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Monday, 20 February 2023

English Paper II (Compulsory) For Class X (Science) - Model Paper 2023- By BSEK (Solved By Ustani G)

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Class X (Science)
English Paper II
Solved Model paper 2023

Special Thanks To Miss Ustani G
(YouTube Channel)
Prepared by Exampill

Section "B" (40%)

Q.2: Answer any 5 following questions: (10 Marks)
1- Why was the poet asked to go down again in the poem “The voice of God”?
Ans: The poet was asked to go down again because God lives among the people.

2- Why is China having a rapid progress?
Ans: China is having a rapid progress because they believe that everyone ought to work.

3- What lesson did the King learn from the spider?
Ans: The king learnt that one should not lose hope in difficulties. One should keep on trying and never be a victim of despair. One who defies despair is sure to win every battle of life.

4- What is the message of the poem Little Things?
Ans: The message of the poem is that we should take care of little things. Little deeds of kindness and little words of love look like small things, but they can make a great change. Our world can become an Eden if we are kind and loving.

5- What happened to Mr. Abdul Karim when he went for a walk?
Ans: When Mr. Karim went for a walk, a head jumped and blocked his way. In fear, he just closed his eyes and started running towards the house.

6- How did the caliph decide the case?
Ans: The Caliph asked the two men to place their hands on the horse. When the beggar touched the horse, it winced but when the rich man touched the horse, it snorted and neighed with pleasure. This way, the Caliph decided the owner of the horse.

7- How can social media be handy for the students now a days?
Ans: Nowadays, students can easily interact with educators and researches in any part of the world and gain from their knowledge and wisdom.

Q.3: DO AS DIRECTED: (20 Marks)
i) Use Preposition:
  1. He succeeded in getting what he wanted.
  2. The shop does not have the toy I was looking for.

ii) Article:
  1. This is the most important question.
  2. I want an apple for breakfast.

iii) Change the Voice:
  1. Where did they spend all the money?
    Ans: Where was all the money spent by them? (Passive Voice)

  2. The carpenter makes a beautiful dressing table.
    Ans: A beautiful dressing table is made by the carpenter. (Passive Voice)

  3. He will convey my important message to him.
    Ans: My important message will be conveyed by him to him. (Passive Voice)

iv) Change the Narration:
  1. He says to them,”You are doing your work.”
    Ans: He says to them that they are doing their work. (Indirect Speech)

  2. She said,” Fish cannot live without water.”
    Ans: She said that fish cannot live without water. (Indirect Speech)

  3. They exclaimed that those mangoes were very sweet.
    Ans: They said,” These mangoes are very sweet.” (Direct Speech)

  4. She said to him,” Did you see the snake in the compound of this house?”
    Ans: She asked him if he saw the snake in the compound of that house. (Indirect Speech)

v) Transformation of Sentences: (Formation Of Sentences - Change the following sentences as suggested in the bracket)
  1. Did he go there in his mother’s absence?  (Change into assertive)
    Ans: He went there in his mother’s absence.

  2. Girls are playing hide and seek in the moon lit night. - (Change into future continuous)
    Ans: Girls will be playing hide and seek in the moon lit night.

  3. Has it been drizzling since noon? - (Change into past perfect continuous)
    Ans: Had it been drizzling since noon?

  4. Thirsty crow does not fly here and there. - (Change into interrogative)
    Ans: Does thirsty crow not fly here and there?

