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Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - UNIT. 1 - Fundamentals of Computer - Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise


Chapter No.1 - Fundamentals of Computer
Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise

Respond the following:
1. Discuss the use of computer in any two fields of life.
Ans: Use Of Computer In Different Fields Of life
  • Role of computers in education has been given a lot of importance in the recent years. Computer technology eases the process of learning. 
  • Many programs are available for students to learn the subjects of Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, etc.
  • Multimedia software makes the process of learning interactive and interesting. It combines text, graphics, sound and video for effective learning.
  •  Internet has enormous information on a wide variety of subjects. Students can refer to Internet to find information on any topic.
  • Nowadays computers with multimedia projectors are being used in classrooms for effective teaching.
  • All the activities related to examinations are also being controlled using computers. Therefore, computer plays an important role in education.
  • Today, computer education is a part of curricula from elementary to university level.

Computers are also providing variety of choices for entertainment like:
  • (a) Games:
    online games in which players from different parts of the world can participate simultaneously.
  • (b) Movies:
    3D graphical software has given a new look to movies in which different comic characters can act with human actors in cartoon movies.
    Animated films bring a big change in movies industries.
    Photo, sound and video editor software not only help artists and singers to produce extraordinary creations but also inexperienced people can enjoy their productivity with ease of use.
  • (c) Music:
    Different software are developed to compose and listen music e.g Media player .
  • (d) Drawings and Paintings:
    Paint Brush (R.I.P in 2017), Photoshop and other graphic software are used in making drawings and paintings.

  • (a) Hospitals:
    Computers help in keeping records of all the patients in a hospital.
    Computers help doctors in controlling operation theatre machines.
    Computers help in doing a number of medical tests.
  • (b) Medicine:
    Computer technology is radically changing the tools of medicine.
    All medical information can now be digitized. Software is now able to computer the risk of a disease.

  • Controlling UAV or unmanned air-crafts an example is Predator.
  • They are also used on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs) that use GPS and Computers to help the missile get to the target.
  • Computers are used to track incoming missiles and help slew weapons systems onto the incoming target to destroy them.
  • Computers are used in helping the military find out where all their assets are (Situational Awareness) and in Communications / Battle Management Systems.
  • Computers are used in the logistic and ordering functions of getting equipment to and around the battlefield.
  • Computers are used in tanks and planes and ships to target enemy forces, help run the platform and more recently to help diagnose any problems with the platforms


  • Computers are used in all types of businesses, to improve productivity. They help in running business activities efficiently.
  • They are used to prepare business documents, reports, charts, presentations, invoices, etc.
  • They help in staying in contact with employees and customers.
Important business areas where computers are used:
The following are some important business areas where computers are used
  1. Banking:
    Computer technology has revolutionized the banking business.Deposits and withdrawals are instantly logged into a customer's account.
    Accurate monthly bank statements are generated with the help of computer. Computer networks allow amount of bill to be transferred from customer's bank account to the store.
  2.  Automated Teller Machine (ATM):
    People can obtain cash any time anywhere through Automated Teller Machine (ATM).
  3. Bar code readers:
    Computers are used in retail stores.
    Bar code readers are linked to computer system that are used to read the bar code printed on each product sold to prepare the bill.
    With the use of computers at retail stores, the checkout process is faster and the bill produced is accurate.
  4. Electronic commerce/E-Commerce:
    Electronic commerce, also known as. e-commerce allows to sell products and services by means of computer networks such as Internet.
  5. Managerial Task:
    Computers are very helpful in running many other types of businesses that include hotel, hospital, school. travel agency, real estate, stock exchange. etc.

6. Media:

  • Computers have lot of applications in print and electronic media.c Print media refers to mass communication through printed material.
  • Computer technology helps in preparation and production of newspapers, magazines. booklets and brochures, flyers, press releases and books.
  • Electronic media refers to broadcast media that includes radio broadcast, cable and satellite television broadcast and the new-age media like Internet and mobile devices.

7. Manufacturing Industry:

  • Now a days, computer technology is widely used in manufacturing industry.
  • It has improved the accuracy, quality and speed of manufacturing.
  • Computers are used for product design and automation of manufacturing process in factories. This is known as Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
  • Computer-Aided Design (CAD): CAD involves the use of computer hardware and graphics software to create product designs.
  • Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM): CAM involves the use of computer in planning and management of production operation. It helps in automatically producing finished products.
  • CAD/CAM technology has been applied in many industries, including automobile. electronics. machine components. textiles, fashion, etc.


1. Discuss the use of computer in any two fields of life.(By Sir Atif Ali Minhas)
Ans: Computers are now used vastly in every field of life. The advancement in computer caused advancement in knowledge, science and technology. Today, computers are used in fields of business, industry, education, banking, transportation, research, explorations, media, entertainment, etc.

