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Wednesday 28 December 2022

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 2 - Role Model - Text Book Exercise Unit 2.2 - 2.3


Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai



Focus: Asking and answering questions of a social nature.
Exercise 1:
Work in groups of six. First, read the following questions silently. Write down the questions and note down their answers in your notebook. Here are some key words/ phrases that you can use while asking questions. Use the actual names of the students instead of the names used here.

1. What are some of the harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke?
Ans: 1. Shahina, what do you think, what are some of the harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke?
Shahina: There are some harmful things that people eat, drink or smoke are:
a) Junk or fast food like fried and grilled food and fries potato chips, Sugary foods such as pastries cookies and cakes, Spicy meals etc
b) Similarly Preserve juices and sweet drinks, soda and energizing drinks as well as sugary drinks etc.
c) Tobacco usage like Cigarette, Cigar and Sheesha etc.
are all harmful things for people.

2. How does the use of these harmful things affect their physical health?
Ans: 2. Farah, in your opinion, how does the use of these harmful things affect their physical health?
Farah: We know that excess of anything in meal can affect our physical health.
Fried and junk food are a poor quality of our die. Excess of oil may cause obesity and heart diseases, while too much sugary salty and spisy food have higher risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes, cancer, etc
Sugary drinks may also cause weight gain/obesity, diabetes, heart, kidney and liver diseases, tooth decay and cavities etc.
The primary risks of tobacco usage include many forms of cancer in different organs especially Lungs, different disease may also caused by tobacco usage like heart and kidney failure etc.

3. How does their use affect their relationships with their friends and other people?
Ans: 3. Gulnar, according to you, how does their use affect their relationships with their friends and other people?
Gulnar: Use of such harmful things may affect one's social life as those people have health issue, they always seem lazy and tired and can not enjoy with their friends and relatives.
Similarly smokers have the smell of smoke on their clothes and on their breath. Plus, social smoking means the people you're with are exposed to secondhand smoke and pollute surrounding environment.

4. How does their use affect their family life?
Ans: 4. Tahira, what do you say, how does their use affect their family life?
Tahira: Junk food, unbalanced diet and smoking, all may cause health issues. And smoking is the most dangerous and addicting habit. The life of such people become complicated. Such habits can build pressure on a person to create an emotionally stressful and unhealthy environment for their family members also. These people not only waste money but their personality and health both are damaged as well. These people also can not enjoy and participate in family activities.

5. How does the cost of these things affect a person's life style?
Ans: 5. Mahira, can you tell me, how does the cost of these things affect a person's life style?
Mahira: Yes, the cost of these things affect a person's life style. As he spends much money on his trifle addicting eating and smoking habits, than he can not save money. He will not even have much money for his basic needs of life. He also do not want to bring improvement in life style because he is used to spend money on his eating, drinking or smoking habits.


Using Modals for Ability
The modal verbs are can, could, may, might, shall, should, will and would.
Modals are used for different language functions; like talking about ability, asking permission, making requests, giving suggestions, etc. Here, we will learn about using the modals can, could, may for ability and permission.

We use can to talk about someone's skill or general abilities at a given time in the present or future:
He can swim like a fish.
They can't speak Punjabi very well.
You can get good marks in the exams.

We use could to talk about past time:
She could speak several languages.
They couldn't write very well.

Exercise 1:
Fill in the blanks with the positive or negative form of suitable modal verbs: can/ could.
a) I couldn't swim when I was a child but I can swim now.
b) My brother could not run fast when he was five years old but he can run fast now.
c) They could come early but they couldn't find a bus earlier.
d) Nowadays, Sana can speak English fluently but she could not speak so well a year ago.
e) Sameer could speak several languages when he was young but now he can speak only English fluently.
f) Little Shahzain can crawl but he still can not walk.
g) Sara can embroider and stitch clothes but her sister can not.
h) We can play after completing our homework but we can't play before that.

Exercise 2
Write about your abilities/ inabilities in the following blanks.
You should share what you were/were not able to do when you were younger, what you can do now and what you will be able to do when you grow up.

You may use sentences like:
When I was younger/ When I was nine years old.

  • I could ride a bicycle when I was five years old.
  • But, I couldn't ride a bicycle when I was five years old.
  • Now. I can ride a bicycle.
  • However. I can't drive a car.
  • When I grow up, I can become a famous doctor.

Now ask two of your class mates what they could/ couldn't do when they were younger. what they can/ can't do now and what they think they can do in the future.
Follow the same pattern as you did for yourself and write their responses in your notebook.
Ask your classmate:

"What could you do when you were seven years old?"
Ans: Ahmed: I could swim when I was seven years old.
Zehra: I could fried egg when I was seven years old.

"What couldn't you do when you were in class six?
Ans: Shazaib: I couldn't speak English fluently when I was in class six.
Zehra: I couldn't write sindhi very well when I was in class six.

"What can you do now?"
Ans: Farhan: Now, I can make building models.
Madiha: Now, I can bake birthday cakes.

