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Showing posts with label Eng ix-new. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 December 2022

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2.6 (FUN) - Rain (Poem) - Question & Answers And MCQs

UNIT 2.6 - FUN
RAIN (Poem)

Question & Answer

Q.1: Where does the rain pour?
Ans: The rain pours on the desert sands, on hills and vales around.

Q.2: When do the folk (Tharis) wake up?
Ans: The folk (Tharis) wake up early in the morning.

Q.3: What do the wives do at the early dawn in thatches?
Ans: The wives bring the buffaloes from grassy ground for milking. They churn the milk and make the butter in merry mood.

Q.4: What is Season's Orchestra?
Ans: Seasons Orchestra is a group of people who sing seasonal songs as during rain they sing rainy song. They were in full swing.

Q.5: How herdsmen and their wives enjoy the weather?
Ans: The herdsmen graze their sheep on grassy mountain and the wives wear beautiful garlands of flowers.

Q.6: Which vegetables grow up after rain in Thar?
Ans: Cucumbers, mushrooms and so many others vegetable grow up after rain in Thar.

Q.7: What is the supplication at the end of the poem?
Ans: The poet prays to God that cloudy weather should be ever in Thar. May Thar and Tharis remain happy for ever.

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

i) The poem "Rain" is translated by:
a. Wordsworth
b. Elsa Kazi ✔
c. Hamaida Khuro
d. Imdad Kazi

ii) Originally the poem was composed by:
a. Shah Latif ✔
b. lqbal
c. Blake
d. Elsa

iii) _____ animal is mentioned in the poem.
a. Cow
b. buffalo ✔
c. lion
d. sheep

Special Thanks To Sir Ameer Chandio (M.A. English Literature)

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2 - Role Model - Text Book Exercise Unit 2.2 - 2.3


Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai



Focus: Asking and answering questions of a social nature.
Exercise 1:
Work in groups of six. First, read the following questions silently. Write down the questions and note down their answers in your notebook. Here are some key words/ phrases that you can use while asking questions. Use the actual names of the students instead of the names used here.

1. What are some of the harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke?
Ans: 1. Shahina, what do you think, what are some of the harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke?
Shahina: There are some harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke are:
a) Junk or fast food like fried and grilled food and fries potato chips, Sugary foods such as pastries cookies and cakes, Spicy meals etc
b) Similarly Preserve juices and sweet drinks, soda and energizing drinks as well as sugary drinks etc.
c) Tobacco usage like Cigarette, Cigar and Sheesha etc.
are all harmful things for people.

2. How does the use of these harmful things affect their physical health?
Ans: 2. Farah, in your opinion, how does the use of these harmful things affect their physical health?
Farah: We know that excess of anything in meal can affect our physical health.
Fried and junk food are a poor quality of our die. Excess of oil may cause obesity and heart diseases, while too much sugary salty and spisy food have higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, cancer, etc
Sugary drinks may also cause weight gain/obesity, diabetes, heart, kidney and liver diseases, tooth decay and cavities etc.
The primary risks of tobacco usage include many forms of cancer in different organs especially Lungs, different disease may also caused by tobacco usage like heart and kidney failure etc.

3. How does their use affect their relationships with their friends and other people?
Ans: 3. Gulnar, according to you, how does their use affect their relationships with their friends and other people?
Gulnar: Use of such harmful things may affect one's social life as those people have health issue, they always seem lazy and tired and can not enjoy with their friends and relatives.
Similarly smokers have the smell of smoke on their clothes and on their breath. Plus, social smoking means the people you're with are exposed to secondhand smoke and pollute surrounding environment.

4. How does their use affect their family life?
Ans: 4. Tahira, what do you say, how does their use affect their family life?
Tahira: Junk food, unbalanced diet and smoking, all may cause health issues. And smoking is the most dangerous and addicting habit. The life of such people become complicated. Such habits can build pressure on a person to create an emotionally stressful and unhealthy environment for their family members also. These people not only waste money but their personality and health both are damaged as well. These people also can not enjoy and participate in family activities.

5. How does the cost of these things affect a person's life style?
Ans: 5. Mahira, can you tell me, how does the cost of these things affect a person's life style?
Mahira: Yes, the cost of these things affect a person's life style. As he spends much money on his trifle addicting eating and smoking habits, than he can not save money. He will not even have much money for his basic needs of life. He also do not want to bring improvement in life style because he is used to spend money on his eating, drinking or smoking habits.


Using Modals for Ability
The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, shall, should, will and would.
Modals are used for different language functions; like talking about ability, asking permission, making requests, giving suggestions, etc. Here, we will learn about using the modals can, could, may for ability and permission.

We use can to talk about someone's skill or general abilities at a given time in the present or future:
He can swim like a fish.
They can't speak Punjabi very well.
You can get good marks in the exams.

We use could to talk about past time:
She could speak several languages.
They couldn't write very well.

Exercise 1:
Fill in the blanks with the positive or negative form of suitable modal verbs: can/ could.
a) I couldn't swim when I was a child but I can swim now.
b) My brother could not run fast when he was five years old but he can run fast now.
c) They could come early but they couldn't find a bus earlier.
d) Nowadays, Sana can speak English fluently but she could not speak so well a year ago.
e) Sameer could speak several languages when he was young but now he can speak only English fluently.
f) Little Shahzain can crawl but he still can not walk.
g) Sara can embroider and stitch clothes but her sister can not.
h) We can play after completing our homework but we can't play before that.

Exercise 2
Write about your abilities/ inabilities in the following blanks.
You should share what you were/were not able to do when you were younger, what you can do now and what you will be able to do when you grow up.

You may use sentences like:
When I was younger/ When I was nine years old.

  • I could ride a bicycle when I was five years old.
  • But, I couldn't ride a bicycle when I was five years old.
  • Now. I can ride a bicycle.
  • However. I can't drive a car.
  • When I grow up, I can become a famous doctor.

Now ask two of your class mates what they could/ couldn't do when they were younger. what they can/ can't do now and what they think they can do in the future.
Follow the same pattern as you did for yourself and write their responses in your notebook.
Ask your classmate:

"What could you do when you were seven years old?"
Ans: Ahmed: I could swim when I was seven years old.
Zehra: I could fried egg when I was seven years old.

"What couldn't you do when you were in class six?
Ans: Shazaib: I couldn't speak English fluently when I was in class six.
Zehra: I couldn't write sindhi very well when I was in class six.

"What can you do now?"
Ans: Farhan: Now, I can make building models.
Madiha: Now, I can bake birthday cakes.

"What can't you do now?"
Ans: Kamran: Now, I can't swim
Hania: Now, I can't stitch clothes.

"What can you do in the future?"
Ans: Babar: I can become a famous Journalist.
Sara: I can become a famous interior designer.


We also use can to ask for permission to do something:
  • Can I borrow your pencil, please?
  • Can we go home now?

The use of could is more formal and polite than can:
  • Could I borrow your pencil, please?
  • Could we go home now?

Another more formal and polite way of asking for permission is with the use of may.
  • May I borrow your pencil, please?
  • May we go home now?

We use can to give permission:
  • You can go home now if you like.
  • You can borrow my pencil if you like.

We can also use may as a more formal and polite way of giving permission:
  • You may go home now, if you like.

Exercise 3:
Work in groups of six; three of you should complete Dialogue A given below, while three should complete Dialogue B. Add at least 10 lines in both the dialogue. You can change the names or add more names.