Use of Computers in Education:
Computer technology has had a deep impact on the education .Because of computers, education has become easier and much more interesting than before.
The main uses of computer in education are as follows:
  • Computer teaching plays a key role in the modem education system. Students find it easier to refer to the Internet than searching for information in fat books. The process of learning has gone beyond learning from prescribed textbooks. Internet is a much larger and easier-to-access storehouse of information.
  • When it comes to storing retrieved information, it is easier done on computers than maintaining hand-written notes.
  • Computer technology has made the dream of distance learning, a reality. Education is no longer limited to classrooms. It has reached far and wide.
  • Computers facilitate effective presentation of information. Computers facilitate audio-visual representation of information, thus making the process of learning interactive and interesting. Computer-aided teaching adds a fun element to education.
  • The Internet can be used to refer to information on different subjects. Both teachers and students benefit from the Internet.
  • Teachers can refer to it for additional information and references on the topics to be taught.
  • Computers enable storage of data in the electronic format, thereby saving paper. Memory capacities of computer storage devices enable them to store huge chunks of data.

Use of Computers in Medical Sector:
  • Computers are the excellent means for storage of patient related data. Big hospitals employ computer systems to maintain patient records. It is often necessary to maintain detailed records of the medical history of patients. Doctors often require the information about a patient's family history, physical ailments, already diagnosed diseases and prescribed medicines.
  • Medical journals, research and diagnosis papers, important medical documents and reference books can best be stored in an electronic format.
  • Many of the modern-day medical equipment have small, programmed computers. Many of the medical appliances of today work on pre-programmed instructions. The circuitry and logic in most of the medical equipment is basically a computer.
  • Computer software is used for diagnosis of diseases. It can be used for the examination of Internal organs of the body. Advanced computer-based systems are used to examine delicate organs of the body. Some of the complex surgeries can be performed with the aid of computers. The different types of monitoring equipment in hospitals are often based on computer programming.
  • Medical imaging is a vast field that deals with the techniques to create images of the human body for medical purposes. Many of the modem methods of scanning and imaging are largely based on the computer technology. Magnetic resonance imaging and tomography employs computer software.
  • In the field of medicine, computers, allow for faster communication between a patient and a doctor. Doctors can collaborate better over the Internet. Today, it is possible to obtain experts' opinions within seconds by means of the Internet.
  • Medical practitioners can discuss medical issues in medical forums. They can exchange images and messages in seconds and derive conclusions speedily. They can seek advice and share knowledge in a convenient manner over the Internet. The importance of computers cannot be stressed enough as computer technology has revolutionized the field of medicine.

2. Differentiate Compiler and Assembler.
Ans: Compiler and Assembler are language translator which are used to make a program executable. Both have different methods to translate the code into machine level.
Difference between Compiler and Assembler
1. Translate high level code into a machine language Translate low level code into a machine code
2. Translate the whole code into machine at the same time It checks each instruction and converts into machine code
3. There are seven phases for translation. There are only two phases for machine code
4. The translation is according to version of machine The output is in Binary (0, 1) format
5. It is easy in debugging It is difficult in debugging

3. Differentiate System and Application software.
Ans: Computer software is divided into categories which are System software, and Application Software.
Difference between System software and Application software
S.NoSystem softwareApplication software
1. It is designed to communicate with hardware and Application software. It is designed to communicate with user and his requirements..
2. System software starts running when the system turns on, and runs until the system is not turn off. Application software runs only on the request of the user.
3. System cannot run, without System software. System can run, without Application software.
4. The system software is for general use. The application software is used for specific purpose.
5. Example are Windows, Linux, Android etc.  Examples are Microsoft Office, Photoshop, Paint etc.

4. Describe artificial intelligence with examples.
Ans: Artificial Intelligence (A.I.):
  • The term Artificial Intelligence comprises of two words ‘Artificial’ and ‘Intelligence’, where, Artificial means ‘copy of  something natural’ and ‘Intelligence’ means ‘able to think.’ So, Artificial Intelligence can be defined as 'a copy of a human brain with thinking ability.'
  • The term A.I. may also be referred to any machine that displays qualities associated with a human brain such as learning, reasoning and problem solving.
  • According to John McCarthy, who is known as the father of AI, 
    “AI is the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially computer programs.”
  • A.I is based on simulating human intelligence in machines that can easily mimic and execute tasks from simple to more complex operations.
    AI is found everywhere in the modern world. Some example of AI are:
    • Electronic Mail:
      Electronic Mail is also called Email. There are lot of services of Emails, such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Live etc. These mails systems have AI, to identify the SPAM emails and messages. The AI system protects your Email from viruses and fraud.

    • Web Browsers: 
      Web browsers mean Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and other related programs which provides you safe surfing the Internet. These programs have AI system to protect you from harmful websites and other Internet services.

    • GPS Application:
      GPS (Global Positioning System) applications are useful to find the best route for travelling. GPS applications are also based on AI system to monitor traffic in real time, accidents information, and about busy road.

    • A.I. is also used for Machine Learning. It learns from our daily routines and suggests us different options. Like google maps suggest the best ways for our daily commute.
    • A.I. is vastly used in scientific experiment, healthcare and space technologies.

