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Monday 7 June 2021

Computer Science For Class XI / HSC/FSC part 1 /1st Year (Science Group) - Past Paper 2012

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Computer Science
For Class XI (Science Group)
Past Paper 2012


Time: 20 Minutes     Max. Marks: 15

1. Choose the correct answer for each from the given options:

(i) Coaxial Cable, Fiber optic, Microwave and Satellite refers to:
  • Communication Media ✓
  • Topology
  • Communication Mode
  • none of these

(ii) ISP stands for:
  • International Service Provider
  • Internet Switching Protocol
  • Internet Service Provider ✓
  • Internal Service Provider

(iii) This is the standardized set of rules of Data communication:
  • HTML
  • www
  • TCP/IP ✓

(iv) 1 Terabyte is equal to:
  • 1024 MB
  • 1024 KB
  • 1024 GB ✓
  • 1024 Bytes

(v) This is related to downloading a computer file:
  • File Transmission Protocol
  • File Transfer Protocol ✓
  • File Service Provider
  • File server provider

(vi) Illegal copy of a copyright software is called:
  • Hacking
  • Software Piracy ✓
  • Theft of services
  • Theft of Hardware

(vii) This is not related to optical media:
  • CD-R
  • Magnetic Disk ✓
  • DVD
  • CD-RW

(viii) Transmission that allows flow of data in both directions at once is:
  • Half-duplex
  • Simplex
  • Full-duplex ✓
  • none of these

(ix) USB stands for:
  • Universal Serial Bus ✓
  • Unified Serial Bus
  • Undefines Serial Bus
  • Universal sequential Bus

(x) This is not an operating system:
  • Windows
  • Compiler ✓
  • MS-DOS
  • UNIX

(xi) This is the fastest Data communication cable:
  • Co-axil Cable
  • Twisted Pair Cable
  • Fiber Optic Cable ✓
  • none of these

(xii) OSI stands for:
  • Open System Interconnection ✓
  • Operating System Interface
  • Open Service Interconnection
  • Operating System interconnection

(xiii) A Secondary storage device is:
  • RAM
  • ROM
  • Cache
  • Flash Memory ✓

(xiv) Daisy Wheel Printer is an example of:
  • Character printer
  • Line printer ✓
  • Ink-jet printer
  • none of these

(xv) The Capacity of memory may be measured in:
  • MHz
  • Microseconds
  • Megabytes ✓
  • none of these


Time: 2 Hours 40 Minutes     Marks: 60

NOTE: Answer any 6 part questions from this section. No answer should exceed 6 to 7 lines

2.(i) What is an Operating System? Write any four of its functions.
(ii) What are the main components of LAN?
(iii) Differentiate between Synchronous transmission and Asynchronous transmission.
(iv) Define ROM. What are its types?
(v) What main functions of MS-EXCEL are not available in MS-WORD?
(vi) Draw the layer cake of an 051 model. Define any two of its layers.
(vii) Write any six abuses of Internet.
(viii) Define WAN. Discuss its main objectives.
(ix) Write the full forms of the following abbreviations. www, ISO, LED, BIOS, MBR, IBM.

NOTE: Answer questions from this section.
3.(a) What is an Secondary Memory? Discuss its three types.
(b) What are I/O devices? Describe any three output devices?

4.(a) What is Internet Browser? Describe any three.
(b) What is an Impact Printer? Describe any two types.

5.(a) What is meant by Topology? Describe any three network topologies with diagram.
(b) What is C.P.U? Define its various components with diagram.

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