  5. I have so many oranges. (Change into negative)
    Ans: I do not have so many oranges.

  6. Now it is my turn said he to them (Punctuate)
    Ans: “Now, it is my turn,” said he to them.

vi) (a) Give prefix to - Relevant
Ans: Irrelevant

(b) Give suffix to - Wonder
Ans: Wonderful

(c) Write homophone of  - Accept
Ans: Except
(a homophone is a word having same sound but different meaning)

Q.4: Indicate the kind of part of speech of the underlined words for instance Adverb. (5 Marks)
  1. I have learned this poem before.
    Ans: Adverb

  2. She told me the same story twice.
    Ans: Adverb

  3. He talked very mildly.
    Ans: adverb

  4. He was ordered to stand still here.
    Ans: Adverb

  5. They are partly wrong on this matter.
    Ans: Adverb

Q.5: Translate the following paragraph into Urdu or Sindhi. (5 Marks)
The environment is the surrounding of an organism. The environment in which an organism lives is made up of various components like air, water, land, etc. These components are found in fixed proportions to create a harmonious balance in the environment for the organism to live in. Any kind of undesirable and unwanted change in the proportions of these components can be termed as pollution. This issue is increasing with every passing year. It is an issue that creates economic, physical, and social troubles.

 ماحول ایک حیاتیات کے ارد گرد ہے. وہ ماحول جس میں ایک جاندار رہتا ہے۔ یہ مختلف اجزاء جیسے ہوا، پانی، زمین وغیرہ  سے بنا ہے۔ حیاتیات کے رہنے کے لیے ماحول میں ایک ہم آہنگ توازن پیدا کرنے کے لیے تناسب۔ ان اجزاء کے تناسب میں کسی بھی قسم کی ناپسندیدہ اور ناپسندیدہ تبدیلی کو آلودگی کہا جا سکتا ہے۔ یہ مسئلہ ہر گزرتے سال کے ساتھ بڑھتا جا رہا ہے۔ یہ ایک ایسا مسئلہ ہے جو معاشی، جسمانی اور سماجی پریشانیوں کو جنم دیتا ہے۔

Section "C" (40%)

Q.6: Read the following passage and fill in the blanks from the options provided in the box.
(Abide, Laws, Family, Suffering, Lives) (5 Marks)
Helmet laws are constituted to save the lives of motorbike riders. Those who abide by the laws, not only save their own lives but also protect their family from unnecessary harm and suffering. Although this is challenging to wear it, but for the purpose of protection, it is so important.

Q.7: Write an essay of any one of the following: (10 Marks)
  1. Importance of health education

  2. Problem of Karachi
    Click Here To View Essay

  3. Energy Crisis in Pakistan
    Click Here To View Essay

Q.8: Write a letter to your cousin inviting him / her to spend summer vacation with you . (10 Marks)

Write a letter to the editor of newspaper, complaining about the shortage of playground in your area.

Q.9: Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
Educating boys and girls together has always been an important and stressful issue. Many parents believe that the educational process can be more effective if the classes are divided according to the gender of the students. Although same-gender schools are considered too conservative and strict in today’s times. Nevertheless, there are still supporters of this manner of education. Some parents are not in favor of a co-educational system as they feel that the presence of the opposite gender distracts the attention of students and prevents them from concentrating on studies.
On the other hand, supporters of co-education feel that as boys and girls are different, it is a valuable experience for both genders to communicate with each other. Moreover, the earlier boys and girls begin to communicate, the sooner they acquire social skills, which are crucial to communicating freely in the world. Further, if there are girls in the class, boys may well possibly try to behave better in order not to lose face in front of the girls.
(i) According to the writer, why are some parents not in favor of the co-education system? (3)
Ans: Some parents are not in favor of a co-educational system as they feel that the presence of the opposite gender distracts the attention of students and prevents them from concentrating on studies.

(ii) According to the writer, why are socializing skills important? (3)
Ans: Socializing skills are important to communicate freely in the world.

(iii) Find a word from the above passage that means: (4)
Ans: Meanings Of Words (Synonyms)
a. Traditional - conservative
b. paying attention - concentrating
c. vital - important / crucial
d. Unfairness - issue

(iv) Write the summary of the above passage. (5)
Educating boys and girls together is an important and stressful issue. Some parents are not in favor of a co-educational system as they feel that the opposite gender prevents them from concentrating on studies, while others agree that it is a valuable experience for both genders to communicate with each other.

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