    5. Discuss Impact and Non-Impact Printers with examples.
    Ans: The printers are commonly used now a days to make a hard copy or permanent copy of any soft copy or output.
    The printers are based on two types which are:
    • Impact printer and
    • Non-Impact printer.

    Impact Printers:
    Impact Printers are old printers which directly hit the ink of ribbon on paper. The hitting of ink ribbon on the paper cause noise. But these printers are still popular due to low cast print. It works slow as compare to non-impact printer.
    Example of Impact printer are dot matrix, daisy wheel and line printers.

    Non-Impact Printer:
    Non-Impact Printer are latest model of printer which are based on laser or inkjet technology. These printers don’t use any direct hitting part on paper and moving part, therefore, these are less noisy.
    Example of Non-Impact Printers are Inkjet printer and Laser printers.

    6. Write the use of these storage devices: Hard Disk, USB Flash Disk, SD Card.
    Ans: The storage devices are important hardware in computer science. The storage devices are used to store data permanently for later use. Each storage device has a different purpose to use.
    Some important storage devices and their use:

    Hard Disk:
    Hard disk drive (HDD) is main storage device to store data permanently. The HDD stores all data and information of the user and the system. The operating systems and programs are stored on it for the system, while file, data, and information are stored for the user.

    USB Flash Disk:
    USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is also used for permanently storage. The permanently storage mean data or information doesn’t not lose on power off on the hardware. The main purpose of USB is to take your data from one place to another which is called portable. You can copy your data on the USB and take it anywhere.

    SD Card:
    SD stand for Secure Digital. It has the same usage like USB, but the main purpose of SD Card is to use your data into mobile phone. You can copy your multimedia files, office files, and other files to use in mobile phone. You can also port your data using SD Card.

    7. Which monitor will you prefer in your school; CRT or FPD? Why?
    Ans: Monitors are used to display output (soft copy) from the computer. The preference of monitors is based on price, screen color, electric usage, weight and size, and latest technology.
    Comparison between CRT and FPD Monitor.

    TopicCRT MonitorFPD monitor
    Stands for CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube./td> FPD stands for Flat Panel Display.
    Price Low price. High price.
    Screen Color It has not good color, which can cause pain for eyes.  Nice HD color, and comfortable for eye against CRT.
    Electric Usage It consumes more power, so the low-price loss the advantage./td> It consumes low power, so high price got advantage.
    Weight and Size It has more weight and size against FDP It has less weight and size against CRT.
    Latest Technology It has old technology It has latest technology.

    (Note: FDP or FPD Monitors are same which means Flat Panel display)
    The above comparison shows that FDP monitors are preferable against CRT. So, I will prefer FPD monitor for my school.

    8. List any five components present on motherboard.
    Ans: Components Of Motherboard:
    It includes the following general components:
    1. Microprocessor (CPU)
    2. Slots (PCI slot)
    3. Ports (VGA port, USB port, LAN port, Audio in port, Audio out port.)
    4. Buses
    5. RAM and ROM 
    6. Other electronic components for example resistors, capacitors, diodes, transistors, jumpers etc.

    9. Prepare a table of generations.
    Ans: Computer Generation Table
    GenerationPeriodTechnologyExample of
    (Major Inventions)
    First1940-1956Vacuum tubesENIAC, UNIVAC
    Second1956-1963TransistorsIBM 7094 and IBM 1401
    Third1964-1971ICsIBM 360 and IBM 370
    Fourth1971 to PresentMicroprocessorsApple Macintosh, IBM PC.
    FifthPresent and BeyondArtificial Intelligence Technology.Humanoid Robot

    10. Give examples of business, education, entertainment and productivity software.
    S.No. Business Education Entertainment Productivity
    (i) Billing Tutorial Software Reference software like dictionaries, thesauruses, encyclopedias. Ms-Office
    (ii) Data Base Management Tutorial software e.g Typing tutorial Media Player Oracle
    (iii) Inventory Management Web Browsers Video games  Adobe

    C. Match the columns:
    S.No. A S.No. B C
    (i) ALU(a) Period of manually operated machines(i), (d)
    (ii) Input Devices (b) PC(ii), (g)
    (iii) Secondary Storage Devices(c) Process information using binary number system(iii), (f)
    (iv) Productivity Software(d) Perform arithmetic and logical operations(iv), (e)
    (v) Mechanical Era(e) Helps to produce spreadsheets, database etc(v), (a)
    (vi) Digital Computers(f) Large storage capacity, store data permanently(vi), (c)
    (vii) Microcomputer(g) Hardware device that sends data into a computer(vii), (b)


    1. Develop a timeline for major innovations in computer evolution.
    Ans: Timeline for major innovations in computer evolution:

    2. Prepare a list of input and output devices and write their uses (functions).
    1. Key Board:
    • It is the most common text entering device.
    • It is used to enter data usually in text format or to perform other controlling functions.

