Tuesday 3 March 2020

English X - Chapter No.4 - Reference To Context

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Little Things (Poem)
Reference To Context

Note : Students are advised to read whole chapters and poems thoroughly for reference to context.

Text Book Name: Secondary Stage English Book Two For Class X 
Poem: Little Things
Poetess: An American poetess Julia Carney (1823-1908).

Explain With Reference To Context (Poem)

1. Little drops of water,
Little grains of sand,
Make the mighty ocean
And the pleasant land.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) How the poet / poetess explain the importance of little things and why?
(iii) Write a few lines about the poet / poetess?
(i) Poem: Little Things
Poetess: Julia Carney
(ii) The poetess invites our attention to the importance of little things. She says that little drops of water make mighty oceans. Very vast and beautiful lands are made of little grains of sand. Similarly very short moments of time make endless ages. We should treat others with kindness and love.
(iii) This poem is written by Julia Carney (1823-1908). She was an American verse writer. She was born in Boston, and died in 1908. Not much is known about her. This poem was first published in 1845. It is a simple children's song to explain that even little things are important.

Reference to context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “Little things” written by an American poetess Julia Carney. In this poem poetess tries to tell tat little things are very important because every big things is made of little things.

In these lines poetess tells that little drops of water separately have no importance but when they are together they make big and powerful oceans. In the same way this beautiful land of ours is made by small grains of sand.

2. Little deeds of kindness,
Little words of love,
Make our world an Eden
Like the Heav'n above.
(i) Name the poem and the poet / poetess.
(ii) How can we make our world an Eden?
(iii) Write a few lines about the poet / poetess?
(iv) What is the message of the poem?
(v) What does Eden mean?
(i) Poem: Little Things
Poetess: Julia Carney
(ii) We can make our world Eden by our little deeds of kindness. We can do this only by wiping the tears of others in grief, nursing the sick, feeding the hungry and cheering the depressed people. Our kind words and sympathy make this world an ideal place and have everlasting impression on people.
(iii) This poem is written by Julia Carney (1823-1908). She was an American verse writer. She was born in Boston, and died in 1908. Not much is known about her. This poem was first published in 1845. It is a simple children's song to explain that even little things are important.
(iv) Little things like loving, caring and forgiving are of great importance and everlasting in person's mind.
(v) Eden means the garden of paradise, where our first parents Adam and Eve lived. An Arab country has the same name, but it is spelt: "Aden".

Words / Meanings:
Eden: the garden of paradise, where our first parents Adam and Eve lived. An Arab country has the same name, but it is spelt: "Aden".
Heav'n: Heaven.

Reference to context:
These lines have been taken from the poem “Little Things” written by an American poetess Julia Carney. In This poem poetess tries to tell that little things are very important because every big thing is made of little things.

In these lines poetess says that if we speak small words of sympathy and love and do little works of kindness. It is sure that this world will be as peaceful and pleasant as the garden of paradise named Eden.

About Poet: 
This poem is written by Julia Carney (1823-1908). She was an American verse writer. She was born in Boston, and died in 1908. Not much is known about her. This poem was first published in 1845. It is a simple children's song to explain that even little things are important.

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