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Showing posts with label English X - Notes. Show all posts

Tuesday 25 October 2022

Unit-3 -Practicing Positive Work Ethics - King Bruce And The Spider (Poem) - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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Unit-3 - Practicing Positive Work Ethics
Reading Comprehension
King Bruce And The Spider (Poem)
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:
1. Eliza Cook was born in ____.
(a) 1817
(b) 1818 ✔
(c) 1888
(d) 1889

2. Eliza Cook was died in ____.
(a) 1817
(c) 1888
(d) 1889 ✔

3. The poem "King Bruce and the Spider" is written by:
(a) Eliza Cook ✔
(b) Charles Mackay
(c) Thomas Moore
(d) Felicia Dorothea Hemans

4. "He flung himself down in a low _____,
As grieved as man could"

(a) hope
(b) despondency
(c) despair ✔
(d) mood

5. "Till ap and down, now fast, now slow,
_____ brave attempts were counted'

(a) seven
(b) eight
(c) nine ✔
(d) ten

6. "Bravo! Bravo! The king cried out,
All honour to those who _____,'

(a) work
(b) fight
(c) try ✔
(d) dare

7. "Steadily, steadily, inch by inch,
Higher and higher he _____.

(a) flew
(b) climbed
(c) rose
(d) got ✔

8. "Again it fell and swung below,
But again it quickly ____,

(a) rose
(b) climbed
(c) mounted ✔
(d) stood

9. Eliza Cook has written the poem:
(a) Speak Gently
(b) King Bruce and the Spider ✔
(c) The voice of God
(d) The man who wins

10. King Bruce was a:
(a) poet
(b) general
(c) king ✔
(d) poor man

11. King Bruce was the King of:
(a) Denmark
(b) France
(c) Netherland
(d) Scotland ✔

12. King Bruce wanted to make his people:
(a) fighter
(b) educated
(c) glad or happy ✔
(d) active

13. To succeed, King Bruce:
(a) did not try
(b) read some books
(c) contacted people
(d) tried and tried ✔

14. King Bruce saw:
(a) a spider ✔
(b) a dream
(c) a ghost
(d) a man

15. The spider hung by a:
(a) rope
(b) cobweb ✔
(c) twig
(d) piece of cloth

16. The number of the attempts made by the spider was:
(a) two
(b) ten
(c) nine ✔
(d) fifteen

17. The spider succeded in the ____ attempt.
(a) eight
(b) ninth
(c) tenth ✔
(d) eleventh

18. King Bruce considered the spider:
(a) a wise insect
(b) a foolish thing ✔
(c) a beautiful insect
(d) nothing

19. All honour to those who:
(a) read
(b) think
(c) try ✔
(d) play

20. Seeing the success of the spider the King decided:
(a) to postpone his programme
(b) to go home
(c) to sleep
(d) to keep his struggle up ✔

Fill in the blanks:

1. This poem is written by Eliza Cook.
2. King Bruce was the king of Scotland.
3. King Bruce became very sad because his effort has failed.
4. He was as grieved as a man could be.
5. His thoughts were interrupted when he saw a spider fallen from the Cobweb.
6. He had decided to give up his mission.
7. The spider made altogether ten attempts.
8. When the spider reached to cobweb, King Bruce cried out "Bravo! Bravo!". All honour to those who try".
9. King Bruce said that the spider was a fool because it had made nine attempt but failed.
10. "Pondered" means thought.

Friday 21 October 2022

Unit.3 -Practicing Positive Work Ethics - King Bruce And The Spider (Poem) - Reading Comprehension- Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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Unit-3 - Practicing Positive Work Ethics
Reading Comprehension
King Bruce And The Spider (Poem)
English For Class X (2022 and Onward


S.NO. Words Meanings
1.  Braced his mind Determined, Decided
2.  Bravo Well done
3.  Clue A thread (according to the poem)
4.  Ceiling Lower roof
5.  Cobweb Fine network of single thread made by a spider, Spider's home
6.  Crown King's head-wear
7.  Deed Action
8.  Delicate thread Of fine texture
9.  Despair Disappointment, Hopelessness
10.  In a low despair Downhearted, Discourage
11.  To divine Of God, Workout an answer
12.  Dizzy Giddy, Having a feeling that everything is turning round
13.  Dome Rounded roof
14.  Down in came with the slippery sprawl Came slipping down along the wall and hung in an awkward position
15.  Endeavour An attempt
16.  Entirely Completely
17.  Fine Delicate
18.  To fling oneself down To throw oneself violently on a bed or on the floor, Fall down.
19.  Glad Happy
20.  Grieved Sad
21.  Gossips tell the tale People talk about it
22.  Head grew steady Came to its senses, gained balanced (according to poem)
23.  The last pinch The last little bit of distance
24.  Lonely Alone
25.  Monarch King
26.  To mount To Climb, Ascend
27.  Native cot His own home, (In this poem) the spider's web
28.  Ponder Think
29.  Pondered Thought
30.  Sink Go into water
31.  To strive To struggle, to try hard
32.  Utter To speak
33.  To toil To work hard, Labour
34.  Tread To walk
35.  To tumble To fall over
36.  Utter Say
37.  Verses Poems
38.  Wear To put on
39.  Wretched Sad

About Poetess
Eliza Cook (1818-1889)

This poem is written by Eliza Cook (1818-1889). Born in London she was the youngest of eleven children. She was entirely self-educated and wrote verses from the age of fourteen. Her first volume being published at seventeen. In 1849, she edited and published "Eliza Cook's Journal." Her work is simple and highly moral. In this poem, she teaches the reader what she always practiced in her own life: to keep on trying and never to be discouraged.

Central Idea

This poem is written by Eliza cook (1818-1889). 
Central Idea
If a man fails in his struggle, he should not lose his hope. He should try again and again till he succeed.


The central idea of this poem is that we should cultivate a strong will – power and a hopeful attitude to life, be bold through thick and thin.
Those who go on trying for their goal, they succeed in life. One should never lose hope, efforts never go waste.

“Where there is a will, there is a way.”
“The world is his who has patients and industry.”