    2. Mouse and Track ball:
    • They are input pointing devices. They are used for the quick movement of cursor on screen needed usually in graphic mode.

    3. Touch pad Or Track pad:
    • It is an input pointing device and usually found in laptops as a substitute for the mouse. It allows you to move or control the cursor on the screen using your finger.

    4. Image Scanners:
    • Scanners are input devices which convert image into electronic format understandable by computers through light sensing.
      Scanner converts graphics and pictorial data to digital (binary) form which can be directly stored in computers.

    5. Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
    • Optical Recognition are also a type of image scanner and input device.
    • It occurs when a device scans a clear printed surface and translates the image into machine-readable formats that a computer understands.
      OCR computer input device is designed to convert the scanned images of handwritten, typed or printed text into digital text.

    6. Microphones:
    • Microphones are used to accept sound input and convert it in digital audio format.
    • Microphones are also used for voice recognition which can convert voice input into text files.

    7. Touch Screen:
    • It is also used for input purpose.
    • It is the display screen of a device such as a smartphone, tablet, etc., that allows users to interact or provide inputs to the device by using their finger or any object on the screen.

    8. Magnetic Ink:
    • Character Recognition (MICR) and Magnetic Strip Reader are also used for input purpose.
    • MICR computer input device is designed to read the text printed with magnetic ink.

    9. Digital Camera:
    • It is an input digital device as it captures images and records videos digitally and then stores them on a memory card.

    10. Webcam:
    • Any camera which is connected to a computer is called a webcam.
    • It is an input device as it can take pictures, and can be used to record videos if required.
    • The pictures and videos are stored in the computer memory and can be displayed on the screen if required.

    11. Bio-metric Devices:
    • Bio metrics refers to a process in which a person is identified through his or her biological features such as fingerprints, eye cornea, face structure, etc.
    • It is done by using bio-metric devices, which can be of different types based on their scanning features and abilities, such as:
      i) Face Scanner
      ii) Hand Scanner
      iii) Fingerprint Scanner
       iv) Retina or Iris Scanner
      v) Voice Scanner.

    1. Monitors:
    • It is a soft copy output devices.
    • It is TV like device that displays data by small bright dots called pixels.

    2. Data Projectors:
    • Data projectors are soft copy output devices.
    • They are used to show colorful slides and images directly from computer disk on a wall or large screen through an optical lens.
    • They are also called digital light projectors and video projectors.

    3. Speakers:
    • Speakers are soft copy output devices.
    • Speakers give output in form of sound. They are good for people with visual disabilities or where display is not easy.

    4. Printers:
    • Printers are hard copy output devices.
    • They usually give output on paper and can print both text and graphics.

    5. Plotters:
    • Plotter are hard copy output devices.
    • Like printer it gives images on paper but typically used to print large format images such as maps, construction drawing, advertising hoardings etc.

    3. Make a list of specifications that you should know before buying a computer.
    Ans: Following are the basic requirement which we should know before buying a computer.
    1. Budget
    2. Buying Desktop or Laptop
    3. Processor
    4. RAM (computer memory) 1 GB- 4 GB according to Operating system i.e. 32 bits or 64 bits
    5. Hard Drive and SSD
    6.Graphics or resolution and Screen size
    7. Computer software or operating system i.e Windows 10 or Vista , Unix, MAC etc
    8. Anti virus software
    9. Internet connecting facilities Modem, wifi etc
    10. Sound card

    4. List analog, digital and hybrid devices from your surroundings (any five).
    Ans: Analog Devices are:
    1. Speedometer of a car
    2. Voltmeter
    3. Mechanical watches (Hand wrist watch)
    4. Thermometer
    5. Analog Multimeter
    6. Slide Rule
    7. Tide Predictors
    8. Operational Amplifiers
    9. Old Television
    10. Telephone lines

    Digital Devices are:
    1. Digital watch and clocks
    2. Digital camera
    3. Calculator
    4. Digital computer or Personal Computers (Desktops and Laptops)
    5. Smartphones, and Tablets
    6. Digital Weighing Machine
    7. Accounting machines
    8. ATM (Automated Teller Machine).

    Hybrid Devices are:
    1. Auto Gasoline Pump Station
    2. Petrol Pumps
    3. Electrocardiogram Machine
    4. Ultrasound Machine
    5. Monitoring Machine
    6. CT Scan Machine
    7. Routers (Network device)
    8. Radar System

    5. Label the following block diagram of computer system.
    Ans: block diagram of computer system

    Short Questions Answers

    Q.1: Define Computer?
    Ans: COMPUTER:
    A computer is an electronic data processing machine or device that performs processes, calculations and operations based on instructions provided by a program.
    Uses OR Advantages Of Computer:
    Computers are now used vastly in every field of life.
    The advancement in computer caused advancement in knowledge, science and technology.
    Today, computers are used in fields of business, industry, education, banking, transportation, research, explorations, media, entertainment , etc.

