language and a high language FORTRAN
    • Main memory (internal storage): Magnetic core (RAM and ROM)
    • External storage: Magnetic tapes and magnetic disk
    • I/O Device: Punched card
    • Operating system: Batch processing and Multi-programming
    • Use: commercial productions, scientific and engineering analysis and design
    Example: IBM 7094 and IBM 1401

    • Transistors were used as internal components.
    • Smaller in size as compared to first generation computers.
    • Reliability increased.
    • Magnetic tape and were used as wider secondary storage.
    • Heat produces less than previous generation computers.
    • Computation were perform in micro second.
    • Less hardware and maintenance problem.
    • Less electricity consumption as compared to 1s generation computer.
    • Better portability.
    • Commercially used.

    Fourth Generation of Computers (1971 to Present):
    Main Features
    • Technology Used: Microprocessors.
    • Size: micro computer (faster, less expensive, smaller and more reliable)
    • Language: More high languages like C, C++, Java etc.
    • Main memory (internal storage): Semi-conductor memories RAM and ROM (EPROM and SRAM)
    • External storage: Magnetic storage
    • I/O Device: Monitor (output)
    • Operating system: Time sharing, real time and distributed operating system,  with development of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) (DOS and UNIX
    • Use: in every field of life like space applications, business and art work.
    Example: Apple Macintosh, IBM PC.

    • Smaller in size compared to previous generation computers due to the use of Integrated Circuit (IC).
    • Computations speed was in Nano seconds.
    • Reliability increased in these computers.
    • Heat generation was rare.
    • Less electricity consumption.
    • Hardware failure was very rare.
    • These computers were general purpose.
    • Very easy portable computers.
    • Commercially production was cheaper and easier.

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    Chemistry (English And Urdu) - Solved Model Paper 2022 - For Class IX (Science Group)

    Chemistry (Compulsory)
    Solved Model Paper 2022
    For Class IX (Science Group)


    Section 'B"

    Q.2: Write down three differences between Polar and Non Polar Compounds
    Ans: Difference Between Polar and Non Polar Compounds
    S.NO. Polar Compounds Non Polar Compounds
    1. Polar covalent compounds are soluble in water. Non polar covalent compounds are generally insoluble in water.
    2. Polar covalent compounds usually conduct electricity due to the formation of ions with water. Non-polar covalent compounds do not conduct electricity in the solid, molten or aqueous solution.
    3. Polar covalent compounds insoluble in non-polar solvent. Non-polar covalent compounds are soluble in non-polar solvent like petrol, benzene etc.
    4. Few examples of polar covalent compounds are H2SO4, H2O, HCl, HF, HBr, HI Few examples of non-polar covalent compounds are CO2, CH4, C2H6.

    Q.9: What are Halogens? Write names and symbols of Halogens?
    Ans: HALOGENS:
    • Halogen belongs to VII-A group
    • Halogens exist in Molecular form.
    • The reactivity of halogens decreases down the group because atomic size increases and electro negativity decreases down the group. Their valance shell contain seven electron. So they gain one electrons and form monovalent anion.
      Cl+ e- → Cl-

    Members Of Halogens Group:
    • It consists of:
      i. Fluorine (F)
      ii. Chlorine (Cl)
      iii. Bromine (Br)
      iv. Iodine (I) and
      v. Astatine (At).
    • Except Astatine (metalloid) all halogens are non-metals.
    • Fluorine (F) and Chlorine (Cl) are gases, Bromine (Br) is liquid and Iodine (I) is solid at room temperature.

    1. Define oxidation, reduction reactions with examples.
    Ans: Oxidation and reduction reactions OR Redox reactions:
    Oxidation and reduction reactions are electrochemical reactions. They are also called redox reaxtion. In electrochemistry oxidation and reduction reactions involve transfer of electrons.

    (i) In terms of loss or gain of oxygen or hydrogen:
    "Oxidation may involve introduction of oxygen or removal of Hydrogen from a chemical substance."
    C + O2 ⟶ CO2 (burning of coal)
    2C8H16 + 25O2 ⟶ 16CO2 + 18H2O (combustion of octane)
    N2H4 + O2 ⟶ N2 +2H2O (removal of Hydrogen from Hydrazine)

    (ii) In terms of loss or gain of electrons:
    "The electrochemical reaction in which atom molecule or ion loses electron and its oxidation number increases is called oxidation reaction."
    Cu ⟶ Cu++ + 2e- (Oxidation reaction)

    (i) In terms of loss or gain of oxygen or hydrogen:
    "Reduction may involve addition of Hydrogen or removal of oxygen from a chemical substance."
    CuO + C ⟶ Cu + CO (reduction of copper oxide)
    Fe2O3 2Al ⟶ Al2O3 + 2Fe + Heat (Reduction of Iron oxide)

    (ii) In terms of loss or gain of electrons:
    "The electrochemical reaction in which atoms, molecule or ion accepts electron and its oxidation number decreases is called reduction reaction."
    S + 2e- ⟶ S2- (Reduction reaction)