Dialogue A:
Using can/ could for ability
Zahra: Can you speak Chinese, Najma?
Najma: No, but I can speak Persian.
Zahra: Wow! What about you Farah?
Farah: I can't speak Chinese or Persian, but I can speak English and Arabic fluently.
Najma: Can you? It means you can understand the Quran Majeed.
Farah: Yes, I can by the grace of Allah.
Zara: I could speak Arabic a little bit but now it's rusty.
Najma: 1 wish I could understand the Quran Majeed in its language.
Farah: You can learn Arabic if you want to.
Najma: Can I? Isn't it too late?
Farah: It's never too late. You can do whatever you want and whenever you want.
Zara: If Najma can learn, I can too.
Farah: Of course, you can do that. Everyone can do that whoever wants to understand the Quran Majeed.
Note: Below are more dialogues for practice
Ahmed: Could you play Basket ball, Babar?
Babar: Yes, I could play basket ball very well.
Ahmed: Great, What about you, Junaid?
Junaid: No, I couldn't play basket ball.

Nabila: Can you make Pizza dough, Hiba?
Hiba: No, I can not make pizza dough.
Nabila: Could you make Pizza without using oven, Sehrish?
Sehrish: Yes, I could make Pizza without using oven.

Dialogue B:
Using can/ could/ may for permission
Areeb: I have completed my work. Can I play now?
Mother: Yes, you can, but come back soon.
Areeb: May I take my new bat with me?
Mother: Yes, you can if you like.
Bilal: Mama, Could I go with brother Areeb?
Mother: No, you can't go. You will annoy him.
Bilal: No, I won't. Let me go.
Mother: No, you will stay at home.
Areeb: Mamma, May I put on this shirt?
Mother:Yes, you can. Can you bring some sweats and biscuits for Bilal?
Areeb: Of course, I can.
Mother: What would you like Bilal?
Bilal: May I have chocolate cake and chips?
Mother: Yes, son. You can have them.
Areeb: Could I go now?
Mother: Yes, son. You can.
Note: Below are more dialogues for practice
Areeb: May I take my new bicycle for riding?
Mother: Yes, you may, but don't ride too fast.
Bilal: Could I make myself a cup of coffee, Mother?
Mother: Yes, You can, but don't add much sugar into it.

Zohaib: Can I open my birthday presents now?
Father: Yes, you can, but open it one by one.

Haris: My Mobile charger is run out, Could I use your phone charger?
Jamil: Sure, you can use it.

Ahsaan: May I borrow your car, tonight?
Ahmed: No, you may not.


We sometimes add a pair or group of alphabets at the end of a word to add something to the meaning of a word. These are called suffixes. We can use suffixes to make many new words, including nouns.
  • agree + ment = agreement
  • postpone + ment = postponement
  • willing + ness = willingness
  • frank + ness = frankness
  • arrive + al = arrival
  • profession + al = professional

Exercise 4:
A. Fill the blanks in the following exercise with nouns formed by using the suffix `ment' with the appropriate given words. One has been done as an example.
employ treat manage pay retire judge

1. As soon as the judgement, was given, the reporters left the court room.
2. Zaman is back to work after his treatment.
3. The workers receive their weekly payment every Friday.
4. My son is looking for employment as he lost his job last week.
5. After his retirement at the age of sixty he has decided to write a book.
6. The management of the school announced their new admission policy yesterday.

B_ Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the suffix 'ness' with the appropriate given words.
ill bold neat kind soft

1. Her illness has made her weak.
2. I love the softness of our new sofa set.
3. Our neighbour's son, who is a soldier, fought the enemy with boldness.
4. The principal of our school treats everyone with kindness.
5. My mother taught neatness us in all our work.

C. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the suffix 'al' with the appropriate given words.
sign survive approve propose remove

1. The survival of the green turtle is in danger on the Karachi beaches.
2. Our proposal for setting up a dispensary was accepted by the minister.
3. The removal of garbage is the responsibility of the government.
4. The train moved out of the station as soon as the guard gave the signal.
5. I needed my parents' approval for going to friend's wedding.

Thursday 4 November 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 3 - Education And Careers - Text Book Exercise 3.4 - 3.6


Chasing Dreams

Text Book Exercise


Informal Emails
Informal emails are written to family, friends and colleagues (people with whom we work). Emails are different from letters. They are usually brief and to the point. The language used in such emails is informal.

 To: fareed.khan
 Subject: sports day practice

 Please let me know whether you will be going to school next Saturday for the Sports Day practice. If you are going, we can plan to go together. Otherwise, I'll have to ask my brother to go with me.


 Subject: maths homework
 Dear Adil,

  I am having some difficulty in solving some of the maths problems that our teacher gave us as holiday homework. I know you are very good at maths so 1 need your help. We can work at my place or yours, whatever is convenient for you. Please let me know the date and time so that I can plan my other things accordingly.



 Subject: maths homework

 I would be happy to help you with your maths homework. But, I also need your help with my science project. You always have such brilliant ideas! So, what do you say, we meet at 4 o'clock on Saturday, at your place. Tell your mother that I am looking forward to having the lovely savouries she makes for us whenever we sit down to study.
See you on Saturday.



 CC: saira_guddu;
 Subject: wedding invitation

 This is to inform all of you that Saira's brother is getting married on Sunday, October 15, 2017, at 1:00 pm. Since she is very busy, she has asked me to invite all of you to the wedding. We can all meet at my house by 12 noon and then go to Saira's house together. Please let me know if you are planning to come or not, so that we do not wait for someone who is not coming.

 I hope everyone can come. We will have great fun and Saira will be happy!


Exercise 1
Look at all the emails above and complete the following table in your notebook.

After you have completed, work with your partner. Read the above informal emails. Note the differences of conventions, vocabulary, style, and tone.
Discuss the following aspects:

  • Do all the emails begin in the same manner?
    Ans: No, Each email start with different salutation.

  • Do all of them end in the same manner?
    Ans: No, each email have different closing followed by sender signature.

  • How is the style of these emails different from a letter to a friend?
    Ans: All emails are written with informal or no salutation and closing and have subject line which tells the main content of an email whereas informal letters are written without any subject line and have proper salutation and closing.
    A single email can send to many recipient with a common content including attachments if needed, whereas a letter is written to an individual in an informal manner.

  • Is the language use and vocabulary same or different? How?
    Ans: Yes, The language and vocabulary is different in both email and letter. In an email, the content is short containing the main purpose regardless of any informal conversation, whereas in letter the content is lengthy and is written in a common conversation manner.

  • Did you notice what is written in the subject line?
    Ans: Yes, each email has subject line which describe the main purpose to written an email.

Exercise 2
Work individually and write an informal email to a friend/ class fellow asking/ requesting for something that you need. Follow the format given in the emails above.

 Subject: Need help
 Dear abcd,

 I am facing a problem and I need your help. Due to death of my grand father, my parents left for Islamabad last night and tomorrow is the last day for the submission of examination form. We have to submit admission form along with fees Rs. 500/-. I would be grateful to you, if you could lend me Rs.500/- , which i would returned you when my parents come back to home at my earliest.

 Waiting for reply



(Note: You may ask for books or dress etc)

Exercise 3:
Read the following compare and contrast essay. Notice how the introductory, body and concluding paragraphs are written. Underline the words that show similarity and those that show the differences. Once you have done this, discuss with your partner how a compare and contrast essay is written.