    Q.2: How many eras of evolution of computers are there? Name them. OR Highlight various stages in evolution in computers?
    Ans: Evolution Of Computer Era Or Ages Of Computer OR History Of Computer:
    The computers which we see today are modern shape of computers which have been evolved since centuries. The evolution of computers means computer developed from simple mechanical device to digital and modern electronic computer . The evolution of computer is generally divided in following three eras.
    1. Mechanical Era (Dark Age)
      Example: Abacus, Napier's Bone, Slide rule, Pascal Calculator, Leibniz's Calculator and Babbage's Difference and Analytical Engine.
    2. Electro-Mechanical Era (Middle Age)
      Example: Herman Hollerith's Tabulating Machine, Mark 1

    3. Electronic Era (Modern Age)
      Electronic era is divided into five generation.
      Example: ENIAC (1st Generation), IBM 7094 and 1401(2nd Generation), IBM 360 and 370 (3rd Generation), Apple Machintos , IBM and PC (4th generation), Laptop, Humanoid robot (5th Generation) etc.

    Q.3: Describe dark age of evolution of computer with invention and inventors?
    Ans: Mechanical Era Or Dark Age:
    Men have been trying to invent machines that can solve mathematical problems.
    In dark age or mechanical era, human became successful to make simple machines that could help performing simple arithmetic operation, in other words computing.
    These machines were manually operated since the electricity was not invented.
    Some of the important invention and inventors of this era are:

    (a) AbacusChina (3000 B.C.)5000 years ago
    • It is also known as counting frame.
    • Abacus is considered as first computer prototype.
    • It is used to teach basic arithmetic operations to the students. 
    (b) Napier's BonesScottish mathematician John Napier1612 A.D.
    • It is also called Napier's Rods.
    • It was a small machine that contained ten rods. 
    • The rods were made up of bones, wood or metal.
    • Napier's Bones was used for multiplication and division.
    (c) Slide RuleThirdEnglish mathematician William Oughtred 1622 A.D
    • It is based on the emerging work on logarithms by John Napier.
    • This was basically a pair of two moveable rules placed side by side.
    • They had a standardized set of markings called scales.
    • These scales were used for mathematical computations.
    • Slide Rule was used to multiply and divide numbers.
    • The modern slide rules are still used in some countries.
    (d) Pascaline or Pascal's CalculatorFrench mathematician Blaise Pascal1642 A.D.
    • This mechanical calculator which was called Pascaline.
    • Pascaline can perform addition and subtraction by eight figures.
    • User had to adjust wheels in order to perform these calculations.
    (e) Leibniz's CalculatorGerman mathematician Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz1694 A.D
    • It was also called stepped reckoner.
    • It was the first calculator that could perform all four basic arithmetic operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    (f) Difference and Analytical EnginesEnglish mathematician and mechanical engineer
    Charles Babbage 
    1822 and 1837 A.D. DIFFERENCE ENGINE:
    • It was an automatic mechanical calculator.
    • It was a large machine, made of metal and was powered by steam.
    • It had storage (mechanical memory) that could hold the data temporarily for processing and to store results.
    • It was based on predefined formulas and consist of three basic parts: Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), Memory Unit (MU), Control Unit (CU)
    • It was used to allow a user to enter calculations and get printed results.
    • It worked on difference equations.

    • The proposed design included an ALU with basic programmatic flow control.
    • It was programmed using punched cards and contained integrated memory.
    • Historians consider it to be the first design concept of a general-purpose, automatic mechanical computer because of its comprehensive design.
    • The machine was designed to consist of four components: The mill (calculating Unit), The store, The reader, The Printer

    Q.4: Why Charles Babbage is called the father of computer (modern digital computer)? OR Describe the contribution of Charles Babbage in the development of computer?
    Ans: Charles Babbage - Father of Computer:
    Charles Babbage was an English mathematician and mechanical engineer, the most deserving name in the history and development of computer. He is known as Father of Computer because he developed the first complete computing machine ( a true computer).
    In 1786, J.H. Muller proposed a calculating machine called a difference engine. The idea of the difference engine was conceived by Charles Babbage in 1812.
    Difference engine was his first invention, but after 19 years of labour, he stopped working on difference engine.
    Difference engine was an automatic mechanical calculator.
    Difference engine was a large machine, made of metal and was powered by steam.
    The Difference Engine had storage (mechanical memory) that could hold the data temporarily for processing and to store results.
    iv) It was based on pre-defined formulas and consist of three basic parts:
    a) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) b) Memory Unit (MU) c) Control Unit (CU) It was used to allow a user to enter calculations and get printed results. The Difference Engine worked on differential equations as a = a2

    Charles Babbage designed but could not build a very big machine in 1837. This was named Babbage Analytical Engine.
    The proposed design included an ALU with basic programmatic flow control.
    It was programmed using punched cards and contained integrated memory.
    Historians consider it to be the first design concept of a general-purpose, automatic mechanical computer because of its comprehensive design.
    The machine was designed to consist of following five components:
    a) The mill (calculating Unit): This was the processing unit that had to perform all the arithmetic operations automatically by rotation of gears and wheels.
    b) The store: to store the numbers fed to the machine and the numbers generated during processing.
    c) Control Unit: had to control all the other units. Moreover it had to transfer the numbers and instructions from store to the mill and vice versa through the rotation of gears and wheels.
    d) Input: had to enter data and instructions into store. The input media had to be in the form of punched cards.
    e) Output: had to display the results of calculations.

