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Showing posts with label Chemistry Notes X - New. Show all posts

Saturday 3 February 2024

Chapter No.4: Biochemistry - Chemistry For Class X (2022 and Onward) - Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, Concept Diagram

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Tick the correct answer from the following:
1. Glucose is:
(a) vitamin
(b) protein
(c) carbohydrate ✓
(d) lipid

2. The deficiency of vitamin D causes:
(a) beriberi
(b) rickets ✓
(c) scurvy
(d) hemorrhage

3. ______ encodes genetic information.
(a) R.N.A
(b) D.N.A ✓
(c) progesterone
(d) cholesterol

4. The carbohydrates which contain the aldehyde group are called:
(a) saccharides
(b) ketoses
(c) pentoses
(d) aldoses ✓

5. Amino acids are building blocks of:
(a) nucleic acids
(b) protein ✓
(c) vitamins
(d) lipid

6. Which one of the following is a polysaccharide?
(a) Fructose
(b) Maltose
(c) Starch ✓
(d) N.O.T

7. Lactose is:
(a) grape sugar
(b) honey sugar
(c) milk sugar ✓
(d) cane sugar

8. What is true about a peptide?
(a) It is a protein
(b) It is an anhydride of carboxylic acids
(c) It is an anhydride of an amine ✓
(d) It is a polyamide

9. Fats are solids at:
(a) ordinary room temperature ✓
(b) high temperature
(c) higher than 50°C temperature
(d) N.O.T

10. Cotton contains cellulose.
(a) 30%
(b) 65%
(c) 85%
(d) 95% ✓

11. The word Biochemistry means:
(a) chemistry of cells
(b) chemistry of animals
(c) chemistry of plants
(d) chemistry of life ✓

12. This branch of chemistry deals with the study of chemical and physical processes inside a living system:
(a) Biochemistry ✓
(b) Organic Chemistry
(c) Inorganic Chemistry
(d) Physical Chemistry

13. The first time the word biochemistry was used by German chemist Carl Neuberg in:
(a) 1885
(b) 1890
(c) 1903 ✓
(d) 1933

14. Generally carbohydrates contain elements like:
(a) carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen
(b) carbon, hydrogen and oxygen ✓
(c) carbon, hydrogen and alkyl halides
(d) carbon, oxygen and-nitrogen

15. Most carbohydrates are represented by the general formula:
(a) C(H2O)y
(b) Cx(H2O)
(c) Cx{H20)
(d) Cy(H2O)y

16. The carbohydrates which contain the ketone group are called:
(a) saccharides
(b) ketoses ✓
(c) pentoses
(d) aldoses

17. Majority of carbohydrates are sweet in taste so they are also called:
(a) saccharides ✓
(b) ketoses
(c) pentoses
(d) aldoses

18. Based on hydrolysis, there are types of carbohydrates.
(a) two
(b) three ✓
(c) four
(d) five

19. Monosaccharides are also called:
(a) sugars
(b) easy sugars
(c) single sugars
(d) simple sugars ✓

20. These carbohydrates cannot be further simplified an hydrolysis.
(a) Monosaccharides ✓
(b) Oligosaccharides
(c) Polysaccharides
(d) All of them

21. These carbohydrates contain 3 to 10 carbon atoms.
(a) Monosaccharides ✓
(b) Oligosaccharides
(c) Polysaccharides
(d) All ef them

22. Glucose (grape sugar) belongs to:
(a) saccharides
(b) ketoses
(c) pentoses
(d) aldoses ✓

23. Fructose (honey) belongs to:
(a) saccharides
(b) ketoses ✓
(c) pentoses
(d) aldoses

24. Aldoses and ketoses are examples of:
(a) Monosaccharides ✓
(b) Oligosaccharides
(c) Polysaccharides
(d) All of them

25. It is also known as blood sugar.
(a) Fructose
(b) Sucrose
(c) Glucose ✓
(d) Lactose

26. Per 100 ml, the normal range for blood glucose is:
(a) 40-70 mg
(b) 65-110 mg ✓
(c) 70-150 mg
(d) 90-180 mg

27. It occurs in ripe fruits, honey, cane sugar etc.
(a) Glucose
(b) Fructose ✓
(c) Lactose
(d) Mattose

28. In oligosaccharides, monosaccharides are connected by:
(a) glucose bond/linkage
(b) saccharide bond/linkage
(c) covalent bond/linkage
(d) glycosidic bond/linkage ✓

