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Wednesday 21 August 2024



Write down conversation between father and son on choice of career.
Setting: The family living room, a cozy space with a couch and a coffee table. The father, Mr. Johnson, is reading a newspaper while his son, Jake, enters looking thoughtful.

Jake: Dad, do you have a minute to talk? I’ve been thinking a lot about my career choices lately.
Father: Of course, Jake! I’m all ears. What’s on your mind?

Jake: Well, I’m not sure if I want to pursue engineering like we discussed before. I’ve been considering other options, like graphic design or even something in the arts.
Father: That’s interesting! What’s making you lean towards graphic design or the arts?

Jake: I’ve always enjoyed drawing and creating things. I feel like I could express myself better in a creative field. But I’m worried about job stability and whether I can make a living doing it.
Father: That’s a valid concern. Many people worry about job stability in creative fields. Have you looked into the potential career paths in graphic design or the arts?

Jake: A little bit. I found out there are a lot of opportunities in digital media, advertising, and even game design. But I still feel uncertain.
Father: It’s completely normal to feel uncertain, especially when it comes to such an important decision. Have you thought about trying out some courses or internships in those fields to see if you really enjoy them?

Jake: I haven’t yet, but that sounds like a good idea. I think getting some hands-on experience would help me decide.
Father: Absolutely! It’s a great way to explore your interests without fully committing right away. And remember, many people change careers multiple times in their lives. It’s okay to start somewhere and pivot later.

Jake: That makes me feel better. I guess I just want to make sure I’m making the right choice.
Father: The “right choice” is different for everyone. What’s most important is that you choose something that you’re passionate about. If you love what you do, you’re more likely to succeed and find fulfillment.

Jake: Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate your support. I’ll look into some courses and see where that takes me.
Father: Sounds like a plan! And remember, I’m here to help you through the process, no matter what you decide.

Jake: Thanks again! I feel a lot more confident about this now.
Father: Anytime, Jake. I’m proud of you for thinking this through. Let’s keep the conversation going as you explore your options.
Jake: Will do!


Father: Hello. Dear son, how are you?
Son: Thank you my dear father. I am fine. How are you?

Father: I am fine too. Your examination has already been over. You must decide about your career.
Son: I have decided about my career. I want to be a doctor. So, I want to get admit in medical college after passing S.S.C. and H.S.C. examination.

Father: That is very good idea. I agree with you but I advise you to read very carefully for the later course of study.
Son: Yes, father. I am very serious and I want to do good result in H.S.C. examination to get admitted in medical college.
Father: Well go ahead my boy. Allah blesses you.
Son: Thank you father.

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