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Monday 4 October 2021

Physical Quantities and Measurement - Physics For Class IX (Science Group) - Multiple Choice Questions, Fill In The Blanks And Concept Map

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Physics For Class IX (Science Group)
UNIT 1: Physical Quantities and Measurement

Section (A) Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Figure 1.26 shows part of a Vernier scale, what is the reading on the Vernier scale:
a) 6.50 cm
b) 6.55 cm ✓
c) 7.00 cm
d) 7.45 cm

2. Ten identical steel balls each of mass 27 g, are immersed in a measuring cylinder having 20 cm3 of water. The reading of water level rises to 50 cm3. What is the density of the steel?
a) 0.90 gm / cm3
b) 8.1 gm / cm3
c) 9.0 gm / cm3
d) 13.5 gm / cm3

3. An object of mass 100 g is immersed in water as shown in the figure 1.27, what is the density of the material from which object is made?
a) 0.4 g / cm3
b) 0.9 g / cm3
c) 1.1 g / cm3
d) 2.5 g / cm3

4. What is the reading of this micrometer in figure 1.28:
a) 5.43 mm
b) 6.63 mm ✓
c) 7.30 mm
d) 8.13 mm

5. A chips wrapper is 4.5 cm long and 5.9 cm wide. Its area upto significant figures will be:
a) 30 cm2
b) 28 cm2
c) 26.55 cm2
d) 32 cm2

6. A worldwide system of measurements in which the units of base quantities were introduced is called:
a) prefixes
b) international system of units ✓
c) hexadecimal system
d) none of above

7. All accurately known digits and first doubtful digit in an expression are known as:
a) non-significant figures
b) significant figures ✓
c) estimated figures
d) crossed figures

8. If zero line of Vernier scale coincides with zero of main scale, then zero error is:
a) positive
b) zero ✓
c) negative
d) one

9. zero error of the instrument is:
a) systematic error ✓
b) human error
c) random error
d) classified error

10. Length, mass, electric current, time, intensity of light and amount of substance are examples of:
a) base quantities ✓
b) derived quantities
c) prefixes
d) quartile quantities

11. Physics is the branch of science which observes the nature represents it mathematically and conclude with the:
(a) observation
(b) calculation
(c) experiment ✓
(d) all of them

12. Physicists are categorized into:
(a) two categories
(b) three categories ✓
(c) four categories
(d) five categories

13. The branch of physics that mainly concerned with the laws of motion and gravitation is called:
(a) mechanics ✓
(b) thermodynamics
(c) astrophysics
(d) geophysics

14. This branch of physics deals with heat and temperature and their relation to energy and work:
(a) mechanics
(b) thermodynamics ✓
(c) astrophysics
(d) geophysics

15. It is the study of properties of charges in rest and motion:
(a) Mechanics
(b) Atomic physics
(c) Magnetism
(d) Electricity ✓

16. It deals with the constituents, structure, behavior and interaction of atomic nuclei:
(a) Atomic physics
(b) Particle physics
(c) Nuclear physics ✓
(d) Plasma physics

17. It studies the elementary constituents of matter and radiation, and the interaction between them:
(a) Atomic physics
(b) Particle physics ✓
(c) Nuclear physics
(d) Plasma physics

18. The study of celestial objects with the help of laws of physics is known as:
(a) geophysics
(b) particle physics
(c) nuclear physics
(d) astrophysics ✓

19. The study of state of matter and its properties is known as:
(a) mechanics
(b) plasma physics ✓
(c) thermodynamics
(d) atomic physics

20. The study of internal structure of earth is known as:
(a) mechanics
(b) plasma physics
(c) geophysics ✓
(d) atomic physics

21. Physical quantities which cannot be explained by other physical quantities are called:
(a) fundamental physical quantities ✓
(b) derived physical quantities
(c) prefix physical quantities
(d) quartile physical quantities

22. Physical quantities which are explained on the basis of fundamental physical quantities are called:
(a) base or fundamental physical quantities
(b) derived physical quantities ✓
(c) prefix physical quantities
(d) quartile physical quantities

23. Volume, velocity, force, density, and acceleration are examples of:
(a) derived quantities ✓
(b) base quantities
(c) prefixes
(d) quartile quantities

24. Use of every instrument is restricted by smallest measurement that it can perform which is called:
(a) zero count
(b) smallest count
(c) least count ✓
(d) minimum count

