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Friday 16 August 2024



Write down conversation between the father and the son about his class-fellow.
Father: Assalam o Alaikum and how are you my boy?
Son: Wa Alaikum Assalam, Alhamdulillah I am very fine, what about you please?

Father: Alhamdulillah I am also fine but who was the boy that came to see you this morning?
Son: He is Saim, one of my class-fellows.

Father: Is he? He look rather old. I thought he was a senior student.
Son: No, father, though he looks older than me, he is of my age.

Father: Where does he live?
Son: He is staying here with his uncle who is an advocate.

Father: Oh! You mean Anwer Khan. I know him very well.
Son: Yes, I have asked Saim to dine with us tomorrow. Will you ask Anwer Khan to dine?
Father: Yes, I will ask him for dinner next Saturday.
Son: Please do it earlier, father, because Saim is leaving for Karachi next Saturday.

Father: What for?
Son: He is joining the Scout Training camp there.
Father: Why don't you also become a scout?
Son: I like to be one, father, but will you permit me to go to Karachi?

Father: Yes, sure my boy, you must join the camp.
Son: Ok father, I shall, just now, go to Mr. Kamran and ask him to enlist me as a scout.

Father: Alright, you may go and take nice care my boy.
Son: Thank you very much baba and you too please.


Father: Hey, buddy! How was school today?
Son: It was good, Dad. We had a math test, but I think I did okay.

Father: That’s great to hear! Did you study with anyone for the test?
Son: Yeah, I studied with Jake. He’s really good at math and helped me understand some of the harder problems.

Father: Jake, huh? I’ve heard you mention him before. What do you like about him as a friend?
Son: He’s really funny and always makes everyone laugh. Plus, he’s super nice and always helps out when someone is struggling.

Father: Sounds like a good friend to have. Do you guys hang out outside of school?
Son: Sometimes! We play video games together on the weekends and ride our bikes around the neighborhood.

Father: That sounds fun! It’s important to have friends you can rely on. Do you think you’ll stay friends as you get older?
Son: I hope so! We have a lot in common, and I really enjoy spending time with him.

Father: That’s wonderful. Just remember to be a good friend in return. It’s a two-way street!
Son: I will, Dad. Thanks for the advice!

Father: Anytime! If you ever want to invite Jake over, just let me know. I’d love to meet him.
Son: That would be cool! I’ll ask him next time we hang out.

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