The poem King Bruce and the Spider is written by Eliza Cook. It tells us how to rise again after after defeat and achieve success in our life. King Bruce,though a king, was beginning to lose hope, and became disappointed after defeated from his enemies. He had tried many times and do everything to make his people happy but he couldn't succeed. He was hopeless and also very upset. After deep thinking he decided that he would give up.
Just then,a spider dropped down with its fine silky thread, the king stopped thinking in the middle and looked at it to see what it would do. Spider was very far from its cobweb and was hanging by a rope. The king could not work out how it would reach its home.It began to go up with strong endeavour but soon slipped down and became close to the ground as it was before.
It did not stop even a second for complaint and ran up again, but due to weakness it fell still lower than ever. Once it felt better it travelled higher and that time it covered a half yard higher. Its rope was delicate and the journey was tiring. It tried again and again, went up sometimes slowly and sometimes fast, but every time it slipped down and in this way it made nine brave attempts.
The king thought that it was her foolish attempt, falling again and again after struggle. The spider would now give up and not try anymore. But the spider went up again and this time it was just one foot away from its home, this was an anxious moment and it made king hopeful if the spider would lose or win. It kept moving up inch by inch, At last it ran boldly and thus succeeded in reaching its home.
The king cried out with pleasure and realized that those who try, succeed; like the spider did. He also could succeed, if he tried. Than the king changed his mind and tried again and succeeded.
The moral of the story is that after watching the struggle of a spider, King Bruce thought that this spider made so many attempted to reached at her home and failed but it did not lose hope and succeed in last. King Bruce got motivation from the spider and tried again with the hope that he would not give up till he would achieved success and he succeeded.
King Bruce learns from a spider the lesson of success. He wanted to do a great deed for his people. However, he failed each time. He had given up all hope. He saw a spider that made nine attempts to reach its home. It was not successful in its nine attempts. King Bruce thought that it would give up its attempts. The spider made one further attempt and this time it succeeded. King Bruce also decided to try again and succeeded in his mission.
 The poetess has expressed the true sense of life in this poem. Solution to the problems of life and key to the success are being preached in this poem in a dramatic style. This poem tells the story of the king Bruce of Scotland. Once he was defeated by the English men. He took refuge in a cave. Due to his repeated failures, he was very grieve.
King Bruce mentally accepted his defeat from the English men. One day, he was pondering at the point of his defeat, he watched a spider who was trying to reach to her cobweb. Thread was the only pathway for the spider to reach her destination. Spider started her voyage with great anxiety and force. But the spider come down to the initial stage where it had started her journey. King Bruce was showing security on the foolish attempts to reach the destination that spider will not try again.
However the spider succeeded in the 10th attempt to reach its cobweb. After the success to spider the King Bruce sounded in a optimistic order. “All honour to those who tries persistently.” King Bruce resolute in heart to try once more in order to get the win over on his enemies.” At last he succeeded.

Poetry With Urdu Translation
King Bruce and the Spider

King Bruce of Scotland flung himself down
In a lonely mood to think,
Tis true he was monarch and wore a crown
But his heart was beginning to sink.

کنگ بروس اور مکڑی

سکاٹ لینڈ کے بادشاہ بروس نے خود کو جھکا لیا۔
تنہائی کی حالت میں غور و فکر کے لۓ
، یہ سچ ہے کہ وہ بادشاہ تھا اور اس نے تاج پہنا تھا۔
لیکن اس کا دل ڈوبا جا رہا تھا۔

For he had been trying to do a great deed,
To make his people glad;
He had tired and tried, but couldn’t succeed,
So became quite sad.

کیونکہ وہ ایک عظیم کام کرنے کی کوشش کر رہا تھا
، اپنے لوگوں (قوم) کو خوش کرنے کے لیے۔
اس نے بار بار کر کوشش کی لیکن کامیاب نہ ہو سکا
اس لۓ وہ بالکل غمگین تھا۔

He flung himself down in a low despair,
As grieved as man could be,
And after a while, as he pondered there
“I’ll give it all up” said he.

اس نے مایوسی کے عالم میں اپنے آپ کو جھکا لیا
، وہ اتنا افسردہ تھا جتنا کہ کوئی ہو سکتا ہے
، اور تھوڑی دیر کے بعد جیسے وہ وہاں سوچ رہا تھا۔
"میں یہ سب چھوڑ دوں گا" اس نے کہا۔

Now just at the moment a spider dropped,
With it’s silken filmy clue,
And the king in the midst of his thinking stopped.
To see what the spider would do.

ابھی اسی لمحے مکڑی گر گئی
، اس کے ریشمی جالے کے ساتھ
، اور بادشاہ اپنی سوچ کے دوران رک گیا۔
یہ دیکھنے کے لیے کہ اب مکڑی کیا کرتی ہے۔

Twas a long way up to the ceiling dome,
And it hung by a rope so fine,
That how it would get to its cobweb home
King Bruce could not divine.

چھت کے گنبد تک پہنچنے کے لۓ کافی لمبا راستہ تھا
، اور وہ ایک پتلے دھاگے سے لٹک رہی تھی
، کہ یہ اپنے جالے کے گھر تک کیسے پہنچے گی۔
بادشاہ بروس کچھ نہیں سمجھ سکا۔

It soon began to cling and crawl
Straight up with strong endeavour;
But down it came with a slippery sprawl,
As near to the ground as ever.

اس نے جلد ہی لپیٹنا اور رینگنا شروع کر دیا,
سیدھا اوپر بڑی کوشش کے ساتھ؛
لیکن وہ پھسل کے نیچے گری
، ہمیشہ کی طرح زمین کے قریب۔

Up, up it ran, not a second, could stay,
To utter the least complaint,
Till it fell still lower and there it lay
A little dizzy and faint.

وہ اوپر کی جانب دوڑی، ایک لمحے کے لۓ بھی نہیں رکی
، شکایت کرنے کے لیے
، یہاں تک کہ وہ نیچے گری اور وہیں پڑی رہی۔
تھوڑی بد حواس اور بیہوش۔

Its head grew steady again it went,
And traveled a half yard higher,
Twas a delicate thread it had to tread.
And a road where it feet would tire.

جب وہ ہوش میں آئی تو دوبارہ چل پڑی.
اور آدھا گز اوپر سفر کیا
، یہ ایک نازک دھاگہ تھا جس پر اسے چلنا تھا۔
اور ایک ایسا رستہ تھا جس پر اس کے پاؤں تھک سکتے تھے۔

Again it fell and swung below,
But again it quickly mounted,
Till up and down, now fast, now slow
Nine brave attempts were counted.

وہ پھر گری اور دھاگے سے جھولتی رہی
، لیکن جلد ہی وہ پھر تیزی سے اوپر چڑھنے لگی
، اس طرح اوپر نیچے کبھی تیز کبھی آہستہ
اس کی نو بہادر کوششیں شمار کی گئیں۔

“Sure” cried the King, “that foolish thing
Will strive no more to climb,
When it toils so hard to reach and cling,
And tumbles every time”.

"یقینا" بادشاہ چیخا، "یہ احمقانہ چیز:؛
اوپر چڑھنے کی مزید کوشش نہیں کریں گی,
جبکہ اس نے اوپر پہنچنے اور چمٹنے کی بھر پور کوشش کی ہے,
اور ہر بار ڈگمگا کر گرتی ہے۔"

But up the insect went one more,
Ah me! It is an anxious minute,
He’s only a foot from his cobweb door!
Oh, say will he lose or win it?

لیکن یہ کیڑا اٹھا اور ایک دفعہ پھر چل پڑا,
 آہ میرے لۓ یہ ایک لمحہ فکریہ ہے,
اب وہ اپنے جالے کے دروازے سے صرف ایک فٹ کے فاصلے پر تھی,
! اب بولو وہ ہار جاۓ گی یا جیت جاۓ گی؟

Steadily, steadily, inch by inch,
Higher and higher he got,
And a bold little runs at the very last pinch,
Put him into his native cot.

مستقل مزاجی سے، انچ انچ کر کے,
وہ اوپر سے اوپر ہوتی گئی,
اور آخری لمحے میں اس نے بہادرانہ دوڑ لگائی,
اور اپنے گھر یعنی جالے میں چلی گئی۔

“Bravo! Bravo!” the King cried out,
“All honour to those who try!
The spider up there defied despair;
He conquered, and why should not I”?

