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Monday, 30 July 2018

English IX - Chapter No.3 - Questions / Answers and Text Book Exercise

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The Neem Tree (Poem)

Questions and Answers

Q.1: How can the Neem Tree prevent the burning heat of the sun from troubling us?
Ans. The  Neem tree with its extending branches intercepts the scorching beam of the  sun. It bears all the heat of the sun. It provide cool shade and protects people from blazing sun.

Q.2: Why does the poetess say that Neem Tree is unafraid? (KHI Board - Science Group 2011, 2016, General group 2011)
Ans.The Neem tree stands unprotected and  does not get the rain's refreshing rays. Even than its leaves remain green and fresh the whole day. It bears all the heat from the burning  sun and provide cool and soothing shade to people.  So the  poetess Mrs. Elsa Kazi  truly says that the Neem Tree is unafraid

Q.3: What does the Neem Tree look like? (KHI Board - Science Group 2010, General group 2010)
Ans. The Neem tree looks like a man, facing every fate in life, boldly and bravely. Its upper part look like an unprotected head. Its  green branches serve as sheltering arms. It bears the heat all day with green and fresh leaves.

Q.4: How does the poetess compare the Neem Tree to man?  (KHI Board - Science Group 2012, General group 2007,2008,2011)
Ans. The poetess compares the Neem tree to man by saying that the man should be as bold as the Neem tree  and protect his fellow human beings from harm , sorrow and poverty. Man should be as stead fast as the Neem tree and should sacrifice his own comfort for others.

Q.5: Who wrote the poem "The Neem tree"? What according to the poetess is the highest aim in life?
What is the theme of the poem? (KHI Board - Science Group 2014, General group 2012)
Ans.  Elsa Kazi wrote the poem "The Neem tree". According to the poetess the highest aim of life is to serve people selflessly through self sacrifice. Man should save the suffering people from harm, sorrow, poverty and vice. he should face all the hardship steadfastly which comes in his way and keeping serving other.

Q.6: What happened to the weary traveller when he sits under the Neem tree?
Ans: The weary traveller forgot all his sorrows and grief. He becomes fresh sitting under the cool shade of Neem tree. He is safe from all the harms of the sun in its soothing shade.

Q.7: What is the central idea of the poem 'The Neem tree'?
Ans: The moral or the central idea of the peom "The Neem tree" is that " the highest aim in life is to serve other people. Man should follow the example of the Neem tree to save the suffering people from harm, sorrow, poverty and vice.

Q.8: What do you know about Elsa kazi,  the poetess of the poem "The Neem tree"?
Ans: The Neem tree was written by Mrs. Elsa Kazi. She was born at Wiemar in German.  She married  to the late Vice-Chancellor of  University of Sindh, Allama I.I. Kazi in 1910 in London. She came to Sindh in 1911 and spent rest of her life there.  She wrote poems in German and English and helped her husband in writing his book "Brown girl in search of God". She died in Hyderabad on May 28, 1967 and buried beside her husband at the Sindh University, Jamshoro.         

Q.9: Write down the summary of the poem "The Neem Tree"?
Ans: The poem "The Neem tree" is written by Mrs. Elsa Kazi. She appreciates the Neem tree in her poem. The Neem tree bears the scorching beam of sun all day. It is very bold as its leaves remain green inspite of all the harshness of the weather. The poetess wants the man to follow the noble example of the Neem tree. Man should also try to safe the suffering people from all harms. The Neem tree provides the soothing shade to people who sit under it. Man should also provide comfort to people through self sacrifice, According to the poetess  service to mankind is the highest aim of life.



S.NO. WordsMeanings
1. Intercepts Cross each other. Catch before it reaches further.
2. Scorching Very hot
3. SprayTiny drops of water blown by the wind
4. Woe Sorrow, grief
5. Soothing  Calm, quiet, comforting.
6. Fulfillment Completion, carrying out
7. Loftiest Very noble

Q: Notice the last word of each line. what peculiar do you find in the last words?
Ans: the last words of  each line of the poem are homophones ( words ending with same sounds)  to the last word of  next line.


Neem, beam
Day, spray, away
Shade, unafraid
All, fall
Arm, harm
Vice, Sacrifice
Thee, be
Dream, Neem