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Saturday, 4 August 2018

English IX - Chapter No.5 - Questions / Answer

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Helen Keller

Questions and Answers


Q.1:  When and where was Helen Keller born?
Ans. Helen Keller was born in the year 1880 in a little town of United Sate of America.

Q.2: What happened to Helen Keller at the age of two?
 In which year did Helen Keller fall ill?
How old was she when she fell ill? What was the result of her illness?
Ans: In February 1882, Helen Keller fell dangerously ill. at the age of 2 years old. As a  result of her illness she became blind and deaf. Before this misfortune she could hear and see everything.

Q.3: Who was Miss Sullivan? How did she teach Helen Keller? (KHI Board - Science group 2009, 2015, 2016)
Ans: Miss Sullivan  was a kind hearted lady Helen's teacher.  She had herself become blind in her childhood but got her eyesight back. She thanked God for this kindness by helping other blind people and making them happy and content. 
  Miss Sullivan taught Helen Keller by the method of touch and feel. She made Helen put her hand into the water and made her write the word.”w-a-t-e-r” on the sand. In the same way Miss Sullivan taught Helen about Mountains Rivers, History, Geography. She even, taught her how to count and do sums.

Q.4: How did she learn to speak again ? ( KHI Board - Science group 2014)

Ans. When Helen was eight. she had forgotten how to speak.  She went to a school and her teacher helped her.  She would put Helen's hand on her own lips  and let her feel the movement of the lips at the time of speaking. Helen did many exercises like this and at the age of ten she was able to speak again.

Q.5: When did Helen Keller visit Pakistan and why? What was the message to the blind and deaf children? (KHI Board - Science group 2006)

Ans: Helen Keller visited Pakistan in 1956 to help the blind, deaf and dumb people of Pakistan. She was 76 years old and was very active.She gave a lot of encouragement and moral support to the blind students and to the teacher working in the school for  the blind, deaf and dumb.
Helen Keller said to the blind and deaf children, "Always be happy and cheerful. Never  curse your fate. You can do every thing in this world".

Q.6: Why do you think Helen Keller was a wonderful lady? (KHI Board - Science group 2012)

Ans. Helen Keller had become blind and deaf at the age of two.  But through her determination and will power and with the help of her teacher she learnt to read, write and speak through handicapped. She studied hard and graduated from Harvard University where she proved to be a better student than many other. She had also written books and articles. She passed her whole life helping blind and deaf

Q.7: What did Miss Sullivan teach Helen? ( KHI Board - Science group 2009)
Ans. Miss Sullivan taught Helen about water, mountain, river, history and geography. She even taught her how to write and count and do sums. She also taught how to spell the words.

Q.8: How did Helen learn to read? (KHI Board - Science group 2010 General group 2008, 2009)
Ans: Helen learnt to read by reading special books for the blind. These books are printed with raised points and are called " Braille books". She read them by touching with her fingers.

Q.9 : What do you know about Helen's education? (KHI Board - General group 2006)
Ans: At first she studied at home under Miss Sullivan. At eight, she was sent to school for the blind children.After that she went to a college and then to Harvard University from where she graduated. She proved to be a better students than many others.

Q.10: Write down few sentences on Helen Keller? (KHI Board - General group 2009)
1- Helen Keller was born in the year 1880 in a little town of USA.
2- In February 1882, when she was 2 years old. Helen Keller fell dangerously ill. As a result of which she became blind and deaf.
3- At seven she started studying
4- When Helen was eight. she had forgotten how to speak.
5- At the age of ten, she was able to speak by touch and feel method.
6- She also learnt to read books which were printed with raised points instead of letters.
7- She had graduated from Harvard University where she proved to be a better student than many other.
8- She had also written books and articles.
9- She passed her whole life helping blind and deaf children.
10- Helen Keller visited Pakistan in 1956. She was 76 years old. She came to our country to help the blind and the deaf.

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