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Thursday, 16 September 2021

Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 1 - Gaseous Exchange - Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks By Sir Saeed Sarang


Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks

Special Thanks To Sir Saeed Sarang (Sindh Text Book Board)
Contact # 03023006727
Youtube Channel # Shafquat Ali YouTube

Choose the correct answer:
i) The biological functions which perform gaseous exchange:
(a) Photosynthesis
(b) Respiration
(c) Both a and b ✓
(d) Growth

ii) Plants do exchange of gases through:
(a) Roots
(b) Stomata
(c) Stem
(d) All of these ✓

iii) Each stoma is formed by:
(a) one guard cell
(b) two guards cells ✓
(c) three guard cells
(d) four guard cells

iv) Respiratory surface possesses following property:
(a) thin and wet
(b) permeable
(c) very large
(d) all of these ✓

v) Inspiration involves:
(a) Contraction of intercostals muscles
(b) contraction of diaphragm
(c) Inward movement of ribs
(d) Both a and b ✓

vi) Larynx is located on:
(a) Lungs
(b) Trachea ✓
(c) Bronchus
(d) Bronchiole

vii) The respiratory surface of human is:
(a) Nostril
(b) Bronchiole
(c) Alveoli ✓
(d) Trachea

viii) Increase in rate of breathing is due to the following:
(a) increase CO2 in blood ✓
(b) Increase O2 in blood
(c) decrease CO2 in blood
(d) decrease O2 in blood

ix) Which of the following disorder is associated with degeneration of alveoli?
(a) Bronchitis
(b) Lung cancer
(c) Asthma
(d) Emphysema ✓

x) Which of the following disorder is associated with inflammation of air passage ways?
(a) Bronchitis ✓
(b) Lung cancer
(c) Asthma
(d) Emphysema

11. Plants exchange gases for the processes of:
(a) photosynthesis
(b) respiration
(c) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓
(d) None of them

12. Carbon dioxide is taken in in the process of:
(a) respiration
(b) photosynthesis ✓
(c) inhalation
(d) All of them

13. Stomata are present in:
(a) leaves ✓
(b) stem
(c) roots
(d) lungs

14. These are microscopic opening present in the epidermis of leaves.
(a) Trachea
(a) Alveoli
(c) Guard cells
(d) Stomata ✓

15. The amount of molecular oxygen present in the air is about:
(a) 5%
(b) 12%
(c) 21% ✓
(d) 27%

16. The amount of molecular oxygen present n water is about:
(a) 5% ✓
(b) 12%
(c) 21%
(d) 27%

17. The total surface area of the respiratory surface in human is about:
(a) 10 times to the size of the body
(b) 20 times to the size of the body ✓
(c) 30 times to the size of the body
(d) 40 times to the size of the body

18. In humans, the process of respiration involves:
(a) breathing
(b) gaseous exchange
(c) cellular respiration
(d) All of these ✓

19. Each lung is soft spongy and:
(a) brownish in appearance
(b) reddish in appearance
(c) pinkish in appearance ✓
(d) black in appearance

20. It is wrapped in two Pleural membranes:
(a) Each lung ✓
(b) Each kidney
(c) Brain
(d) All of these

21. Ribs are attached with:
(a) diaphragm
(b) thorax
(c) trachea
(d) intercostal muscles ✓

22. In the lower part of the thorax, lies a sheet of muscles called:
(a) diaphragm ✓
(b) thorax
(c) trachea
(d) intercostal muscles

23. Each lung is made up of millions of:
(a) stoma
(b) bronchiole
(c) alveoli ✓
(d) trachea

24. The internal opening of nasal sacs opens into a long tube called:
(a) trachea ✓
(b) larynx
(c) bronchiole
(d) epiglottis

25. It contains vocal cords to produce sound:
(a) trachea
(b) larynx ✓
(c) bronchiole
(d) epiglottis

26. The opening of larynx is known as:
(a) trachea
(b) bronchiole
(c) epiglottis
(d) glottis ✓

27. The opening of larynx has a lid like cover called:
(a) larynx
(b) bronchiole
(c) epiglottis ✓
(d) glottis

28. Trachea in the center of the thorax bifurcates into wo smaller ducts, called:
(a) bronchi ✓
(b) epiglottis
(c) glottis
(d) bronchiole

29. Each bronchus have:
(a) T-shaped cartilaginous rings
(b) U-shaped cartilaginous rings
(c) O-shaped cartilaginous rings
(d) C-shaped cartilaginous rings ✓

30. Each bronchiole is a very thin tube that opens into:
(a) stoma
(b) epiglottis
(c) alveoli ✓
(d) bronchi

31. The process of breathing consists of:
(a) two phases ✓
(b) three phases
(c) four phases
(d) five phases

32. Lungs can be filled with a maximum amount of:
(a) 3 litres of air
(b) 5 litres of air ✓
(c) 6 litres of air
(d) 7 litres of air

33. we use normally about _____ of the air coming into the lungs.
(a) 1/2 litre ✓
(b) 1 litre
(c) 11/2 litre
(d) 2 litres

34. Expiration involves:
(a) relaxation of intercostal muscles
(b) relaxation of diaphragm
(c) inward movement of ribs
(d) All of these ✓

35. The gaseous exchange takes place at the level of alveoli. This gaseous exchange involves:
(a) osmosis
(b) diffusion ✓
(c) Both 'a' & 'b'
(d) None of these

36. It is regulated by the hypothalamus of our brain:
(a) Memory
(b) Thinking
(c) Breathing ✓
(d) Walking

37. In the following, the alveoli are infected so they may be filled with fluid or pus:
(a) Pneumonia ✓
(b) Bronchitis
(c) Emphysema
(d) Lung cancer

38. It is an allergic response to pollens, dust, smoke, fur, feathers and several other substances:
(a) pneumonia
(b) Bronchitis
(c) Emphysema
(d) Asthma ✓

Fill In The Blanks:
  1. Respiration and photosynthesis require exchange of gases.
  2. Respiration takes place in all living organisms.
  3. Photosynthesis occurs in green parts of plants.
  4. During respiration, oxygen is used and carbon dioxide is given out.
  5. In photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is used and oxygen is given out.
  6. In terrestrial plants, most of the exchange of gases occurs through minute openings, stomata.
  7. The animals use either their body surface, or some internal surface for the exchange of gases.
  8. Respiratory surface must be thin, wet, permeable and large in relation to the volume of organism.
  9. The respiratory surface of man is alveoli present in lungs.
  10. Both lungs have millions of alveoli.
  11. Air passage ways lead the atmospheric air to alveoli.
  12. Air pollution causes number of respiratory problems.
  13. Clean air is essential for better respiratory health.


  1. Assalam o Alaikum please check MCQs no:8 & correct it thanku

    1. Education is the key to success15 May 2022 at 13:57

      Thank you for your feed back, we have corrected.

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    1. Education is the key to success23 April 2024 at 11:48

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