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Friday, 14 February 2025

Computer Science II - For Class X (Science) - Guess Papers 2025 - By Sir Sajjad Akber Chandio

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Class X (Science)
Computer Science II
Guess Paper 2025

By Sir Sajjad Akber Chandio
Q.1: Write down the uses of Scratch Editor and describe Script area in Scratch Editor?
Q2: Write down difference between:
1: Basic logical gates and Universal logical gates.
Q.3: Write the use of the following codes of Scratch:
  • Forever
  • Editor
  • wait
  • play
  • sound
  • goto x, y
  • say
Q.4: Draw a flowchart to calculate gross salary by adding 20% house rent and 30% medical allowances in basic salary?
Q.5: Define followings
  1. Sprite
  2. Script
  3. Jump statement
  4. Break statement
  5. Continue statement
  6. Return statement
  7. Exit statement

Q.6: What is the need of index in an array?
Q.7: Define purpose of the following code with example.
  1. Events
  2. Motion
  3. Control

Q.8: Simplification of followings expression:
  1. Z = AB + A(B+C) + B(B+C)(A + B)(A + B)
  2. (A + B) + (A + B) = A

Q.9: Define IDE and its components also mention advantages.
Q.10: Why we use header files.
Q.11: Practices correction of error in programs book examples.
Q.12: Define flowchart and its symbols? Write down Importance of flow chart?
Q.13: Define computer and list some common high level language used and describe the purpose?
Q.14: Define Loop and write down difference between for loop, while Loop and do while Loop?
Q.15: write down the flow chart of the followings with algorithm:
  1. Average of three number
  2. Multiplication and division two number
Q.16: Define following with types:
  1. data structure
  2. graph
  3. comments statements
  4. operator
  5. comment statements
Q.17: what are the string in C++

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