25. 1000 m = ____ :
(a) 10 km
(b) 10 cm
(c) 1 cm
(d) 1 km✓

26. 10 mm = ____ :
(a) 1 km
(b) 1 cm ✓
(c) 1 m
(d) 1 ft

27. The minimum distance between two points lying on same plane is called:
(a) length ✓
(b) displacement
(c) vector
(d) scalar

28. On meter rule each cm is divided further in to 10 divisions which are called:
(a) kilometer
(b) meter
(c) millimeters ✓
(d) centimeter

29. The smallest reading a meter rule can measure up to:
(a) 1 inch
(b) 1 mm ✓
(c) 1 cm
(d) 1 m

30. Zero mark on vernier scale is slightly to the right than the zero error is called:
(a) zero error
(b) neutral zero error
(c) positive zero error ✓
(d) negative zero error

31. From the reading, the positive zero error is:
(a) added
(b) subtracted ✓
(c) multiplied
(d) divides

32. 1000 mg = ____ :
(a) 1 g ✓
(b) 1 kg
(c) 1 lb
(d) 1 mg

33. Numbers in Scientific Notation are made up of:
(a) two parts
(b) three parts ✓
(c) four parts
(d) five parts

34. 0.000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 911 kg = ____:
(a) 9.11 x 10-30 kg
(b) 0.911 x 10-30
(c) 0.911 x 10-31
(d) 9.11 x 10-31

35. 1 m3 = ____:
(a) 10 liter
(b) 100 liter
(c) 1000 liter ✓
(d) 10000 liter

36. Volume of rectangular block = ___ :
(a) length + width + height
(b) length x width x height ✓
(c) length + width x height
(d) length x width + height

37. Volume of a cylinder = _____ :
(a) π x radius2 x height ✓
(b) π x radius x height
(c) π x radius2 x height2
(d) π x radius x height2

38. The term density of a substance is defined as:
(a) mass x volume
(b) mass + volume
(c) mass / volume ✓
(d) volume / mass

39. The S.l unit for density is:
(a) kg.m3
(b) kg3.m
(c) m3/kg
(d) kg/m3

40. The density of Aluminium is 2.70 gm/cm3 which is equal to:
(a) 20.7 kg/m3
(b) 27 kg/m3
(b) 270 kg/m3
(d) 2700 kg/m3

41. (Density of a substance / Density of water) is called:
(a) relative density
(b) specific gravity
(c) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓
(d) None of them

42. The numbers of reliably known digits in a value are known as:
(a) significant figures ✓
(b) least count
(c) zero error
(d) reliable numbers

43. 0.00000034 has:
(a) 2 significant figures ✓
(b) 6 significant figures
(c) 8 significant figures
(d) 9 significant figures

44. 200 has:
(a) 1 significant figure ✓
(b) 2 significant figures
(c) 3 significant figures
(d) no significant figures

45. 5.00 has:
(a) 1 significant figure
(b) 2 significant figures
(c) 3 significant figures ✓
(d) no significant figures

46. In the number 0.00509 how many significant numbers are there?
(a) 2 significant figures
(b) 3 significant figures ✓
(c) 5 significant figures
(d) 6 significant figures

47. 'Mole' is a unit of:
(a) electric current
(b) temperature
(c) luminous intensity
(d) amount of substance ✓

