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Sunday 6 November 2022

Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection - Social Media - Text Book Exercise - Unit 4.2 - 4.6

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Unit-4 - Media For Information And Reflection
Social Media
Text Book Exercise - Unit 4.2 - 4.6
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

UNIT 4.2

UNIT 4.3
Future Tense (Revision)

he future is indicated in different ways, using different verb forms. The following table shows some of the ways for indicating the future.
S.NO. Usage Examples
1. When something is expected to happen, for predictions and promises
  • My friends will come at eight o'clock.
  • I shall call her tomorrow.
  • It will rain tonight.
  • I will never smoke another cigarette.
2. An action that will be in progress at a stated future time.
  • The class will be travelling to Gilgit on Friday.
  • The baby will be receiving the first dose of vaccination this week.
3. An action that will be finished before a certain future time.
  • By next year the child will have forgotten us.
  • In five years I will have established my own business.
4. To express a plan, intention, or expectation.
  • I am going to write a letter to the authorities.
  • She is going to tell her mother the sad news.
  • We are going to rebuild our house.
5. Expressing future actions often resulting from a present plan or arrangement.
  • They are moving to Islamabad next month.
  • Pakistan is playing its final match against Sri-Lanka on Sunday.
6. Expresses future action based on facts or certain events.
  • My cousin leaves for the airport in ten minutes.
  • I finish work at 2 pm today.
7. An action in the future that will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future
  • I will be preparing supper when my husband comes back.
  • They will be sleeping when their father returns.


Do the following exercise by using the tenses mentioned for each section. Once you have completed, compare your answers with your partner and makes corrections where needed.

1. They will come (come) here again next year.
2. I shall complain (complain) to the Principal sometimes next week.
3. They will do (do) business with us from next year.
4. This time tomorrow ,I shall be (be) very busy.
5. We shall be ( be ) in trouble for being late.

1. I shall be appearing (appear) for my board exams this year.
2. We shall be going (go) out later in the evening.
3. He will be staying (stay) home the whole week.
4. They will be watching (watch) the cricket match tonight.
5. I shall be driving (drive) the car as our driver is ill.

1. We shall have climbed (climb) the mountain by tomorrow afternoon.
2. He will have had (have) his tooth pulled out by the time we reach.
3. I shall have met (meet) the captain of the cricket team by six o’ clock.
4. His tailor will have stitched (stitch) his clothes by the time we get there.
5. By the time we finish they will have left (leave).

1. Tariq is going to deliver (deliver) the speech on behalf of the class.
2. We are going to cut (cut) this tree as it is about to fall.
3. I think they are going to get (get) admission in the best college.
4. The tree is going to shed (shed) its leave soon as it is autumn time.
5. I am going to join (go) join the new hockey club soon.

1. We are taking (take) a trip to Tharparkar next Sunday.
2. I am cooking (cook) biryani for lunch today.
3. They are buying (buy) a new house soon.
4. He is inviting (invite) several people to his son’s wedding next month.
5. She is participating (participate) in the debate competition to be held by the school.

1. We start (start) this work tomorrow.
2. The train leaves (leave) in half an hour.
3. The ship sails (sail) for South Africa next week.
4. She begins (begin) her career in the Pakistani air force next year.
5. He returns (return) tomorrow after a week-long journey.

1. It will be costing (cost) a lot more if we buy (buy)it next year.
2. He will be visiting (visit) us when he comes (come) to Karachi on his next visit.
3. We shall be waiting (wait) for you at the gate until you arrive (arrive).
4. The cat will be drinking (drink) the milk by the time you move (move) the bowl.
5. The programme will be ending (end) by the time they finish ( finish ) their food.


Work in pairs. Complete the sentences using the correct future form of the given verbs:
1. Do you think people are travelling (travel) to the moon again.
2. Tomorrow we will be rehearsing (rehearse) a school play in the gym.
3. Dad will be waiting (wait) ) for you at the station when you arrive next.
4. By the end of this year, I am going to visit (visit) Brazil.
5. I shall make (make) a shelf for my technology project.
6. Look at that car! It will be crashed (crash) if the driver doesn’t slow down.
7. If I won't know the answer, I shall ask (ask) my elder sister.
8. We are going (go) on a picnic next weekend. Would you like to come?
9. Sara and Meena will have finished (finish) their IT project by tomorrow afternoon.
10. Raza will be taking (take) his goat for a walk when his mothre comes (come) back from work.


Here is a conversation between a palmist and a customer. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the future tense. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.
Customer: Can you tell me something about my future?
Palmist: 1 shall tell (tell) you if you show (show) me your palm.
Customer: Tell me about my education.
Palmist: Initially, you will study (study) till B.A. or B.Com . but later you will go (go) for higher education.
Customer: Where will I get my higher education ?
Palmist: Probably you will get (get) your first higher education in Pakistan.
Customer: How about travel?
Palmist: You will travel (travel) a lot throughout your life.
Customer: What about my earnings?
Palmist: You are going to be (be) a rich person. You will earn (earn) a lot of money. But all of this will depend (depend) on how hard you work and how well you treat (treat) your parents.
Customer: Can you tell me something about my health ?
Palmist: In the near future you will enjoy (enjoy) good health but later on you will be suffering (suffer) from an unknown disease. The good news is that you will find (find) a good doctor who will treat (treat) you well and will cure (cure) you completely.
Customer: Thank God for that ! Anything else?
Palmist: You will be (be) a highly successful person. Good luck to you.
Customer: Thank you.


