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Friday 16 August 2024



Comprehension means complete understanding of the given passage.
There are certain rules to solve a comprehension.
    Read the passage carefully and try to capture all the major points and theme of the passage. Avoid all the difficult words.

    Re-read the passage to make sure that you have captured all the major points and theme of the passage.

    Read the questions given below the passage carefully so that you could be able to answer accordingly.

    Answers are available in the passage. You must find them and mark them accordingly.
    We should try our best to write the answers in our own words. Because this is a rule by nature that after listening a story by someone if there is a question by the speaker regarding the story, we always answer in our own words.

    Revise all the written answers for your satisfaction. You may make a mistake because "To err is human".

(Note: Double Click On "Read More" Button to view full text)


All parents wish that their children should get a good job. Let us see what they mean by a good job in which you have high salary but little work. They want their children to have and live a comfortable and luxurious life, with plenty of money and all kinds of desirable things. This is what they call a successful life and for this they bring up, educate their children, and wish them well. Getting a good job and living a comfortable life is not bad thing. Children are human beings and they should be educated to live a good life, not only a successful life.

i. What do parents wish for their children?
ii. What do they mean by good job?
iii. What do they call successful life?
iv. What is the purpose of education for their parents?
v. Give nouns of the given words: luxurious, successful.
vi. Give a suitable title to the passage.
vii. Summarize the passage into one-third of its length.

i. Parents wish for their children to get a good job and live a comfortable and luxurious life with plenty of money and desirable things.

ii. They mean by a good job in which one have a high salary but do little work.

iii. They call a successful life one where their children have a good job, live comfortably and luxuriously, and have plenty of money and desirable things.

iv. The purpose of education for parents is to bring up and educate their children is to get a good job and living a comfortably. Children should be educated to live a good life, not just a successful one.

v. Nouns of the given words:
  • luxurious = luxury
  • successful = success

vi. Suitable title for the passage:
"Parental Aspirations for Children's Success and Comfort".

vii. Summary:
Parents wish for their children to have a good job with a high salary and little work, leading to a comfortable and luxurious life with plenty of money and desirable things. They believe this is essential for a successful life and therefore focus on educating their children towards this goal.


A professional player is quite different from an amateur. His main aim is to make money. He plays game to earn money or to win a name. On the other hand, the amateur player has no such aim. He plays because he gets pleasure in playing. Games not only give him recreation but also physical exercise. He enjoys good health and sound physique. He plays the game as he wish. He observes all the rules and regulations of game. An amateur player plays honestly. He becomes gentleman and a reasonable citizen. He accepts his duties. He does not use to cheat or other unfair means. If he wins a game, he feels happy but he is not sad at losing it.

i. What is meant by professional player?
ii. With what aim does a professional play games?
iii. What makes an amateur person a responsible citizen?
iv. How does an amateur player differ from a professional player?
v. Give adjectives of the given words: pleasure, duty.
vi. Give a title to the passage.
vii. Summarize the passage into one-third of its length.


i. A professional player is someone who plays games with the main aim of making money.

ii. A professional player plays games to earn money or to win a name.

iii. An amateur person becomes a responsible citizen by playing games honestly, following rules and regulations, and accepting their duties.

iv. An amateur player differs from a professional player in that they play for pleasure and recreation, not primarily for financial gain or fame.

v. Adjectives of the given words:
  • Pleasure = pleasurable
  • Duty = dutiful

vi. Title for the passage:
"Contrasting Traits of Professional and Amateur Players".

vii. Summary:
Professional players aim to make money and gain recognition through playing games, while amateur players play for pleasure, recreation, and physical exercise. Amateurs follow rules, play honestly, and become responsible citizens by accepting their duties without resorting to cheating or unfair means.


In every country, people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest and the others are not, as good as they are. The Englishmen thinks that he and his country are the best; the Frenchman is very proud of France and everything French. The Germans and Italians think no less of their countries and many Indians imagine that India is in many ways the greatest country in the world. This is wrong. Everybody wants to think well of himself and his country. But really there is no person, who has not got some good and some bad qualities. In the same, there is no country, which is not partly good and partly bad. We must take the good wherever we find it and try to remove the bad wherever it may be. We are, of course, most concerned with our own country We have to find out how we can make them happier. Many of our people are poor and unhappy; they have no joy in their lives. We have to find out how we can make them happier. We have to see what is good in our ways and customs and try to accept it, and whatever is bad we have to throw away. If we find anything good in other countries, we should certainly accept it.

