Friday 11 December 2020

English (Compulsory) For Class IX - Unit 7 - Life Skills - Questions And Answers


The Secret Of Success

Questions And Answers

Q.1: What were the three questions asked by the king? OR What were the questions that were put to the learned men to discover the secret of success? OR What were the three questions which troubled the king in search of secret of success?
Ans: A long time ago, there lived a king who was in search of the secret of success. He thought if he could find out the answers to three questions, he would discover this secret and would never fail. These questions were:
  1. What is the most important time to start some work?
  2. What is the most important work to do?
  3. Who is the most important person?

Q.2: Why did the king want to know the answers to his three questions? OR What did the king ask his minister to do and what was the result?
Ans: The king was in search of the secret of success. The king thought if he could find out the answers to three questions, he would discover this secret and never fail. He announced a reward of 5,000 gold coins for the man who could give correct answers. Many person came but none give the correct answer.

Q.3: What could have happened if the king had returned earlier from the saint's hut? OR Why did the bearded man want to kill the king? OR What might have happened if the king had returned earlier?
Ans: The bearded man was a bitter enemy of the king because he had got his brother killed. He wanted to take his brothers's revenge by killing the king. The king might have been killed if he had returned earlier from the saint's hut.

Q.4: Why did the king decide to take the saint's advice? What was the problem with meeting the saint and how did the king solve it?
Ans: The king had heard of the saint's wisdom who lived in the jungle at some distance from the capital. The problem with the saint was that he did not mix with the rich. The king overcame the problem by disguising himself in rags and set out to see the saint.

Q.5: Write a short note on 'The Secret Of Success'? OR What lesson do you learn from the story of "The Secret Of Success"?
Ans: The most important time for doing a thing is the present. The most important work is what we do in present and the most important person is he with whom we are at present. Past has gone, the future is unseen and will come, both are not present but the present is with us so it is important.

Q.6: Why did the bearded man want to kill the king? What happened to him?
Ans: The bearded man wanted to kill the king because he had got his brother killed. He kept in hiding for the return of the king. As the king did not return, he came out of the hiding and was wounded by the king's servants.

Q.7: What is the moral of the lesson "The Secret of Success"?
Ans: The moral of the lesson is that the most important time for doing anything is the present. The most important work is what we are doing now. The most important person is the one whom we are with at the moment. In short, the 'present' is important, we should value it.

Q.8: What did the king do to collect possible answer? OR Why did the king call the wise and learned men to his court and what was the result?
Ans: The king called the wise and learned men of his country to his court. He discussed the problem with them for many days. They were not able to satisfy him. If some of them gave one answer, the others argued against it. The king did not approve of their answers.

Q.9: What scheme did the king make to approach the saint? OR What was the trouble to ask the advice of the saint? OR How did the king overcome to this difficulty?
Ans. The trouble with meeting the saint was that he did not like the rich people. He was friendly with the poor. The king thought of a scheme to overcome this difficulty. He dressed himself in rags to appear as a poor man. He told his servants, who were in attendance, to stay behind and went straight to the saint's hut.

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