Monday 18 May 2020

English X - Chapter No.20 - Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

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Questions-Answers and Text Book Exercise

Question and Answers:

Q.1: What do you know about the poet Thomas Moore?
Ans. Thomas Moore (1779-1852) was an Irish poet. He was born in Dublin where he studied at the best school. He was admitted to Trinity College at the age of 15 years. He became an enthusiastic Irish patriot. In imitation of Lora Byron, who was his friend, he wrote poem on an oriental theme called "Lalla Rookh." His patriotic feeling is well expressed in this poem.

Q.2: What does Thomas Moore mean when he says as “thought all the world betray thee”?
Ans. Thomas Moore has tried to convey a message by these words to his nation that if you’ve got three things, no matter the whole world turns against you, you are not to afraid of it. Loyal and faithful companions, a beloved motherland and power to protect the privilege.

Q.3: Why did he destroy his harp?
Ans. Before the minstrel boy was died he destroyed the strings of his harp because he sang songs for free people and did not want that the songs of freedom to be sung in a slave country. Moreover, he did not want his harp to be touched by impure hands (foreign hands). This show his love, passion and respect towards his nation and soil.

Q.4 For whom the poet used the words warrior bard and proud soul?
Ans. Thomas Moore has paid a homage to the minstrel boy by allotting him the bites of “warrior bard” and the “proud soul”. Thomas Moore has used these words to exhibit the spirit of patriotism, loyalty and bravery in the minstrel boy. He was a great and brave fighter and was proud of fighting for his beloved homeland.

Q.5: For whom were the songs of harp made?
Ans. The songs sung on the tune of harp were the marks of peace and carried out detention against slavery. these songs were made to please the patriots of minstrel boy’s nation. Only faithfully and Loyal companions and the men who were got freedom of their homeland could hear these songs.

Q.6: Who is minstrel?
Ans. The word minstrel was used in the middle ages for singers and musicians. They moved from place to place and entertained the people with their singing. He is such a character who entertains the audience through his wonderful performance.

Q.7: Where did the minstrel boy go? OR What spirit did the minstrel boy take to the battlefield?
Ans. The unique spirit of patriotism take the minstrel boy to the battle-field. He went with the sword of his father. He took with him his harp also which is a musical instrument with strings. It was hung on his shoulder.

Q.8: Who was minstrel boy?
Ans. The minstrel boy was fond of songs and music. He was brave soldier also. That is why he went to the battlefield. He had great love for his country. He fought and laid down his life for his country. He destroyed his harp before his death.

Q.9: What lines tell you that the boy is brave?
Ans. The following  lines of the poem tells us that the boy is brave:
 "Though all the world betrays thee,
One sword, at least, thy rights shall guard,

Q.10: What word tell you that he was wounded in the battle?
Ans. The following words in the above lines tell that the minstrel boy was wounded:
"The minstrel fell! - but the foeman's chain
Could not bring his proud soul under;

Q.11: What is the message of the poem " The Minstrel Boy"?
Ans.The message of the poem is patriotism. It tell us that brave people defend their country, fighting with their enemy. They prefer death to slavery. they never surrender to their invaders.

Q.12: What had the minstrel bu girded on? What did he say about it?
Ans. The minstrel boy had girded on a sword of his father and his harp slung behind him. He said that the sword would guard the liberty and harp would praise it.

Words / Meanings
1. Minstrel: a singer
2, Girded: worn around the waist
3. Foeman: enemy.
4. Bring his proud soul under: the enemy defeated him physically but could not conquer his spirit.
5. Chords: the strings of harp.
6. Asunder: into separate pieces
7. Sully: defiled, touched by impure hands, disgrace on

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