i. What does everyone think of his country?
ii. What should we find out first?
iii. What should one accept or reject from the others?
iv. What should we do with our ways and customs?
V. Give antonyms of the given words: poor, partly.
vi. Write a summary of the given paragraph into one-third of its length.
vii. Give a suitable title.

i. Everyone thinks that their country is the best and that they are the cleverest, while others are not as good as they are.

ii. We should first find out how we can make our country happier, especially for those who are poor and unhappy.

iii. One should accept the good qualities from other countries and reject the bad ones.

iv. We should accept the good aspects of our ways and customs, while discarding the bad ones.

v. Antonyms:
  • Poor = Rich
  • Partly = completely.

vi. Summary:
People tend to believe that their country is the best, but every country has both good and bad qualities. It is important to focus on making our country happier by accepting the good and discarding the bad, while also learning from other countries.

vii. Suitable title:
Embracing the Good, Rejecting the Bad OR Building a Happier Country.


Overeating is one of the most wonderful practices among those who think that they can afford it. In fact, authorities say that nearly all who have meal as much as they desire avoid the disadvantages of meal. This class of people could save a great more food than they can save by missing one meal per week and at the same time they could improve their health.
A heavy meal at night, the so-called "dinner', is the fashion with many and often it is taken shortly before retiring. It is unnecessary and a loss of strength. Usually three to five hours are needed to digest the food. While sleeping, the food that is in many cases converted into excess fat, giving rise to over-weight. The evening meal should be light, taken three or four hours before retiring. This prevents overeating, conserves energy and reduces the unnecessary fats in the body.

i. Who practices over-eating?
ii. What do authorities say about meal?
iii. What is the disadvantage of meal if is taken just before retiring?
iv. What are the advantages of meal if on time?
V. Give verbs of the given words: practice, authority.
vi. Give a title to the passage.
vii. Summarize the passage into one-third of its length.

i. Those who think they can afford it practice over-eating.

ii. Authorities say that nearly all who eat as much as they desire avoid the disadvantages of over-eating.

iii. The disadvantage of eating a heavy meal just before retiring is that it can lead to excess fat and overweight as the body does not have enough time to digest the food.

iv. The advantages of eating meals on time include saving more food, improving health, conserving energy, and reducing unnecessary fats in the body.

v. Verbs:
  • Practice = practicing
  • Authority = authorize.

vi. Title:
The Importance of Timely and Light Meals for Health.

vii. Summary:
Over-eating, especially before retiring, can lead to excess fat and overweight. Authorities recommend eating light meals three to four hours before bedtime to prevent overeating, conserve energy, and reduce unnecessary fats in the body.


Trees give shade for the benefit of others and while they themselves stand in the sun and endure scorching heat, they produce the fruit by which others gain profit. The character of good men is like that of trees. What is the use of this perishable body, if no use of it is made for the benefit of mankind? Sandalwood - the more it is rubbed, the more scent does it yield. Sugarcane - the more it is peeled and cut into pieces, the more juice does it produce. The men who are noble at heart do not lose these qualities even in losing their lives. What does it matter, whether men praise them or not? What does it signify, whether they die at this moment or whether their lives are prolonged? Happen what may, those who tread right path will not set foot in other. Life itself is unprofitable to a man, who does not live for others. To live for the mere sake of living one's own life is to live the life of cows and dogs. Those who lay down their lives for the sake of a friend, or even for the sake of a stranger, will assuredly dwell forever in the world of bliss.

i. What kind of character should a man have?
ii. What examples are given to emphasize the service to mankind?
iii. What does the writer compare the life of dogs and cows with?
iv. Give synonyms of the given words: stranger, bliss.
V. Give a title to the passage.
vi. Summarize the passage into one-third of its length.

i. A man should have a character like that of trees, giving shade and producing fruit for the benefit of others.

ii. Examples of sandalwood and sugarcane are given to emphasize the idea that the more one gives or sacrifices, the more they yield for the benefit of others.

iii. The writer compares living solely for oneself to living the life of cows and dogs.

iv. Synonyms:
  • Strange = Unknown person
  • Bliss = Happiness.

v. Title:
Selfless Service and Noble Character.

vi. Summary:
The passage highlights the importance of selfless service to mankind, comparing the character of good men to that of trees providing shade and fruit for others. It emphasizes that living solely for oneself is akin to living the life of cows and dogs, and that those who sacrifice for others will find eternal bliss.

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