    Section 'C'

    Q.14: Write any four comparison of the characteristics of Solution, Suspension and Colloid.
    Ans: Ans: Difference (Comparison) of the characteristics of Solution, Suspension and Colloid.
    S.NO. Solution Suspension Colloid
    1. Particle size less than 1 Particle size greater than 1000 nm Particle size 1 to 100 nm
    2. Homogeneous (particles dissolve uniformly) Heterogeneous (particles settle down after sometimes) Homogeneous and heterogeneous (Particles do not settle down for a long time)
    3. Particles cannot be distinctly seen with the naked eye. Particles are big enough but can be seen with naked eyes. Colloidal particles cannot be seen with the naked eye but can be seen through ultra microscope.
    4. Clear, transparent and homogeneous. Cloudy, but uniform and homogeneous Cloudy, heterogeneous, at least two substances visible.
    5. Transparent but often colored. Translucent and often opaque but can be transparent Often opaque, but can be transparent.
    6. Cannot be separated Cannot be separated Can be separated easily.
    7. Do not scatter light Scatter light, but are not transparent Scatter light (Tyndall effect)
    8. Particles can pass through filter paper Particles pass through filter paper. Particles do not pass through filter paper.
    (Note: write down any four differences as mentioned in question)

    Q.16: What is co-ordinate covalent bond? Explain it with examples?
    Ans: Coordinate Covalent Bond or Dative Covalent Bond:
    Co-ordinate covalent bond is a special type of covalent bond. Each atom contributes one electron to form a covalent bond. However, covalent bond can be formed between two atoms even when only one of the atoms contributes both electrons constituting the covalent bond. As a result the bond has a partial (partly) ionic characters. Such a bond is called as a coordinate covalent bond or dative bond.
    Thus, we can define a coordinate covalent bond as:
    "The type of bond in which bond pair of electrons is contributed by one atom only, is called coordinate covalent or dative covalent bond."

    Concept of donor and acceptor:
    The atom that donates the electron pair is called the donor and the other atom which accepts the electron pair is called acceptor. A coordinate covalent bond is represented by an arrow (⟶) pointing towards the atom which accepts the electron pair. The pair of unshared valance electrons possessed by the donor is called a lone pair.

    Nature Of Coordinate Covalent Bond or Dative Covalent Bond:
    Once a bond is formed, there is no difference between the dative covalent and ordinary covalent bonds in reality. The only difference between the two is a mode of formation. Due to their covalent nature of bond formation, the properties of these compounds are similar to those of covalent compounds.

    A few examples of formation of a coordinate covalent bond are given as under:
    1. Ammonium Chloride:
    The reaction between ammonia and hydrogen chloride involves the formation of a dative bond between N atom in NH3 containing lone pairs and H+ ion from HCl. When ammonia reacts with hydrogen ions (H+) in an aqueous solution of an acid, the hydrogen ion is attracted to the lone pair and a coordinate covalent bond is formed.

    2. Hydronium Ion:
    When hydrogen chloride dissolves in water, hydrogen ion is attracted to the lone pair of electrons which is available on oxygen and hydronium ion is formed as shown below:


    Q.16: What is electroplating? How a steel spoon can be electroplated with Tin. Explain with a labelled diagram and electrode reactions? 
    All metals can be protected from corrosion by coating its surface with other metal like tin (Sn) or zinc (Zn). The coating of metal at the surface of other metal by electrolytic process is called electroplating.
    The process of deposition of metal at the surface of other metal through electrolysis is called electroplating.
    Example: Metals like iron can be electroplated with chromium (Cr), Nickle (Ni) and silver (Ag).

    Tin Plating On A Steel Spoon:
    • Electrolyte:
      Steel spoon can be tin plated by using acidified tin sulphate as electrolyte.
    • Electrodes:
      Anode: Tin (Sn) metal is used as anode.
      Cathode: Steel spoon is used as cathode.

    • When current passes through electrolyte tin ions (Sn+2) deposits at cathode as tin (Sn) metal. Tin (Sn) electrode, is then changes into tin ion (Sn2+).
      SnSO4 ⇌ Sn++ + SO4
    • Reaction At Anode:
      Sn ⟶ Sn++ + 2e- (Oxidation)
    • Reaction At Cathode:
      Sn++ + 2e- ⟶ Sn (Reduction)

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    Urdu (Compulsory) - Model Paper 2022 - For Class IX (Science Group)

    Urdu (Compulsory)
    Model Paper 2022
    For Class IX (Science Group)

    Biology (English And Urdu) - Solved Model Paper 2022 - For Class IX (Science Group)

    Solved Model Paper 2022
    For Class IX (Science Group)

    Special Thanks To Sir Hassan Raza For The Solution

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    ENGLISH (Compulsory) - Solved Model Paper 2022 - For Class IX (Science Group)

    ENGLISH (Compulsory)
    Solved Model Paper 2022
    For Class IX (Science Group)

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