Work in groups of three and discuss the topic "As I see Pakistan in fifteen years' time". Each group will have to come and present their pints before the class.


The passive form is commonly used n textbooks, in scientific, technical, and business reports, and in newspapers.
In some cases, 'by' may be used to clarify who the does is; in other cases, the doer may just be implied. It is generally omitted when it is obvious who the 'doer' is.
Example: The house is being painted.


Change the following passive voice into active voice. After completing, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where needed.
1. The walls are being painted by them.
Active Voice: They are painting the walls.

2. The latest book of the writer is liked by the readers.
Active Voice: The readers like the latest book of the writer.

3. We had been given the wrong tickets.
Active Voice: Booking clerk had given us wrong tickets.

4. The thieves were caught.
Active Voice: The police (or someone ) caught the thief.

5. He had written these three books in 1873.
Active Voice: These three books had been written by him in 1873.

6. Why is time wasted by everyone?
Active Voice: Why do everyone waste time?

7. The new houses will be built by the new construction company.
Active Voice: The new construction company will built the new house.

8. The official documents have been sent by the officer.
Active Voice: The officer has sent the official documents.

9. They can be given some information about the job by Ramiz.
Active Voice: Ramiz can give them some information about the job.

10. A new road was being planned near my house by the government.
Active Voice: The government was planning a new road near my house.


Change the following active voice into passive voice. After completing, compare your answer with your partner and make corrections where needed.
1. Students should study environmental problems at school.
Passive voice: Environmental problems should be studied at school by the students.

2. Teachers could include this topic in their classes.
Passive voice: This topic could be included by teachers in their classes.

3. Some people buy returnable bottles and use recycled paper.
Passive voice: Returnable bottles and use recycled paper are bought by some people.

4. Governments have constantly ignored important issue for economic reasons.
Passive voice: Important issue for economic reasons have constantly being ignored by Governments.

5. At school, teachers often tell students about pollution and its prevention.
Passive voice: At school, Students are often told about pollution and its prevention by the teachers.

6. In developed countries, authorities expect everybody to cooperate.
Passive voice: In developed countries , everybody is expected to cooperate by authorities.

7. Everyone should throw their bottles in the bottle recycling bins.
Passive voice: Their bottles should be thrown by everyone in the bottle recycling bins.

8. Parents must teach their children how to dispose the rubbish.
Passive voice: Their children must be taught by Parents how to dispose the rubbish.

9. Last year several nations held a meeting to discuss environmental problems.
Passive voice: Last year, a meeting was held by several nations to discuss environmental problems.

10. Organizations like Greenpeace are giving people leaflets about what to do.
Passive voice: People are being given leaflets about what to do by organizations like Green peace.


Work in pairs and change the voice in the following two passages. After completing, compare your work with another pair. Make change in your work if needed.
A local jewelry shop was robbed yesterday by two men. When the shop had been locked up by the owner, a gun was held at his head by one of the robbers. He was told by the other to unlock the shop and handover the diamonds in the safe. A search has been organized for the robber by the police and it is hoped that he will be captured by them in a few days. The owner is being treated by the doctors at a local hospital. He has been badly affected by the incident. No one knows how soon the shop will be opened by him again.
ANSWER: Yesterday, two men robbed a local jewelry shop. When the owner had locked up the shop, one of the robbers held a gun at his head. The other told him to unlock the shop and handover the diamonds in the safe. The police has organized a search for the robber and they hope that they will capture him in a few days. The doctors are treating the owner at a local hospital. The incident has badly affected him, No one knows how soon he will open the shop again.

2 . Our school is organizing a contest. The student council members will organize the event. The school management will provide the administrative and financial support. Parents will also play a role in the activity. Students will prepare different projects about the environment. They will also be required to write articles related to the environment. The teachers will guide them in developing the projects. A team of experts will judge the work of the students. They will select two projects and two articles for award of prizes. Famous publishers have given a set of encyclopedias and some books to be given as prizes.
ANSWER: Contest is being organized by our school. The event will be organized by the student council members. The administrative and financial support will be provided by the school management. A role will also be played by the Parents in the activity. Different projects about the environment will be prepared by the students. Articles related to the environment will also be required to be written by them. They will be guided by the teachers in developing the projects. The work of the students will be judged by a team of experts. Two projects and two articles for award of prizes will be selected by them. A set of encyclopedias and some books have been given as prizes by famous publishers.