Autumn versus Spring

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. But when it comes to culture and practices, one often sees two seasons receiving more attention than the others. These two seasons are spring and autumn. In many parts of the world, the arrival of these two seasons is celebrated in various ways. However, there are obvious differences between the two seasons.
Spring is the time of the year when the weather is considered as absolutely perfect, because the air is still cool, yet, it is pleasantly cool, a coolness that allows one to enjoy the weather, without getting cramped due to the cold or exhausted due to the heat. The spring season is also associated with rebirth. This is the time of the year when winter comes to an end and activity begins in plant, animal and human life. One can see new leaves on plants and colourful buds on trees that slowly change to green. Animals that sleep or slow down their activities in winter, start becoming more active, searching for food and preparing for an active summer life. Humans also become more active, with some getting the land ready for growing crops, and others doing work that has to be done before the heat of summer drains their energy. Along with work, many people also find time to enjoy the lovely spring weather.
Autumn, on the other hand, gives the signal that summer is over. lt is the time of the year when preparation for the winter starts. The leaves of the plants start changing colours once again, but this time they change into different shades of yellow, brown and red, and begin to fall off. The trees, instead of getting fully covered, as in spring, start shedding leaves and, ultimately, become barren, with a few leaves or none left at all. The animals start hoarding their food in preparation for the winter. The people have to work faster to get home quicker, as the days get shorter and night falls very quickly. Those working in the fields get busy reaping their crops and selling or storing their crops. In some parts of the world, people gather around fires and have fun.
All in all, spring gives the signal that winter has ended, and autumn gives the signal that summer is over. With spring comes the message of a new beginning, with green plants and trees. With autumn come the falling green, red and brown leaves and barren trees. Spring is a call for action, and autumn announces more resting time, with longer winter nights about to come.

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. But when it comes to culture and practices, one often sees two seasons receiving more attention than the others. These two seasons are spring and autumn. In many parts of the world, the arrival of these two seasons is celebrated in various ways. However, there are obvious differences between the two seasons.
Spring is the time of the year when the weather is considered as absolutely perfect, because the air is still cool, yet, it is pleasantly cool, a coolness that allows one to enjoy the weather, without getting cramped due to the cold or exhausted due to the heat. The spring season is also associated with rebirth. This is the time of the year when winter comes to an end and activity begins in plant, animal and human life. One can see new leaves on plants and colourful buds on trees that slowly change to green. Animals that sleep or slow down their activities in winter, start becoming more active, searching for food and preparing for an active summer life. Humans also become more active, with some getting the land ready for growing crops, and others doing work that has to be done before the heat of summer drains their energy. Along with work, many people also find time to enjoy the lovely spring weather.

Autumn, on the other hand, gives the signal that summer is over. lt is the time of the year when preparation for the winter starts. The leaves of the plants start changing colours once again, but this time they change into different shades of yellow, brown and red, and begin to fall off. The trees, instead of getting fully covered, as in spring, start shedding leaves and, ultimately, become barren, with a few leaves or none left at all. The animals start hoarding their food in preparation for the winter. The people have to work faster to get home quicker, as the days get shorter and night falls very quickly. Those working in the fields get busy reaping their crops and selling or storing their crops. In some parts of the world, people gather around fires and have fun.

  • Spring gives the signal that winter has ended, and autumn gives the signal that summer is over.
  • With spring comes the message of a new beginning, with green plants and trees. With autumn come the falling green, red and brown leaves and barren trees.
  • Spring is a call for action, and autumn announces more resting time, with longer winter nights about to come.

Exercise 4
Work with a partner and write a compare and contrast essay on any one of the following topics:

  • Summer and Winter
    CLICK HERE for above Essay

  • Pet and wild animals
    CLICK HERE for above Essay

  • City and village life
    CLICK HERE for above Essay

  • Good neighbours and bad neighbours
    CLICK HERE for above Essay

Friday 1 October 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2 - Role Model - Text Book Exercise 2.4 and 2.5


Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai



Narrative Essays
A narrative essay is focused on telling a story. It includes important details about the incident. When writing a narrative essay, include details about:
  • When and where the event /- incident took place.
  • What happened, include significant details
  • What is its significance at the personal, societal, country level

Here are some tips that can help you write a good narrative essay.
  • Choose a story that is about the topic or theme that you have been assigned or you have chosen.
  • Make an outline of the plot before you begin — this will help you put your story in order.
  • Describe the important characters such that people can see them.
  • Describe the setting in a manner that the readers feel that they are seeing the scene.
  • Usually, the third person, i.e. he, she, it , is used along with common and proper nouns (boy, Salim).
  • Make sure your theme is clearly illustrated in the story.
  • In narrative essays, it is important to keep the readers' interest/ attention.
  • Your narrative essays should leave the reader with something to think about.

Exercise 1:
Individually, read the story given below, and answer the given questions:
Two Brothers Tanveer and Junaid were twin brothers. They both looked exactly alike but, in personality, they were quite different in nature. Junaid always thought carefully before doing anything while Tanveer did things without thinking. Their father thought of a plan to make Tanveer realize that he should think before doing things.

One day, he called the two brothers and told them that he had saved enough money to buy one of them a bicycle. Since he had money only for one bicycle, he had decided to set up a competition. The one who would win the competition would get the bicycle. The competition was that both of them should set out right after the morning prayers and walk a distance — as much as each one could — and return by sunset. The one who would manage to complete the task would get the prize. Both the twins readily agreed.

Next morning, both the brothers set off. As usual, Tanveer sprinted off in order to cover a greater distance and win the prize. But Junaid held back and thought about what he should do before setting off.

Tanveer ran far ahead, to the end of the town and further, because he wanted the prize. Junaid, on the other hand, walked until midday and turned around to return home. When Tanveer felt that he had run far enough and Junaid would never be able to catch up with him, he turned around to return home. Unfortunately, because he had been running so fast, Tanveer was very tired, so the return was slower. When he finally returned home, long after sunset, he found that Junaid was already home.

Tanveer demanded his prize for running very far but his father pointed out that he hadn't returned within the time he was supposed to be back, therefore, the prize would be given to Junaid because he had completed the task according to instructions.

a) Why was the twins' father worried?
Ans: The twins' father was very much worried about his son Tanveer because he never thought about the consequences and the results of taking any step or action before doing things.

b) What did he decide to do?
Ans: One day, he called the two brothers and told them that he had saved enough money to buy one of them a bicycle. Since he had money only for one bicycle, he had decided to set up a competition. The one who would win the competition would get the bicycle. he competition was that both of them should set out right after the morning prayers and walk a distance — as much as each one could — and return by sunset. The one who would manage to complete the task would get the prize.

c) Who won the competition? Why did he win?
Ans: Junaid won the competition as he thought about what he should do before setting off.

d) Who lost the competition? Why did he lose?
Ans: Tanveer lost the competition because he did not set his goal. He had been running so fast and went far ahead, to the end of the town. Tanveer was very tired, so the return was slower. When he finally returned home, long after sunset, he found that Junaid was already home.

e) What lesson do you think Tanveer learnt?
Ans: Tanveer learnt that he should also think carefully before taking any step or doing any action like his twins brother Junaid

Summary Writing
A summary gives brief information about a topic. Here are some basic rules to follow when writing a summary of a given passage:
  • Include all the main ideas.
  • Select points from all the paragraphs.
  • Limit your summary by not including all the details.
  • Use simple, short sentences Link sections/ points with appropriate linking words.

