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Thursday, 15 April 2021

Computer Science (New) - For Class IX - 6. Web Development - Text Book Exercise And Activity


Chapter No.6. Web Development
Short Questions Answers And Text Book Exercise

Text Book Exercise

B. Respond to the following:

1. Differentiate between web hosting and web server.
Ans: Difference Between web Hosting And Web Server
S. No.Web HostingWeb Server
1. A web hosting is a service that has access to an internet server. It is sold by specific companies called "web hosters". They rent their servers to their customers, allowing them to create their websites.  A web server is an entity that accepts requests via HTTP or a similar protocol and generates a response to access any website. It can be numeric in the case of Apache web server program, or physical, as a dedicated machine (computer which runs software).
2. Web host types are shared host, dedicated host, free host and reseller host among others. Web servers can be of different types such as proxy servers, mail servers, applications servers and others.
3. A web host uses mltiple networks devices, such as it uses switches and routers to relay information from servers and to servers. Web hosts store multiple servers in multiple data centers and also helps in managing data (hardware and software) properly for their customers. A web server receives data and performs all the operations before returning their results to clients. When any server whether a physical or a software server receives a request then after that it takes the help of the related database and then fills the HTML files with all the recently received information which has been generated.
4. Example, a web host is a group of companies such as HostGator, Godaddy Hosting, Blue Host, and so much more hosting company. Example: Web servers like Apache, Google Web server, etc. run the software. We can also call this software a web server.

2. What are the steps involved in creating a complete website?
Ans: Steps Involved In Creating A Complete Website:
The steps involved in creating a complete website are following:
  1. First of all, need to plan website.
    (e.g: educational, business, social, entertainment, blog or news etc).
  2. Choose a domain name. Domain name is website name and address (extension).
    e.g:, etc.
  3. Register domain name.
    (Common extensions for registration are .com, .net, .org, .uk etc.)
    TIp: Check availability of name through or or any other web host service.)
  4. Choose a hosting service.
    (e.g.:, etc)
  5. Connect domain name to web host.
  6. Then, Design a website.
    (choose theme or template of website according to the type of website)
  7. After designing. add pages, navigation menu and content etc.
  8. Test website.

3. Differentiate between <head>, < title> and <h1> to <h6> tags.
Ans: Difference between <head>, < title> and <h1> to <h6> tags

  •  It is used to define additional information about the web page.
  •  It contains a set of tags such as < title> , < meta> , < style> , < script> , etc .

  •  It defines the title of a web page.
  •  Titles are very important as they appear on top of the browser window and displayed on search engine result pages.

<h1> - <h6>
  •   It is used to define six levels of HTML headings (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5 and h6) with <h1> being heaviest heading and <h6> being the lightest heading.

4. Identify and explain some HTML tags used for formatting of the content.
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.7 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

5. Differentiate between ordered and unordered lists.
Ans: Difference between ordered and unordered lists

S.No.Ordered ListUnordered List
1. An ordered list also displays a list of related items. It is used where the order of the list is important e.g. names of students in order of their exam ranks. An unordered list is a list of related items in which the order of items is irrelevant.
2. It is defined by <ol> tag and each of its list item is defined by <li>. It is defined by <ul> tag and each of its list item is defined by <li> tag.
3. The web browser will display these list items with numbers, roman numbers or alphabets etc, instead of bullet points. The web browser will display these list items as bullet points.
4. Ordered lists can also be defined with two of its attributes: start and reversed OR with a value attribute which is used to place that item at a specific position or number in the list. There is no such attribute can be defined in unordered list

6. How are images displayed in an HTML page?
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.9 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

7. How can a user be redirected to another web page?
Ans: Hyperlinks allow a user to navigate from one web page to another. 
"A hyperlink in HTML is defined by <a> tag and its href attribute. The value of href is the reference of another web page or a different section within the same page."

Links to another web page:
  • To send a user to any other web page, use the URL of that page as the value for href attribute.
  • e.g. < a href=“”> Goto Google </a>

8. What kind of HTML elements are used to display data in rows and columns? Discuss some of its formatting features.
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.12 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

9. Is it possible to display the entire contents of another web page in our HTML page? How?
Ans: Yes, it is possible to display the entire contents of another web page in our HTML page by using tag <iframe> in html.
  • An iframe or inline frame is used to display external objects including other web pages within a web page.
  • An iframe pretty much acts like a mini web browser within a web browser. Also, the content inside an iframe exists entirely independent from the surrounding elements.
  • The basic syntax for adding an iframe to a web page can be given with:
    <iframe src="URL"> </iframe>
    The URL specified in the src attribute points to the location of an external object or a web page.

The following example display "Wikipedia website" inside an iframe in current document.


10. List some popular text editors and other tools which help in designing and development of websites.
Ans: Click Here "See Q.No.14 in Descriptive Question And Answers."

C. Match the columns.
(i) E-Commerce(a) Add navigation support to web pages (i) (e)
(ii)  <head> (b) Organize information as list points (ii) (d)
(iii)  <ul> <ol> <dl> (c) Organize information in rows and columns (iii) (b)
(iv)  <tables> (d) Contains additional information and styling features of the web page (iv) (c)
(v)  <img> (e) Business website (v) (f)
(vi) Hyperlinks(f) Add images and infographics to the web page (vi) (a)


Create three pages with following features:
Page 1 (home.html):
  • Name of the file should be home.html
  • Title of the page should be “Unit 6 – Activity – Home”
  • Place a heading of “Input and Output Devices”
  • Create an Unordered List with two items:
    ► Input Devices
    ► Output Devices
  • Both of these items should be hyperlinks. Clicking on “Input Devices” should navigate to another html page named “inputs.html” and clicking on “Output Devices” should navigate to page named “outputs.html”

Page 2 (inputs.html):
  • Title of the page should be “Unit 6 – Activity – Input Devices”
  • The page should display a table with two columns:
    ► Left column should contain names of different Input Devices.
    ► Right column should contain images for those input devices. The width of images should be set to 200 pixels.

Page 3 (outputs.html):
  • Title of the page should be “Unit 6 – Activity – Output Devices”
  • The page should display a table with two columns:
    ► Left column should contain names of different Output Devices
    ► Right column should contain images for those output devices. The width of images should be set to 200 pixels.

Short Questions Answers


  1. Thanks foe the article
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  2. Education is the key to success14 February 2022 at 22:50


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is very informative article all the aspects of web hosting and web servers define wonderfully, if anyone want Pakistani hosting for there websites and project feel free to contact Websouls.