"شاباش! شاباش!" بادشاہ چلایا،
"جو لوگ کوشش کرتے ہیں، وہ قابل عزت ہیں!
اوپر جو مکڑی ہے، اس نے مایوسی کا مقابلہ کیا۔
وہ فاتح بن گئی، اور میں کیوں نہ (فاتح) نہ بن سکوں گا؟"

And Bruce of Scotland braced his mind,
And gossips tell the tale,
That he tried once more as he tried before,
And that time did not fail.

اسکاٹ لینڈ کے بروس نےپکا ارادہ کر لیا,
اور لوگ داستان بیان کرتے ہیں,
کہ اس نے پہلے کی طرح ایک بار پھر کوشش کی,
اور اس دفعہ وہ ناکام نہیں ہوا۔

Friday 19 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.25 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In thee north of Pakistan are the _______ mountains with their silvery waterfalls and cool lakes.
a. grassy
b. snow-copped
c. barren
d. tall

2. The tribal people and the Pathan of the north are sturdy and ________.
a. healthy
b. beautiful
c. brave
d. strong

3. The proud father announces the birth of a son by _____.
a. fire crackers
b. rifle shots
c. dancing
d. singing

4. The Pathans are very _____ by nature.
a. polite
b. hospitable
c. decent
d. sobre

5. Quaid-e-Azam called the Punjab _____ of Pakistan.
a. brain
b. vital organ
c. heart
d. soul

6. The University of Taxila flourished in the Punjab about _____ years ago.
a. 500
b. 1500
c. 2,000
d. 2,500

7. The _____ of Cbiniot is famous all over the country.
a. sport goods
b. inlaid furniture
c. embroidery
d. cutlery

8. The ____ of Sialkot are famous.
a. sport goods
b. inlaid furniture
c. embroidery
d. cutlery

9. The _______ of  Wazirabad is famous.
a. sport goods
b. inlaid furniture
c. embroidery
d. cutlery

10. The _____ of Multan is famous all over. country.
a. sport goods
b. inlaid furniture
c. embroidery
d. cutlery

11. The _______ of Gujrat and Bhawalpur is also famous.
a. Pottery
b. inlaid furniture
c. embroidery
d. cutlery

12. Punjabi girls amuse themselves by dancing the _____ at wedding ceremonies.
a. luddi
b. bhangra
c. disco
d. classical

13. Punjabi men express their joy by dancing the _______ at wedding ceremonies.
a. luddi
b. bhangra
c. disco
d. classical

14. Mela Chiragan is held every year on the eve of the urs of saint ________.
a. Baba Farid
b. Data Ganj Baksh
c. Madbu Lal Hussain
d. Baba Uddin Zakariya

15. People of Baluchistan keep themselves warm by using a ________ in cold weather.
a. heater
b. burner
c. stove
d. sandly

16. In _____ the wedding food Is brought along with, the baraat.
a. Khyber Pakhtunkbwa
b. Baluchistan
c. Punjab
d. Sindh

17. The ancient civilization of Sindh dates back to _____ B.C.
a. 500
b. 1000
c. 2,000
d. 2,500

18. The ruins of Moen jo Daro are ______ years old.
a. 3,000
b. 4,000
c. 5,000
d. 6,000

19. The Ek Tara and ______ are typical musical instruments of Sindh.
a. Sarangi
b. Aighoza
c. Murli
d. Piano

20. The Sindhi ______ is admired all over Pakistan as well as in foreign countries.
a. cutlery
b. embroidery
c. music
d. pottery

Fill In The Blanks:

1. The Pathans celebrate the birth of a son by firing Rifle-shots.
2. The Pathans are sturdy and war-like people.
3. They like roasted mutton and Chapli Kababs.
4. The Punjab is a seat of learning.
5. The University of Taxila flourished about two thousand and five hundred years ago.
6. The Punjabi farmers sit in the Chopal in th evening.
7. The geographical variations of Pakistan are reflected in the customs of the people of various regions of our country.
8. The power of a tribe depends upon the number of its menfolk.
9. The birth of a son is regarded as a great blessing for the family.
10. The Pathans are very hospitable to their guests.
11. The generosity to their guests is well-known.
12. The Punjab has been called the "Heart of Pakistan" by the Quaid-i-Azam.
13. The inlaid furniture of Chiniot, the sports goods of Sialkot, the cutlery of Wazirabad, the pottery of Gujrat and Bahawalpur are known all over the country.
14. Mahya' and 'Heer' are the famous folk songs of the Punjab.
15. Luddi and Bhangra dances are performed at the time of weddings.
16. The Balochistan is made up of vast barren lands and dry mountains.
17. Extreme climate has made life very difficult for the people.
18. The Balochis lead a simple life and they usually sit and sleep on the floor.
19. The traditional jewelry of Balochistan is beautifully designed.
20. The civilization of Sindh, (the Valley of Mehran) is one of the oldest in the world.
21. The folk-music of Sindh is very sweet and melodious.
22. 'Alghoza’ and 'Ek-Tara' are the popular instrument of Sindh.
23. The Sindhi embroidery is admired all over Pakistan as well as in foreign countries.
24. The women of Balochistan wear most of their jewellery all the time.
25. The habits, dialects and dress vary from place to place.

Thursday 18 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.25 - Reference To Context

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Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
Lesson Name: The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan

Explain With Reference To Context (Prose)

1. These geographical variations are reflected in the customs of the people of various regions of our country.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) What do you know about various region of Pakistan?
(iii) Which region of Pakistan is called " Heart of Pakistan" by the Quaid e Azam and why?
(iv) Which civilization is considered the oldest in the world?

Ans. (i)Lesson Name: The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) Pakistan is full of beautiful natural scenery. In the north are the snow-wrapped mountains with their silvery waterfalls and cool lakes. The central part consists of the fertile green plains of the Punjab and Sindh. Then there are the rocky regions of Balochistan and the beautiful shores of the Arabian sea. These geographical variations are reflected in the customs of the people of various regions of our country.
(iii) The Punjab, the land of five-rivers, has been called the "Heart of Pakistan" by the Quaid-i-Azam because it has always been a center of culture and a seat of learning. The habits, dialects and dress vary from place to place. With nearly every district, some particular craft is associated. The Punjabis are religious by nature. Most of their festivals and fairs are connected with Urs at the shrines of famous saints.
(iv) The civilization of Sindh, (the Valley of Mehran) is one of the oldest in the world.

2. The power of a tribe depends upon the number of its menfolk.
i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) How does a tribesman announce the birth of a son? and Why does he announce it?
(iii) What sort of people the tribal are?

Ans. (i)Lesson Name: The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) The power of a tribe depends upon the number of its menfolk. The birth of a son is, therefore, regarded as a great blessing for the family. That's why the proud father announces the birth of a son by rifle-shots.
(iii) The tribal people and Pathans of the north are sturdy and brave. Through the ages they have fought the invaders coming from the north. They are enthusiastic warriors and extremities of weather and climate have made them physically very strong. The power of a tribe depends upon the number of its menfolk. They are very hospitable by nature. Marriages are arranged by parents.

3. The Punjab, the land of five-rivers, has been called the "Heart of Pakistan" by the Quaid-i-Azam.
i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) Why is the Punjab called “Heart of Pakistan”?
(iii) Why is the Punjab called the seat of learning?

