Friday 8 October 2021

Biology For Class X - Chapter No. 4 - Support And Movement - Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks By Sir Saeed Sarang


Multiple Choice Questions And Fill In The Blanks

Special Thanks To Sir Saeed Sarang (Sindh Text Book Board)
Contact # 03023006727
Youtube Channel # Shafquat Ali YouTube

Choose the correct answer:

i) Irritation caused by stimulus is the main cause of:
(a) Tropism
(b) Movement ✓
(c) Locomotion
(d) Arthritis

ii) The frame work which gives shape to any structure called:
(a) Architecture
(b) Bone
(c) Cartilage
(d) Skeleton ✓

iii) The cartilage are made up of cells called:
(a) Osteoclast
(b) Osteocytis
(c) Chondrocytes ✓
(d) Chaonocytes

iv) The head of femur attached with:
(a) Pelvic girdles
(b) Pectoral girdle
(c) Scapula
(d) Acetabulum of pelvic gridles ✓

v) The large muscles of arm is:
 (a) Bicep
(b) Tricep ✓
(c) Tetracep
(d) Pentacep
(Note: although both are large but tricep is largest because it is three headed. further confirm to your class teacher)

vi) The band of tough, fibrous, connective tissue which are attached to bone at joints called:
(a) Ligament
(b) Tendon ✓
(c) Bicep
(d) Tricep

vii) Softening and weakening of bone in children due to deficiency of vitamin D called:
(b) Osteoarthritis
(c) Rickets ✓
(d) Rheumatic fever

viii) The muscle which is responsible to straighten the limb is:
(a) Ligament
(b) Skeleton muscle
(c) Flexor
(d) Extensor ✓

ix) The pair of muscle where both work in opposite direction.
(a) Antagonist ✓
(b) Cardiac
(c) Smooth
(d) Abductor


10. The living material of the cells of an organism is:
(a) protoplasm ✓
(b) cytoplasm
(c) DNA
(d) RNA

11. The living organism take some action to reduce its irritation, these actions are called:
(a) stimulus
(b) locomotion
(c) movement ✓
(d) tropism

12. The change in the environment takes place due to some factors which are called:
(a) stimulus ✓
(b) locomotion
(c) Smooth
(d) Abductor

13. It is due to internal stimuli.
(a) Autonomic movement
(b) Spontaneous movement
(c) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓
(d) None of these

14. Reflex action is an example of:
(a) Autonomic movement
(b) Paratonic or induced movement ✓
(c) Spontaneous movement
(d) Both 'a' & 'c'

15. In this type of movement, an organism changes its place either towards or away from a stimulus:
(a) Locomotory movement
(b) Taxis movement
(c) Tactic movement
(d) All of these ✓

16. Growth of root towards water and mineral and growth of stem toward light are examples of:
(a) Tactic Movement
(b) Nastic Movement
(c) Trophic Movement ✓
(d) Taxis Movement

17. In this type of movement where change in osmotic water occurs due to stimuli:
(a) Tactic Movement
(b) Nastic Movement ✓
(c) Trophic Movement
(d) Taxis Movement

18. Jellyfish have:
(a) hydrostatic skeleton ✓
(b) exoskeleton
(c) endoskeleton
(d) None of these

19. It is a non-living skeleton deposit outside the body or organ.
(a) Hydrostatic Skeleton
(b) Exoskeleton ✓
(c) Endoskeleton
(d) None of these

20. Skeleton develops inside the body is called:
(a) Hydrostatic Skeleton
(b) Exoskeleton
(c) Endoskeleton ✓
(d) None of these

21. Bone dissolving cells are called:
(a) chaonocytes
(b) osteoblast
(c) osteocyte
(d) osteoclast ✓

22. Bone remodeling is the result of coordinated activity of:
(a) osteoclast and osteoblast ✓
(b) osteoclast and osteocyte
(c) osteoclast and choanocytes
(d) osteoblast and osteocyte