  • Do not reproduce sentences from the original text.
  • Do not repeat any point/ idea.
  • Do not introduce new ideas.
  • Do not criticise.
  • Do not change anything given in the original text.
  • Do not give own opinion.

Exercise 4
Work in pairs. Read the following passage and underline the main ideas/ words in each paragraph; do not include any details. The first paragraph has been done as an example.

Moen-jo-Daro or the 'Mound of the Dead' is one of the oldest cities in the world. Few people live there today, but 4,500 years ago, it was a large, busy city. It is in the province of Sindh, at a distance of 27 kilometres from Larkana, on the right bank of the Indus River. It was one of the early urban settlements in the world. The city was built around 2600 BC. It was one of the largest city-settlements of the Indus Valley Civilization of south Asia. The Indus Valley Civilization developed around 3000 BC, from the prehistoric Indus culture. At its height, the Indus Civilization spanned much of what is now Pakistan and North India.
Nobody knew anything about Moen-jo-Daro until 1922, when some villagers found pieces of old smooth pots and old bricks at the place where the city was discovered. These pieces of old pots and bricks were brought to Sir John Marshall, an English civil servant, whose work it was to look after historical remains. When he looked at them, he at once knew that they were pieces of very old pots. He decided that the area should be dug up as there might be remains of an old city.
So, the men started digging and as they dug, more and more such pieces came up, till there appeared, bit by bit, a city of straight roads, and well-built houses. When the people saw all this coming up, from what they had so far taken to be only mounds of clay and sand, they were very surprised and excited. Each house was made of large baked bricks and had a bathroom and servant quarters closed by. Covered drains ran beside the streets. Even the streets were made of baked bricks. There was a wide road in the middle of which had shops on both sides. This road continued on to the houses of the workmen.
The people of this city must have been great traders, with the river Indus so near and the sea within easy reach. The country side must have been fertile since wheat, rice and cotton grew there. The farmers also kept cattle. There were skilled craftsmen who made things from gold, silver and ivory. Clay dolls and carts were made for the children to play with.
For a long time, these people lived a happy life. They were quite rich and travelled from place to place on business or for pleasure. Their city was well-planned and clean. The rain water did not remain on the streets. We do not know what happened to them. Either they were raided from the north or some great earthquake destroyed them.

Exercise 5:
Work in pairs. Use the underlined key words and write a summary of the above passage. Look at the Do's and Don'ts given in the boxes above.
You may begin like this:
Moen-jo-Daro, in Sindh, was one of the largest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization developed around 3000 BC, in areas that today form Pakistan and North India. Moen-jo-Daro, one of the oldest cities in the world, was built around 2600 BC.
After you have written the summary, exchange your work with another pair. Read each others' work and give feedback, stating what is good and what needs to be changed.

Ans: Summary OF Paragraph:
Moen-jo-Daro, in Sindh, was one of the largest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization developed around 3000 BC, in areas that today form Pakistan and North India. Moen-jo-Daro, one of the oldest cities in the world, was built around 2600 BC.
In 1922, some villagers found pieces of old smooth pots and old bricks. When Sir John Marshall, whose work was to look after historical remains, looked those pieces, he decided to dig up the area.
After digging, a city of straight roads, and well-built houses appeared. House and streets were made of baked bricks. There was a wide road in the middle of which had shops on both sides. This road led to the workmen's houses.
The people of this city were traders. They used to grow wheat, rice and cotton. Their skilled craftsmen made things from gold, silver and ivory. Clay toys were also found.
They were quite rich and travelled from a lot. The city was well-planned and clean. We are not sure either they were attacked or earthquake destroyed them.


Note: For acquiring additional language skills. Not to be formally assessed.
Editing Practice (Continued) There are many types of activities that can help sharpen our editing skills. One such activity is the C-test. In this activity incomplete words have to be completed by using the context for clues to guess what the word might be.

Exercise 1:
The following passage is about The Duties of a Good Citizen'. Beginning from the second word of the second sentence half or sometimes half plus one extra letters have been removed from every second word. Work in pairs and first orally complete all the words. Once you have done so, write the complete passage in your notebook.

The Duties of a Good Citizen
If we just think for a minute, about the things and services we use in one day, we shall realize how much we owe to society. The mil_ brings mi __ for u__; t__ baker ba__ the br__; the pri__ prints o_ books; t__ driver dri__ the b__ in wh__ we g__ to sch__ or t__ place o__ work. T__ teacher tea__ the pup__ at sch__ the doc__ treats t__ sick a___ the shopk___ sells arti___ of da___ use. T__ traffic pol__ regulate t__ traffic s_ that w__ may tra__ without a_ fear o__ accident.

W_ must re__ society f__ all th__ gifts. I_ a mil__ mixes wa___ in milk, h__ can h__ expect o__ members o__ the society t__ treat h__ fairly? I__ a shopk__ gives sh___ measure o__ sells sub-st___ goods, h__ must b__ prepared t__ get t__ same ki__ of trea__ from oth__. If w__ ignore tra__ rules, w__ not on__ endanger t__ lives o__ others b___ our o__ as we___.

Ma__ benefits w__ enjoy a__ provided b__ our o__ country a__ society. I__ is ther__ our du__ to b_ loyal a__ patriotic t_ Pakistan. W__ should p__ our ta___ promptly, fu__ and hone__ so th__ we m__ continue t__ enjoy a___ social bene__.

Is___ lays gr__ stress o__ our dut_ as citi___. The Ho__ Prophet (pe__ be up__ him) on_ said, "God lays so much stress on the rights of our neighbours that I almost thought they would get the right of inheritance in our property". In short, we cannot be good Muslims without being good and dutiful citizens.

Ans: If we just think for a minute, about the things and services we use in one day, we shall realize how much we owe to society. The milkman brings milk for us; the baker bakes the bread; the printer prints our books; the driver drives the bus in which we go to school or the place of work. The teacher teaches the pupil at school, the doctor treats the sick and the shopkeepers sells articles of daily use. The traffic police regulate the traffic, so that we may travel without any fear of accident.

We must repay society for all these gifts. If a milkman mixes water in milk, how can he expect other members of the society to treat him fairly? If a shopkeeper gives short measure or sells sub-standard goods, he must be prepared to get the same kind of treatment from others. If we ignore traffic rules, we not only endanger the lives of others but our own as well.

Many benefits we enjoy are provided by our own country and society. It is therefore, our duty to be loyal and patriotic to Pakistan. We should pay our taxes promptly, fully and honestly, so that we may continue to enjoy all social benefits.

Islam lays great stress on our duty as citizen. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) once said, "God lays so much stress on the rights of our neighbours that I almost thought they would get the right of inheritance in our property". In short, we cannot be good Muslims without being good and dutiful citizens.

Exercise 2
You are the editor of your school magazine. Work in pairs to edit the following passage for the school magazine.

Students have mainly three basic duties. They must obey their parents, teachers and elders. Students must help there parent in simple home chores. they must not became unresponsive to parents or teachers.

Students must fellow the standard discipline. They must establish a routine with studying. They learn and practice good manners and habits. They must focus on their studies. Regular reading should be a part of their daily routine and this reading habit makes them more intelligent and knowledgeable and moreover, it also improves their overall languach skills and vocabulary. Besides study they must exercise daily. They avoid watching too much TV. They must be polite and respectful towords every one. They must eat healthy food and avoid eating good that is unhealthy.

Students have mainly three basic duties. They must obey their parents, teachers and elders. Students must help their parents in simple home chores. They must not become unresponsive to parents or teachers.