29. Sucrose, maltose, lactose (milk sugar) etc. are important members of:
(a) Monosaccharides
(b) Oligosaccharides ✓
(c) Polysaccharides
(d) All of them

30. They are required as the energy source for the survival of both plants and animals.
(a) Carbohydrates ✓
(b) Proteins
(c) Lipids
(d) Fatty acids

31. It is a food additive. It is found in confectioneries, condensed milk, canned fruits, jams, and jellies, among other things.
(a) Glucose
(b) Fructose
(c) Lactose
(d) Sucrose ✓

32. It helps in cholesterol reduction and blood pressure regulation.
(a) Carbohydrates ✓
(b) Proteins
(c) Lipids
(d) Fatty acids

33. It promotes peristalsis in the intestine.
(a) Starch
(b) Celluloses ✓
(c) Glucose
(d) Fructose

34. It is used as a raw material in a variety of industries, including textiles and paper.
(a) Starch
(b) Celluloses ✓
(c) Glucose
(d) Fructose

35. It is utilized in the production of ethanol and laundries.
(a) Starch ✓
(b) Celluloses
(c) Glucose
(d) Fructose

36. The word protein is taken from Greek 'Proteios' means:
(a) first ✓
(b) last
(c) strong
(d) weak

37. These are nitrogenous macromolecules found in all the cells of living organisms.
(a) Carbohydrates
(b) Proteins ✓
(c) Lipids
(d) Fatty acids

38. Upto twenty amino acids have been found in nature. Out of them, the number of essential amino acids is:
(a) 5
(b) 7
(c) 10 ✓
(d) 17

39. Due to this linkage protein is formed.
(a) glucose bond/linkage
(b) saccharide bond/linkage
(c) peptide bond/linkage ✓
(d) glycosidic bond/linkage

40. Proteins may contain:
(a) 10 to 1000 amino acid molecules
(b) 30 to 3000 amino acid molecules
(c) 45 to 5500 amino acid molecules
(d) 60 to 6000 amino acid molecules ✓

41. Human consume proteins as food since they are required for:
(a) energy production
(b) cell repairing
(c) protoplasm production ✓
(d) None of them

42. They are proteins generated by living organisms.
(a) Cellulose
(b) Enzymes ✓
(c) Gelatin
(d) Lipids

43. It is produced, when bones are cooked.
(a) Cellulose
(b) Enzymes
(c) Gelatin ✓
(d) Lipids

44. They are the building blocks of cells:
(a) Cellulose
(b) Enzymes
(c) Gelatin
(d) Lipids ✓

45. They are lipids building components.
(a) Fatty acids ✓
(b) Amino acids
(c) Carboxylic acids
(d) Proteins

46. They are carboxylic acids with a lengthy chain, either saturated or unsaturated.
(a) Fatty acids ✓
(b) Amino acids
(c) Carboxylic acids
(d) Proteins

47. He discovered vitamins in 1912.
(a) Funk
(b) Wohler
(c) Hopkins ✓
(d) Presley

48. He discovered Vitamin B1 (Thiamin).
(a) Funk ✓
(b) Wohler
(c) Hopkins
(d) Presley

49. On the basis of solubility, there are ____ types of vitamins.
(a) two ✓
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five

50. Water soluble vitamins are obtained from:
(a) lipids
(b) meat
(c) fats
(d) cereals and fruits ✓

51. Vitamin B (complex) and vitamin C are:
(a) fat soluble vitamins
(b) water soluble vitamins ✓
(c) Both 'a' & 'b'
(d) None of them

52. Which statement is TRUE for water-soluble vitamins?
(a) These vitamins are not stored in the body.
(b) If we take these vitamins excess, they cannot harm us.
(c) These vitamins are easily excreted from our bodies
(d) All of them ✓

