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Friday 26 July 2024

Unit 4: Factorization - Explanation & Examples Of Exercise 4.2 - Mathematics For Class IX (Science Group)

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Unit 4: Factorization
Explanation Of Exercise 4.2

Those algebraic expressions which are neither perfect square nor in the form of the difference of two squares. Such expressions are factorize as:

Type 1: a4 + a2b2 + b4 OR a4 + 4b4
Such expression is factorize by Adding Or Subtracting Middle Term
Middle term is added or subtracted to make an expression a perfect square.

Type 2: x2 + px + q
Factorize The Expression by Breaking Middle Term

Type 3: ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0
To factorize The expression ax2 + bx + c, a ≠ 0, the following steps are needed:
  1. Find the product ac, where a is coefficient of x2 and c is constant.
  2. Find the two numbers x1 and x2 such that x1 + x1 = b and x1.x2 = ac.

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