    Babbage Analytic Engine could not be completed due to the under developed technology of that time. But he laid down the foundation stone for the development of modern computer. So he is called the father of modern digital computer.

    Q.5: Write down differences between:
    (a) First Generation and Second Generation
    (b) Third Generation and Fourth Generation

    (c) Analog Computer and Digital Computer
    (a) Difference Between First Generation and Second Generation

    First GenerationSecond Generation
     Vacuum tubes were used as internal component. Transistors were used as internal component.
     The size of computer were very huge called mainframes. The size of computer is smaller than the first generation.
     They were low speed computer. They were 10 times faster than first generation computer.
     Main memory was in the form of magnetic drum. Main memory was in the form of magnetic core (RAM and ROM).
     Punched card was used as external storage. Magnetic tape and magnetic disk were used as external storage.
     Machine language was used.  Assembly language was used.

    (b) Difference Between Third Generation and Fourth Generation

    Third GenerationFourth Generation
     They used integrated circuits (ICs). They used microprocessor.
     They were small is size and called as mini computer. They were very small is size and called as micro computer.
     They could perform calculation in nanoseconds. They could perform millions of calculations per second.
     Main memory was increased in the form of PROM and DRAM. Main memory was increased in the form of EPROM and SRAM.
     Magnetic disk were developed and Floppy disk were used. Floppy disk were developed and hard disk were used.
     High level language was used. 4GL were used which is much easier high language.

    (c) Analog Computer and Digital Computer 

    CategoryAnalog ComputerDigital Computer
    Data represent1. Analog computers represent data continuously. 1. Digital computers represent data directly, as 0s and 1s.
    Signal Types2. Continuously varying electro-magnetic wave (continuous form).2. Sequence of voltage pulses over time (discrete form).
    3. Analog computer measure quantities in  continuous form.3. Digital computer process data in discrete form).
    Transmission4. Means of transmission of analog signals without regard to their content.4. Concerned with content of signal.
    5. Collection of data at very high speed.5. Speed is less than Analog computers.
    6. They have low accuracy in general.6. They are characterized by high accuracy.
    Data Types
    7. Analog computer are commonly used for measurement of different physical quantities, scientific and engineering problems. chemical industries, electric power plants and petroleum refineries.7. Digital Computers are used in home, educational institutes, offices, business, scientific fields, etc.
    Examples8. Speedometer of a car, Voltmeter, Mechanical watches, Thermometer, Analog multimeter etc. 8. Digital watch, calculator, digital computer etc.

    Q.6: Define types of computer?
    Ans: Types Of Computers
    There are three types of  computers, such as:
    1. Analog Computers
    2. Digital Computers
    3. Hybrid Computers

    (a) Analog Computers
    • Analog Computers are used to process analog data.
    • Analog data are in the form of continuously varying physical quantities like pressure, temperature, voltage, speed and weight.
    Uses: Analog computer are commonly used for scientific and engineering problems, chemical industries, electric power plants and petroleum refineries.
    Examples of Analog computer: are Speedometer of a car, Voltmeter, Mechanical watches, Thermometer, Analog Multimeteretc.

    (b) Digital Computers
    • Digital Computers are most commonly used type of computers.
    • Digital computers are specialize in counting.
    • They are used to process information with quantities using the binary number system (0's and 1's).
    • Digital computer has memory to store and solve problems.
    • Digital computer is to handled alphabetic and alphanumeric data with precision and speed.
    Uses: Digital Computers are used in home, educational institutes, offices, business, scientific fields, etc.
    Examples: Digital watch, calculator, digital computer etc.

    (c) Hybrid Computers
    • Hybrid Computers are the combination of Analog and Digital Computer system.
    • These computers combine analog and digital features of computers in a single machine.
    • A Hybrid Computer uses analog to digital and digital to analog conversion. It may input or output either digital or analog data.
    Examples: Auto Gas Station, Ultrasound machine, Radar System etc.

    Q.7: Draw a computer classification table according to capacity.
    Ans: Computer Classification Table According To Capacity
    Mainframe Mini
    Extremely highVery highHighModerate to low
    SizeVery largeModerately largeMediumSmall to handy
    ApplicationsScientific Research and developmentBusiness, Academic learningBusiness , Academic learningBusiness, Scientific, Research and Development, Academic learning
    UseSimulation of highly complex systemsCentralized computingCentralized computingGeneral to specialized for variety of use and needs
    UsersFederal agencies and Research organizationsBusiness, UniversityBusiness, UniversityProfessionals in Business, Scientific and Academic fields

    (* Micro Computers: desktop, personal computers, portables, notebooks, hand held computers, and palmtops.)

