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Thursday, 22 December 2022

Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right - Reading Comprehension - Dignity Of Work - MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

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Unit-2 - Labours And People's Right
Reading Comprehension
Dignity Of Work

MCQs and Fill In the Blanks

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Akhtar was _____ because he was asked to clean cupboards and desks.
a. happy
b. upset
c. angry ✔
d. none of these

2. The head master did menial work, which made Akhtar feel _____.
a. Excited
b. sad
c. ashamed ✔
d. worried

3. At the time of battle of ____, our Last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (رسول اللہ خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) took part in digging a trench.
a. Uhad
b. Badar
c. Khandaq ✔
d. Tabooq

4. Sultan Nasir Uddin earned his living by making ______.
a. Caps ✔
b. pots
c. armours
d. jewellery

5. A business tycoon did not have any ______ for work.
a. Plumber
b. carpenter
c. servant ✔
d. chef

6. Developed countries ______ the dignity of work.
a. Plan
b. request
c. understand ✔
d. explain

7. In China it is mandatory for everyone to work in the field or in a ______.
a. School
b. factory ✔
c. restaurant
d. government office

8. The son of a high US government official used to deliver news papers to be _______.
a. Useful
b. independent 
c. dependent
d. punctual

9. Successful people believe that people who do all kinds of jobs should be treated _____.
a. Neutrally
b. unequally
c. equally ✔
d. none of these

10. Akhter realized that all workers should be respected without ______.
a. Discrimination ✔
b. manipulation
c. supervision
d. administration

11. Mr. Inayat, the children's uncle, told them ____ things about foreign countries.
a. boring
b. interesting ✔
c. fascinating
d. thrilling

12. Akhtar was feeling cross because the teacher made him _____.
a. eat food
b. dust the cupboard and desks ✔
c. read a book
d. stand outside his class

13. The teacher himself swept the room and emptied the ____.
a. desks
b. dustbin ✔
c. classroom
d. bags

14. The headmaster _____.
a. cleaned the bathroom ✔
b. sat in his office
c. was teaching
d. was not at school

15. The headmaster cleaned the _____.
a. classroom
b. bathroom ✔
c. school
d. sanitary

16. Aktar was / They were having ____ at school.
a. some function
b. a party
c. social service work ✔
d. nothing

17. Our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) loved doing work for himself and for:
a. people
b. widows
c. neighbours
d. others ✔

18. During the battle of Khandaq, The Holy Prophet (رسول اللہ خاتم النبیین صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) joined his companion in digging a trench.
a. outside Makkah
b. in Makkah
c. outside Madina ✔
d. inside Madina

19. The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) joined his companion in digging a ______ outside Madina on the eve of battle of Khandaq.
a. canal
b. hole
c. road
d. trench ✔

20. Hazrat Abu Bakar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) fetched water for:
a. widows and neighbours ✔
b. poors
c. orphans
d. relatives

21. Hazrat Ali (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) gave away his wages:
a. the jew
b. a friend
c. a charity ✔
d. his neighbour

22. Hazrat Fatima (Razi Allah Tallah Unha) fetched water, ground corn and ______.
a. cooked meals
b. swept the house ✔
c. sewed clothes
d. helped her husband

23. Caliph Mamun-ur-Rasheed served himself and his _____.
a. friends
b. relatives
c. neighbours
d. guests ✔

24. Sultan ___ earned his living by making caps.
a. Tameez Uddin
b. Nasir Uddin ✔
c. Sharif Uddin
d. Aleem Uddin

25. Sultan Nasir Uddin earned his living:
a. selling fruits
b. teaching pupils
c. labouring
d. making caps ✔

26. Emperor ______ earned his living by transcribing the Quran.
a. Babar
b. Aurangzeb ✔
c. Bahadur Shah Zafar
d. Akber

27. Emperor Aurangzeb earned living by:
a. transcribing the Quran ✔
b. teaching pupils
c. selling wood
d. making boats

28. They have learned the dignity of work:
a. The African countries
b. The advance countries ✔
c. The Asian countries
d. The poor countries

29. Once _____ carried a large sack of flour for a needy family on his shoulder.
a. Hazrat Ali (Razi Allah Tallah Unho)
b. Hazrat Abu Bakar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho)
c. Hazrat Omar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) ✔
d. Hazrat Usman (Razi Allah Tallah Unho)

30. During the construction of the mosque at Madina, The Holy Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) carried:
a. wood
b. mud ✔
c. stone
d. bricks

31. The children and their uncle were discussing about:
a. dignity of work ✔
b. education
c. politics
d. hunting

32. The children were happy to see:
a. a beautiful scene
b. their teacher
c. neighbour
d. their uncle ✔

33. We have forgotten our Prophet's (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم):
a. way
b. noble example ✔
c. instructions
d. companions

34. The companions of the Prophet (صلی اللہ علیہ وعلی الہ واصحابہ وسلم) were:
a. a head of him
b. not like him
c. weaker than him
d. like him ✔

35. Once Hazrat Omar (Razi Allah Tallah Unho) carried a large sack of flour for a:
a. King
b. needy family ✔
c. merchants
d. students

36. Caliph Umar Bin Abdul Aziz refused to hire a:
a. camel
b. horse
c. servant ✔
d. house

37. They spend some time each year, working in the fields or in a factory:
a. The Bristish
b. The Saudis
c. The Chinese ✔
d. Japanese

38. The Prime Minister and his wife do work in:
a. Burma
b. Sri Lanka
c. USA
d. China ✔

39. In the USA, a high US government official's son went out early in the morning to sell:
a. Newspaper ✔
b. Fruit
c. vegetables
d. cloth

40. He took the job of white washing:
a. A high USA official
b. USA president's son ✔
c. The Canadian Prime Minister
d. The Chinese president

Fill In the Blanks:
1. Akhtar was in a bad mood because he had been made to work like a servant.
2. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) loved to work for himself and for others.
3. Hazrat Ali laboured in the garden of a Jew and gave away his wages in charity.
4. Hazrat Abu Bakar fetched water for widows.
5. Hazrat Fatima ground corn and swept the house.
6. Emperor Aurangzeb earned his living by transcribing the Holy Quran.
7. "Feeling cross" means being angry.
8. We should not be ashamed of cleaning what we ourselves have made dirty.
9. We have forgotten the dignity of work.
10. When the Mosque at Medina was being built, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) also carried mud and building material.
11. During the battle of the Khandaq, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) joined his companions in digging the trench outside Medina.


  1. ASSALAM ALAIKUM SIR IAM SHEERAZ FROM PUBLIC SCHOOL KORANGI THE MCQS OPTION IS WRONG SO KINDLY CORRECT IT 9. Successful people believe that people who do all kinds of jobs should be treated _____.
    a. Neutrally
    b. unequally ✔
    c. equally
    d. none of these

    1. Education Is the Key To Success9 May 2024 at 03:31

      Wa alaikum Assalam


    1. Education is the key to success9 May 2024 at 03:29

      Thank you for your feedback. We have made correction. JAZAKALLAH