23. In humans, there are:
(a) 203 bones
(b) 206 bones ✓
(c) 209 bones
(d) 213 bones

24. Human skull has:
(a) 22 bones ✓
(b) 26 bones
(c) 27 bones
(d) 29 bones

25. In human vertebral column, there are:
(a) 21 vertebrae
(b) 23 vertebrae
(c) 24 vertebrae
(d) 26 vertebrae ✓

26. Scapula and clavicle bones are found in:
(a) pectoral girdle ✓
(b) pelvic girdle
(c) hind limb
(d) forelimb

27. Knee joint is an example of:
(a) gliding Joint
(b) pivot joint
(c) ball & socket joint
(d) hinge joint ✓

28. Which one of the following is the example of a ball & socket joint?
(a) Elbow joint
(b) Wrist joint
(c) Hip Joint ✓
(d) vertebrae

29. The band of fibrous connective tissues by which bones are joined to one another at joints called:
(a) ligament ✓
(b) tendon
(c) bicep
(d) tricep

30. This joint allows movements in one plane only.
(a) Gliding joint
(b) Pivot joint
(c) Ball & socket joint
(d) Hinge joint ✓

31. The ball of humerus fit into the socket of:
(a) pelvic girdles
(b) pectoral girdle ✓
(c) acetabulum of pelvic girdles
(d) None of these

32. The vertebrate possess:
(a) five kinds of muscles
(b) four kinds of muscles
(c) three kinds of muscles ✓
(d) two kinds of muscles

33. Bones move due to the contraction and relaxation of:
(a) skeletal muscles ✓
(b) cardiac muscles
(c) smooth muscles
(d) All of these

34. These muscles are found in blood vessels, the digestive tract and many other Internal organs:
(a) Skeletal muscles
(b) Cardiac muscles
(c) Smooth muscles ✓
(d) All of these

35. The action of biceps and triceps muscles of the arm is a good example of a/an:
(a) smooth muscles
(b) sino auricular node
(c) cardiac muscles
(d) Antagonistic pair ✓

36. Biceps is the:
(a) extensor muscle
(b) flexor muscle ✓
(c) ligament
(d) tendons

37. The hardening of bones occurs due to deposition of:
(a) calcium phosphate ✓
(c) calcium carbonate
(c) calcium bicarbonate
(d) calcium

38. Calcification is the process of the:
(a) softening and weakening of bones
(b) swelling and tenderness of joint
(c) restricted movement of joint
(d) the hardening of bones ✓

39. It is a disorder related to the ageing process.
(a) Osteoporosis ✓
(b) Osteoarthritis
(c) Rickets
(d) Arthritis

40. In this condition the bones become porous or more spongy, thinner and weaker.
(a) Arthritis
(b) Rickets
(c) Osteoporosis ✓
(d) Osteoarthritis

41. Deficiency of this leads to deficiency of Ca in bones.
(a) Vitamin A
(b) Vitamin B
(c) Vitamin C
(d) Vitamin D ✓

42. It is the painful condition of joints due to swelling and tenderness of joints.
(a) Osteoporosis
(b) Osteoarthritis
(c) Rickets
(d) Arthritis ✓

43. In this disorder immune system attacks on Joints:
(a) Osteoarthritis
(b) Rheumatoid Arthritis ✓
(c) Psoriatic Arthritis
(d) Rickets

44. In this disorder joints and skin affects.
(a) Osteoarthritis
(b) Rheumatoid Arthritis
(c) Psoriatic Arthritis ✓
(d) Rickets

45) The cells of an organism have a living material _______, whose sensitive nature possess special property called irritability.
a) Protoplasm ✓
b) Cytoplasm
c) Ectoplasm
d) Endoplam

46) Cramps, which is caused due to involuntarily release of Ca++ ions, is an example of:
a) Autonomic or spontaneous movement ✓
b) Paratonic or induced movement
c) Trophic Movement
d) Tactic Movement

47) Type of growth movement, organism move toward or away by growing their organs is called:
a) Autonomic or spontaneous movement
b) Nastic Movement
c) Trophic Movement ✓
d) Tactic Movement

48) This type of movement usually found in plants, fungi or in bacterial colony.
a) Autonomic or spontaneous movement
b) Nastic Movement
c) Trophic Movement ✓
d) Tactic Movement

