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Friday 16 August 2024



Write down conversation between teacher and student on importance of games.
Teacher: Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about the importance of games in our lives. Can anyone share why they think games are important?
Student: Good morning, Teacher! I think games are important because they help us stay active and healthy.

Teacher: That’s a great point! Physical activity is essential for our well-being. What else do you think games can teach us?
Student: They also teach teamwork. When we play in teams, we learn how to work together and support each other.

Teacher: Exactly! Teamwork is a valuable skill, not just in sports but in life as well. Can you think of any other benefits?
Student: Games can help improve our concentration and focus. When we play, we have to pay attention to the rules and strategies.

Teacher: Absolutely! Games require us to think critically and make quick decisions. How about the social aspect?
Student: Yes! Playing games allows us to make new friends and bond with others. It’s a fun way to connect with people.

Teacher: Well said! Social interaction is crucial for our emotional health. Do you think games can help reduce stress?
Student: Definitely! When I play, I forget about my worries and just enjoy the moment. It helps me relax.

Teacher: That’s a very important benefit. Games can be a great way to unwind after a long day. So, what do you think we can do to encourage more participation in games at school?
Student: Maybe we could organize more sports events or game days where everyone can join in and have fun!

Teacher: That’s a fantastic idea! I’ll bring it up in our next meeting. Thank you for sharing your thoughts today!
Student: Thank you, Teacher! I’m looking forward to more games!


Teacher: Assalam Alaikum! How are you my dear students?
Student: Wa Alaikum Assalam! We are fine thanks.

Teacher: Dear students, we are going to start all games in our school from next Friday. Decide within a day or two, the games which you would like to play.
Student: Sir, we are not going to play any game this year. They are of no use to us in passing our examination.

Teacher: Dear students, games are just as useful as studies can be. We do not want to turn you into bookworms only.
Student: Sir, how does a game help us in any service or business?

Teacher: Every game teaches you discipline and obedience: These qualities help you in every walk of life.
Student: After playing a game, sir, we get tired and when we are tired, we cannot attend to our studies.

Teacher: No, it is wrong to say that games produce fatigue. Every game is a good exercise. It refreshes you to apply yourself to your books.
Student: But, sir, a lot of time is wasted in playing a game.

Teacher: No, my dear students, it is not like that. Games make you healthy and strong and without health and strength, you cannot fight the battle of life.
Student: Sir, Can we become athletes like Arshad Nadeem?
Teacher: Of course, like the Javelin-throw 2024 Gold Medalist Arshad Nadeem, you can also become the proud of nation and make your names in Olympics even, if you are good in sports.
Student: Thank you very much sir, now, we have realized that games are very useful to us. In future all of us will take part in games not only in our school time but also after that.
Teacher: It's my pleasure, best of luck and take nice care please.

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