Saturday 1 February 2020

English X - Chapter No.18 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
1. A bannerA flag or standard
2. BurstExplode
3. The battle's wreckThe ship had become a wreck after being damaged in the fighting
4. To boomTo make a deep, echoing sound as of guns.
5. ChieftainA chief: a leader
6. CreatureLiving beings
7. The deckThe floor of a ship
8. FledRan away
9. FragmentsParts
10. GallantBrave
11. HelmWheel for steering a ship
12. Heroic bloodThe blood of great and noble people; the boy had inherited greatness and nobility from his forefathers
13. Make wayTo advance
14. The mastA thick tall pole of wood or metal to which a ship's sails are tied
15. A pennonA narrow flag flown from the top of the mast
16. PerishedDestroyed
17. Roll onMove on
18. A shroudOne of the ropes stretching from the mast to the side of a ship
19. StrewedCovered with small pieces
20. SplendourExcellence
21. StreamWave
22. ThunderLarge sound
23. UnconsciousUnaware; Not knowing
24. WraptWrapped

About Poetess
Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1793-1835)

This poem is written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1793-1835). She was born at Liverpool, but the family moved to Wales where she was brought up. She was quick in mind and had a fine memory. As a poet, she has been compared to Longfellow. Like Cowper, she loved the pathetic, and there is great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work. She also stressed moral values.

Central Idea

This poem is written by Felicia Dorothea Hemans (1973-1835). She was born at Liverpool, but the family moved to Wales where she was brought up. She was quick in mind and had a fine memory. As a poet, she has been compared to Long fellow. Like Cowper, she loved the pathetic, and there is great enthusiasm for chivalry and heroism in her work. She also stressed moral values.
Central Idea
The central idea of this poem is the the noble characteristics like chivalirism, obedience and morality demand the impossible, the obsolete and the death which itself transfigured into eternal life. Deep-rooted faithfulness is majestic and unmatched which makes a man rise above all personal affiliation.
“A man of courage is full of faith.”
“Patriotism is a great virtue that makes people forgive their selfishness.”


This poem is written by an English poetess Felicia Dorothea Hemans. Casabianca is not purely fictitious story. It is a story of brave and innocent boy. The poetess has depicted a scene of sea battle. Where a ship is own ablaze with Casabianca standing on the deck. During the battle when every part of ship was gutted with fire, most of the crew members had died and the live ones had runaway to save their lives. But Casabianca kept standing, fearless of fire and enemy’s shelling where he was in obedience of his father’s order who was the captain of the ship. When the ship was burning with fire, Casabianca’s impatient nature made him ask the permission to leave the battle field but there was no reply as his father was dead. In the last three stanzas, the poetess has described the scene of Casabianca’s death when the flames of fire engulfed him, the ship was also blasted and his body blown to bites. But in reality his spirit and moral was not defeated. Till his last breath, he stood like rock facing death and danger.

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