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Wednesday 4 September 2024

Dignity Of Labour - An English Essay


Special Thanks To Aلi Sheiخ

By labour we generally mean work done by hands. Unfortunately, this word is used in a negative sense. There is nothing shameful in it. People having narrow mind refer the word labour to professions adopted by carpenters, masons and their assistants. They also associate them with lower middle class of society. As a matter of fact these professions are benefactors of society. They play a vital role for peace and prosperity of our life. For example, mason builds a house to shelter us, a tailor sews clothes to cover our body and a farmer tills the soil to feed us.

We should not ignore that no office peon is employed in any office of the advanced countries because in those countries every office worker feels no shame in doing the peon work himself. We are Muslims and unfortunately we feel it below our dignity.

If we read the history of nations like Japan, China, Germany etc., we shall learn that their economic development is based on attaching dignity to manual work. On the other hand our Pakistan engineer will feel it below his dignity to join two wires and will say that it is the work of his subordinate mechanic.

In Islam all human beings are equal. Islam does not allow distinction on the basis of profession. The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) used to work with his own hands. He carried bricks for the construction of mosque and did not feel ashamed in mending his outworn shoes. In Islam honest work of all kinds is worth respecting. Even a sweeper deserves respect. In Islam work is worship.

Unfortunately we ignore the bright example set by Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) and consider manual work as undignified. We also look down upon the labour class.

People should change their thinking and should not hesitate in doing their jobs. This spirit will improve our economic condition. In the advanced countries the major cause of development is that dignity of labour has got its due importance.

In Pakistan, there is large number of people who are working in the houses of landlords. They only take the meal and clothes and serve like slaves. Today every rich man always wish to have a large number of servants in his home.
We have misused the concept of labour and this is the major cause of backwardness in our country. If we want to improve our economic condition, we should give equal status to the labour class in the society.


A Short Essay On
"Dignity Of Life"

Man is supreme in all creatures on the Earth. While it is the labour which provides him a high position in society. The beauty of life, in fact rests with hard work. There exist two types of labour in our society. Some adopt the profession of mental labour such as the teachers and advocates etc. while others keep themselves attached with physical labour such as carpenters or cobblers. It counts little whether a person does mental work or manual work. The more important is that pain which he takes to accomplish his work. God loves those who take pain in 'Rizq Halal'. Thus a man who believes in dignity of labour he in fact believes in dignity of life.

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