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Thursday, 4 February 2021

Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - UNIT. 2 - Fundamentals of Operating System - MCQs, Fill In The Blanks And Abbreviations


Chapter No.2 - Fundamentals of Operating System
MCQs And Fill In The Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Choose the right answer:
1. The software which performs all basic tasks is:
a) antivirus
b) start menu
c) operating system ✓
d) office automation

2. A program that enables user to interact with computer is called:
a) my document
b) start menu
c) desktop
d) interface ✓

3. The process of checking computer, starting operating system and making it ready to work is referred to as:
a) resource management
b) booting ✓
c) error checking
d) File management

4. The number of user(s) that can access the resources simultaneously on a Multiuser OS is /are:
a) one
b) two
c) many ✓
d) only administrators

5. Which management controls the dynamic allocation and de-allocation of processor, memory, etc?
a) Resource ✓
b) File
c) I/O
d) User

6. In which operating system jobs are executed in groups?
a) Batch Processing ✓
b) Time Sharing
c) Single User
d) Real Time

7. The system that guarantees that critical tasks should be completed without shortest delay is:
a) Batch Processing
b) Hard Real Time ✓
c) Soft Real Time
d) Time Sharing

8. DOS is an example of:
a) Real Time Processing OS
b) Multi Processing OS
c) Single User OS ✓
d) Multi User OS

9. The group of programs that helps office workers to do a number of routine tasks easily and efficiently is called:
a) operating system
b) e-mail
c) anti-virus
d) office automation ✓

10. The operating system that allows frequent switching from one task to another is:
a) Batch Processing
b) Real Time Processing
c) Single User
d) Time Sharing ✓

11. Windows and IOS are example of:
a) Command line interface (CLI)
b) Graphic user interface (GUI) ✓
c) User management
d) Process management

12. Which interface is based on textual input:
a) GUI
b) CLI ✓
c) Menu-drive interface
d) Windows

13. Which of the following interface provides a user friendly environment:
a) GUI ✓
b) CLI
c) Menu-drive interface
d) DOS

14. Which of the following interface helps user to interact with computers through graphical objects such as menus, icons, buttons etc.
a) GUI ✓
b) CLI
c) Menu-drive interface
d) DOS

15. Which of the following interface is easy to use as users are supposed to just click on a picture to run commands without memorizing them.
a) GUI ✓
b) CLI
c) Menu-drive interface
d) DOS

16. GUI is _____ CLI as graphical mode takes more memory and resources.
a) faster than
b) slower than ✓
c) equal to
d) oppose to

17. In which operating system, a single user can access the computer system at a time.
a) Single user operating system ✓
b) Multi- user operating system
c) Batch process operating system
d) Time Sharing Operating System

18. Which types of operating systems are commonly used.
a) Real Time Processing Operating System
b) Multi- user operating system
c) Batch process operating system
d) Single user operating system ✓

19. DOS for PCs and Windows 98 for PCs are example of ______ operating system.
a) Real Time Processing Operating System
b) Single user operating system ✓
c) Batch process operating system
d) Multi- user operating system

20. The operating system manages the memory and resources among the various users according to the requirement.
a) Single user operating system
b) Multi- user operating system ✓
c) Batch process operating system
d) Time Sharing Operating System

21. Linux and UNIX are the most common examples of the multi-user operating system.
a) Real Time Processing Operating System
b) Single user operating system
c) Batch process operating system
d) Multi- user operating system ✓

22. _______is used for programs that are executed with minimum human interaction.
a) Real Time Processing Operating System
b) Single user operating system
c) Batch process operating system ✓
d) Multi- user operating system

23. Which type of operating system does not interact with the computer directly.
a) Single user operating system
b) Multi- user operating system
c) Batch process operating system ✓
d) Time Sharing Operating System

24 . The main function of a _________ system is to automatically keep executing the jobs in a batch.
a) Real Time Processing
b) Single user
c) Batch process ✓
d) Multi- user

25. In which operating system, multiple users can use specific computer at the same time in different places.
a) Single user operating system
b) Multi- user operating system
c) Batch process operating system
d) Time Sharing Operating System ✓

26. These systems are also known as Multitasking Systems.
a) Real Time Processing Operating System
b) Single user operating system
c) Time Sharing Operating System ✓
d) Multi- user operating system

27. In this system, processing has to be done within the defined time limit otherwise system will be failed.
a) Real Time Processing Operating System ✓
b) Batch process operating system
c) Time Sharing Operating System
d) Multi- user operating system

28. Missile systems and Air Traffic Control System are best examples of _______ System.
a) Batch process system
b) Soft Real Time System
c) Hard Real Time System ✓
d) Time Sharing System

29. Online Transaction systems, Airline Ticket Reservation, etc. are the examples of _______ System.
a) Batch process system
b) Soft Real Time System ✓
c) Hard Real Time System
d) Time Sharing System

30. _______ is the most commonly used operating system which is developed by Microsoft.
a) Mac OS
b) Windows ✓
c) Unix
d) Android

31. For installing Windows 10, we need speed of CPU (processor) should be at least ___ Gigahertz.
a) 1 ✓
b) 2
c) 3
d) 0

32. AVG, Avast, Avira and Kaspersky are some of the free _______ software.
a) Educational
b) Antivirus ✓
c) Antibacterial
d) Entertainment

Fill In The Blanks:

1. Operating system is the master control program that provides an interface for a user to communicate with computer.
2. A Multi-User Operating System allows multiple users to access the computer at same time.
3. A process is a job or activity to be performed by the system.
4. A User Interface (UI) is the part of operating system, program, or devices that allows a user to enter and receive information.
5. A Command Line Interface (CLI) is a screen or text based representation in which the user types prompt to operate the computer.
6. Command contains string of characters.
7. In a Command Line Interface (CLI), the user types the commands on place called prompt to operate the computer.
8. The real time operating system consists of Windows, Linux, etc.
9. In batch processing operating system each user prepares his job and submits it to the computer operator.
10. Time sharing is a method that allows multiple users to share resources simultaneously.
11. The time that each task gets to execute is called quantum.
12. A Real Time Processing operating system is a time bound operating system.
13. A Real Time Processing operating system has fixed time limit.
14. A Hard Real Time System guarantees that critical tasks complete on time.
15. Soft Real Time System does not guarantee that task will be completed in dened time.
16. Software installation is the process of making programs ready for execution.
17. Software Installation means to put something in a new place, ready to be used.
18. Office Automation Software is a group of computer programs that help office workers in their daily work.
19. MS Office 2010 contains MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Outlook.
20. For MS- Office 2013 the minimum requirements is: 1.6 GHz processor.
21. For MS- Office 2013 the minimum requirements are: 1.6 GHz processor, 1 GB RAM, 3 GB hard disk.
22. For MS- Office 2013 the minimum Windows 7 operating system and graphics driver are required.


  • AVG: Anti-Virus Guard
  • BIOS: Basic Input/Output System
  • CHKDSK: Check disk
  • CLI: Command Line Interface
  • Del: Delete
  • DOS: Disk Operating System
  • GB: Gigabytes
  • IOS: iPhone operating system
  • LINUX: Lovable Intellect Not Using XP
  • Mac OS: Macintosh operating system
  • MS: Microsoft
  • OS: Operating system
  • UI: User Interface
  • UNIX: Uniplexed Information and Computing System
  • WDDM: Windows Display Driver Model
  • WINDOWS: Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution

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