49) This type of movement usually found in animals, bacteria and protozoa:
a) Autonomic or spontaneous movement
b) Nastic Movement
c) Trophic Movement
d) Locomotory Movement or Taxis or Tactic Movement ✓

50) The movement found in touch me not plant, which close leave when touch, is an example of:
a) Autonomic or spontaneous movement
b) Nastic Movement ✓
c) Trophic Movement
d) Tactic Movement

51) Skeleton made up of fluid and it is the simplest type of skeleton.
a) Hydrostatic Skeleton ✓
b) Exoskeleton
c) Endoskeleton
d) None of These

52) This skeleton found in soft bodied animal, example are Jelly fish, Earthworm.
a) Hydrostatic Skeleton ✓
b) Exoskeleton
c) Endoskeleton
d) None of These

53) This type of skeleton found in Arthropod, Mollusca and higher animals.
a) Hydrostatic Skeleton
b) Exoskeleton ✓
c) Endoskeleton
d) None of These

54) This type of skeleton develop inside the body and ·found in high animals.
a) Hydrostatic Skeleton
b) Exoskeleton ✓
c) Endoskeleton
d) None of These

55) ______ of our bones dissolve away annually and are replaced by a new one this process is called remodeling.
a) 1% to 5%
b) 5% to 10% ✓
c) 10% to 15%
d) 15% to 20%

56) Remodelling of bone healing occur during ____ week.
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6 ✓
d) 8

57) Elbow, knee and phalanges are examples of:
a) Hinge joint ✓
b) Ball and socket
c) Gliding joint
d) Sliding joint

58) Hip joint and shoulder joint, are examples of:
a) Hinge joint
b) Ball and socket ✓
c) Gliding joint
d) Sliding joint

59) Vertebrae are examples of:
a) Hinge joint
b) Ball and socket
c) Gliding joint ✓
d) Sliding joint

60) Wrist joint is an examples of:
a) Hinge joint
b) Ball and socket
c) Gliding joint
d) Sliding joint ✓

61) Elbow joint is an examples of:
a) Pivot joint ✓
b) Ball and socket
c) Gliding joint
d) Sliding joint

62) They are involuntary in nature, work under the control of SAN (Sino auricular node).
a) Skeletal muscles
b) Cardiac muscles ✓
c) Smooth muscles
d) All the above

63) It is a “wear and tear”, and causes due to overuse of joints, age, joint injury, obesity, or joints that bear weight, like knees, hips, feet and spine.
a) Osteoarthritis ✓
b) Rheumatoid Arthritis
c) Psoriatic Arthritis
d) None of these

64) It is due to immune system i.e. autoimmune disorder (immune system attacks on joints.)
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Rheumatoid Arthritis ✓
c) Psoriatic Arthritis
d) None of these

65) In this disorder joints and skin affects.
a) Osteoarthritis
b) Rheumatoid Arthritis
c) Psoriatic Arthritis ✓
d) None of these