Ans. (i)Lesson Name: The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii)  The Punjab, the land of five-rivers, has been called the "Heart of Pakistan" by the Quaid-i-Azam because it has always been a center of culture and a seat of learning. The habits, dialects and dress vary from place to place. With nearly every district, some particular craft is associated. The Punjabis are religious by nature. Most of their festivals and fairs are connected with Urs at the shrines of famous saints. 
 (iii) The Punjab is called the seat of learning because centuries ago, many educational, institutions flourished in this region. The University of Taxila flourished nearly two thousand and five hundred years ago. Even today a large number of schools, colleges and universities are flourishing in the Punjab.

4. Even though large and small towns have developed, many people still live a nomadic life.
i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) Who lead simple nomadic life and Why?
(iii) Describe a wedding of the people who feasts the guests of both the bride and the groom?

Ans. (i)Lesson Name: The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) The Baluchis leads simple nomado=ic life. Baluchistan has vast barren lands and dry mountains. Extreme weather makes life quite difficult for the Balochis. Although large and small towns have developed there but many people still live a nomadic life. In winter, they come down from the mountains and in summer go back to their homes in the hills.
(iii) The Balochi wedding ceremonies are performed amidst songs and laughter with men and women dancing to the lively beat of drums, which is considered to be the main heritage of the wedding. The groom feasts his own and the bride's guests. The food is brought along with the Baraat.

5. The civilization of Sindh, (the Valley of Mehran) is one of the oldest in the world.
i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii)  How old is the civilization of valley of Mehran and what do you know about it?
(iii) What are the famous crafts of Sindh?

Ans. (i)Lesson Name: The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii)  The civilization of the Valley of Mehran, (Sindh) is one of the oldest in the world. The ancient city of Moen-jo-daro dates back to 2500 B.C. and its ruins speak of the highly developed and very advanced society that existed there about 5,000 years ago.
(iii) Most of the crafts of Sindh emerged from the embroidery is admired all over Pakistan as well as in foreign countries. These handicrafts include dresses of both men and women are colorfully embroidered in silk thread, beads and mirror. Mirror work is also done on purses and cushions.

6. Most festivals in Sindh, as in the Punjab, are of a religious nature.
i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) Which festivals are religious in Nature in Sindh as well as in Punjab? Who are the famous saints of Sindh?
(iii) What is an Urs and how it is celebrated?

Ans. (i)Lesson Name: The Customs of Various Regions of Pakistan
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) Urs which is religious in nature is celebrated in Sindh as well as in Punjab. Lal Shahbaz Qalander and Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai are the famous saints of Sindh. These mystic poets and saints preached the message of Allah in a very convincing way. Their poetry is an important aspect of our culture.

 (iii) Urs is the death or birth anniversary of mystic poets which is celebrated in a religious manner at their shrines. People from all over the country gather at these shrines, sing devotional songs called Qawalis and participate in the festivities of the fair.

Wednesday 17 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.25 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Comprehension

Q.1: What sort of people are the Pathans?
Ans. Pathans of the north are sturdy and brave. Through the ages they have fought the invaders coming from the north. They are enthusiastic warriors and extremities of weather and climate have made them physically very strong. The power of a tribe depends upon the number of its menfolk. Sheep are bred in large herds on the green slopes of the northern region. The Pathans are very hospitable by nature. Their generosity to their guests is well known. They will protect a visitor or a person whom they have given refuge, even at the cost of their own lives. Marriages are arranged by parents.

Q.2: What food do they like? OR What do the Pathans eat?
Ans. The favourite food of the Pathan is meat. Roast mutton and spicy chapli kababs are popular dishes. They are frequently prepared at special Kabab shops.

Q.3: How does a tribesman announce the birth of a son?
Ans. As the power of a tribe depends upon the number of its menfolk. So the tribesman or the proud father announces the birth of a son by rifle-shots.

Q.4: Why does he announce it?
Ans. The power of a tribe depends upon the number of its menfolk. The birth of a son is, therefore, regarded as a great blessing for the family. That's why the proud father announces the birth of a son by rifle-shots.

Q.5: Why is the Punjab called the seat of learning? 
Ans. The Punjab is called the seat of learning because centuries ago, many educational, institutions flourished in this region. The University of Taxila flourished nearly two thousand and five hundred years ago. Even today a large number of schools, colleges and universities are flourishing in the Punjab.

Q.6: Which is the university that existed in Pakistan about two thousand and five hundred years ago?
Ans. The University of Taxila flourished nearly two thousand and five hundred years ago in province Punjab in Pakistan.

Q.7: Where do the Punjabi farmers sit in the evening? What do they do their?
Ans. The Punjabi farmers sit in Chopal in the evening. They discuss their daily problems, seek advice, and settle some of their disputes. Usually they sit talking happily, just for the pleasure of being together. Sometimes younger people sing 'Mahya' or the ever popular 'Heer!'

Q.8: What is the result of extreme weather on the lives of Balochis? Why Balochis lead simple nomadic life?
Ans. Baluchistan has vast barren lands and dry mountains. Extreme weather makes life quite difficult for the Balochis. Although large and small towns have developed there but many people still live a nomadic life. In winter, they come down from the mountains and in summer go back to their homes in the hills.

Q.9: Describe a Balochi wedding? In a Balochi wedding who feasts the guests of both the bride and the groom?
Ans. The Balochi wedding ceremonies are performed amidst songs and laughter with men and women dancing to the lively beat of drums, which is considered to be the main heritage of the wedding. The groom feasts his own and the bride's guests. The food is brought along with the Baraat.

Q.10: How old is the civilization of valley of Mehran and what do you know about it? Which University was existed at that time.
Ans. The civilization of the Valley of Mehran, (Sindh) is one of the oldest in the world. The ancient city of Moen-jo-daro dates back to 2500 B.C. and its ruins speak of the highly developed and very advanced society that existed there about 5,000 years ago. The University of Taxila existed at that time.

Q.11: Who are the famous saints of Sindh?
Ans. Lal Shahbaz Qalander and Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai are the famous saints of Sindh. These mystic poets and saints preached the message of Allah in a very convincing way. Their poetry is an important aspect of our culture.

Q.12: What are the famous crafts of Sindh?
Ans. Most of the crafts of Sindh emerged from the embroidery is admired all over Pakistan as well as in foreign countries. These handicrafts include dresses of both men and women are colorfully embroidered in silk thread, beads and mirror. Mirror work is also done on purses and cushions.

Q.13: How are marriage ceremonies held in Punjab?
Ans. The close relatives of the bride and groom come to stay many days before the wedding and ceremonies continue even after the wedding. The whole village participates in the function. Girls amuse themselves by dancing the Luddi in the house, and the men express their joy by dancing the Bhangra.

Q.14: What are the famous musical instruments of Sindh?
Ans. The 'Ek-Tara' is a popular one stringed instrument used in Sindh from ancient times. The 'Alghoza’ is another instrument typical of this region. The folk music of Sindh is very sweet and melodious.

Q.15: What are the famous crafts of Punjab?
Ans: The inlaid furniture of Chiniot, the sports goods of Sialkot, the cutlery of Wazirabad, the pottery of Gujrat and Bahawalpur, and the embroidery of Multan are famous all over the country.

