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Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Chapter No.7 - The Population of Pakistan - Descriptive Question Answers - Pakistan Studies For Class X

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Descriptive Question Answers


  1. The Size and Composition of the Population of Pakistan.
  2. Literacy Rate in Pakistan.
  3. Effects Of Population Growth and Migration.
  4. Main Causes of Growth of Population in Pakistan.
  5. Balance between the Growth of Population and National Resources.
  6. Effects of Growth of Population on Health and Education.

Q.1: Describe the size and composition of the population of Pakistan.
Number of men, women and children are called the population of a country. People are the most valuable asset of any state. The study of the changing numbers of births and deaths in a society over a specified period of time is called demography. The essential characteristics of demography are the total population, its regional distribution, the urban rural ratio, literacy rate, rate of population growth, average density and professions of the people.
Pakistan is among those countries of the world, where growth rate of population is very high. The process of collecting data of population is called population census.
Here we are discussing population size and composition of the population of Pakistan.

The process of collecting data about the population of any country is called population census.
No sound planning about population can be done without exact knowledge about population of any country. First population census of Pakistan took place in 1951 and the last population census took place in 1998. Generally after every ten years it takes place.


  1. Total Population:
    According to 1998 census, the total population of Pakistan is 132, 352, 279 people.

  2. Area:
    The total Area of Pakistan is 796096 square kilometre.

  3. Density of population:
    The density of population of Pakistan is 166 persons per

  4. Ratio:
    Member per household is 100%.

  5. Member Per Household:
    Members per household average are 6.8.

  6. Growth Rate of Population:
    The growth rate of population of Pakistan is 2.67% per annum.

Population wise Punjab is the biggest province of Pakistan.
  1. Total Population:
    Total population of the Punjab province is 73, 621, 290.

  2. Area of Punjab:
    The total area of Punjab is 205345 sq. km.

  3. Density of Population:
    Density of population is 358 persons per sq. km.

  4. Ratio:
    55.63% population of Pakistan lives in Punjab.

  5. Members Per Household:
    Members per household average are 6.9.

Population wise it is the second biggest province of Pakistan.
  1. Total Population:
    Total population of the Sindh province is 30, 439, 893.

  2. Area of Sindh:
    The total area of Sindh is 140914

  3. Density of Population:
    Density of population of Sindh is 218 persons per square kilo metre.

  4. Ratio:
    23% people of Pakistan live in the Sindh province.

  5. Members Per Household:
    Members per household average are 6. 4.

  1. Total Population:
    Total population in N. W. F. P is 17, 74.3, 645. It is third most populated province of the country.

  2. Area of N.W.F:P:
    Total area of N. W. F. P is 74521 sq. km.

  3. Density of Population:
    Density of population is 238 persons per sq. km.

  4. Ratio:
    14.41% people of Pakistan live in N. W. F. P.

  5. Members Per Household:
    Members per household average are 8.

  1. Total Population:
    Total population of Baluchistan is 6,565, 885.

  2. Area of Baluchistan:
    Total area of Baluchistan is 347190 sq. km.

  3. Density of Population:
    Density of population is only 19 persons per sq. km.

  4. Ratio:
    4.96% people of Pakistan live in Baluchistan province.

  5. Members Per Household:
    Members per household average are 6.7.

  1. Total Population:
    Total population of FATA is 3, 176, 331.

  2. Area of FATA:
    Total area of FATA is 27220

  3. Density of Population:
    Density of population is 117 persons per

  4. Ratio:
    2.40% people of Pakistan live in FATA or tribal areas of Pakistan.

  5. Members per household:
    Members per household average are 9.3

  1. Total population:
    Total population of Islamabad is 805,235.

  2. Area of Islamabad:
    Total area of Islamabad is 906

  3. Density of Population:
    Density of population is 889 persons per

  4. Ratio:
    0.61% people of Pakistan live in Islamabad.

  5. Members per household:
    Member per household average are 6.2

Pakistan is a populated country. Its growth rate 2.67 is very high among the countries of the world. Its population is 132, 352, 279 Punjab is the most populated province of Pakistan and Baluchistan has the lowest population of Pakistan. Mostly population is attached to the profession of agriculture and more than 67.5% people live in the rural areas.
Population of Pakistan is increasing very rapidly and we must take some steps to control the high growth rate of population. It is possible only at that time when literacy rate of the country will be increased.

