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Wednesday 4 September 2019

Letters To The Editor - Concern about enhancing inflation

Letter For HSC Part 1

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper highlighting your concern about enchanting inflation.

Examination Hall, 
A. B. C. Road,        
18th January 2022

The Editor,
The Daily DAWN,

Subject:  Enhancing Inflation


 Through the column of your esteemed paper, I would like to draw the attention of the Government as well as the Price Control Department towards one of the most sensitive and serious problem.

 The issue which has hit the people of the whole country is enhancing inflation. Inflation has a global impact but the way it is skyrocketing in Pakistan needs measures. Inflation has broken the backs of masses and lower middles class has slumped into Starving. Price lists are only displayed at the shops to guard against the fines. Commodities are sold out at higher prices with pretext that it is difficult to follow Govt. prices. However, inflation is galloping, if constant check is made, the artificial price hike may be kept under control. Wholesalers and retailers always charge prices at their will, reluctantly customer have to bear the burden of the direct and indirect backbreaking inflation.

 Despite customers are bearing all direct and indirect taxes, they are not at all facilitated. Price Control Department acts as mere spectator and takes no measure to reduce prices. I request the authorities concerned to take immediate steps for overcoming above sited problem and lessen the hardships of masses.

Yours truly,


Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper inviting attention of the authorities concerned to day to day rise in the prices of the necessities of life.

Dear Editor,

I wish to draw your attention to the alarming and continuous rise in the prices of essential commodities. The cost of basic necessities like food, utilities, and transportation has been increasing day by day, making it extremely difficult for the common citizen to make ends meet.

The spiraling inflation has rendered many households unable to afford even the bare minimum requirements. Families are struggling to put food on the table, pay utility bills, and meet other fundamental needs. This situation is particularly challenging for those with limited incomes, such as daily wage workers, pensioners, and those living below the poverty line.

The government and relevant authorities must take immediate and effective measures to control the rising prices. They should explore ways to regulate the market, ensure fair pricing practices, and provide relief to the masses through subsidies or other support mechanisms.

Furthermore, strict action should be taken against those indulging in hoarding, profiteering, and other unethical practices that contribute to the artificial shortage and price hikes.

It is the responsibility of the state to safeguard the well-being of its citizens and ensure that basic necessities are accessible and affordable for all. Failure to address this issue promptly will only exacerbate the hardships faced by the underprivileged and potentially lead to social unrest.

I urge you to highlight this pressing matter in your esteemed publication and compel the authorities to take decisive action to alleviate the burden on the common people.

Thank you for your attention to this matter of grave concern.

[Your Name]
(By Berlin Homelander)


  1. Education is the key to success18 January 2022 at 07:21

    Thank you to draw our concentration on that post as wrong letter was uploaded. We have made correction.
