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Thursday, 16 August 2018

English IX - Chapter No.8 - Questions / Answers

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The Role Of Women In Pakistan Movement

Questions and Answers

Q.1: Who was Abadi Begum? Why is she remembered till today?  (KHI Board - Science  2012)
Q.12: Who was 'Bi Aman'?  KHI Board - Science  2014)
An.s:  Abadi Begum, popularly known as Bi Aman was an aged lady. She was the mother of Moulana Muhammad All and Moulana Shaukat Ali  who devoted their lives to the cause of the Muslims. She was a courageous women When her sons were arrested, brought to trial and imprisoned for two years,  Bi Aman sent a word to them not to give up their cause She also told them not to ask for pardon, which was the condition of their release. 'Bi Aman' had not been to school or college. She is remembered till today because she taught her sons to be willing to sacrifice their lives in the cause of Muslim independence.

Q.2:  Who was Miss Fatima Jinnah ? Why is Miss Fatima Jinnah called Madr-e-Mlllat (mother of the nation)?  (KHI Board - Science  2012, 2013, 2016)
Ans: Miss Fatima Jinnah was the youngest sister of Quaid -e- Azam.  She looked after her brother so much.  She helped her brother in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan. She devoted her life for the Pakistan movement.  Due to her devotion, services and sincerity the grateful nation thus calls her Madr-e-Millat which  means the mother of the nation.

Q.3: What word did Bl Aman send to her sons when they were arrested and imprisoned?
Ans: When her sons were arrested, brought to trial and imprisoned for two years,  Bi Aman sent a word to them not to give up their cause She also told them not to ask for pardon, which was the condition of their release.

Q.4: What role did Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan play in the independence movement?
How did Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan help her husband in the Pakistan movement? (KHI Board - Science  2013, 2015)
Ans: Begum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali worked as an honorary secretary and typist to Liaquat Ali Khan. She arranged parties Where Muslim women could meet the wife and the daughter or the Viceroy. She also organized women's National Guards.

Q.5: What role did Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz play in the independence movement?
Ans: Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz represented the Muslim women at the three Round Table Conferences held in London. She also traveled widely and explained to the people of other countries why the Muslims in India wanted a separate state. She was also the first woman ever to make a speech in London-'s Guild Hall.

Q.6: Why did the Muslims form the All India Muslim League?
Ans: In the beginning, both the Hindus and Muslims joined the Indian National Congress to drive the British from India. However, the Muslims soon realized that the Hindus were narrow-minded and biased towards them and they would never give equal treatment to them. Therefore, the Muslims formed their own political party, the All India Muslim League.

Q.7: What role did Lady Sughra Hidayatullah play in the Independence movement?
Ans: Lady Sughra Hidayatutlah traveled throughout Sindh holding women' s public meetings. The first public meeting of women in Sindh was held in Karachi's Zoological garden.She also led anti -British processions and hoisted the Muslim League flag on the secretariat in Lahore.

Q.8: What role did Muslim women play in the Independence movement?   (KHI Board - Science  2012)
Ans: The Muslim women  worked side by side with men in the independence movement They formed the women's branch of the All India Muslim League to organize women and give them awareness. They attended public meetings and took out processions.

Q.9: What role did Lady Nusrat Haroon play in the Independence movement?
Ans: Lady Nusrat Haroon's house was the center of women's political activities. She welcomed the Muslim League workers to her home when they came to attend meetings In Karachi. Classes were also held in her house to educate Muslim girls.

Q.10:Why did the Muslims join the Indian National Congress?
Ans: After about one hundred years of the British rule, both the Hindus and the Muslims of India realized that they must recover their independence from the British. For this, they formed a political party called the Indian National Congress. They worked together to drive the British out of India in the beginning.

Q.11: What was the condition of the Muslims women before independence?  (KHI Board - Science  2012)
Ans: Before Independence, the Muslims women were in strict purdah.  They were less educated and less politically aware than the Hindu women.

Q.12 What was the Indian National Congress? Why did many Muslim leaders left it?
Ans. The Indian National Congress was the political party formed by the Hindus and the Muslims in order to drive British out of India. The Muslims soon realized that the Hindus wee in majority and the Congress would never ever treat the Muslims equally and give them their due share in the government, so many Muslim leaders left it.

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