Students must follow the standard discipline. They must establish a routine with studying. They must learn and practice good manners and habits. They must focus on their studies. Regular reading should be a part of their daily routine and this reading habit makes them more intelligent and knowledgeable and moreover, it will also improves their overall language skills and vocabulary. Besides study, they must exercise daily. They must avoid watching too much TV. They must be polite and respectful towards every one. They must eat healthy food and avoid eating goods those are unhealthy.

Friday 19 February 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Solved Test Model paper I (Unit 1 - 4)


English (Compulsory) For Class IX
Solved Test Model paper I (Unit 1 - 4)


Read the following passage and answer the questions below:
Galileo Galilei was born on 15 February 1564, in the town of Pisa, Italy. He was the first of six children of Vincenzo Galilei, a famous music composer and lutenist, an expert at playing the lute, a musical instrument. Galileo also learned to play the lute. It was probably because he observed his father experimenting with music, to create new music, from an early age that he acquired this attraction for experimentation. Moreover, the importance of time and rhythm in music required calculation, hence, he acquired an understanding of mathematics and its relationship with everything.
As a young man, Galileo thought of becoming a priest, and then a mathematician, but his father wanted him to become a doctor because a doctor earned a higher income than a mathematician. So he enrolled at the University of Pisa for a medical degree. However, after attending a lecture on geometry, he talked his reluctant father into letting him study mathematics and natural philosophy instead of medicine.
His interest in experimenting with different things started early. In 1581, when he was studying medicine, he noticed that a swinging chandelier took the same amount of time to swing back and forth, no matter how far it was swinging. When he returned home, he set up two pendulums of equal length and swung one with a large sweep and the other with a small sweep and found that they kept time together. However, it was almost one hundred years later, that the swinging pendulum was used to create an accurate timepiece.
Because he needed to earn money, Galileo began experimenting with different things, trying to come up with some sort of invention that he could sell for money. He had a little bit of success with his invention that was like a compass and could be used to measure plots of land. By this time, he had already experimented with pendulums and magnets. He had also created a thermoscope, an earlier form of the thermometer, and in 1586 he published a small book on the design of a hydrostatic balance that he had invented.
However, the invention for which Galileo is known is the telescope; the wonderful device that allows us to see from a distance. When he heard that a Dutch inventor had invented something called a spyglass, but was keeping it a secret, Galileo decided to work on one of his own. Within 24 hours, he had invented a telescope that could magnify things to make them appear ten times larger than real life.
His multiple interests included astronomy, the study of the universe and its contents. It was because of this interest that one night Galileo pointed his telescope toward the sky and made his first of many space observations. He noticed that the moon was not smooth, like everyone thought; it was covered in bumps and craters. As technology has improved, many others have made improvements on the telescope that Galileo first invented.
Galileo died on 8 January 1642, aged 77, after suffering from fever and heart palpitations.

Q.1. Read the text and complete the following sentences by selecting one word from those given.
I. The text is about a person who invented a ________.
a) pendulum
b) timepiece
c) telescope ✓
d) thermometer

II. Galileo was interested in
a) music
b) mathematics ✓
c) medicine
d) metallurgy

Q. 2. The meanings of the following words are given in the text. Write down these words and their meanings.
a) lutenist
b) lute
c) telescope
d) astronomy

Ans:Words / Meanings
S.NO. WordsMeanings
a. Lutenist An expert at playing the lute
b. Lute A musical instrument
c. Telescope A device that allows us to see from a distance
d. Astronomy The study of the universe and its contents

Q.3. The following sentences are wrong. Read the text and write the correct sentences.
a) Galileo was the sixth child in the family.
Correct sentence: He was the first of six children of Vincenzo Galilei.

b) He took admission in the University of Italy.
Correct sentence: He enrolled at the University of Pisa

c) He published a book on the design of a timepiece.

Correct sentence: He published a small book on the design of a hydrostatic balance

d) The invention for which Galileo is known is the pendulum.
Correct sentence: The invention for which Galileo is known is the telescope

e) Galileo died of heart failure.
Correct sentence: Galileo died of heart palpitations.

Q.4. Read the text and complete the following sentences by giving reasons.
a) His father wanted him to become a doctor because
Ans: His father wanted him to become a doctor because a doctor earned a higher income than a mathematician.

b) He left his medical studies because

Ans: He left his medical studies because he wanted to study mathematics and natural philosophy instead of medicine.

c) He wanted to invent something that he could sell because
Ans: He wanted to invent something that he could sell because he needed to earn money.

d) Galileo pointed his telescope towards the night sky because
Ans: Galileo pointed his telescope towards the night sky because he was interested in astronomy and made his first of many space observations.

Q. 5. Read the text and answer the following questions.
a) What two things did Galileo probably learn when he saw his father creating music?
Ans: When he saw his father creating music, Galileo probably learnt two things:
  1. to play the lute.
  2. to create new music.

b) Why and when did he leave his medical education?
Ans: In 1581, after attending a lecture on geometry, he talked his reluctant father into letting him study mathematics and natural philosophy instead of medicine.

c) What did he invent to earn some money? What was its use?
Ans: To earn money, he invented a thing that was like a compass and could be used to measure plots of land.

d) How did he invent the telescope?
Ans: When he heard that a Dutch inventor had invented something called a Spyglass, but was keeping it a secret, Galileo decided to work on one of his own. Within 24 hours, he had invented a telescope.

e) What was his first space observation?
Ans: His first space observation was that the moon was not smooth, like everyone thought; it was covered in bumps and craters.


Q.6. Rewrite the following sentences by correcting the punctuation and capitalization errors.
a. yes the sahara desert is a lonely hot and dry place said faseeh
Ans: "Yes, the Sahara desert is a lonely, hot, and dry place," said Faseeh.

b. hurrah the khans will invite us next year shouted akram with joy
Ans: "Hurrah! The Khans will invite us next year" shouted Akram with joy.

c. im going to plant an apple tree. it will be fun said hannan
Ans: "I'm going to plant an apple tree. It will be fun," said Hannan.

d. asif and his friends were having rice bread curry fried fish and noodles for lunch
Ans: Asif and his friends were having rice, bread, curry, fried fish and noodles for lunch.

Q.7. Fill in the blanks with articles, where necessary.
When Lubna got married she moved to the United States of America. Fifteen years later, she returned to Pakistan with her family and visited her brother, Essa. Lubna had two children, a boy and a girl, and Essa had two boys and a girl. Although the children had never met before, except through x e-mail, the two families had a great time together. The children played games and the elders talked about their life, trying to catch up on fifteen years' news and gossips.

Q.8. Fill the blanks in the following sentences with words formed by using the suffix `ment', 'ness' or 'al' with one of these words, as appropriate:
sign, treat, kind
a. The employer showed his kindness by giving a big salary raise to all his employees.
b. They were finally given signal the to start the construction on the new bridge.
c. He recovered fully after completing his treatment. (treatness is incorrect)

Q.9. Fill the blanks in the following sentences with words formed by using the prefix 'un', 'in' or `dis' with one of these words, as appropriate:
complete, honest, healthy
a. One of our neighbours lost his job because he was dishonest.
b. We should avoid unhealthy food and exercise regularly so that we remain fit.
c. Our work was still incomplete when the bell rang.