Q.16: What do you know about various region of Pakistan?
Ans. Pakistan is full of beautiful natural scenery. In the north are the snow-wrapped mountains with their silvery waterfalls and cool lakes. The central part consists of the fertile green plains of the Punjab and Sindh. Then there are the rocky regions of Balochistan and the beautiful shores of the Arabian sea. These geographical variations are reflected in the customs of the people of various regions of our country.

Q.17: What are the various customs of the valley of Mehran?
Ans. Most of the customs in Sindh are of a religious nature. The urs of mystic poets and saints is held. Many folk¬songs are sung to their memory. The folk-music of Sindh is very sweet and melodious.

B. Write down the meanings of the following words and used them in your own sentences:

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Announce Declare
 2. Fertile Rich soil, High yielding soil
 3. Festivities Celebration
 4. Mutton The meat of goat and sheep
 5. Nomadic Wanderer
 6. Participate Take part
 7. Refuge Shelter
 8. Regions Area
 9 Rifle A long barrel gun
 10. Sturdy Strong
 11. Slopes Incline
 12. Silvery Like silver in colour or appearance; Shiny and grey- white.
 13. WeaponInstruments (of attack)


S.No. Words Sentences
 1. Announce The Federal government has officially announced four days public holidays on account of Eid-ul-Fitr.
 2. Fertile Plants grow well in fertile soil.
 3. Festivities The festivities started with a huge fireworks display.
 4. Mutton We had roast mutton for dinner.
 5. Nomadic Mostly the tribal people live a nomadic life .
 6. Participate He had participated in quiz competition and won first prize.
 7. Refuge Our school has collected charity for the refuge camp of earthquake victims
 8. Regions Pakistan is divided into many regions on the basis of climatic conditions.
 9 Rifle He pulled out his rifle and fired three shots on lion.
 10. Sturdy We need several sturdy men to pull this car.
 11. Slopes There was snow on the higher slopes of the mountain.
 12. Silvery I saw a small beautiful silvery fish in aquarium.
 13. Weapon Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to conquer the world.

C. Frame ten sentences from the table using after, at, into, out, for, in column 3:

1 2 3 4
 WeLook after the man.
 They at the window.
 The Pathans into their guests well.
 The Balochis out water in the mountain.
  The village elders for the disputes among the villagers.

  1. We looked out for the man
  2. We looked at the window.
  3. They were looking at the window.
  4. They looked into the disputes among the villagers.
  5. The Pathans look out for the water in the mountain.
  6. The Pathans look after their guests well.
  7. The Balochis  were looking for the man
  8. The Balochis  look after theirs guests well.
  9. The village elders looked  into the disputes among the villagers.
  10.  The village elders were looking for water in the mountain

D. Fill in the blanks in the sentences given below from the following words:

festivals, favourite, barren, bred, protect, sturdy, brave, blessing devotional, ancient, popular.
1. The birth of a son is therefore, regarded as a great blessing for the family.
2. The Pathans of the north are sturdy and brave.
3. People from all over the country participate in the “Urs” and sing devotional songs.
4. They will protect a visitor at the cost of their own lives.
5. The favourite food of the people is meat.
6. Roast mutton and Chapli Kababs are popular dishes.
7. Most festivals in Sindh, as in Punjab are of religious nature.
8. Sheep are bred in large herds on the green slopes of the northern regions.
9. The rock area is mostly barren.
10. The ancient city of Moen-jo-Daro dates back to 2500 BC.

E. Composition

Q.1: How are the marriages arranged and wedding ceremonies performed among Pathans and the Balochis?
Ans. In Pathans, marriages are arranged by parents. While The Balochi wedding ceremonies are performed amidst songs and laughter with men and women dancing to the lively beat of drums. The groom feasts his own and the bride's guests. The food is brought along with the Baraat.

Q.2: Why is the Punjab called “Heart of Pakistan”?
Ans. The Punjab, the land of five-rivers, has been called the "Heart of Pakistan" by the Quaid-i-Azam because it has always been a center of culture and a seat of learning. The habits, dialects and dress vary from place to place. With nearly every district, some particular craft is associated. The Punjabis are religious by nature. Most of their festivals and fairs are connected with Urs at the shrines of famous saints.

Q.3: What is an Urs and how it is celebrated?
Ans. Urs is the death or birth anniversary of mystic poets which is celebrated in a religious manner at their shrines. People from all over the country gather at these shrines, sing devotional songs called Qawalis and participate in the festivities of the fair.

Q.4: How do the Balochi  keep warm in a room in cold weather? OR What is sandly and where it is used?
Ans. Sandly is sort of local coal stove which is used in extreme cold weather. Sandly is placed with a little burning coal in the middle of the room which provide heat to the people. It is kept under a table and a large quilt or a blanket is spread over the table. All the members of the family get under the quilt or the blanket to keep themselves warm.

F. Non-textual Exercises:

  1. Sometimes/often:
    1. Sometimes, younger people sing 'Mahya'.
    2. The fisherman sometimes works individually.
    3. He is often late for class.

    Exercise: Cut out what is incorrect from the brackets.
    1. It doesn't (often/sometimes) rain in dry countries.
    2. (Often/Sometimes) he is sick though he is normally healthy.
    3. His old rickety car gives him trouble quite (often/sometimes).
    4. He is very attentive but falls asleep in class (sometimes/often),
  2. Farther from than, farther than:
    1. Mu!tan is farther from Karachi than Hyderabad.
    2. .He can walk farther than his younger brother can.

    Exercise: Cut out the wrong expression from the brackets.
    1. Lahore is (farther from / farther than) Karachi than Multan.
    2. You cannot go (farther from / farther than) 160 kilometres on this road.
  3.  What ......... like?
    What is the weather like in Murree?

    Exercise: Delete the word which is not suitable in the sentences that follow.
    1. What is the (temperature, thermometer) like in winter.
    2. What are the (cost / prices) like before Eid.

G. Idioms:

1. To see eye to eye with someone: to have the same opinion or to agree with.
Examples: I don't see eye to eye with my friends specially when they ask me to stop further studies and join some service.
Exercise: Management seldom has the same opinion as labour. (Substitute the idiom).
Management seldom see eye to eye with Labour.

2. To turn a deaf ear to: to pay no attention.
Example: Never listen to rumors. Turn a deaf ear to them.
Exercise: The employee kept pleading his case but the manager refused to pay any attention to it (substitute the idiom).
The employee kept pleading his case but the manager refused to turned a deaf ear to it.

3. A black sheep: a bad character in an otherwise good group.
Example: All others are respectable, but he's the black sheep in the family.
Exercise: Our school has produced very good citizens but there are a few persons of bad repute too. (substitute the idiom).
Our school has produced very good citizens but there are black sheep too.

4. To take to task: to call to account, to blame, to rebuke.
Example: The boy was taken to task for coming late.
Exercise: Those who are corrupt will have to give an account of their doings. (Substitute the idiom).
Those who are corrupt will have to be taken to task of their doings.

5. Far and wide: over a large area.
Example: We searched far and wide but couldn't find the lost child.
Exercise: This tour will take you over a large area of the country. (substitute the idiom).
This tour will take you over far and wide of the country.