Q.2: What is the literacy rate in Pakistan? How does it affect national Development?
Pakistan is a populated country and its population is increasing very rapidly with the passage of time.
In Pakistan the literacy rate (Ratio of educated people) is very low, it is only 45% we must take positive steps to increase this low literacy rate. All the advanced and developed nations spend huge amount on education. Education has made them developed nations.

In Pakistan more than 151 million people are living but the literacy rate is very low. Only 45% people are literate and more than 50% people are illiterate. In this way majority of the population is not educated. Illiteracy is a great curse which affects a lot on the development of a country. Due to lack of economic resources literacy rate in Pakistan during the last 58 years remained quite low.

a) Literacy Rate in 1972:
In Pakistan third census was held in 1972. According to this census literacy rate of the country was 21.7 percent. 30% male and only 11% female were educated.

b) Literacy Rate in 1981:
The fourth census of Pakistan was held in the year 1981. According to 1981 census the literacy rate of the country was 26% and 35% male and 16 % female were literate.

c) Literacy Rate in 1998:
The fifth and last census of Pakistan was held in 1998. According to this census among 130.58 million people 45 % people were educated. 61 % male and 36 % female are literate.

The last census of Pakistan was held in 1998. According to this census the level of education is very low due to our ignorance and lack of resources:

a) Below Primary Level:
The level of education below primary was 18.3 % which is very low.

b) Primary Level:
The level of education at primary level was 30.14%.

c) Middle Level:
The level of education at middle level was only 20.89%.

d) Secondary Level:
The level of education at secondary was 17.29% and education level of higher secondary was 6.56%.

e) Degree Level:
Certificate and diploma was only 0.41 % B.A, B. Sc was 4.38 % and M.A, M. Sc was only 1.58 %.

Literacy rate has great role in the national development. With high literacy rate there is no concept of progress. Almost all developed countries have very high literacy rate. Through following ways literacy rate plays its role in the nation development.

a) Economic Development:
Sound economy plays vital role for the progress of any country. Only by educated people and experts country can get progress. When development takes place in a country, economic conditions also become sound.

b) Reduces Poverty:
When country gets progress by the educated and skilled people more industries are setup and poverty is reduced.

c) Increases National Production:
Educated farmers and skilled people increase agricultural and industrial output which leads the country like developed country.

d) High Standard of the People:
Due to poor economic conditions of the people, their standard of living is very poor. It can be increased by high literacy rates.

e) Investment for National Welfare:
Today education has become an investment for the national welfare and progress.

f) Helpful to Understand Democratic Values:
Education helps a lot the people to understand democratic values to protect democracy.

Education is a neglected field in Pakistan. Proper attention had not been paid towards promotion of education. Today our literacy rate is only 45 %.
For development and welfare of the country literacy rate plays vital role, so we must increase our literacy rate for a developed and prosper Pakistan. More amount should be fixed in the national budget for high literacy rate. Education must be common in the rural areas of Pakistan where more than 70% of the total population is living.

Q.3: How does the growth and migration of population affect the country's development?
Population is the mother of all problems. Growth of population creates many problems for any country. High growth rate of population has close link with the resources of the country. Limited resources of any country can affect a lot on the development of any country.
Pakistan is a country of very limited resources. We can not manage such growth rate of population and migration of people of rural areas towards the urban areas. Due to high growth rate of population and migration of rural population many problems are created which affect the national development.

There are many effects of growth of population and migration on development.

1. Shortage of Residential Units:
The fast rate of growth of population and migration create residential problems. People have to pay a lot of their income for residential houses.

2. Lack of Facilities:
Due to growth of population and migration of rural population towards cities, there is lack of facilities problem. Due to limited resources all the people can not enjoy all facilities.