UNIT 4.4
Cause And Effect Essay

"Cause and effect" is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. This is a combination of action and reaction. Something happens (a cause) that leads to another thing (an effect).
Cause & Effects Transition Words
because, since, for, so, consequently, therefore, thus, hence, owing to, as a result of, as a consequence of, leads to, contributes to, for this reason, stems from, comes from, results from, is the result of, is the consequence of, is due to, is caused by, causes.


Form sentences of cause, connector, and effect in the given table. An example has been done.
S.NO. Cause Connector Effect
1. We received seven inches of rain in four hours; therefore, the underpass was flooded.
 Ans: We received seven inches of rain in four hours; therefore, the underpass was flooded.

2. I never brush my teeth, So I have five cavities.
 Ans:  I never brush my teeth, so I never brush my teeth,

3. The streets were snow packed and icy due to that cars needed more time to stop.
 Ans: The streets were snow packed and icy due to that cars needed more time to stop.

4. His arm was broken; hence, the doctor put it in a cast.
 Ans: His arm was broken; hence, the doctor put it in a cast.

5. A football player violated the rules of the game; consequently, the referee called a penalty.
 Ans: A football player violated the rules of the game; consequently, the referee called a penalty.


Read the following sentences and write cause and effect in each column.
S.NO. Sentence  What is the cause?  What is the effect?
1. Your dog bit a child, therefore, he got a deep wound.

 Your dog bit a child, he got a deep wound.
2. I skipped lunch today, so I am extremely hungry.

 I skipped lunch today, I am extremely hungry.
3. I have difficulty trusting people because my best friend lied to me.

 I have difficulty trusting people my best friend lied to me.
4. She forgot to water her plants, hence, they all died.

 She forgot to water her plants, they all died.
5. The player has received a gold medal as he won the race.

 The player has received a gold medal he won the race.
6. He did not study for the test; consequently , he failed it.

 He did not study for the test; he failed it.


Wednesday 2 November 2022

Unit-3 -Practicing Positive Work Ethics - King Bruce And The Spider (Poem) - Text Book Exercise - Unit 3.2 - 3.6

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Unit-3 - Practicing Positive Work Ethics
King Bruce And The Spider (Poem)
Text Book Exercise - Unit 3.2 - 3.6
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

UNIT 3.2

UNIT 3.3


Use the correct form of the Past Simple to fill following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once. Once you have completed, compare your answers with your partner and make corrections where necessary, in this and all exercises from 1 to 8.
Eat, Close, Sell, Belong, Live, Make, Lock, Run.
1. We ate delicious food at their house.
2. The mouse ran under the cupboard.
3. The guard closed and locked the gate before going to bed.
4. The house in which we lived till last year belonged to my uncle.
5. The parrots made a lot of noise so we sold them.


Use the correct form of the Past Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below. You can use one word only once.
Do, Drive, Shake, Tell, Fly, Wash, Fight, Fall
1 The papers were flying in all the directions due to strong winds.
2. The boys were fighting over who would play first.
3. We were shaking the tree and the ripe fruits were falling on the ground.
4. My sister was doing her homework while I was washing dishes.
5. The driver was driving the car and my brother was telling him the directions.


Use the correct form of the Past Simple or continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words provided in the brackets.
When Kakenya Ntaiya, from Kenya, was fourteen, She requested (request) her father to let her finish high school. She dreamt (dream) high as she was making (make) good progress and achieving (achieve) good grades. Her teachers knew (know) that she was (be) very intelligent and they were encouraging (encourage) her to go for higher education. She promised (promise) her father that he would be proud of her one day, if he allowed (allow) her to continue her education. Very few Maasai girls, the tribe to which she belonged (belonged) ever finished (finish) high school, but her father accepted (accept) her request.

Ntaiya kept (keep) her promise to her father. She began to work even harder, and soon she won (win) a scholarship to go to USA. The village where she lived (live) was very small. However, the villagers were so proud of her that they all came (come) to see her off when she was leaving (leave). Ntayia was crying (cry) as she was leaving (leave). It was (be) a touching scene. Everyone was waving (wave) their hands and Ntaiya was shouting (shout) that she would come back to serve the people in the village.

When she graduated, she worked (work) for a while at the UN and then got a doctorate degree. Then she returned (return) home and wanted (want) to set up a primary school in her village. At first some villagers refused (refuse) to give Ntaiya the land for school, but many Parents now realized (realize) how important a good education could be for their daughters. Till last year, the school was providing (provide) Education to more than 150 girls. The girls at the school were praising (praise) Ntaiya. They were working (work) hard to become teachers, doctors, or lawyers.


Use the correct form of the Past Perfect to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below, You can use one word only once.
Sweep, Leave, Spend, Die, Travel, Reach, Cover, Finish.
a) We had a lot of money on buying gifts, so we decided to stop.
b) As soon as Samina had swept the yard there was a storm.
c) The group had travelled several miles and had covered a big part of their journey.
d) The students had finished their work and had left for home when the rain started.
e) She had died before they reached the hospital.


