Sunday 19 April 2020

English X - Chapter No.11 - Words/Meaning and Summary

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Words/Meaning and Summary

Words / Meaning

S.No. Words Meanings
 1. Acrobat  A person who can do clever things with his body
 2. Annual Yearly
 3. Announcement Declaration, Public statement
 4. Astonish Surprise
 5. Buntings Flags
 6. Close by Very near
 7. Colourful Having much or varied colors
 8. Competition The act of competing, rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc, Contesting
 9. Chase To follow
 10. Conjurer Magician
 11. Deafening Very noising
 12. Delicious Tasty
 13. Decorated to furnish or adorn with something ornamental or becoming
 14. Damage Harm
 15. Entertainers Performers, A person, whose job is to entertain others
 16. Fair Exhibition
 17. Far off Far and wide
 18 Furious Very Angry
 19. Gather Collect
 20. Gallop To run fast (of horses)
 21. Handkerchief A piece of cloth
 22. Household A family or group of people living together
 23. In full swing At the peak
 24. Juggler One who plays tricks
 25. Lance A long spear
 26. Performance An act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment, Presentation
 27. Pottery Pots, dishes, and other articles made of fired clay
 28. Safe and Sound Secure
 29. Set up Establish
 30. Surprise Astonish, Amaze
 31. Tool Instrument
 32. Temporary Non-permanent
 33. Vanished Disappeared

Short note Or Summary on A VILLAGE FAIR

Bilal lived in a city and during the summer vacation he decided to go some where, because he got tired of the city life. He decided to pay a visit to his cousin Zubair in the village. It was just by the chance that when Bilal reached the village annual fair was being held in the village. The village was decorated with buntings and colourful flags. A large number of temporary shops are set up, where villagers do most of their shopping. There were so many entertainments in a village fair, every one was enjoying the event according to his taste and age. Children were gathered around merry – go – rounds and swings. There was a drum competition also. They also saw a dog and bear fight. They saw a monkey show. A clever monkey was copying an angry husband it also played many other tricks to amuse the people.
The conjurers, jugglers and acrobats showed their performances. Every body was happy on the eve of a village fair there. Bilal also enjoyed horse races, dog races, tent pegging and such other sports. There were many other things to see but both friends felt tired and turned home ward.

Short Note On Tent-Pegging

Tent-pegging is one of the most popular and famous sport of Pakistan. It is an important heritage of our culture. In this game wooden pegs are fixed in the ground. The riders have to pull these pegs out of the ground with the help of their spear, as they ride by at a gallop. Tent-pegging is a exhibit of skill in which the training invested on the horse and the skill of trainee and the rider is tested. It is great game of joy in addition to practice and skill. 

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