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Wednesday 21 August 2024



Write down conversation between a student and a bookseller.
Setting: A cozy local bookstore. The student, Alex, approaches the counter where the bookseller, Jamie, is organizing some books.

Alex: Hi there! Do you have a moment?
Bookseller: Of course! How can I help you today?

Alex: I’m looking for some books for my history class. We’re studying the Renaissance, and I need a few good resources.
Bookseller: Great topic! We have a selection of books on the Renaissance. Are you looking for something more academic or something more general?

Alex: A bit of both, actually. I need some detailed information for my essays, but I’d also like something that’s easier to read for background knowledge.
Bookseller: I can help with that. For academic purposes, I recommend “The Renaissance: A Short History” by Paul Johnson. It’s concise but packed with information. For a more general read, “The Birth of Venus” by Sarah Dunant is a historical novel that beautifully captures the era.

Alex: Those sound perfect! Do you have them in stock?
Bookseller: Let me check. *[Jamie walks over to the shelf and scans the titles]* Yes, we have both! Would you like to see them?

Alex: Yes, please! I’d love to take a look.
Bookseller: *[Brings the books back to the counter]* Here they are. This one is the academic book, and this one is the novel.

Alex: *[Flipping through the pages]* The academic one looks really thorough. And the novel has such beautiful illustrations on the cover!
Bookseller: It does! The illustrations are inspired by Renaissance art, which adds to the reading experience. Are you planning to read both?

Alex: I think so! I want to get a well-rounded understanding of the period. How much are they?
Bookseller: The academic book is $18, and the novel is $15.

Alex: Great! I’ll take both, please.
Bookseller: Excellent choice! I’ll ring you up. *[Jamie starts processing the sale]* Do you need anything else? Maybe a study guide or some notebooks?

Alex: Actually, a study guide would be helpful. Do you have any recommendations?
Bookseller: Yes! We have a study guide specifically for Renaissance history. It’s designed for students and covers key events and figures. Would you like that as well?

Alex: Yes, that sounds perfect! I’ll take that too.
Bookseller: *[Rings up the items]* Alright, that brings your total to $55.

Alex: *[Hands over the money]* Thank you so much for your help!
Bookseller: You’re welcome! Enjoy your reading, and if you have any questions about the books or need more recommendations, feel free to come back anytime.

Alex: I will! Thanks again!
Bookseller: Have a great day, Alex! Happy studying!


Bookseller: Excuse me, brother.
Student: Yes, thanks. I would like to buy some books.

Bookseller: What kind of books?
Student: I want to buy an English grammar and composition book for class IX and X.

Bookseller: All right. Here you are. Any other books?
Student: Yes. I would like to buy a mini dictionary.

Bookseller: Sure, Wait just a minute. I am taking one for you.
Student: Ok, I am waiting.

Bookseller: Please, take your dictionary.
Student: How much these books are?

Bookseller: Only 2000 rupees.
Student: Thanks. Take your price.
Bookseller: Welcome

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