48. The unit of luminous intensity is:
(a) Kelvin
(b) candela ✓
(c) mole
(d) Ampere

49. 100 cm = ____ :
(a) 1 km
(b) 1 cm
(c) 1 m ✓
(d) 1 ft

49. 1000 mm = ____ :
(a) 1 km
(b) 1 cm
(c) 1 m ✓
(d) 1 ft

Fill In The Blanks

1. A science which explores the nature is Physics.
2. One of the most basic and ancient science is the Physics.
3. A unit prefix is a specifier, which indicates multiples or fractions of the units.
4. 1 liter = 1000 cm3
5. 1 m3 = 1000 litr
6. A Black lady mathematician named Katherine solved the problem of putting the first orbital satellite.
7. In movie “Hidden Figures” we can observe the importance of Reliable Numbers.
8. Physics is the branch of science which deals with studies of matter its composition, properties, and interaction with energy.
9. There are two types of physicist, theoretical and experimental physicist.
10. Physics define mathematical relation between physical quantities.
11. A physical quantity has magnitude and unit.
12. Physical quantity are mainly classified into two categorize (i) Base or fundamental quantities and (ii) Derived physical quantities.
13. The standard of length is meter can be measured by measuring tape, or meter rule.
14. The standard of mass is kilogram can be measured by physical balance.
15. The standard of time is second can be measured by stop watch.
16. The measured or calculated values either macroscopic or microscopic can be expressed in Scientific Notations.
17. The volume of liquid is calculated or measured with help of measuring cylinder.
18. The volume of irregular objects can be calculated through measuring cylinder with displacement of water.
19. The density of a pure substance is the ratio of mass per unit volume.
20. The density of objects can be calculated with the help of water as a reference known as specific gravity also known as relative density.
21. Prefixes can be used to represent large or smaller values of a physical quantity.
22. The most accurate or reliable numbers of a value are known as significant figures.
23. Measurement is explained with the help of describing the mathematical relations between various physical quantities.

CONCEPT MAP (Physics Quantities)

Friday 1 October 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2 - Role Model - Text Book Exercise 2.4 and 2.5


Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai



Narrative Essays
A narrative essay is focused on telling a story. It includes important details about the incident. When writing a narrative essay, include details about:
  • When and where the event /- incident took place.
  • What happened, include significant details
  • What is its significance at the personal, societal, country level

Here are some tips that can help you write a good narrative essay.
  • Choose a story that is about the topic or theme that you have been assigned or you have chosen.
  • Make an outline of the plot before you begin — this will help you put your story in order.
  • Describe the important characters such that people can see them.
  • Describe the setting in a manner that the readers feel that they are seeing the scene.
  • Usually, the third person, i.e. he, she, it , is used along with common and proper nouns (boy, Salim).
  • Make sure your theme is clearly illustrated in the story.
  • In narrative essays, it is important to keep the readers' interest/ attention.
  • Your narrative essays should leave the reader with something to think about.

Exercise 1:
Individually, read the story given below, and answer the given questions:
Two Brothers Tanveer and Junaid were twin brothers. They both looked exactly alike but, in personality, they were quite different in nature. Junaid always thought carefully before doing anything while Tanveer did things without thinking. Their father thought of a plan to make Tanveer realize that he should think before doing things.

One day, he called the two brothers and told them that he had saved enough money to buy one of them a bicycle. Since he had money only for one bicycle, he had decided to set up a competition. The one who would win the competition would get the bicycle. The competition was that both of them should set out right after the morning prayers and walk a distance — as much as each one could — and return by sunset. The one who would manage to complete the task would get the prize. Both the twins readily agreed.

Next morning, both the brothers set off. As usual, Tanveer sprinted off in order to cover a greater distance and win the prize. But Junaid held back and thought about what he should do before setting off.

Tanveer ran far ahead, to the end of the town and further, because he wanted the prize. Junaid, on the other hand, walked until midday and turned around to return home. When Tanveer felt that he had run far enough and Junaid would never be able to catch up with him, he turned around to return home. Unfortunately, because he had been running so fast, Tanveer was very tired, so the return was slower. When he finally returned home, long after sunset, he found that Junaid was already home.

Tanveer demanded his prize for running very far but his father pointed out that he hadn't returned within the time he was supposed to be back, therefore, the prize would be given to Junaid because he had completed the task according to instructions.

a) Why was the twins' father worried?
Ans: The twins' father was very much worried about his son Tanveer because he never thought about the consequences and the results of taking any step or action before doing things.

b) What did he decide to do?
Ans: One day, he called the two brothers and told them that he had saved enough money to buy one of them a bicycle. Since he had money only for one bicycle, he had decided to set up a competition. The one who would win the competition would get the bicycle. he competition was that both of them should set out right after the morning prayers and walk a distance — as much as each one could — and return by sunset. The one who would manage to complete the task would get the prize.

c) Who won the competition? Why did he win?
Ans: Junaid won the competition as he thought about what he should do before setting off.

d) Who lost the competition? Why did he lose?
Ans: Tanveer lost the competition because he did not set his goal. He had been running so fast and went far ahead, to the end of the town. Tanveer was very tired, so the return was slower. When he finally returned home, long after sunset, he found that Junaid was already home.

e) What lesson do you think Tanveer learnt?
Ans: Tanveer learnt that he should also think carefully before taking any step or doing any action like his twins brother Junaid

Summary Writing
A summary gives brief information about a topic. Here are some basic rules to follow when writing a summary of a given passage:
  • Include all the main ideas.
  • Select points from all the paragraphs.
  • Limit your summary by not including all the details.
  • Use simple, short sentences Link sections/ points with appropriate linking words.