Q.10. Change the following negative sentences into affirmative and the affirmative ones into negative.
a. Did you give my message to your mother?
Ans: Did you not give my message to your mother?

b. I like riding a horse when I go to the beach.
Ans: I do not like riding a horse when I go to the beach.

c. Aren't you coming to my sister's wedding?
Ans: Are you coming to my sister's wedding?

d. Turn right at the end of the road.
Ans: Do not Turn right at the end of the road.

e. They cannot cross this river without a boat.
Ans: They can cross this river without a boat.

Q.11. Change the voice of the following sentences.
a. Algebra was taught to us by Sir Sadiq.
Ans: Sir Sadiq taught Algebra to us.

b. Samina gave an impressive presentation.
Ans: An impressive presentation was given by Samina.

c. The task was done well by the class.
Ans: The class did the task well.

d. They have written a letter.
Ans: A letter has been written by them.

Q.12. Complete the following second conditional sentences.
a. If I became a doctor, _________.
Ans: I would treat needy person free of charge.

b. Seema would be sad, __________.
Ans: if she knew that news.

c. If I have enough money, __________.
Ans: I would go to a world tour.

d. Javed could become a cricketer, ___________.
Ans: if worked hard

Q.13. Fill the following blanks with 'can' or 'could'.
I could speak Balochi quite well when I was a child, but now I can speak only Urdu. I read somewhere that a child could learn to peak five languages at a time; I wish I could do that now. However, I think I can manage to learn only one more language now. I wish one could learn five languages easily at the age of forty!


Q.16. Write an essay on any ONE of the following.
a. Use of mobile phones
Ans: CLICK HERE TO View Essay 

b. Piles of garbage in populated areas

c. An accident that I saw
Ans: CLICK HERE TO View Essay

Q.17. Write any ONE of the following.
a. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the electricity shortage problems in your area.
Click Here To View Letter

b. Write an application to your class teacher requesting for leave to look after your sick mother.

Sunday 14 February 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 8.6 (FUN) - The Daffodils (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem, Summary And Message


The Daffodils (Poem)

Unit 8.6 (FUN)

Words / Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Bay Gulf
2. Beneath Below
3. Beside Near
4. Bliss Joy
5. Breeze Gentle wind
6. Continuous Unending
7. Crowd Mob
8. Daffodils/td> a flower
9. Dance Move up and down or about
10. Flash  Blaze
11. Flutter  To have oscillatory airborne motion
12. Gay Happy
13. Gaze Look steadily
14. Glance Look briefly, Give a quick look
15. Glee Merriment
16. Hill A little heap or mound
18. Host Multitude
17. Jocund Merry
19. Lonely Alone
20. Milky way Galaxy
21. Never ending Unending
22. Outdo Surpass
23. Pensive Thoughtful
24. Shine Glow
25. Solitude Loneliness
26. Sprightly Lively
27. Stretched Extended
28. Toss Sway
29. Vacant Unoccupied
30. Vale Valley
31. Wander Roam
32. Wealth Riches

The Daffodils (Poem)
(William Wordsworth)

I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of the bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they
Outdid the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed-and gazed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye,
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.


آبی نرگس
(ولیم ورڈز ورتھ)
میں بے مقصد تنہا، بادل کی مانند گھوم رہا تھا
جو اونچی وادیوں اور پہاڑیوں پر تیرتا ہے ،
جبکہ اچانک میں نے ایک جم غفیر دیکھا ،
یہ مجمع تھا نرگس کے سنہری پھولوں کا
جھیل کے ساتھ ساتھ درختوں کے نیچے،
جھومتے ہوۓ اور ناچتے ہوۓ نسیم سحری میں۔

مسلسل جیسے کے ستارے چمکتے ہیں۔
اور جھلملاتے ہیں ثریا میں ،
وہ ایک نہ ختم ہونے والی قطار میں پھیلے ہوۓ تھے
وہ خلیج کنارے کے ساتھ ساتھ؛
میں نے ایک ہی نظر میں دس ہزار دیکھ لۓ ،
وہ خوشی کے رقص میں اپنے سروں کو ہلا رہے پھے۔

ان کے پہلوں میں لہریں بھی ناچ رہی تھیں۔ لیکن وہ
چمکدار لہروں سے خوشی منانے میں سبقت لے جارہے تھے؛
ایک شاعر سواۓ خوش ہونے کے اور کیا کر سکتا ہے ،
ایسی پرمسرت مجلس میں!
میں نے غور سے دیکھا اور غور سے دیکھا لیکن ذرا سوچا؛
کہ یہ نظارہ مجھ کو کونسی دولت دے رہا ہے:

اکثر جب میں آرام دہ کرسی پر آرام کرتا ہوں؛
خالی الذہن ہوتا ہوں یا گہری سوچ و بچار میں ،
وہ میری اندورنی آنکھ میں روشن ہوجاتے ہیں ،
جو تنہائی میں خوشی کا سبب بن جاتے ہیں؛
تب میرا دل خوشی سے لبریز ہوجاتا ہے ،
اور نرگس کے پھولوں کے ساتھ ناچتا ہے۔

Paraphrasing of Stanzas

The poet was wandering alone like clouds, and saw a cluster of flowers of golden daffodils on the lake side. The flowers were swaying in the wind. They looked like the stars of the galaxy. They were happily shaking their heads in an endless line. The waves were shining on his side. The poet is also happy to see them and thinks how much happiness this scene has given him. Whenever the poet thinks of this scene, it gives him joy even in solitude.

Summary Of The Poem

Reference: The Poem "The Daffodils" is written by William Wordsworth. He is known as the poet of nature.
Once he came across a large number of daffodils. They were blooming and tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The scene of the daffodils filled the heart of the poet with great joy. The daffodils stretched in never-ending line like the stars in the sky and that shone on the milky way. The scene attracted the poet. He kept gazing at the daffodils for a long time in amazement. He got completely involved in enjoying the scene and was totally lost in their beauty. That beautiful scene is still fresh in his memory. Whenever he lies on his couch in loneliness, the scene of the beautiful daffodils comes to his mind and his heart begins dancing with them.
Natural scenes often attract us. Some scene disappear from our memory but some engrave to our mind that hardly are forgotten. Such a scene the poet of the poem 'The Daffodils' experienced and 'enjoyed. He has drawn the scene in such a way that even the readers find themselves completely involved in it.

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 8.4 (WRITING) - The Miller of the Dee (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem And Summary


The Miller of the Dee (Poem)


Words / Meanings

Exercise 3:
Find out the meanings of the following words used in the poem are given in the glossary at the end of the book and write in your note book.

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Awhile For a short time.
2. Blithe Without cares and worries, Happy
3. Boast Source of pride, Brag
4. Burden Main part, Load
5. Bold Confident and brave
6. Corn Maize
7. Doffed Took off his hat in respect, Take off
8. Dwelt Lived in or at a place
9.  Envy The feeling of wishing to have what somebody else has or to be like somebody else
10. Farewell Parting
11. Feed Give food
12. Grind Make powder
13. Hale Strong and healthy
14. Lark A small brown bird.
15. Light Care free
16. Mealy Shabby, Dirty
17. Miller A person who owns or works a mill for grinding corn.
18. Owe be in debt
19. Quoth Said
20. Sighed Took a long deep breath, Mourned
21. Thee You
22. Thine Your
23. Thou'dst You would
24. Thou'rt You are
25. Worth Value

The Miller of the Dee (Poem)
(Charles Mackay)

There dwelt a miller hale and bold,
Beside the river Dee;
He worked and sang from morn to night,
No lark more blithe than he,
And this the burden of his song For ever used to be,
"I envy nobody, no, not I,
And nobody envies me!"