6. At large: at liberty, or free.
Example: The people were afraid because the murderer was at large.
Exercise: The politician is popular with all classes of people. (substitute the idiom).
The politician is popular at large.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.25 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Announce Declare
 2. Ancient Very old
 3. Bride A woman getting married
 4. Fertile Rich soil, High yielding soil
 5. Festivities Celebration
 6. Flourish Develop
 7. Groom A man getting married
 8. Herd Flock
 9. Invade To attack
 10. Mutton The meat of goat and sheep
 11. Nomadic Wanderer
 12. Plains Smooth surface
 13. Participate Take part
 14. Recently Very often
 15. Rarely Scarcely
 16. Refuge Shelter
 17. Regions Area
 18 Rifle A long barrel gun
 19. Snow-capped Covered with snow
 20. Sturdy Strong
 21. Slopes Incline
 22. Silvery Like silver in colour or appearance; Shiny and grey-white.
 23. Variations Continuous change
 24. Vary To change, To differ
 25. Various  Different
 26. Well-to-do Rich
 26. Weapon Instruments (of attack)

Short note Or Summary on

There are a variety Of Customs of the people Of various regions of our country. The Pathans are sturdy and brave. Their favourite food is meat. They announce the birth of a son by rifle shots. Their marriages are arranged by their parents. The Punjab is the centre of culture and a seat of learning. Various crafts of Punjab are famous all over the country. Girls dance Luddi and men dance Bhangra to express their joy on weddings. The Balochis lead a simple life. Balochi women wear most of their jewelry all the time. The folk music of Sindh is very melodious. Aighoza and Ek Tara are their popular musical instruments. Sindhi embroidery is famous all over Pakistan.

Tuesday 9 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.24 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions (Mcqs)

1. The poem 'There's a Good Time Corning' was written by ________.
a. Charles Mackay
b. Thomas Moore
c. Eliza Cook
d. an anonymous poet

2. Charles Mackay was born in _____.
a. 1813
b. 1814
c. 1888
d. 1889

3. Charles Mackay died in _____.
a. 1813

b. 1814
c. 1888
d. 1889

4. Charles Mackay was born in ________.
a. Perth
b. London
c. New York
d. Brussels

5. Charles Mackay wrote poems in English and ______ .
a. German
b. Spanish
c. French
d. Latin

6. Charles Mackay was a popular Scottish ________.
a. novelist
b. story writer
c. song writer
d. musician

7. Charles Mackay was a good all round_______,
a. playwright
b. scholar
c. tourist
d. journalist

8 'We may not live to see the day, But earth shall glisten in the ______.
a. beam
b. ray
c. sunshine
d. daylight

9 'Cannon halls may aid the truth, but thoughts a ______ strong.
a. tool
b. arms
c. ammunition
d. weapon

10. The pen shall _____ the sword, A. right, not might, shall be the lord'.
a. supersede
b. surpass
c. overtake
d. follow

11. 'And right, not _____ shall be the lord, In the good time coming'.
a. wealth
b. status
c. might
d. fight

12. 'Worth not ______ shall rule mankind, And be acknowledged stronger'.
a. blood
b. bank balance
c. academics
d. birth

13. War in all men's eyes shall be, A monster of ______.
a. inequity
b. injustice
c. horror
d. terror

14. In this poem, the poet is thinking of a ______ world.
a. colourful
b. peaceful
c. wonderful
d. marvelous

Fill In The Blanks:

1. This poem has been written by Charles Mackay.
2. In this poem, A good time" refers to a period of peace and happiness.
3. The poet expects that Right will be the Might when a good time comes.
4. The pen shall supersede the sword.
5. Worth not birth, shall rule mankind.
6. Impulse means urge.
7. Monster of inequity stands for Gross Injustice.
8. Glory means fame and honour.
9. This poem brings to us a meanings of optimism.

English X - Chapter No.24 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Question And Answers

Q.1 Who has written this poem? What do you know about the poet or poetess?
Ans. Charles Mackay (1814-1889) has written this poem. He was born in Scotland. In London, he worked for the “Morning Charnicle” till 1884 and then became editor of “Argus”. Besides his extremely popular songs, some of which still alive and he wrote books on travel, history and biography and was a good all round journalist.

Q.2 Do you agree with the poet that a good time is coming?
Ans. Yes, I agree with the poet that a good time is coming. He rightly said that if we worked together, we can bring the ideal future closer in which truthfulness, peace, Justice and merit will prevail all around the World. s poet tries to explain in his poem that even the lightest deeds dome with sincerity will produce the result naturally.

Q.3 What future does the poet promise for us?
Ans. Charles Mackay being optimistic promises an ideal future for us where there will be complete peace in the World. Good thoughts will be the most strongest weapon to protect the privileges and intellectuals will be the fighter instead of sword. Moral values like merit, worth will hold the ground in that time and people will regard wars as disgusting because of unfairness.
The poet promises a bright future for us. Wars and injustice will vanish from th odd. Peace and happiness will prevail in the world.

Q.4 Does poet expect us to make some effort for achieving it?
Ans. Yes, Charles Mackay has strong hopes from us and by giving an initiative, he has asked us to bring the ideal future closer to us. According to poet it is our duty to make our combined efforts to get this goal in a positive and constructive way. In this way we can revolutionize the whole World.
The poet thinks the everyone will have to strive for a good time. He thinks that every man and woman will have to make contribution in achieving this goal. We will have to work for it steadily and wait for a long time to get this goal in a positive and constructive way .

Q.5: What does Charles Mackay predict about the future?
Ans. Poet predict that the good time is coming very soon. He makes a forecast about the future world, which will be in every way, much better than ours. The poet is very hopeful about it.

Q.6: What appeal does the poet make to us?
Ans. He appeals that every one of us should make our combined efforts in order to achieve this goal at an early time. We must make sincere, positive and constructive efforts. The poet says that the movement has started and the good time is not far away. Everybody has a certain role to play.

Q.7: What does the poet means by a good time?
Ans. The poet means by a good time is the time when there will be no cruelty, it will be an era of peace, justice, joy and happiness. In that period, might will not be right, but the right will be might. Right will be prevail everywhere. The pen will be mightier than the sword. People will be loved and respected for their virtues and not for wealth. People will hat wars and nobody will be killed for glory's sake.

Q.8: What Is the message of the poem There's a Good Time Coming?
An The message of the poem is that the wars and sufferings are going to end soon. People will become more civilized and cultured. A golden era of peace and happiness is going to start soon. However, all of us will have to struggle for it.

B. Words and Meanings:

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1.Good timeusually means a short period of enjoyment; here it means an era of happiness, which will possibly last forever
 3.Cannon-ballsshells fired from guns
 4.Supersedetake the place of
 6.Impulsepush; urge; here direction
 7.Monster of iniquitygross injustice
 8.Slaughter: murderkill. glory's sake: to win fame and honour.

C. Idiomatic Structures explained:

1. "I practise so that I may be perfect" means "I am practising in order to be perfect".
2. "The servant looks after the children" means "The servant takes care of the children".
3. "Put up the flag" means "Fly the flag".
4. "Elections took place in March" means "Elections were held in March".
5. "The Government called out the army to restore order" means "The Government used the army to restore order".
6. "Call the doctor at once" means "Call the doctor immediately".
7. "She takes pains over her work" means "She takes a lot of trouble over her work".
8. "The exam results will come out in June" means "The results of the exam will be released in June".
9. "Well done. Keep it up" means "Congratulations. Maintain your high standard".
10. "The chief guest gave away the prizes" means "The chief guest distributed the prizes".

