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Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Mathematics For Class IX Science - Unit 07 - MATRICES - Fill In The Blanks And Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Fill In The Blanks And Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

Fill In The Blanks

UNIT 7: Matrices
1. The arrangement of matrix R x C (Row x Column).
2. The matrix were introduced by Arther Kelly in 1858.
3. The number of row and column are not equal in matrix is called rectangular matrix. (R ≠ C ).
4. If a matrix has only one column is called column matrix.
5. If a matrix has only one row is called row matrix.
6. The number of row and column are equal is called square matrix.
7. If the matrix has all zero elements is called zero matrix or null matrix.

29. (A x B)t = Bt x At
30. (At)t = A
31. By distributive property of multiplication matrix over subtraction A(B-C) = AB - AC
32. If the value of determinant of matrix is 0 (zero), the matrix is called a /an singular matrix.
33. If the value of determinant of matrix is 1 or greater than 1 or less than 1, the matrix is called non - singular matrix.
34. The multiplicative inverse of a - b is 1/a -b
35. The multiplicative inverse of 1/a+b is a+b.
36. The multiplicative inverse of  1/-2 = -2.
37. If rows and columns are equal the matrix is singular matrix.
38. If rows and column are not equal, the matrix is non singular matrix.

Special thanks to Sir Sajjad Akber Chandio

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