Use the correct form of the Past Perfect Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words given below, You can use one word only once.
Refuse, Worry, Cry, Ring, Fly, Paint, Warn, Dig, Bark, Read.
1. He had been crying for help for five hours when the rescue team finally arrived.
2. I had been reading for two hours before I fell asleep.
3. We had been flying for 16 hours and everyone was very tired.
4. I had been working about my results the whole week.
5. The labourers had been digging and the painters had been painting for several days before they were allowed to go home.
6. The bell had been ringing and the dog had been barking for nearly 20 minutes before someone opened the door.
7. The MET department had been warning about storm but the people had been refusing to listen.


Use the correct form of the Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous to fill the following blanks. Use the words provided in the brackets.
Her toothache had been bothering (bother) her all night. She had been taking (take) Painkiller, but the pain had continued (continue). She had been seeing (see) a dentist for two weeks, who had been saying (say) that nothing could be done until the pain subsided. She had consulted (consult) her grandmother for natural remedies and had tried (try) everything to combat the pain, but no results. Also, she had been searching (search) for remedies on the internet since five days, but even that medium had failed (fail) to provide any solution. Not knowing what else to do, she had come (come) to the conclusion that she had done (do) all that she could, when her mother had thought (think) of a simple solution. She had agreed (agree) to try it. It had been working (work) wonders and she had been sleeping (sleep) peacefully for the past five hours when we went to her house.

Articles Revision

Article Rules Example
A / An A and an are indefinite articles and are used to indicate a single item.
  • Take a pencil.
    (Take one pencil.)
  • I won a hundred dollars.
    (I won one hundred dollars.)
 Do not use a or an with a plural noun.
  • They talked about a good restaurant to visit.
  • They talked about the good Italian restaurants on main Street.
 Use a as an unspecific reference before a consonant.
  •  He likes to read a book.
    (He likes to read any book, not a specific one.)
  • That was a funny story.
    (That was one of many funny stories.)
 Use a when the word following it starts with a consonant sound.
  • a book,
  • a hospital,
  • a leg,
  • a one-inch pipe,
  • a youth
 Use an as an unspecific reference before a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).
  • an apple,
  • an opera,
  • an eagle,
  • an idea,
  • an SOS
    (the s here is an es sound).
 Words that begin with u or h can have either a vowel or a consonant sound. Make the choice based on the sound of the first word after the article, even if that word is not the noun
  • a union,
  • a uniform
    (use a when the 14 sounds like the y in you)
  • an unbelievable event,
  • an umbrella,
  • a unique umbrella,
  • an honor,
  • an hour,
  • an honest person,
  • a hotel,
  • a history book,
  • a historian
  • an historian,
  • an historic event
    (NOTE: words like historic can take either a or an)
The Use the as a specific reference to a common noun or something that is one of a kind
  • Give me the book on the table.
    (identifies a specific book)
  • The sun rose at seven o'clock.
    (identifies something that is one of a kind)
 Use a or an to introduce a noun the first time it is mentioned, and then the is used afterwards whenever the noun is mentioned.
  • I bought a sandwich for lunch.
  • I shared the sandwich with my friend..
 A proper noun names unique person, place, or thing do not use a/an article.
  •  "I went to New York City."
 An exception is the proper nouns with "of' as part of the name:
  • the Fourth of July
  • the University of Virginia
  • the United States of America
  • the President of Mexico
  • the Statue of Liberty
 Plural proper nouns use the:
  • the Chicago Bulls
  • the Johnsons
  • the Blue Ridge Mountains.
 A proper noun that names a group (a collective noun) also uses the:
  • the Commonwealth of Virginia
  • the United Arab Emirates
  • the Society of Friends
 Some geographical features use the:
  • the Gobi Desert
  • the Atlantic Ocean
  • the Pyramids the Amazon
 But other geographical features do not. use the:
  • Lake Superior
  • Albemarle County
  • Route 29
  • Mount Vesuvius


Work individually and fill the following blanks with article a / an, where necessary. Put a cross (X) in the blank where an article is not required. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.
1. X giraffe has a long neck.
2. An Australian sheep gives us X good wool.
3. He is an honest man but his friend is a crook.
4. To help the students, an example has been given in the exercise.
5. Would you like to have a cup of tea or X something to eat.
6. A factory is being built next to our house.
7. Boil X eggs and make X sandwiches for breakfast.
8. It was an honour to be nominated.
9. I want to buy a uniform when X schools reopen in August.
10. An old friend is staying at a hotel on the river Indus.


Work individually and fill the following blanks with article 'the' where necessary. Put a cross (X) in the blank where 'the' is not required. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.
1. X English Language is the most outspoken language in the world.
2. There are X beautiful flowers in the park.
3. My sister lives in the USA.
4. There is X dirt on this plate and there is a dirty mark on the table cloth.
5. X lions are dangerous animals, but X dogs are X good friends of people.
6. When you drive a car in the UAE, you must keep to the right.
7. The inventor of the telephone was X Graham Bell.
8. X directions to the central library are clear.
9. The butcher opposite the library sells X good meat.
10. One of the persons I love the most is my mother.