53. The deficiency of vitamin B causes:
(a) beriberi ✓
(b) rickets
(c) scurvy
(d) hemorrhage

54. Vitamins A, D, E and K are:
(a) fat soluble vitamins ✓
(b) water soluble vitamins
(c) Both 'a' & 'b'
(d) None of them

55. Which of the following is called sunshine vitamin?
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C
(d) D ✓

56. Which statement is FALSE for fat-soluble vitamins?
(a) They are stored in the body for a long period of time.
(b) If we take these vitamins in excess, they cannot harm us. ✓
(c) These vitamins are obtained from lipids.
(d) All of them

57. These enzymes are utilized in the production of bread.
(a) Lipase
(b) Lactase
(c) Amylase ✓
(d) Cellulase

58. The following enzyme is used to make ice cream sweeter.
(a) Lipases
(b) Lactase ✓
(c) Amylase
(d) Cellulase

Saturday 20 January 2024

Chapter No.3: Organic Chemistry -Chemistry For Class X (2022 and Onward) - Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, Concept Diagram

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Organic Chemistry

Tick the correct answer from the following:
1. The branch of chemistry which deals with hydrocarbons and their derivatives is known as:
(a) Organic chemistry ✓
(b) Inorganic chemistry
(c) Biochemistry
(d) Physical chemistry

2. The general formula for alkanes is:
(a) CnH2n
(b) CnH2n+1
(c) CnH2n+2
(d) CnH2n-1

3. Which of the following is an alcohol?
(a) CH3-CHO
(b) CH3-CH2-O-CH3
(c) CH3-OH ✓

4. Which of the following is a saturated hydrocarbon?
(a) CH3-CH=CH2
(b) CH3-CH2-CH3
(c) CH3-C=CH
(d) CH2=CH-C=CH

5. The prefix ‘hept’ stands for the ____ carbon atoms.
(a) 2
(b) 5
(c) 7 ✓
(d) 9

6. The functional group -COOH is used for:
(a) alkynes
(b) alcohols
(c) phenols
(d) Carboxylic acids ✓

7. Polyethene is:
(a) oil
(b) paper
(c) plastic ✓
(d) wood

8. Acetic acid is obtained from:
(a) banana
(b) dates
(c) garlic
(d) vinegar ✓

9. Alkenes:
(a) show the same general formula as alkynes
(b) have carbon-carbon triple bond
(c) have carbon-carbon double bond ✓
(d) are saturated hydrocarbons

10. CH3-CH2- is radical.
(a) Methyl
(b) Ethyl ✓
(c) n-propyl
(d) Isopropyl

11. Vital Force Theory was introduced by:
(a) Wohler
(b) Arrhenius
(c) Lewis
(d) Berzelius ✓

12. In 1828, he converted an inorganic compound ammonium cyanate into urea.
(a) Wohler ✓
(b) Arrhenius
(c) Lewis
(d) Berzelius

13. It is an organic compound excreted in the urine of mammals.
(a) Alcohols
(b) Alkynes
(c) Urea ✓
(d) Ketones

14. It ts the key element in all organic compounds.
(a) Oxygen
(b) Carbon ✓
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Iron

15. In organic compounds after carbon, the most frequently used element is:
(a) Hydrogen ✓
(b) Oxygen
(c) Nitrogen
(d) Sodium

16. Which one of these statements is TRUE?
(a) Organic compounds are insoluble in water
(b) Non-polar organic compounds are soluble in benzene
(c) None of these
(d) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓

17. The rate of reactivity of organic compounds is:
(a) fast
(b) moderate
(c) slow
(d) very slow ✓

18. Organic compounds have ______ different sorts of formulae.
(a) 2
(b) 4 ✓
(c) 5
(d) 6

19. Which one indicates the exact number of atoms in one molecule of an organic compound?
(a) Molecular formula ✓
(b) Structural formula
(c) Condensed formula
(d) Dot and cross formula