"What can't you do now?"
Ans: Kamran: Now, I can't swim
Hania: Now, I can't stitch clothes.

"What can you do in the future?"
Ans: Babar: I can become a famous Journalist.
Sara: I can become a famous interior designer.


We also use can to ask for permission to do something:
  • Can I borrow your pencil, please?
  • Can we go home now?

The use of could is more formal and polite than can:
  • Could I borrow your pencil, please?
  • Could we go home now?

Another more formal and polite way of asking for permission is with the use of may.
  • May I borrow your pencil, please?
  • May we go home now?

We use can to give permission:
  • You can go home now if you like.
  • You can borrow my pencil if you like.

We can also use may as a more formal and polite way of giving permission:
  • You may go home now, if you like.

Exercise 3:
Work in groups of six; three of you should complete Dialogue A given below, while three should complete Dialogue B. Add at least 10 lines in both the dialogue. You can change the names or add more names.

Dialogue A:
Using can/ could for ability
Zahra: Can you speak Chinese, Najma?
Najma: No, but I can speak Persian.
Zahra: Wow! What about you Farah?
Farah: I can't speak Chinese or Persian, but I can speak English and Arabic fluently.
Najma: Can you? It means you can understand the Quran Majeed.
Farah: Yes, I can by the grace of Allah.
Zara: I could speak Arabic a little bit but now it's rusty.
Najma: 1 wish I could understand the Quran Majeed in its language.
Farah: You can learn Arabic if you want to.
Najma: Can I? Isn't it too late?
Farah: It's never too late. You can do whatever you want and whenever you want.
Zara: If Najma can learn, I can too.
Farah: Of course, you can do that. Everyone can do that whoever wants to understand the Quran Majeed.
Note: Below are more dialogues for practice
Ahmed: Could you play Basket ball, Babar?
Babar: Yes, I could play basket ball very well.
Ahmed: Great, What about you, Junaid?
Junaid: No, I couldn't play basket ball.

Nabila: Can you make Pizza dough, Hiba?
Hiba: No, I can not make pizza dough.
Nabila: Could you make Pizza without using oven, Sehrish?
Sehrish: Yes, I could make Pizza without using oven.

Dialogue B:
Using can/ could/ may for permission
Areeb: I have completed my work. Can I play now?
Mother: Yes, you can, but come back soon.
Areeb: May I take my new bat with me?
Mother: Yes, you can if you like.
Bilal: Mama, Could I go with brother Areeb?
Mother: No, you can't go. You will annoy him.
Bilal: No, I won't. Let me go.
Mother: No, you will stay at home.
Areeb: Mamma, May I put on this shirt?
Mother:Yes, you can. Can you bring some sweats and biscuits for Bilal?
Areeb: Of course, I can.
Mother: What would you like Bilal?
Bilal: May I have chocolate cake and chips?
Mother: Yes, son. You can have them.
Areeb: Could I go now?
Mother: Yes, son. You can.
Note: Below are more dialogues for practice
Areeb: May I take my new bicycle for riding?
Mother: Yes, you may, but don't ride too fast.
Bilal: Could I make myself a cup of coffee, Mother?
Mother: Yes, You can, but don't add much sugar into it.

Zohaib: Can I open my birthday presents now?
Father: Yes, you can, but open it one by one.

Haris: My Mobile charger is run out, Could I use your phone charger?
Jamil: Sure, you can use it.

Ahsaan: May I borrow your car, tonight?
Ahmed: No, you may not.


We sometimes add a pair or group of alphabets at the end of a word to add something to the meaning of a word. These are called suffixes. We can use suffixes to make many new words, including nouns.
  • agree + ment = agreement
  • postpone + ment = postponement
  • willing + ness = willingness
  • frank + ness = frankness
  • arrive + al = arrival
  • profession + al = professional

Exercise 4:
A. Fill the blanks in the following exercise with nouns formed by using the suffix `ment' with the appropriate given words. One has been done as an example.
employ treat manage pay retire judge

1. As soon as the judgement, was given, the reporters left the court room.
2. Zaman is back to work after his treatment.
3. The workers receive their weekly payment every Friday.
4. My son is looking for employment as he lost his job last week.
5. After his retirement at the age of sixty he has decided to write a book.
6. The management of the school announced their new admission policy yesterday.

B_ Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the suffix 'ness' with the appropriate given words.
ill bold neat kind soft

1. Her illness has made her weak.
2. I love the softness of our new sofa set.
3. Our neighbour's son, who is a soldier, fought the enemy with boldness.
4. The principal of our school treats everyone with kindness.
5. My mother taught neatness us in all our work.

C. Fill the blanks in the following exercise by using the suffix 'al' with the appropriate given words.
sign survive approve propose remove

1. The survival of the green turtle is in danger on the Karachi beaches.
2. Our proposal for setting up a dispensary was accepted by the minister.
3. The removal of garbage is the responsibility of the government.
4. The train moved out of the station as soon as the guard gave the signal.
5. I needed my parents' approval for going to friend's wedding.

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