Work individually and fill the following blanks with article 'a / an / the', where necessary. Put a cross (X) in the blank where an article is not required. After completing, compare your answers with your partner.
Who has not heard of the famous Khyber pass in X Pakistan? It is a narrow mountain valley in X Khyberpakhtoon Khaw province. We can go to the Khyber pass from X Peshawar. Many people who want to go to X Afghanistan cross the border from the Khyber pass.The Khyber Pass has been famous in X history for thousands of years. The Aryans crossed it to reach the subcontinent about four thousand years ago. After them came the Mongols and the Tartars.
Moreover, the Khyber pass is an ancient trade route. It is the route that has been used extensively by the caravan carrying X bales of cotton and silk. Occasionally the caravan would also carry a ton or two of spices. Although it is an old route the trade is still carried out through this route but now X buses, trucks and trains carry X goods from one country to another.

UNIT 3.6

Note: For having fun with language. Not to be formally assessed.


A cool collocations is two or more words that often go together.

Work in groups of five. Each. group should choose the name of a bird for their group. In each of the following lines you can use three of the words to form an acceptable phrase. However, one word forms an unacceptable combination. Mark (✔) the odd one unit.

1. You can collect:
  • information
  • Stamps
  • friends ✔
  • Your thoughts

2. You can draw:
  • A conclusion
  • Breath
  • An illusion ✔
  • A picture

3. You can wear:
  • A smile
  • A suit
  • A crown
  • An umbrella ✔

4. You can lose:
  • A promise ✔
  • Your keys
  • patience
  • Your way

5. You can pass:
  • A butter 
  • A computer ✔
  • A law 
  • An exam

6. You  can make:
  • plans
  • A promise
  • A journey
  • Your homework ✔

7.You can pay:
  • A visit
  • Attention
  • A bill
  • Life ✔

8. You can receive:
  • Guest
  • An invitation
  • A letter
  • The measles ✔

9. You can play:
  • A party ✔
  • cards
  • A game
  • The piano

10. You can take:
  • A walk
  • A photo
  • A haircut ✔
  • control

11. You can see:
  • A doctor
  • The silence ✔
  • The sights
  • A film

12. You can open:
  • A discussion
  • A shop
  • A door
  • A disappointment ✔

13. You can keep:
  • A question ✔
  • A secret
  • Your word
  • A promise

14. You can catch:
  • A bus
  • An idea ✔
  • A cold
  • Someone’s eye

15. You can hold:
  • An opinion
  • A promise ✔
  • A meeting
  • Your breath

16. You can ask:
  • A favourite ✔
  • An answer
  • The way
  • A question

Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others - A Bad Dream - Reference To Context

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Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others
A Bad Dream
English For Class X (2022 and Onward


By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

The villagers shrugged and said ,”May Allah protect you”.
1.Name the lesson and the book.
2. What is the story about?
3. Why did the villagers prayed for them.
4. Write noun of protect.
5. Give meaning of shrugged.

1. Lesson: Bad Dreams.
Book: Secondary stage English book 2 For class X.
2. The story is about ghosts.
3. The villagers prayed for them that they remain safe and are not harmed by the ghosts. The people of the village feared that they could get harmed badly in some way.
4. Protection
5. Raise one’s shoulders slightly to express doubt or indifference.

2. They said that he was allowing village gossip to dominate his thoughts and was imagining that there were ghosts.
1.Name the lesson and the book.
2. What is the story about?
3. Explain what do “they “ and “he “ refers to in the sentence.
4. Write noun of dominate and imagine.
5. Give meaning of gossip.

1. Lesson: Bad Dreams
Book: Secondary stage English book 2 For class X.
2. The story is about ghosts .
3. The word they refers to Mr Aziz , Mrs Aziz, Mrs Karim and children while he refers to Mr Karim.
4. Domination , Imagination.
5. Casual conversation by people that are not confirmed as being true.

Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others - A Bad Dream - Reading Comprehension - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others
Reading Comprehension
A Bad Dream
English For Class X (2022 and Onward


S.NO. Words Meanings
1. Airy Well ventilated
2. Appreciate Recognize with gratitude
3. Astonishingly Extremely surprisingly
4. Bother Worry, Disturb, or Upset
5. Chat Talk in a friendly and informal way
6. Comfortably Without stress
7. Compartment A separate section
8. Convince Cause to believe
9. Cucumber A long, green-skinned fruit
10. Dominate Influence over
11. Dusty Covered with dust
12. Frightened Afraid
13. Ghost The spirit of a dead person
14. Gossip Casual or unconstrained conversation
15. Hair-raising Extremely frightening
16. Haunted Frequented by a ghost
17. Horror An intense feeling of fear
18. Imagining Suppose or Assume
19. Incident An event or occurrence
20. Indication A sign
21. Lean Move into a sloping position
22. Long-awaited Expected for a long time
23. Narrate Give a spoken or written account of
24. Occurrence An incident or Event
25. Porter A person employed to carry luggage
26. Relaxed Free from tension
27. Scared Fearful; Frightened
28. Scream Give a long, loud, piercing cry
29. Shocked Surprised and upset
30. Shrug Raise (one's shoulders) slightly
31. Stare Look fixedly
32. Strange Unusual; Surprising
33. Stunned Shocked
34. Teasing Make fun of someone in a playful way
35. Utter  Complete; Absolute