    Q.8: Write the names of three major units of computer system?
    Ans: Generally the computer system consists of following three major units:
    • System units
    • Input Units
    • Output Units

    Q.9: Define Bus. How many types of buses? Or What are buses in computer? Define the type of buses?
    Ans: Buses:
    • In Computer, Bus is a set of wires through which data can transmit from one part of a computer to another.
    • Or we can define as buses are the electric paths on which data is sent and received by different components.
    • They are just like roads. As roads connect different places, buses connect all the parts of the computer to each other.
    • They also connect all internal components on the motherboard with the CPU and main memory.
    Types Of Buses:
    There are three types of buses:
    1. Control bus
    2. Data bus and
    3. Address bus

    1. Control Bus:
    • Control bus is a physical connection that carries command between different components to control all activities in a computer.
    • The bus carries signals that report of status of various devices.
    • e,g. one line of the bus is used to indicate whether CPU is currently reading from or Writing to main memory.

    2. Data Bus:
    • Data bus carries data between the processor, memory unit and other components.
    • The speed of data travelling between components depends upon the number of wires in the bus.

    3. Address Bus:
    • Address bus carries the address of the data (but not the data). The address bus is used to specify memory location to be used by microprocessor for specific operation.
    • Address bus is used to specify a physical address.
    • e.g.  A system with a 32-bit address can address 232 memory locations

    Q.10: Define ALU and CU with their major functions.
    Directs the entire computer system and works like a traffic cop, directing the flow of data between the components of CPU and other devices.

    1. Control Unit directs the entire computer system to carry out stored program instructions.
    2. Extract instruction from RAM, decodes and executes them.
    3. Interprets and carries out instructions of computer programs.
    4. Communicate with both the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) and main memory.
    5. Control unit generates control signals using one of the two organizations:
    • Hardwired Control Unit
    • Micro-programmed Control Unit
    6. Control Unit instructs the arithmetic logic unit that which logical or arithmetic operation is to be performed.
    7. Control Unit co-ordinates the activities of the other two units as well as all peripherals and secondary storage devices linked to the computer.

    ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logic Unit.
    ALU performs mathematical, logical, and decision making operations in a computer which includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and perform certain logical operation such as comparing two numbers to see one is greater than other or they are equal, in this way computer is able to make simple decisions. After the processed of data by the ALU, it is sent to the computer memory.
    In some computer processors, the ALU is divided into two distinct parts, the AU and the LU. The AU performs the arithmetic operations and the LU performs the logical operations.

    1. ALU performs mathematical operation like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
    2. It performs certain logical operation such as comparing two numbers to see one is greater than, less than or they are equal.
    3. ALU has simple decision making capabilities.

    Q.11: Write a note on Computer Registers?
    • Register is a temporary storage area known as programming model of 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits and 64 bits. Registers are visible as well as invisible on the microprocessor.
    • They are special storage areas built into microprocessor used to quickly accept, store, and transfer data and instructions that are being used immediately by the CPU.
    •  There are fourteen basic registers shared by ALU and CU.
    • Commonly used Registers are AC (Accumulator), DR (Data Register), AR (Address Register), PC (Program Counter), MDR (Memory Data Register), IR (Index Register) and MBR (Memory Buffer Register).

    1. It has very fast small amount of memory that is built into the CPU.
    2. Registers are used to store data temporarily during the execution of a program.
    3. The register can contain the address of a memory location where data is stored.
    4. Contents can be accessed at extremely high speeds.
    5. There are fourteen registers in a microprocessor, while each of new microprocessor has few more registers for special reasons.

    Q.12: Define Keyboard? What are its different types. Name them?
    Ans: KEYBOARD:
    The keyboard is a basic input and text entering device that is used to enter data into a computer or any other electronic device by pressing keys. It has different sets of keys for letters, numbers, characters, and functions. Keyboards are connected to a computer through USB or a Bluetooth device for wireless communication.

    Types Of Keyboard:
    There can be different types of keyboards based on the region and language used. Most common types are as follows:
    1. QWERTY Keyboard:
    2. AZERTY Keyboard:
    3. DVORAK Keyboard:

    Q.13: Define Monitors and its type?
    Ans: Monitors:
    The monitor is the main output device. It is the display unit or screen of the computer like a TV device that displays data by small bright dots called pixels.
    It displays the processed data or information as text, images, audio or video.
    Monitors are of two types.
    1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
    2. Flat Panel Display (FDP)

    1. Cathode Ray Tube (CRT):
    CRT monitors are based on the cathode ray tubes.
    It is similar to old television. Due to its big size and low display quality, FPR have replaced the CRT monitors, the CRT monitors are still used by graphics professionals because of their color quality.

    2. Flat Panel Display (FPD):
    The FPD monitor is a flat panel screen that is compact, light-weight and has better display quality as compared to CRT monitors. It is based on liquid crystal display technology which is used in the screens of laptops, tablets, smart phones, etc.
    LCD, LED and Plasma monitors are examples of FPD.

