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DEMOCRATIC CITIZENSHIP - Quaid On 11th August, 1947 - English (Compulsory) For Class XI - Summary and Salient Points

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Unit 1.1: Reading Comprehension
Quaid On 11th August, 1947
Summary and Salient Points

Excerpt from: http:


By Practical Center
The 11th August (1947) speech was delivered by the Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan. He was speaking to the Constituent Assembly of the newly created state. When the partition of India finally took place, Mr. Jinnah became the Governor General of the newly created state to be called Pakistan. He outlined his vision of Pakistan in an address to the Constituent Assembly, delivered on 11th August 1947. He spoke of his agenda: an impartial government, religious freedom, rule of law and shelter for all.

The Quaid-e-Azam began by saying that the assembly had two tasks; formation of a provisional constitution and governing the country. Meantime, the Quaid continued with the list of very serious issues. He focused on the assurance of law and order, so life, property and religious beliefs could be protected for all. Further he stated for War against bribery and steps against black marketing.

The Quaid showed his optimism that Pakistan would reset to the track of progress by making consistent efforts. The Quaid-e-Azam announced agenda for the newly created state.
  1. All the people of Pakistan are equal even of one state without any discrimination of creed, caste and region.
  2. Pakistan must be on the track of transparency, neatness and fair play. It has to be given the status of crime free state.
  3. The evil of nepotism jobbery and bribery need to be eradicated at once.
  4. Black-marketing is a great curse. It is a heinous crime that has been persisting in the subcontinent for years. This might be the cause of starvation and widespread suffering.
  5. We should learn from history that no state can be put into subjection.
  6. By taking rightful decisions, this state can emerge as an ideal welfare state.


Reference Book Faridi English - (By M.B. Jamali) 
The speech of the father of the nation in the inaugural session of the First Constituent Assembly as the Presidential address on 11th August 1947, reflects the vision of Quaid about the newly Independent state of Pakistan. He Observed that creation of Pakistan is an unprecedented and unparalleled event in the history of world. He hoped that its constituted Assembly would work as sovereign legislative body to frame the federal and provincial constitution and work for the welfare and prosperity of the people with unity, cooperation and Justice with all minorities and religious communities. He hoped that all people irrespective of any discrimination be treated equally before the law. He asked the members of the assembly to eliminate all social, moral economic evils like bribery, corruption, nepotism, Jobbery black-marketing with Iron hand. He wanted Pakistan to be made as progressive and prosperous and leading nation of the world.

Salient Points Of Chapter

  • Presidential address of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan on 11th August 1947.
  • His speech was based on the preaching of last Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  • His speech reflected his vision about Pakistan.
  • He assigned two most important functions to Assembly; to frame the future constitution of Pakistan, and to act as full sovereign body as the Federal Legislature of Pakistan.
  • He described the creation of Pakistan was an unprecedented and unparalleled avent in the global history.
  • He described that the first duty of the government is to maintain law and order. So that property, religious belief of all citizens of state are fully protected.
  • Crush bribery and corruption with Iron hand is the second duty of the government.
  • Black Marketing is another curse which is to be severely punished.
  • He said that nepotism and Jobbery is the legacy, which he would not tolerate.
  • He said the well being of people can only make Pakistan prosperous.
  • He clarified that all citizens of state are equal before law and have equal rights irrespective of any discrimination and prejudice.
  • He described the guiding principles of functioning government, will be justice and impartiality.

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