Mr Aziz and his brother's families decided to take a ten-day holiday in the village. They travelled by train. They rented a house for ten days which was far from the station but close to the fields so that they could enjoy the life of the village.
They reached Patni. At the station, when they told the porter where to go, he was astonished and said, "Are you sure?" Outside the station, when they told the van driver where to go, he was also surprised and said, "Are you sure?"
The van driver told him that the house they had rented was haunted, but Mr Aziz said they did not believe such stories. The house was big and airy. They liked the house.
The next morning they went to the fields and the villagers told them to go back before the ghost could harm them. They just laughed and told the people that there was no such thing as ghosts. They kept having fun. A week later, weird things started to happen.
On the seventh night, Mr Karim felt that someone was pulling his blanket. This time he pulled the blanket up and held it tightly under his head and feet. Then someone pulled his bed. He was scared. Nothing happened after that but he could not sleep. No one believed him.
After a walk in the fields, everyone except Mr Karim returned. He felt that someone was following him, but no one was there. Suddenly the head blocked his way. He changed his route, but the head also came to this side. Mr. Karim was alone. He was terrified. He started running towards the house. He told everyone about the incident but no one believed him. They said that he had taken the words of the villagers seriously.
On the last night of their stay, Mr and Mrs Aziz, and Mr and Mrs Karim were sitting and talking. An empty chair sprang forward and it felt as if someone was sitting on it. Seeing this, they started screaming.
The next moment Mr. Karim woke up. He was having a bad dream. They just had to go on their trip.


By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Mr. and Mrs. Aziz along with their children planned a ten days holiday trip. Mr. Karim along with his wife and children decided to accompany them. They travelled by train and reached a village called Patni where they rented a house. They hired a van to reach the house. On the way Mr. Aziz told the van driver about the house, but the driver told them about the house being haunted. Mr. Aziz did not believe him. On reaching the house they all liked it. It had three rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Aziz took one room while Mr. and Mrs. Karim settled in the second room. The children got the third room. After dinner they went to bed quite early as they were tired. Next morning they visited the fields where some villagers again told them to leave the house before any of them got harmed by the ghosts. They ignored the gossips. Strange things started to happen on 7th night. Twice with Mr. Karim and finally all experienced same strange things. Mrs. Karim woke Mr. Karim up and at the end, all it turned out to be a horrible dream that Mr. Karim was seen.

Tuesday 1 November 2022

Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others - A Bad Dream - Reading Comprehension - Question Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Unit-5 - Respecting Self And Others
Reading Comprehension
A Bad Dream
English For Class X (2022 and Onward

By Mrs. Ayesha Arif
(Jauhar Progressive School)

Question Answers

Q.No 1: Why was everyone excited about the trip?
Ans: Everyone was excited because it was a long-awaited trip which everyone was looking forward to. Mr. Karim and his family had planned the trip nearly three months ago that was why they were naturally very excited.

Q.No 2: What did Mr. Aziz tell about the house he booked?
Ans: Mr. Aziz told about the house that it was far from the station and situated near the fields to enable them to truly appreciate and enjoy the life standard of the village.

Q.No 3: What were the reaction of the porter and driver , when they heard about the house?
Ans: When they got off the train. There was only one porter there to help them unload their luggage. When Mr. Aziz told him where they wanted to go, he looked at him in a strange manner. The porter took them to a van driver. He told him where these people wanted to go. The van driver had a strange, frightened look on his face and asked if he was sure.

Q.No 4: What did the driver tell about the house?
Ans: Mr. Aziz told the driver that they had rented the house for ten days. The driver told him that the people of that area believed that house was haunted.

Q.No 5: Why did the villagers tell them to leave the house? OR What advice did the villagers give to Mr Aziz and his family?
Ans: When they told the these people (villagers) where they were living, the villagers were shocked. Some of them even told them to leave the house before the ghosts harmed them in some way.

Q.No 6: What happened to Mr. Karim when he was sleeping peacefully? OR What was Mr Karim's first strange experience?
Ans: On the seventh night, Mr Karim was sleeping very peacefully. Suddenly, he felt that someone was pulling his blanket. He thought it was a cat, so he pulled his blanket up and started to sleep. Again, the same thing happened. This time he pulled the blanket up and held it tightly under his head and feet. When he did this, someone started pulling his bed.

Q.No 7: What actually happened with Mr. Karim?
Ans: Mr. Karim woke up screaming from sleep. He has been sleeping all night and everyone was waiting for him to wake up to accompany them for the trip. It became clear now that all those horrific experiences were the part of his all dream only.

Q.8:How did Mr. AZiZ and Mr. Karim's family reach their destination?
Ans: They reached their destination by train.

Q.9: Where was the house that Mr. Aziz rented?
Ans: The house was far from the station and near the fields.

