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Wednesday 21 August 2024



Write down conversation between the headmaster and a student about testimonial.
Setting: The headmaster's office, a warm and inviting space filled with books and school memorabilia. The student, Alex, knocks on the door and enters.

Headmaster: Good morning, Alex! Please, come in. How can I assist you today?
Student: Good morning, sir! I wanted to talk to you about my testimonial for the college applications.

Headmaster: Of course! I’d be happy to help with that. What specific points would you like me to include in your testimonial?
Student: Well, I was hoping you could highlight my involvement in the debate club and my volunteer work at the local community center. I think those experiences really shaped my skills and character.

Headmaster: Absolutely, those are excellent points. Your leadership in the debate club has been impressive, and your commitment to community service speaks volumes about your character. Is there anything else you’d like me to mention?
Student: Yes, I’d also like to include my academic achievements, especially in science and mathematics. I’ve worked hard in those subjects, and I think it would be beneficial for the colleges to know about my dedication.

Headmaster: That’s a great idea. Your academic performance has indeed been commendable. I can certainly emphasize your strengths in those areas. How do you feel about including a personal touch, perhaps a brief reflection on what these experiences have meant to you?
Student: I think that would be wonderful! It would show the colleges that I’m not just focused on grades but also on personal growth and making a difference.

Headmaster: Excellent perspective, Alex. I’ll make sure to incorporate that. When do you need the testimonial by?
Student: If possible, I’d like to have it by the end of this week. The application deadlines are approaching quickly.

Headmaster: Understood. I’ll prioritize this and ensure you have it by then. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss regarding your applications?
Student: No, that covers everything for now. Thank you so much for your help, sir!

Headmaster: You’re very welcome, Alex. I’m glad to assist you. Best of luck with your applications; I’m confident you’ll do great!
Student: Thank you! I appreciate your support. Have a great day!

Headmaster: You too, Alex! Take care.


Student: May I come in sir.
Headmaster: Yes come in.

Student: Good morning, sir.
Headmaster: Good morning. How are you?

Student: I am fine and you?
Headmaster: I am fine too. What do you want?

Student: I am going to be admission in a college.
Headmaster: It's very good idea.

Student: So I need S.S.C testimonial and here is my application.
Headmaster: Good, I am giving you it with pleasure.

Student: Thank you sir. Pray for me, Sir.
Headmaster: Of course. Thank you my boy. May Allah bless you.

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