"Thou'rt wrong my friend!" said old King Hal,
"Thou'rt wrong as wrong can be;
For, could my heart be light as thine,
I'd gladly change with thee,
And tell me now what makes thee sing
With voice so loud and free,
While I am sad, though I'm the king, Beside the river Dee?"

The miller smiled and doffed his cap;
"I earn my bread," quoth he,
"I love my wife, I love my friend,
I love my children three;
I owe no penny I cannot pay;
I thank the river Dee,
That turns the mill that grinds the corn
To feed my babes and me".

"Good friend!" said Hal, and sighed awhile,
"Farewell, and happy be;
But say no more, if thou'dst say true,
That no man envies thee.
Thy mealy cap is worth my crown,
Thy mill my kingdom's fee;
Such men as thou are England's boast,
0' miller of the Dee".


دریاۓ ڈی کا چکی چلانے والا (نظم)
(چارلس میکے)
دریائے ڈی کے کنارے؛
وہ صبح سے شام تک کام کرتا اور گاتا تھا،
کوئی پرندہ اس سے زیادہ زندہ دل نہیں تھا،
اوراس کے گیت میں،
ہمیشہ ہی یہ ہوتا تھا ،
"میں کسی سے حسد نہیں کرتا، نہیں ، میں نہیں ،
اور کوئی مجھ سے حسد نہیں کرتا! "

"میرے دوست! تم نے غلط ہو۔" بوڑھے بادشاہ ہال نے کہا ،
"تم اتنے ہی غلط ہو جتنا کہ کوئی غلط ہوسکتا ہے۔
کیا میرا دل بھی اتنا ہی خوش ہوسکتا ہے جتنا کہ تیرا،
میں خوشی سے اس سے تمہارے ساتھ تبدیل کر لوں گا،
اور اب مجھے بتاؤ کہ تم کس طرخ گاتے ہو،
اتنی بلند اور آزاد آواز میں،
حالانکہ میں بادشاہ ہوں مگر میں اداس ہوں ،
اس دریا ڈی کے کنارے؟"

چکی چلانے والا مسکرایا اور اس نے اپنی ٹوپی اتار دی؛
اس نے کہا "میں اپنی روزی کماتا ہوں ،"
"میں اپنی بیوی سے محبت کرتا ہوں ، میں اپنے دوست سے،
پیار کرتا ہوں، میں اپنے تین بچوں سے محبت کرتا ہوں۔
میں کسی کی ایک پائی کا مقروض نہیں،
میں دریائے ڈی کا شکر گزار ہوں ،
بو میری چکی کو چلاتا ہے جو اناج پیستی ہے
بس سے میں اپنا بور اپنے بچوں کا پیٹ پالتا ہوں"

"اچھے دوست!" ہال نے کہا ، اور آہ بھری،
"الوداع ، ہمیشہ خوش رہو؛
لیکن بور مت کہو۔ اگرچہ تم ٹھیک کہہ رہے ہو،
کہ کوئی بھی تم سے حسد نہیں کرتا ۔
تیرے آٹے سے اٹی ہوئی ٹوپی زیادہ قیمتی ہے میرے تاج سے ،
تیری پن چکی میریسلطنت کے برابر ہے؛
تیرے جیسے آدمی پر انگلینڈ فخر کرتا ہے ،
اے ڈی کے چکی چلانے والے"

Paraphrasing of Stanzas

There was a healthy and happy miller who lived beside the River Dee. He worked day and night in a lively manner. He always sang that he did not envy anyone and nobody envied him. Old King, Hal, said to him that he was wrong. The king told him that he was king even he was still sad. He asked that the miller that how he was so happy and sang that song. The miller replied that he earned his bread; he loved his wife, children and friends. He had no debts. He thanked the River Dee that ran his mills so that he could feed his family. Then the king said farewell to him and told him that his dirty cap had more worth than the king's crown and his mill was precious than his kingdom. The king also said that England was proud of a man like him.

Summarizing a Poem

Exercise 4:
Write the story in your own words, on a sheet of paper. This will be a summary of the poem. Follow the steps given below:
  • Find out meanings of unfamiliar words
  • Look at the title of the poem to see what it is about
  • Read each stanza slowly, at least a couple of times, and try to understand what it means
  • Read the poem as a whole to get the main idea
  • Now start writing the story
  • Begin by giving the title of the poem and the name of the poet
  • After this, write the key message of the poem
  • Finally, write down the story in your own words
  • You can use dialogues in direct speech
Edit your work for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors and rewrite the corrected story in your notebooks.

Summary Of The Poem

Reference: The poem " The Miller Of The Dee" is written by Charles Mackay.
The poet Charles Mackay tells the story of a miller in the poem. The miller used to work from morning to night. He kept singing a song while working. The theme of the song was that he envied none and none envied him. The King passed there one day. He said that he was wrong because he envied him. The King was sad while the miller was happy. The King asked the miller why he was happy. The miller replied that he earned his bread with his hands and spent the money on his family. He led a contented life and owed nothing to anyone. The King said that his mealy cap was worth his crown and his mill was worth his kingdom. He also said that men like him were England's pride.

Message Of The Poem

In of the poem "The Miller of the Dee", the poet Charles Mackay, comparing the life of a king and the life of a miller, proves that life of an ordinary man is better than the life of a rich and powerful man. As the life of a common man is care-free and he does not have anything to lose so he is fearless. He has not jealousy for his fellowmen so he enjoys peace of mind. A common man enjoys the beauty and simplicity of life. Contrary to him a rich and powerful man lacks peace of mind. No one has true love and sincerity for him. Inspite of all rich and power his life is not a happy life.

Tuesday 9 February 2021

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 7.5 (STUDY SKILLS) - Abou Ben Adhem (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem And Summary



Abou Ben Adhem (Poem)


S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Accord Agreement
2. Angel An innocent creature
3. Bold  Confident and brave.
4. Cheerily Happily
5. Lily a flower
6. Pray Request
7. Presence Attendance
8. Sweet Charming
9. Thee You
10. Vanish Disappear
11. Vision Angel
12. Wakening Dazzling

Abou Ben Adhem (Poem)
(James, Henry Leigh Hunt)

Abou Ben Adhem (May his tribe increase)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An Angel writing in a book of gold.

Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the presence in the room he said,
'What writest thou?' The vision raised its head,
And, with a look made of all sweet accord,
Answered, "The names of those who love the Lord."

"And is mine one?" said Abou. "Nay, not so,"
Replied the Angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerily still, and said, "I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow men."

The angel wrote, and vanish'd. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And show'd the names whom love of God had bless'd,
And lo! Ben Adhem's name led all the rest.