3. Lack of Food:
Provision of food becomes impossible for a big population. When more people come in the urban areas, some times there is shortage of food and other eatable items .

4. Problem of Sanitation And Health:
Due to the limited resources of the country already people have not good health facilities. Due to pressure on urban population the problems of sanitation and health are created.

5. Insufficient Educational And Recreation Facilities:
Due to the growth and migration of population educational and recreation facilities turn to become insufficient.

6. Transport And Traffic Problems:
Due to the growth and migration of rural population transport and traffic problems become very severe.

7. Unemployment:
Mostly people of rural areas come in the urban areas in search of jobs. Due to limited jobs unemployment problems are created.

8. Increase of Pollution:
Due to growth and migration of population, pollution increases, which is very harmful for human health.

Population of Pakistan is increasing with the passage of time. The population of the country is increasing with growth rate of 2.67 % and people of rural areas are also shifting towards cities. This growth of population and migration of rural population affect a lot on the progress of the country and create many problems. Shortage of residential units, lack of health and other facilities, traffic and sanitation are the main problems.
Government of Pakistan should try to reduce high growth rate of population and facilities and jobs must be provided to the rural population to stop their migration towards urban areas.

Q.4: What are the causes of growth of population in Pakistan?
Pakistan is among those countries of the world where population is increasing very rapidly. The growth rate of population of Pakistan is 2.61 % annually, which is very high growth rate of population in the world.
There are many reasons behind the high growth rate of population. Some important causes of high growth rate of population are as under.


1. Illiteracy:
In Pakistan more than 50% people are illiterate. They have no knowledge about the resources and problems of the country. Even they have no idea about their own limited resources. This illiteracy of the people is the main cause of high growth rate of population.

2. Poverty:
Mostly people of Pakistan are not rich. There is great poverty in the rural areas of Pakistan. People specially in the rural areas want more income, for this they want to increase their family members to reduce their poverty.

3. Early Marriage Trend:
In the rural areas of Pakistan, due to lack of education, there is an early marriage trend, which is another main reason of high growth rate of population.

4. People's Low Standard of Living:
In Pakistan the people's standard of living is very low specially people of rural areas have a low standard of living. They want more family members to enjoy the luxuries of life.

5. People's Desire of A Son:
Against the teachings of Islam people mostly want son. It is another main reason of the high growth rate of population.

6. Social And Religious Concepts:
In Pakistan majority of people believe that Allah Almighty is responsible for the livelihood of every person. He is the provider, so they don't believe in family planning schemes.

7. Big Family — A Source of Strength:
It is a general concept that big family is a source of strength in our society. It is also one of the cause of high growth rate of population.

Pakistan is among those ten countries, that have increased their population with the passage of time. Pakistan has very high growth rate 2.61%. Our country has limited resources that's why this high growth rate is not matching with our resources.
We must take more steps to reduce our high growth rate of population. Education is the most important factor. When literacy rate of the country increases, population growth will also be controlled.

Q.5: How can a balance be maintained between the growing population and the national resources.
Pakistan is a country of very high growth rate of population. Population of the country is increasing very rapidly. Its growth rate is 2.61% which is very high as the country has limited resources. There is no balance between population growth and the resources of the country. There should be a good balance between national resources and the population of our country.
If we want prosperity, the pressure on national resources must be increased.

Following steps are necessary to maintain a balance between population growth and national resources.

1. Economic Development:
The economy of our country is not very strong. Economic steps should be taken to make it sound.

2. Better Use Of National Resources:
To maintain balance between population growth and resources of the country all the natural and other resources of the country must be utilized fully. Specially the mineral resources must be explored.

3. Need Of Trained And Skilled People:
For more resources and development projects, we need trained and skilled people.

4. Participation Of Women In Development:
Women are the half of the total population. Without the participation of women, the development of resources is nearly impossible. So trained women must work for the development of resources.

5. Employment Opportunities:
There is very high rate of unemployment in our country. It is a hindrance for the development of the country. Jobs must be given to unemployed people for better resources.