    Q.14: Differentiate between:
    1. RAM and ROM
    2. Primary Memory and Secondary Memory
    3. Compiler and Interpreter
    4. Input Device and Output Device

    1. Difference Between RAM and ROM
    1. It is a Random-Access Memory. It is a Read Only Memory.
    2. Read and write operations can be performed. Only Read operation can be performed.
    3. Data can be lost in volatile memory when the power supply is disconnected. Data cannot be lost in non-volatile memory when the power supply is turned off.
    4. It is a faster and expensive memory. It is a slower and less expensive memory.
    5. Storage data requires to be refreshed in RAM. Storage data does not need to be refreshed in ROM.
    6. The size of the chip is bigger than the ROM chip to store the data. The size of the chip is smaller than the RAM chip to store the same amount of data.
    7. It is temporary memory. It is permanent memory.
    8. This is used to store data and instructions temporarily. It stores the major setting of computer permanently.
    9. Types of RAM: DRAM and SRAM Types of ROM: MROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM

    2. Difference Between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory
    S.No.Primary MemorySecondary Memory
    1. It is also known as temporary memory. It is also known as a permanent memory.
    2. Data can be access directly by the processor or CPU. Data cannot be accessed directly by the I/O processor or CPU.
    3. Stored data can be a volatile or non-volatile memory. The nature of secondary memory is always non-volatile.
    4. It is more costly than secondary memory. It is less costly than primary memory.
    5. It is a faster memory. It is a slower memory.
    6. It has limited storage capacity. It has a large storage capacity.
    7. It required the power to retain the data in primary memory. It does not require power to retain the data in secondary memory.
    8. Examples of primary memory are RAM, ROM, Registers, EPROM, PROM and cache memory. Examples of secondary memory are CD, DVD, HDD, magnetic tapes, flash disks, pen drive, etc.

    3. Difference Between Compiler  and Interpreter.
    1. Translate the whole program at once Translate one instruction at a time.
    2. It creates an object file for execution. Interpreter does not create an object file.
    3. Translation is not required for object program.. Translation is not required every time for execution.

    4. Difference Between Input Device and Output Device
    S.No.Input DeviceOutput Device
    1.The input device receives data or instructions from users.An output device displays or produce data (information) on the screen for users.
    2.It works for translating user-friendly instructions into a machine friendly.It works for translating the machine's instructions to user intelligible.
    3.An input device can be commanded by the user.Processor commands output device.
    4.It accepts data from the user as an input and forwards it to the processor for further processing.The output device takes the processed data from the processor and sending it back to the user.
    5.Its design is more complex.As compared to input devices, its design is less complex.
    6.There are various input devices available like Microphone, Joystick, Keyboard, Pointing device, Image Scanner, Graphics tablet, and more.There are several output devices available such as Speakers, Printers, Plotters, Projector, Monitor and more.

    Q.15: List out the names of different application software?
    Ans: Different types of application software are:
    1. Productivity Software
    2. Business Software
    3. Entertainment Software
    4. Educational software

    Q.16: List out the names of different system software?
    Ans: System software includes:
    1. operating systems
    2. device drivers
    3. utility programs and
    4. language translators.

    Q.17: Classify different hardware devices as per their functionality?
    Ans: Hardware devices can be classified into four distinct categories:
    1. Input devices: For raw data input.
    2. Processing devices: To process raw data instructions into information.
    3. Output devices: To disseminate data and information.
    4. Storage devices: For data and information retention.

    Q.18: Differentiate between Hard ware and Software?
    Ans: Difference Between Hardware and Software 
    1. Hardware refers to all physical components forming a computer. Software refers to the programs that instruct the computer what to do.
    2. Hardware executes the instruction. Software enables users to interact with the computer, its hardware.
    3. Hardware can be seen and touched as it is a physical, electronic device.. It can be seen but can not be touched as it is virtual, not physical..
    4. It is permanent. It is temporary.
    5. All hardware components may be connected mechanically, electrically and electronically with each other. They are designed by the manufacturers on the programmers to fulfill the requirements.
    6. Hardware includes:
    • Input devices
    • Output devices
    • CPU
    • Backing storage
    • Electronic Circuits
    • Resistors, Capacitors, ICs.
     Software is of two types:
    • System software
    • Application software
    7. It is manufactured in factories. It is developed by software programmers or software development companies.
    8. Computer viruses cannot affect hardware. Computer viruses can affect software.
    9. Hardware can be replaced with a new one if it is damaged. The software is reinstalled if it gets damaged.
    10. Through the network, hardware cannot be transferred electrically. Only, it can be physically transferred. The software can be transferred easily.
    11. Example: CPU, Computer Memory, Motherboard, Monitor, Mouse, Printer, Hard disk etc. Example: Windows, Visual Basic, Microsoft word, Microsoft Excel , Adobe, Google Chrome etc.


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    3. Please answer me what is computer network with example

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