Sunday 7 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.23 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. A good summary is generally ____ of the length of the original passage.
a. half
b. one-third
c. a quarter
d. two-thirds

2.The first skill needed to make a precis is _______.
a. one word substitution
c. avoiding details
d. Using indirect speech

3. Personal ______ should be avoided while making a precis.
a. interests
b. opinion
c. bias
d. liking

4. A precis should contain ______ which concerns the main ideas in the passage.
a. knowledge
b. information
c. facts
d. points

5. We should avoid giving _______ in the precis.
a. supplements
b. experiences
c. examples
d. theories

6. Football, cricket, hockey and volleyball can be generalized as ________ .
a. play
b. fun
c. employment
d. sport

7. Table, chairs, sofas and cupboards can be generalized as _______.
a. furniture
b. decorations
c. antiques
d. luxury

8. Snakes, crocodiles, lizards can be generalized as _________.
a. mammals
b. amphibians
c. reptiles
d. aves

9. Lions, bears and tigers can be generalized as _______.
a. herbivores
b. omnivores
c. carnivores
d. furgivores

10. Sheep, goats, horses, camels and donkeys can be generalized as ________.
a. pets
b. cattle
c. animals
d. tetra-pods

Fill In The Blanks:

1. Generalization means using one word for many things.
2. One word substitution helps a lot in making a summary.
3. It is better to use indirect form of speech while making a summary.
4. We should avoid personal opinions while making a summary.
5. A good summary is generally one-third of the length of the original passage.
6. It must posses or present all the important points in a precise form.
7. Five skills are needed to make a good precis.

English X - Chapter No.23 - Reference To Context

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Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
Lesson Name: Making a Summary

1. A good summary is generally one-third of the length of the original passage.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) What is a good summary?
(iii) What are the skills for writing a summary? Name them

(i) Lesson: Making a Summary
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) A good summary must have all the important points in a precise form. It brings out the theme of the matter. A summary is usually one-third the length of the original passage.
(iii) There are five skills for making a summary. They include:
  1. Generalization
  2. Inclusion of main points
  3. One word substitution
  4. Use of indirect speech
  5. Avoiding details and personal opinions

2. A more important skill is the ability to select facts which concern the main ideas in the passage, and reject details having little or no importance.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) When we need this skill? Name all skills to precis a passage?
(iii) Delete the sentence from the following sets of three sentences which does not concern the other two:-
(a) The dog was very fierce. The dog howled all night. So the neighbours never went near it.
(b) The car was black in colour: The car had worn-out tyres. So it could not be seen in the dark.
(c) The students did not prepare for the test. They came without uniforms. So the chowkidar could not make out who they were.

(i) Lesson: Making a Summary
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) We need this skill for making a summary. There are following five skills to precis a passage or for making a summary:
  1. Generalization
  2. Inclusion of main points
  3. One word substitution
  4. Use of indirect speech
  5. Avoiding details and personal opinions
(a)The dog was very fierce. So the neighbours never went near it
(b)The car was black in colour. So it could not be seen in the dark.
(c)They came without uniforms. So the chowkidar could not make out who they were.

3. The third skill to learn is to compress several words into one word or phrase.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) Compress the following phrases into one word?
(a)"that which cannot be seen"
(b)"that which cannot be avoided"
(c)"That which cannot be done"
(iii) What do you mean by generalising for making a summary? Give One General Word or Phrase For the following:
(a) Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Cupboards.
(b) Sheep, Goats, Horses, Camels, Donkeys.
(c) Oranges, bananas, apples, grapes

(i) Lesson: Making a Summary
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(a) Invisible
(b) Inevitable
(c) Impossible
(iii) Generalizing means that one must be able to give one general word or phrase for a long list of words.
(a) Furniture
(b) Cattle
(c) Fruits

4. "Please stop that noise. I want all of you to be quiet", she said.
(i) Name the lesson and correct English Text Book name from which has this extract been taken?
(ii) What is the significance of Precise-Writing?
(iii) Change the following from direct into indirect speech:
(a) “Could it be mended”? they asked.
(b) “Open the suit case”, he said to him.
(iv) Summarize the given line as indirect speech?

(i) Lesson: Making a Summary
Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book 2 For Class X
(ii) The significance of Precise-writing is very clear. A person having any job needs to read a lot. Only by wide reading a person can keep up with the latest developments in his own field of work and in the world at large. But since there is too much to read, summaries or precis are the easiest way to get information at length in shortest possible time by average reading.
(iii) Change the following from direct into indirect speech:
(a) They asked if it could have been mended.
(b) He ordered him to open the suit-case.
(iv) She told them to be quiet.

Friday 5 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.23 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

Questions and Answers

Q.1: Why do people make use of summaries?
Ana. A person has to read a lot these days. Only by wide reading can a person keep up with the latest developments in his own field of work and in the world at large. Since there is too much to read, people make use of summaries.

Q.2: What is a good summary?
Ans. A good summary must have all the important points in a precise form. It brings out the theme of the matter. A summary is usually one-third the length of the original passage.

Q.3: What is Generalization?
Ans. Generalization means a general word or phrase for a long list of words. This is the most important skill to make a precis. For example, oranges bananas, apples, grapes, pears, peaches all can come under a general fruit.

Q.4: What are the skills for writing a summary?
Ans. There are five skills for making a summary. They include:
  1. Generalization: This means that one must be able to give one general word or phrase for a long list of words, i.e "Oranges, bananas, apples, grapes, into "fruit".
  2. Inclusion of main points: A more important skill is the ability to select facts which concern the main ideas in the passage, and reject details having little or no importance.
  3. One word substitution: i.e "that which cannot be seen" can be compressed into "invisible", and "that which cannot be avoided"; can be reduced to "inevitable".
  4. Use of indirect speech:Quotations or direct speech must be xhanged into indirect speech.
  5. Avoiding details and personal opinions:Ln a precis not to state personal opinions of authors.

Q.5 What is the significance of Precise-Writing?
Ans. The significance of Precise-writing is very clear. A person having any job needs to read a lot. Only by wide reading a person can keep up with the latest developments in his own field of work and in the world at large. But since there is too much to read, summaries or precis are the easiest way to get information at length in shortest possible time by average reading.

A. Give One General Word or Phrase For the following:

1. Football, Cricket, Hockey, Volley ball – Games/Sports
2. Tables, Chairs, Sofas, Cupboards – Furniture
3. Snakes, Crocodiles, Lizards – Reptiles
4. Lions, Bears, Tigers – Beasts
5. Sheep, Goats, Horses, Camels, Donkeys – Cattle

B. Delete the sentence from the following sets of three sentences which does not concern the other two:-

Set 1: The car was black in colour. The car had worn-out tyres. So it could not climb on steep hills.
Ans. The car had worn-out tyres. So it could not climb on steep hills.

Set 2: The car was black in colour: The car had worn-out tyres. So it could not be seen in the dark.
Ans. The car was black in colour: So it could not be seen in the dark.

Set 3: The students did not prepare for the test. They came without uniforms. So they could not answer questions properly.
Ans. The students did not prepare for the test. So they could not answer questions properly.