Fill In The Blanks:
1. Movement is the action taken by living organism to reduce its irritation.
2. Locomotory movement require skeletal system, Muscular system.
3. Osteoporosis is more common in female than male.
4. Skeleton provides support to the body, especially limbs. i.e. Hind Limbs and pelvic girdle.
5. Cartilages also support larynx, trachea and bronchi of respiratory system.
6. There are three types of cells associated with bones i.e. bones forming cells (osteoblast), mature bone cell (osteocyte) and bone dissolving cells (osteoclast).
7. In humans 206 bones are present which can be categorized into two groups.
8. The junction of two bones is called a joint.
9. There are two types of joints.
10. Immovable or fixed joint are those joint where bones are fixed like puzzle pieces.
11. Hinge Joints (e.g knee joint) allow movement in one plane only.
12. Ball and socket allow movement in many plans.
13. The strong connective tissue in the ligaments protects these structures and prevents them from bending twisting or tearing.
14. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones on either side of the joint by bands of tough, fibrous connective tissues called tendons.
15. The type of working of two muscles against each other called antagonism.
16. The pair of skeletal muscles which work against each other called an antagonistic pair.
17. The action of biceps and triceps muscles of arm is a good example of an antagonistic pair.
18. When the biceps muscle contracts it pulls upon the radius bone of lower arm, which bend the arm at elbow, this bending process is called flexon.
19. When triceps muscle contracts it pull on the ulna which straightens or extends the arm. The straighten process is called extension.
20. In arm the biceps is the flexor muscle and tricep is the extensor muscle.
21. A long term calcium deficiency can lead to dental weakness, osteoporosis, in childhood rickets.
21. Osteoporosis is a disorder related to the aging process.
22. Rickets is the softening and weakening of bones in children, usually because of an extreme and prolonged vitamin D deficiency.
23. Arthritis is the painful condition of joints due to swelling and tenderness of joint.
24. Obesity puts stress on joints, especially on knee, causing pain and develop worse condition in arthritis damage.
25. The change in environment takes place due to some factors these factors are called stimulus (stimuli: p).
26. Movement is a broad term where organism response to stimuli in any way.
27. Locomotion is one of the type of movement where organism change its place takes place either towards stimuli or away from stimuli.
28. Bone is made up of cell called osteocytes embedded in a matrix of protein called collagen.
29. Bone is harder due to the deposition of calcium phosphate, process is called calcification.
30. The axial skeleton forms the main axis of the human body, includes the bone of the head, vertebral column and rib cage .
31. The head (skull) have 22 bones.
32. Vertebral column has 26 vertebrae.
33. Rib cage has ribs 12 pairs and sternum 1 bone.
34. The appendicular Skeleton forms the appendages (Limbs) and their attachment to the axial skeleton includes girdles.
35. Shoulder bones are called Pectoral girdle.
36. Hip bones are known as pelvis girdles.
37. Pectoral girdle is consist of two bones i.e. scapula and clavicle.
38. The forelimb consists of humerus, radius and ulna, carpal, metacarpal, and phalanges.
39. Carpal has 8 appendages, metacarpal has 5 appendages, and phalanges has 14 appendages.
40. Pelvic girdle consist of three bones ileum, ischium and pubis.
41. Hind limb consists of femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals and phalanges.
42. Tarsals has 7 appendages, metatarsals has 5 appendages and phalanges has 14 appendages.
43. The ball (head) of humerus fts into the socket of pectoral girdle.
44. The band of fibrous connective tissues by which bones are joined to one another at joints called ligament.
45. The bicep muscle has two heads or origin.
46. The tricep is three headed or origin.


  1. The information provided is really great and would love to share it with others.
    must also visit

    1. Education is the key to success21 October 2021 at 00:13


  2. Jazak'Allah
    Also waiting for exercise

    1. Education is the key to succes8 November 2021 at 10:17

      Soon we will upload it Inshallah.
      Notes from FAW already updated

  3. iv) The head of femur attached with:
    (a) Pelvic girdles
    (b) Pectoral girdle
    (c) Scapula
    (d) Acetabulum of pelvic gridles ✓
    As mention in the diagram of human skeleton pg 71 the head of femur is pelvic girdles and there is no description of acetabulum in the book. And i know that your answer is right but in this situation what can we do either follow the book or the internet?

    1. Education is the key to succes18 May 2022 at 06:51

      "(d) Acetabulum of pelvic gridles ✓" is the correct answer

      Kindly check { text book -page No. 75 - diagram 4.7 (a)}. You will find word acetabulum of the hip bone where head of femur is attached.
      Thank you so much and JAZAKALLAH


  4. v) The large muscles of arm is
    (a) Bicep ✓
    (b) Tricep
    (c) Tetracep
    (d) Pentacep
    in this plz refered pg 78 (1st paragraph) it is mention that both the muscles are large ,the difference is of upper arm and lower arm. So which one is the right answer?

    1. Education is the key to succes18 May 2022 at 07:04

      Yes, This is bit confusing, because both muscles are mentioned as large. But tricep is three headed or origin while bicep is two headed, than according to this tricep is larger than bicep.
      Waiting for more confirmation replies.
      Thank you so much and JAZAKALLAH
