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Letters - Writing ( For all classes)

Letter Writing

Letter writing is an essential skill and  basically an art. Despite the prevalence of emails and text messages, every one has to write letters at some points. Letters of complaint, job applications, thank you letters, letters requesting changes or make suggestions, etc. The list goes on and on. A letter should be brief and to the point.

There are two types of letters:
  1. Informal Letters:  Letters to relatives or family and  friends which are called are called informal letters. They are also known as "Private / Personal Letters".
  2. Formal Letters: Letters to  a bank, a doctor, the local council, a news paper or magazine editor, a landlord or a company or any offices / managers  are called " Official Letters Or Commercial Letters ".

Lay Out Of Letters |  How To Write A Letter
Informal Letters
(Personal / Private Letters)

1. Heading:-

  • It consist of the writer's address and the date.   
  • It is written at the top right side of the paper / letter.
  • Generally a comma (,) is put at the end of each line of the address and full stop (.) at the end.
  • The date is written below the address.
Note: In Examination paper, address should be
Examination Hall,
Dated: dd/mm/ yyyy

2. Salutations:-

  • It is written to the left in the next line after the date.
  • It is depend on the relation to whom we are writing a letter.
  • Mostly we use " Dear" followed by the name by which we normally addressed the person.
  • In " Official Letters" We Use " Dear / Respected Sir ? Madam.
  • After salutation, put a comma (,) .

3. Body Of The Letter:- 

  • It is the main part of the letter. 
  • The writing style depends upon the kind of a letter.
  • Paragraphs should be written in simple language.

4. The Subscription Or Closing:-

  • Closing also depend on how well you know the person to whom you are writing a letter.
  • To a member of family or to a close friend you may use, Your friend, Your love, Yours affectionately or Yours sincerely.
  • After closing, put a comma (,) .

5. Signature:-

  • It should be hand- written, never typed.
  • First name or nick name is sufficient in letter to friends and relatives.
  • No punctuation is needed after signature.
Note : In exams instead of signature or name , we write X Y Z

Formal Letters
(Official Letters / Commercial Letters)

The Lay out Of Commercial Letters:


  • If a letter is written on behalf of a company, paper should be used with a printed letter-head.
  • It includes name, address and telephone number, or the telegraphic address.
  • If a business letter is written as a private individual, address will be written in the top right hand corner.

2. References:

  • Reference number is given in the top left corner of the letter.

3. Salutations:

  • An inside address is written above the body of the letters to the left. 
  • It contains title and address of the person to whom it is written.

4. Subject Line:

  • It comes after salutation and states the subjects.

5. Body Of The Letter:

  • It is the main part of the letter.
  • If it is written for a company, It needs to follow the style of the company's letter.

6. Closing:

  • When a letter is begin with Sir or Madam, the ending is usually yours faithfully.
  • When the letter begins with the name of the addresses, the ending is usually yours sincerely.

7. Signature:

  • It is hand written and followed by the writer's position in the company.

8. Enclosure:

  • When something is enclosed with a letter, it should be indicated by the abbreviation enc, at the bottom left side of the letter.

Letters To The Editors

  • These letters cover a wide range of subjects which are written to the national newspapers or magazines by members of the public.
  • These letters should always be address to "The Editor" and they usually end with yours truly
When writing a letter to any newspaper it is worth remembering the following points:
  1. Type your letter in double line spacing.
  2. Choose a subject that is topical and about which people will be interested to read.
  3. Matter should be precise , Irrelevant points should be ignored, otherwise its impact will be lost.
  4. Facts must be absolutely correct and nothing should be revealed of a libelous nature.
  5. Before sending a letter to the editor, you must be sure in your mind that in receiving your letter any editor would assure your free consent to its publication.


  1. Formal Letters ( Editor of News paper)


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