  • Do not reproduce sentences from the original text.
  • Do not repeat any point/ idea.
  • Do not introduce new ideas.
  • Do not criticise.
  • Do not change anything given in the original text.
  • Do not give own opinion.

Exercise 4
Work in pairs. Read the following passage and underline the main ideas/ words in each paragraph; do not include any details. The first paragraph has been done as an example.

Moen-jo-Daro or the 'Mound of the Dead' is one of the oldest cities in the world. Few people live there today, but 4,500 years ago, it was a large, busy city. It is in the province of Sindh, at a distance of 27 kilometres from Larkana, on the right bank of the Indus River. It was one of the early urban settlements in the world. The city was built around 2600 BC. It was one of the largest city-settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization of south Asia. The Indus Valley Civilization developed around 3000 BC, from the prehistoric Indus culture. At its height, the Indus Civilization spanned much of what is now Pakistan and North India.
Nobody knew anything about Moen-jo-Daro until 1922, when some villagers found pieces of old smooth pots and old bricks at the place where the city was discovered. These pieces of old pots and bricks were brought to Sir John Marshall, an English civil servant, whose work it was to look after historical remains. When he looked at them, he at once knew that they were pieces of very old pots. He decided that the area should be dug up as there might be remains of an old city.
So, the men started digging and as they dug, more and more such pieces came up, till there appeared, bit by bit, a city of straight roads, and well-built houses. When the people saw all this coming up, from what they had so far taken to be only mounds of clay and sand, they were very surprised and excited. Each house was made of large baked bricks and had a bathroom and servant quarters closed by. Covered drains ran beside the streets. Even the streets were made of baked bricks. There was a wide road in the middle of which had shops on both sides. This road continued on to the houses of the workmen.
The people of this city must have been great traders, with the river Indus so near and the sea within easy reach. The country side must have been fertile since wheat, rice and cotton grew there. The farmers also kept cattle. There were skilled craftsmen who made things from gold, silver and ivory. Clay dolls and carts were made for the children to play with.
For a long time, these people lived a happy life. They were quite rich and travelled from place to place on business or for pleasure. Their city was well-planned and clean. The rain water did not remain on the streets. We do not know what happened to them. Either they were raided from the north or some great earthquake destroyed them.

Exercise 5:
Work in pairs. Use the underlined key words and write a summary of the above passage. Look at the Do's and Don'ts given in the boxes above.
You may begin like this:
Moen-jo-Daro, in Sindh, was one of the largest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization developed around 3000 BC, in areas that today form Pakistan and North India. Moen-jo-Daro, one of the oldest cities in the world, was built around 2600 BC.
After you have written the summary, exchange your work with another pair. Read each others' work and give feedback, stating what is good and what needs to be changed.

Ans: Summary OF Paragraph:
Moen-jo-Daro, in Sindh, was one of the largest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization developed around 3000 BC, in areas that today form Pakistan and North India. Moen-jo-Daro, one of the oldest cities in the world, was built around 2600 BC.
In 1922, some villagers found pieces of old smooth pots and old bricks. When Sir John Marshall, whose work was to look after historical remains, looked those pieces, he decided to dig up the area.
After digging, a city of straight roads, and well-built houses appeared. House and streets were made of baked bricks. There was a wide road in the middle of which had shops on both sides. This road led to the workmen's houses.
The people of this city were traders. They used to grow wheat, rice and cotton. Their skilled craftsmen made things from gold, silver and ivory. Clay toys were also found.
They were quite rich and travelled from a lot. The city was well-planned and clean. We are not sure either they were attacked or earthquake destroyed them.


Note: For acquiring additional language skills. Not to be formally assessed.
Editing Practice (Continued) There are many types of activities that can help sharpen our editing skills. One such activity is the C-test. In this activity incomplete words have to be completed by using the context for clues to guess what the word might be.

Exercise 1:
The following passage is about The Duties of a Good Citizen'. Beginning from the second word of the second sentence half or sometimes half plus one extra letters have been removed from every second word. Work in pairs and first orally complete all the words. Once you have done so, write the complete passage in your notebook.