Set 4: The students did not prepare for the test. They came without uniforms. So the chowkidar could not make out who they were.
Ans. They came without uniforms. So the chowkidar could not make out who they were.

Set 5: He had a tooth-ache. His big toe was also injured. So he went to the dentist.
Ans. He had a tooth-ache. So he went to the dentist.

C. Compress the following phrases into one word:-

1. That which cannot be done – Impossible
2. That which cannot be eaten – Inedible
3. That which cannot be described – Indescribable
4. That which cannot be conquered – Invincible
5. That which cannot be read – Illegible

D. Change the following from direct into indirect speech:

1. “She is lonely”, they say.
Indirect: They say that she is lonely.

2. “Could it be mended”? they asked.
Indirect: They asked if it could have been mended.

3. “Open the suit case”, he said to him.
Indirect: He ordered him to open the suit-case.

4. I am unwell”, he says
Indirect: He tells that he is unwell.

5. “I was lying”, he confessed.
Indirect: He confessed that he had been lying.

E. Rewrite the sentence (a) by completing the sentence (b):

1. (a) Parliamentary democracy is the worst form of government.
(b) The speaker said that

Ans. The speaker said that Parliamentary democracy is the worst form of government.

2. (a) Ghalib is the greatest Urdu poet.
(b) The critic thought that

The critic thought that Ghalib is the greatest Urdu poet.

3. (a) The girls of Ruritania are the most beautiful in the whole world.
(b) In his opinion, the

In his opinion, the The girls of Ruritania are the most beautiful in the whole world.

4. (a) It is high time that the present system of education be changed.
(b) The author felt that

The author felt that It is high time that the present system of education be changed.

5. (a) Alexander the Great was the greatest general ever known.
(b) The writer considered that

The writer considered that Alexander the Great was the greatest general ever known.

Thursday 4 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.23 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Summary Only the main points
 2. Skills The ability to do some work
 3. Phrase A group of words that forms part of a sentence
 4. Compress To press or squeeze
 5. Several More than two but not many
 6. Howled Loud cry of a dog in angry mood
 7. Invisible that which can not be seen
 8. Inevitable That which can not be avoided or prevented
 9. Quotation A short piece of writing taken from play or speech etc.
 10. Intact Complete and not damage
 11. Opinion Feeling or thought
 12. Obviously Clearly

Short note Or Summary on MAKING A SUMMARY

A good summary is usually one-third of its original length. It contains the main facts. There are certain skills of making a summary: For instance, generalization, one word substitution, leaving out details and examples, use of indirect speech, avoiding a personal opinion. If person follows these rules and practices a little, he or she can learn to make a good precise. Precise is an art and very useful in today's world where one has to keep oneself up-to-date.
We use summary to express lengthy material in short steps. A good summary is generally one third of the length. Precise must not look like a collection of disjointed sentences nor should any important or beautiful idea of the original be left. For making a precise, we should keep five skills in mind among which generalizing of ideas is an initial step. Selection of related ideas, compression of lengthy sentences, use of indirect narration and reference of the author counts very much in Precise-writing.

Wednesday 3 June 2020

English X - Chapter No.22 - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The poet of the poem 'The Uses of Adversity.' was _____.
a. Eliza Cook
b. Thomas Moore
c. Charles Mackay
d. Anonymous

2. 'Fairer is the _______, When the reed Is clipped'
a. Writing
b. calligraphy
c. manuscript
d. script

3. 'Clearer runs the _______, when There's a trimming of the pen'
a. writing
b. script
c. reading
d. message

4. 'Dimly burns the lantern, hut When its ______ is cut'.
a. thread
b. wick
c. coil
d. band

5. 'Perfect will its _______ be, Through the wick's deficiency.
a. light
b. lustre
c. flame
d. glare

6. The theme of the pm; 'The Uses of Adversity' is that adversity has its own ____.
a. plus points
b. negative points
c. plus and negative points
d. uses

7. The Uses of Adversity is ______ poetry.
a. Scottish
b. Moorish
c. classical
d. modern

Fill In The Blanks:

1. This poem has been composed by an anonymous poet.
2. Manuscript is a document written by hand.
3. Reed pens are made of reed plants.
4. This is a Moorish poem.
5. In this poem the poet gives us the message that joy comes after pain.
6. The reed writes clearer when it is trimmed.
7. The lantern burns brighter when its wick is cut.
8. Sweet are the uses of adversity.

English X - Chapter No.22 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

A. Questions and Answer:

Q.1 Write the message of this poem? OR What lesson does this poem bring to us? OR What role do adverse circumstances play in our lives? OR Adversity has its own advantages, comment
Ans. This poem teaches us the lesson / gives a message of perseverance and will-power. Troubles and difficulties in life make us perfect. The hardship of life develop our efficiency and ability. Success comes out of failures. As Francis Bacon says “The virtue of Adversity is fortitude, which is mortal in the more heroic virtue.”

Q.2: What does the word adversity mean?
Ans. It means misfortune. It also refer to unfavourable circumstances.

Q.3: who has composed this poem?
Ans. The name of the poet is unknown. That is why we call it an Anonymous poem.

Q.4: How does the poet clarify and explain his idea?
Ans. The poet explains and proves his idea with the help of two examples which are as follows.
a) A pen reed writes better and much clearer when it is trimmed or cut.
b) A lantern gives more light when the wick of the lantern is cut.
Similarly, a person becomes more efficient and powerful after passing through ups and downs in his life. Bitter experiences bring more knowledge and more wisdom to a person.

Q.5: Give other examples of the use, of adversity which you observe in daily life.
Ans. Blind people perform very well in studies. Disabled people are very good at doing skilled work. Poor people are very tough and hardworking.

Q.6: Would you prefer adversity to prosperity?
Ans. Prosperity might be a blessings from God. Adversity might also be a blessing for some people. A man should always hope for the best. However, he should be ready for the worst. One should always pray for the best.

B. Words and Meanings

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Anonymous the poet's name is not known.
 2. Manuscript document written by hand.
 3. Reed a pen made from a dried reed.
 4. Trimming the point of the reed needs to be sharpened from time to time
 5. Wick a bit of cotton or thread in a lamp on which a flame is lit
 6. Lustre shining light
 7. Deficiency reduced size

C. Idiomatic Structures explained:

1. "Only two out of ten people can read" means "Only one-fifth of the population can read."
2. "Instead of writing, you could phone" means you could use the telephone instead of writing."
3. "Inspite of three warnings, he continued to misbehave" means "He did not stop misbehaving though I warned him three times."
4. "Because of you we won the match" means "it was due to your efforts that we won the match."
5. "They died for the sake of the country" means "They died for the welfare of the country."
6. "He kept coming every now and again" means "He kept coming from time to time, or at frequent intervals."
7. "Now and again the car kept stopping" means "The car kept stopping frequently."
8. "He dropped ink on his note-book and had to write it all over again" means "He had to re-write his work which was spoiled by ink."
9. "1 warned you time and again not to disturb the class" means "I warned you several times not to disturb the class."

D. Idiom: 

1. In black and white: in writing.
Example: I will not accept your offer until I see it in black and white.
Exercise: I cannot accept Our oral complaint. It must be in writing. (Substitute the idiom)
I cannot accept your oral complaint. It must be in black and white.