6. Health And Educational Facilities:
More health and education facilities should be provided to the people for a balance between national resources and the growth of population.

7. Industrialization:
More industries should be set up in the country to create a balance between population growth and the resources of the country.

8. Steps To Reduce High Birth Rate:
Due to lack of national resources, high birth rate of the country must be controlled by different schemes and education of the people.

9. Technical Education:
Technical education and training should be given to the people for the use of modem technology for the development of agricultural and industrial sectors.

10. Provision of More Cultivatable Land And Steps Against Water Logging And Salinity:
For more resources of the country more land should be brought under cultivation. Steps must be taken to overcome the problem of water logging and salinity.

Pakistan is not a very resourceful country. It has limited resources and population of the country is increasing very rapidly.
The economic and social progress is not possible without utilizing all the resources of the country. More and more minerals should be explored and new industries must be step in the country.
We must take more steps to develop our resources to create a balance between population growth and resources of the country.

Q.6: Describe the effects of growing population on health and education.
Pakistan's major problem is the high growth rate of population. It is the mother of our all problems.
Education is the most important factor for the development and prosperity of any state. Literacy rate is very low in Pakistan due to high growth rate of population.
Health facilities are not provided properly to the people due to lack of resources. High growth of population has a great effect on health and education.

Following are the main effects of growing population on Education and Health.


1. Low Standard of Education:
Still the standard of education in.our country is very low and unsatisfactory because population is growing rapidly and resources of the country are very limited.

2. Unsatisfactory Standard of Primary Education:
Primary education is the base of education. In Pakistan its standard is very low and unsatisfactory. Most of the children of age group 6 — 10 year are not getting primary education. Specially in rural areas the standard is very unsatisfactory.

3. Failure of Medical College Students:
In Pakistan the students admitted in the Medical colleges are mostly unsuccessful in the First Professional Exams. Hardly 60% qualify it.

4. Unacceptable University Degrees In Other Countries:
The higher education degrees of our universities are not considered at par with the degrees of other universities. Sometimes they are totally rejected.

5. Low Standard of Academic Programmes And Way of Examination:
In Pakistan there is low standard of Academic Programmes, their duration and the way of conducting the examination.


1. Lack of Medical Facilities:
In big cities and towns, there are many hospitals, but in the rural areas where most of the population is living, health facilities are not satisfactory.

2. Hesitation of Doctors To Work In Rural Areas:
One of the main reasons of lack of health facilities in the rural areas is that our doctors are hesitate to work in the rural areas. Mostly want to practice in the urban areas.

3. Private Practice Of Doctors:
Mostly the doctors of government hospitals do their private practice, which has given a setback to the working and efficiency of government hospitals.

4. Huge Fees of Private Hospital:
Private hospitals charge huge fees which can hardly be afforded by common man.

5. Non — Availability of Medicines:
In Pakistan mostly medicines are very expensive and even not available in the market, due to which common man suffers a lot.

6. High Death Rate of Infants:
Due to lack of health facilities and limited resources of our country death rate of infants is high. Out of 1000 children upto the age of 5 years, 102 children die.

There is no doubt that government of Pakistan has very limited resources to provide education and health facilities to a huge population, but even then government is establishing new schools and colleges to improve education environment specially in rural areas. Science and technology is being promoted and education budget has been increased upto 5 billion. Government has started a programme "Education to All". To educate more and more persons. Other steps are also under consideration for better education.
As far as health is concerned, more hospitals have been set up in rural areas for public health. New laws have been made to bind the doctors to work in rural areas. Medicines are provided to hospitals of rural areas. Private practice of government hospital doctors has been discouraged.

High growth rate of population is one of the big problems of Pakistan. Main problem is the lack of resources. Two main departments, education and health are suffering a lot due to pressure of huge population. Standard of education and health facilities are very low due to limited resources of the country. Government of Pakistan has taken some very positive steps for the promotion of education and provision of health facilities to the people specially of the people of rural areas, where more than 70% population is living.

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