Q.10: What was the name of the station where they got off?
Ans: They got off at Patni station.

Q.11: Who was the first person to be surprised to hear the address of the house?
Ans: The porter was the first to be surprised when he heard the address of the house.

Q.12: Who was the second person who was surprised after hearing the home address?
Ans: The van driver was the second person to be surprised when he heard the address of the house.

Q.13: How many days did Mr. Aziz and Mr. Karim plan the trip?
Ans: They had planned a trip for ten days.

Q.14: How was the house that Mr. Aziz rented?
Ans: The house was big and airy, with a nice view of the fields and the village.

Q.15: How many bedrooms were there in the house?
An: There were three bedrooms in the house.

Q.16: How many days later did strange things start to happen?
Ans: A week passed, and then strange things started to happen.

Q.17: Who had the first strange experience?
Ans: Mr Karim had the first strange experience.

Q.18: Why didn't everyone believe Mr. Karim?
Ans: Nobody believed in Mr Karim because they thought that Mr. Karim was making fun of them and he was just trying to fool them.

Q.19: Who had the second strange experience?
Ans: Mr Karim had the second strange experience.

Q.20: What was Mr Karim's second strange experience?
Ans: Mr Karim was walking. He was deep in thought when he felt someone walking behind him. He looked back but did not see anyone. It was getting dark. Mr Karim had a strange feeling. He quickly moved to the other side and started walking back towards the house. But then, a strange thing happened; the head jumped and blocked his way. He quickly changed his route again and went to the other side. But, the head jumped on the other side.

Q.No 21: What happened at the end of the story?
Ans. Mr Karim was dreaming. At the end of the story, he was awakened and told to go on a trip. He thanked his wife for waking him up from a nightmare.

Text Book Exercise
Unit 5.1


1. Have you ever seen a bad dream?
Ans: Yes, I have seen a bad dream and I woke up in mid night.
No, I have never seen a bad dream, because before sleeping I always pray from God to safe me from bad dreams.

2. What was it about?
Ans: (Anything Student can mention here).

3. How did you feel after you woke from the bad dream?
Ans: I scared and shivered for few minutes a than realized it was a dream.


Work individually and answer the following questions in your notebook. After completing the exercise, compare your answers with your partner.
1. How many families were going on the trip?
Ans: Two families were going on the trip. Mr. Aziz's family and his brother Mr. Karim's family were going on the trip.

2. How many ghost stories are mentioned in the text?
Ans: There are three ghost stories mentioned in the text..

3. Did any of the children experience something strange?
Ans: No, not at all. No children experience something strange.


Work in pairs. Read the text and find the words in the given paragraphs that have the meanings given below. match the following meanings given below. Write your answers in the answer column. The first one has been done as an example.
Paragraph Meanings Answers
1 Something for which one has waited for a long timeLong awaited
2 An enclosed section in a railway carriageCompartment
5 Take something for limited time by paying for itRented ? hirehire
5 Having presence of ghostsHaunted
10 Killed for foodHead jumped
10 FrightenedScared
11 Conversation that may not be trueGossip
11 Have power or influence over somethingDominate
11 Form a mental pictureImagining


Work individually. read the text and provide one-word answers in the given blanks.
1. What was the name of the station where they got off? Patni
2. Upon hearing the address, the first person who was surprised? The Porter
3. Who was the second person who was surprised ? The Van driver
4. For how many days was the trip planned? Ten days
5. How many bedrooms were there in the house? Three
6. Who had the first strange experience? Mr. Karim
7. Who had the second strange experience? Mr. Karim
8. What happened in the end of the story? It was a dream


Work individually. Read the text and complete the following sentences by matching items in columns A and B. Write your answers in the Ans. column.
S.NO. Column A Answer Column A
1. On hearing where they were staying.1,(e) a)and fresh vegetables from the fields.
2. When the driver told Mr. Aziz that the house was haunted.2,(h) (b) and had a nice view of the village and the fields
3 The house was big and airy.3,(b) (c) and quickly left for the station.
4. When the people in the village asked them to leave the house.4,(f) (d) and did not want to go back.
5. They enjoyed the clean air of the village.5,(a) Two people asked whether they were sure.
6. They all felt happy and relaxed6,(d) (f) they laughed and said there was no such thing as ghosts.
7. Nothing happened for a few days.7,(g) (g) then strange things started happening.
8. On the last morning they got out of bed very early.8,(c) (h) Mr. Aziz said that he did not believe such stories.


The following sentences give wrong information. Work in pairs, read the story, and write the correct sentences in the space provided below each statement:
1. Mr. and Mrs. Karim and their children planned the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Aziz and their children planned the holidays.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Aziz and their children decided to join them.
Mr. and Mrs. Karim and their children decided to join them.

3. They planned a 3-month trip.
They planned a ten days trip.

4. They travelled by bus and reached a village called Patni.
They travelled by train and reached a village called Patni.

5. They hired a taxi to reach the house.
They hired a van to reach the house.

6. Mr Aziz told the driver that they had bought the house.
Mr. Aziz told the driver that they had rented the house.

7. He told him that the house was old but Mr. Aziz did not believe him.
He told him that the house was haunted but Mr. Aziz did not believe him.