ابوؤ بن ادہم
(جیمز ، ہنری لی ہنٹ)
ابو بن ادہم (ان کے قبیلے میں اضافہ ہو)
ایک رات سکون کی گہری نیند سے بیدار ہوۓ ،
اور چاندنی میں اپنے کمرے میں دیکھا ،
جو اسے منور کر رہی تھی ، للی کے تازہ پھولوں کی طرح ،
ایک فرشتہ سونے کی (سنہری) کتاب میں لکھ رہا تھا۔

بڑھتے ہوۓ سکون نے ابوؤ بن ادہم کو بہادر بنا دیا ،
اور کمرے میں موجود ہستی سے اس نے پوخھا ،
'آپ کیا لکھ رہے ہو؟' اس ہستی نے اپنا سر اوپر اٹھایا ،
اور ، ایک دل آویز نظر کے ساتھ ،
جواب دیا ، "ان کے نام جو خدا سے محبت کرتے ہیں۔"
"اور کیا میرا نام ہے؟" ابوؤ نے کہا۔ "نہیں ، ایسا نہیں ،"
فرشتے نے جواب دیا۔ ابوؤ بن ادہم دھیمی آواز سے ،
لیکن زندہ دلی سے بولے، اور کہا ، "تب ، میں آپ سے التجا کرتا ہوں ،
میرا نام ان میں لکھ دیں، جو اس کے بندوں سے محبت کرتا ہے۔ "

فرشتہ نے لکھا ، اور غائب ہوگیا۔ اگلی رات
وہ دوبارہ ایک زبردست بیدار کرنے والی روشنی کے ساتھ آیا ،
اوران لوگوں کے نام دکھائے جن کو خدا کی محبت عطا ہوتی تھی ،
اور دیکھا! بن ادہم کا نام سرفہرست ہے۔

Paraphrasing of Stanzas
One night Abou Ben Adhem woke up from a deep sleep and an angel writing in a book of gold. There was moonlight around him. Abou Ben Adhem asked the angel that what he was writing and he told him that he was writing the names of those who love God. Abou asked the angel whether his name was on the list. The angel said no. Then Abou requested the angel to write his name with those who loved His fellow men. The angel wrote his name and disappeared. The next night the angel came again and showed Abou the names of those whom God loved. Abou saw his name on the top of the list.

Reference: The Poem "Abou Ben Adhem" was written by James, Henry Leigh Hunt.
At one night Abou Ben Adhem awoke from a deep sleep. He saw that there was moonlight in his room. He saw also an angel who was writing something in a book of gold. He asked the angel what he was writing. The angel told him that he was writing the names of those people who loved God. Abou asked the angel whether his name was there. The angel said 'No'. Hearing this Abou was sad. He requested the angel to write his name in the list of those who love their fellow-men. The angel then disappeared. The next night the angel appeared again and showed him the names of those whom God loved. Abou's name was on the top of the list. He was so pleased.

In the eyes of God, the best is he who loves His fellowmen. Our kind and gentle behaviour with other people exalts us in the eyes of God.

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 4.6 (FUN) - A Mountain and a Squirrel (Poem) - Word / Meanings, Translation, Paraphrasing a Poem, SummaryAnd Message


Unit 4.6 (FUN)
A Mountain and a Squirrel (Poem)

Word / Meanings

S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Arrogant Behaving in a proud manner, Haughty
2. Beetle nut A hard small nut that people in some parts of the world chew, A kind of a plant seed
3. Expel Take out, Remove, Move out
4. Grandeur Great and impressive appearance, Magnificent or Splendid
5. Insignificant Unimportant, having no value, not worthy of notice
6.  Omnipotence Having total power, Having unlimited power
7. Pose Pretend, Exaggerated display
8. Self-respect Having a sense of pride for being, having something, Pride and confidence in oneself
9. Shrewd Clever, Having or showing sharp powers of judgement
10. Splendour Grand and impressive beauty, Quality of being splendid


A mountain was saying this to a squirrel
"Commit suicide if you have self-respect
You are insignificant, still so arrogant, how strange!
You are neither wise, nor intelligent! Not even shrewd!
It is strange when the insignificant pose as important!
When the stupid ones like you pose as intelligent!
You are no match in comparison with my splendour
Even the earth is low compared with my splendour
The grandeur of mine does not fall to your lot
The poor animal cannot equal the great mountain!"
On hearing this the squirrel said, "Hold your tongue!
These are immature thoughts; expel them from your heart!
I do not care if am not large like you!
You are not a little thing like me
Everything shows the Omnipotence of God
Some large, some small, is the wisdom of God
He has created you large in the world
He has taught me climbing large trees
You are unable to walk a single step
Only large size! What other greatness have you?
If you are large show me some of the skills I have
Show me how you break this betel nut as I can."
Nothing is useless in this world
Nothing is bad in God's creation.
(Translation of Allama lqbal's poem "Pahar Aur Gilareeh")

Translation in Urdu

پہاڑ اور گلہری (نظم)

"کوئی پہاڑ یہ کہتا تھا ایک گلہری سے
تجھے ہو شرم تو پانی میں جاکر ڈوب مرے؛
ذرا سی چیز ہے اس پر غرور کیا کہنا
یہ عقل اور یہ سمجھ یہ شعور کیا کہنا!
عجب بات ہے ناچیز چیز بن بیٹھیں!
جو بے شعور ہو یوں باتمیز بن بیٹھیں!
تیری بساط ہے کیا میری شان کے آگے
زمین ہے پست میری آن بان کے آگے
جو بات مجھ میں ہے تجھکو وہ ہے نصیب کہاں
بھلا پہاڑ کہاں، جانور غریب کہاں ! "
کہا یہ سن کر گلہری نے، "منہ سنبھال ذرا!
یہ کچی باتیں ہیں، دل سے انہیں نکال ذرا!
جو میں بڑی نہیں تیری طرح تو کیا پرواہ!
نہیں تو بھی تو آخر میری طرح چھوٹا
ہر چیز کو کیا پیدا خدا کی قدرت ہے
کوئی بڑا، کوئی چھوٹا ، یہ اس کی حکمت ہے
بڑا جہاں میں تجھ کو بنا دیا اس نے
مجھے درخت پر چڑھنا سکھا دیا اس نے
قدم اٹھانے کی طاقت نہیں ذرا تجھ میں
نری بڑائی ہے! خوبی ہے اور کیا تجھ میں؟
جو تو بڑا ہے تو مجھ سا ہنر دکھا مجھ کو
یہ چھالیا ہی ذرا توڑ کر دکھا مجھ کو
نہیں ہے چیز نکمی کوئی زمانے میں
کوئی برا نہیں ہے، قدرت کے کارخانے میں
(علامہ لقبل کی نظم "پہاڑ اور گلہری" کا ترجمہ)

Paraphrasing of Stanzas
A mountain said to a squirrel that the former had no self-respect. He said that the squirrel was insignificant but haughty and had no intelligence. He also said that the squirrel pretended to be significant and intelligent, and the squirrel that he was nothing as compared to him. The mountain said the squirrel could not equal his greatness. The squirrel replied that the mountain had immature thoughts. The squirrel told the mountain that she could not care about that. Everything shows the power and wisdom of God. If God made the mountain so big, then He taught the squirrel to climb on trees. The squirrel said that the mountain had just height but nothing else; he could not even walk a step. The squirrel asked the mountain to show some skills and break the betel nut. God's creations are not bad and useless.
Summary Of The Poem
Reference: The poem " A mountain and a Squirrel" is written by Allama Iqbal.
One day, the mountain and the squirrel argue. The huge mountain calls the tiny squirrel insignificant, arrogant and stupid. The squirrel replies that while it is not as big as the mountain, the mountain cannot climb a tree. The talents of both the mountain and the squirrel differ considerably. If the squirrel has no height, then the mountain cannot crack a tiny nut.

Message of the Poem
This poem is a dialogue between the mountain and the squirrel. The mountain is proud of its towering bigness and looks upon the squirrel. The squirrel justifies its existence. It says that God created this universe in a very orderly way after a good deal of thinking. All big or small, rich or poor have a distinct quality and a definite place. None is superior or inferior. None should be considered as weak or useless.