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Saturday 26 September 2020

Physics - Class X - Chapter No.2 - Fill In The Blanks and MCQs

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Fill In The Blanks and MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The fundamental unit of mass in S.1. system is:______.
(a) kilogram
(b) meter
(c) gram
(d) newton

2. 10-6 second is called a:______.
(a) nanosecond
(b) macro second
(c) microsecond
(d) millisecond

3. One kilogram is equal to:______.
(a) 100g
(b) l0g
(c) 1000g
(d) 10,000g

4. The significant figures the number 28,000 has, is/are:______.
(a) one
(b) two
(c) three
(d) four

5. The least count of a micrometer screw gauge is:________.
(a) 1mm
(b) 0.1mm
(c) 0.01mm
(d) 0.001mm

6. 109 shows:______.
(a) mega
(b) giga
(c) kilo
(d) peta

7. The unit of surface area of a sphere is:_______.
(a) m
(b) m2
(c) m3
(d) m4

8. 2.25cm =:_____.
(a) 22.5 mm
(b) 225 mm
(c) 0225 mm
(d) 2250 mm

9. The unit of force is:_____.
(a) kilogram
(b) newton
(c) coulomb
(d) pascal

10. The significant numbers 0.002 has, is/are:_____.
(a) one
(b) three
(c) two
(d) four

11. One meter is equal to:_____.
(a) 104mm
(b) 103mm
(c) 102mm
(d) 106mm

12. 10-9 second is called a:______.
(a) decisecond
(b) millisecond
(c) micro second
(d) nanosecond

13. The fundamental unit of length in S.I. system is:______.
(a) kilogram
(b) meter
(c) yard
(d) foot

14. The standard meter is made of this and is placed at the International Bureau of weights and Measures near Paris:_____.
(a) platinum and copper
(b) iron and copper
(c) iron and iridium
(d) platinum and iridium

15. 2.5 km+ 25 m is equal to:______.
(a) 27.5 km
(b) 27.5 m
(c) 2525 m
(d) 2525 km

16. The S.I unit of acceleration is: _____.
(a) gm/s2
(b) km/s2
(c) m/s2
(d) lm/hr

17. the least count of a micrometer screw gauge is:____.
(a) 1mm
(b) 0.1mm
(c) 0.001mm
(d) 0.01mm

18. Vernier calliper can measured length up to:_______.
(a) 1 mm
(b) 0.1 mm
(c) 0.01 mm
(d) 10 mm

19. A body has mass 5000 gm its mass in kg is: _______.
(a) 0.5 kg
(b) 5 kg
(c) 50 kg
(d) 1000 kg

20. 10 power of 9 show:_____.
(a) kilo
(b) giga
(c) mega
(d) peta

21. If two quantities are directly proportional to each other the graph b/w them will be a :_____.
(a) Circle
(b) Straight line
(c) Curve
(d) Line

22. Length, mass and time are considered to be:______ quantity.
(a) Scalar
(b) Vector
(c) Fundamental
(d) None of them

23. Random error is also called:_____.
(a) Human error
(b) Accidental error
(c) Zero error
(d) Actual error

24. 2 hours = ______.
(a) 7200 sec
(b) 120 sec
(c) 60 sec
(d) 720 sec

25. A physical balance is a device used for measuring:____.
(a) Weight
(b) Mass
(c) Volume
(d) Destiny

26. 0.00786 has number of significant figure:_____.
(a) 5
(b) 4
(c) 3
(d) 6

Fill In The Blanks:

1. In everyday life measurement or measuring device plays an important role.
2. Almighty Allah has created everything in this world with the best estimation.
3. Physical units that are derived from fundamental unit are called derived units.
4. Kilogram is a unit of mass in S.I. system.
5. If you wish to measure length with accuracy greater than 0.01 cm you would use a screw gauge.
6. The zero error of a measuring instrument can be positive or negative.
7. One meter is equal to 103 mm.
8. 10-9 second is called a nanosecond.
9. The fundamental unit of length in SI system is meter.
10. The standard meter is made of platinum and iridium and is placed at the international Bureau of Weights and Measures in Severe, near Paris.

Pick Out true and False:

1. The fundamental unit of time in S.I. system us minute. False
2. The S.I. unit of acceleration is meter per second per second. True
3. 1 nanosecond = 10-8 second. False
4. Hundredth of a cm can be measured correctly with a micrometer screw gauge. False
5. A physical balance is a device used for measuring weight. True
6. The fundamental unit of length in S.I System is centimetre. False

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