The Duties of a Good Citizen
If we just think for a minute, about the things and services we use in one day, we shall realize how much we owe to society. The mil_ brings mi __ for u__; t__ baker ba__ the br__; the pri__ prints o_ books; t__ driver dri__ the b__ in wh__ we g__ to sch__ or t__ place o__ work. T__ teacher tea__ the pup__ at sch__ the doc__ treats t__ sick a___ the shopk___ sells arti___ of da___ use. T__ traffic pol__ regulate t__ traffic s_ that w__ may tra__ without a_ fear o__ accident.

W_ must re__ society f__ all th__ gifts. I_ a mil__ mixes wa___ in milk, h__ can h__ expect o__ members o__ the society t__ treat h__ fairly? I__ a shopk__ gives sh___ measure o__ sells sub-st___ goods, h__ must b__ prepared t__ get t__ same ki__ of trea__ from oth__. If w__ ignore tra__ rules, w__ not on__ endanger t__ lives o__ others b___ our o__ as we___.

Ma__ benefits w__ enjoy a__ provided b__ our o__ country a__ society. I__ is ther__ our du__ to b_ loyal a__ patriotic t_ Pakistan. W__ should p__ our ta___ promptly, fu__ and hone__ so th__ we m__ continue t__ enjoy a___ social bene__.

Is___ lays gr__ stress o__ our dut_ as citi___. The Ho__ Prophet (pe__ be up__ him) on_ said, "God lays so much stress on the rights of our neighbours that I almost thought they would get the right of inheritance in our property". In short, we cannot be good Muslims without being good and dutiful citizens.

Ans: If we just think for a minute, about the things and services we use in one day, we shall realize how much we owe to society. The milkman brings milk for us; the baker bakes the bread; the printer prints our books; the driver drives the bus in which we go to school or the place of work. The teacher teaches the pupil at school, the doctor treats the sick and the shopkeepers sells articles of daily use. The traffic police regulate the traffic, so that we may travel without any fear of accident.

We must repay society for all these gifts. If a milkman mixes water in milk, how can he expect other members of the society to treat him fairly? If a shopkeeper gives short measure or sells sub-standard goods, he must be prepared to get the same kind of treatment from others. If we ignore traffic rules, we not only endanger the lives of others but our own as well.

Many benefits we enjoy are provided by our own country and society. It is therefore, our duty to be loyal and patriotic to Pakistan. We should pay our taxes promptly, fully and honestly, so that we may continue to enjoy all social benefits.

Islam lays great stress on our duty as citizen. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) once said, "God lays so much stress on the rights of our neighbours that I almost thought they would get the right of inheritance in our property". In short, we cannot be good Muslims without being good and dutiful citizens.

Exercise 2
You are the editor of your school magazine. Work in pairs to edit the following passage for the school magazine.

Students have mainly three basic duties. They must obey their parents, teachers and elders. Students must help there parent in simple home chores. they must not became unresponsive to parents or teachers.

Students must fellow the standard discipline. They must establish a routine with studying. They learn and practice good manners and habits. They must focus on their studies. Regular reading should be a part of their daily routine and this reading habit makes them more intelligent and knowledgeable and moreover, it also improves their overall languach skills and vocabulary. Besides study they must exercise daily. They avoid watching too much TV. They must be polite and respectful towords every one. They must eat healthy food and avoid eating good that is unhealthy.

Students have mainly three basic duties. They must obey their parents, teachers and elders. Students must help their parents in simple home chores. They must not become unresponsive to parents or teachers.

Students must follow the standard discipline. They must establish a routine with studying. They must learn and practice good manners and habits. They must focus on their studies. Regular reading should be a part of their daily routine and this reading habit makes them more intelligent and knowledgeable and moreover, it will also improves their overall language skills and vocabulary. Besides study, they must exercise daily. They must avoid watching too much TV. They must be polite and respectful towards every one. They must eat healthy food and avoid eating goods those are unhealthy.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Urdu (Normal) II - Past Paper 2021 (MCQs Only) - For HSC Part 2 (Science, Home Economics Group) - For Failure, Improvements, Additional Subjects...

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Wednesday 29 September 2021

Botany II (Urdu) - Past Paper 2021 (MCQs Only) - For HSC Part 2 (Science Group) - For Failure, Improvements, Additional Subjects...


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