8. When they reached the house no body liked it.
When they reached the house everybody liked it.

9. The children got the cleanest room.
The children got the third / biggest room.

10. After dinner they went to bed quite late, as they were tired.
After dinner they went to bed quite early, as they were tired.

11. After two days they went into the fields.
The next morning, they went into the fields.

12. They met some people and they told them to sell the house before they were harmed.
They met some people and they told them to leave the house before they were harmed.

13. Strange things started to happen on the fifth day.
Strange things started to happen on the seventh day.

14. First Mr. Karim, then Mrs. Karim and finally they all had strange experiences.
First Mr Karim, then again Mr. Karim and finally they all had strange experiences.
First Mr Karim, then Mr. & Mrs. Aziz and Mr. & Mrs. Karim had strange experiences.


Work individually. Combine the points from Exercise 5 and write a summary of the story in your notebook. You can add other points. Also, write an alternatine ending of the story.
Ans: For Summary CLICK HERE


Saturday 29 October 2022

Words Start from Letter 'E' - Scrabble Valid Words From All Dictionaries

Scrabble Valid Words From All Dictionaries
Words Start from Letter 'Z'

2 Letters Word

  • Ea
  • Ed
  • Ee
  • Ef
  • Eh
  • El
  • Em
  • En
  • Er
  • Es
  • Et
  • Ew
  • Ex

3 Letters Word

  • Ean:
  • Ear: 
  • Eas: 
  • Eat:
  • Eau:
  • Ebb:
  • Ech:
  • Eco:
  • Ecu:
  • Edh:
  • Eds:
  • Eek:
  • Eel:
  • Een:
  • Eew:
  • Efs:
  • Eft:
  • Eff:
  • Egg:
  • Ego:
  • Ehs:
  • Eke:
  • Eld:
  • Elf:
  • Elk:
  • Ell:
  • Elm:
  • Els:
  • Elt:
  • Eme:
  • Emf:
  • Emo:
  • Ems:
  • Emu:
  • End:
  • Ene:
  • Eng:
  • Ens:
  • Eon:
  • Era:
  • Ere:
  • Erf:
  • Erg:
  • Erk:
  • Erm:
  • Ern:
  • Err:
  • Ers:
  • Ese:
  • Esq:
  • Ess:
  • Est:
  • Eta:
  • Eth:
  • Euk:
  • Eve:
  • Evo:
  • Ewe:
  • Ewk:
  • Ewt:
  • Eww
  • Exo:
  • Eye:

4 Letters Word

  • Edge(s): 
  • Eaux: 
  • Eyry:

5 Letters Word

  • Enzym: 

6 Letters Word

  • Egoity:
  • Elixir:
  • Eluvia
  • Elvish:
  • Emerge
  • Enzyme
  • Equate:
  • Eupnea
  • Euouae
  • Exequy
  • Exivia (Plural exuvia or exuviae) 
  • Exuvia:

7 Letters Word

  • Editrix:
  • Egoities:
  • Eirenic: aiming or aimed at peace
  • Equator:
  • Equinox:
  • Epsilon:
  • Evictee
  • Exuviae
  • Exuvium:

8 Letters Word

  • Eruption:
  • Entrepot:
  • Euphonia:
  • Euphonic:

9 Letters Word

10 Letters Word

11 Letters Word

12 Letters Word

Friday 28 October 2022

Words Meaning From All Chapters - فرہنگ - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Class XI (1st year) For All Groups

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اردو نصاب (لازمی) 2022ء کے مطابق

Sabaq No. 44: Professor Afaaq Siddiqui ki Gazal - Piyam-e-Lateef (Waa'ee) (Hisa-e-Nazam) - بند کی تشریحات - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Class XI (1st year) For All Groups

سبق نمبر 44: پروفیسر آفاق صدیقی کی غزل
پیام لطیف (وائی) (حصہ نظم)
بند کی تشریحات

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

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پیام لطیف (وائی) (حصہ نظم)
الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق

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غزل کے اشعار کی تشریحات

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

Sabaq No. 43: Qabil Ajmeeri (Abdul-Raheem) ki Gazal (Hisa-e-Nazam) - الفاظ و معنی اور درسی کتاب کی مشق - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Class XI (1st year) For All Groups

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By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

Sabaq No. 42: Ahmed Faraz (Syed Ahmed Shah) ki Gazal (Hisa-e-Nazam) - اشعار کی تشریح - Gulzaar E Urdu - Compulsory (NEW BOOK - 2022 and onward) - Class XI (1st year) For All Groups

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اشعار کی تشریح

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book

Ahmed Faraz (Syed Ahmed Shah) - احمد فراز (سید احمد شاہ) کی شاعری پر تبصرہ

احمد فراز (سید احمد شاہ) کی شاعری پر تبصرہ

By Farabi Publishers Guide Book