20. Molecular formula of butane is:
(a) C3H8
(b) C4H10 ✓
(c) C5H12
(d) C6H14

21. It is also known as the electronic formula, which depicts the sharing of electrons between distinct atoms in a single molecule of an organic compound.
(a) Molecular formula
(b) Structural formula
(c) Condensed formula
(d) Dot and cross formula ✓

22. Benzene is a/an:
(a) straight chain compound
(b) branched chain compound
(c) heterocyclic compound
(d) cyclic compound ✓

23. More than ____ organic compound (carbon compounds) exist.
(a) 1 million
(b) 3 million
(c) 5 million
(d) 10 million ✓

24. It is the capacity of atoms to build long chains and huge rings by linking with other similar atoms.
(a) Homologous
(b) Isomerism
(c) Catenation ✓
(d) Saturated

25. If two compounds have the same molecular formula but distinct atom arrangements in their molecules or different structural formulas, they are said to be:
(a) Isomers ✓
(b) Homologous
(c) Saturated
(d) Unsaturated

26. A cause / causes for the abundance of organic molecules is / are:
(a) Catenation
(b) Isomerism
(c) None of these
(d) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓

27. Wood has a carbon content of:
(a) 20%
(b) 40% ✓
(c) 60%
(d) 90%

28. lt is a major and important component of natural gas.
(a) Methane ✓
(b) Ethane
(c) Propane
(d) Butane

29. The fundamental unit of carbohydrates is:
(a) starch
(b} cellulose
(c) glucose ✓
(d) protein

30. It is / They are formed as glucose polymerizes further:
(a) Starch
(b) Cellulose
(c) None of these
(d) Both 'a' & 'b' ✓

31. Pulses and beans are high in:
(a) vitamins
(b) protein ✓
(c) oils
(d) fats

32. The general formula for alkenes is:
(a) CnH2n ✓
(b) CnH2n+1
(c) CnH2n+2
(d) CnH2n-1

33. CnH2n-1 is general formula of:
(a) alkanes
(b) alkenes
(c) alkynes ✓
(d) alcohols

34. C6H13 ts radical:
(a) Propyl
(b) Pentyl
(c) Hexyl ✓
(d) Octyl

35. CnH2n+1 is the general formula of:
(a) alkanes
(b) alkenes
(c) alkynes
(d) alkyl radicals ✓

36. Removal of terminal H form propane, termed as:
(a) n-propyl ✓
(b) isopropyl
(c) ter-propyl
(d) sec-propyl

37. Removal of central H form butane, termed as:
(a) n-butyl
(b) isobutyl
(c) ter-butyl
(d) sec-butyl ✓

38. It is produced by plants through photosynthesis.
(a) Starch
(b) Cellulose
(c) Glucose ✓
(d) Protein

39. They contain carbon-carbon double and triple bonds.
(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons ✓
(b) Saturated hydrocarbons
(c) Alkanes
(d) Alkyl radicals

40. They have a less amount of carbon and a high amount of hydrogen.
(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons
(b) Saturated hydrocarbons ✓
(c) Alkanes
(d) Alkyl radicals

41. Which one is less reactive?
(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons
(b) Saturated hydrocarbons ✓
(c) None of these
(d) Both 'a' & 'b'

42. They burn with yellow and sooty flame in the air.
(a) Unsaturated hydrocarbons ✓
(b) Saturated hydrocarbons
(c) Alkanes
(d) Alkynes

43. In alcohols the functional group is:
(a) alkyl halide
(b) alkoxyl group
(c) carbonyl group
(d) hydroxyl group ✓

44. The polar hydroxyl group (-OH) in alcohols, for example, improves:
(a) melting point
(b) boiling point
(c) solubility ✓
(d) density

45. General Formula of ethers is:
(a) CnH2n-2
(b) CnH2n+2O ✓
(c) CnH2n+1X
(d) CnH2n-1OH

46. Functional group of aldehydes is:
(a) =C=C=
(b) -C=C-
(c) -CH=O ✓
(d) =C=O

47. R-CO-OH This is the functional group of:
(a) carboxylic acids ✓
(6) esters
(c) alcohols
(d) phenols

48. Formula of formaldehyde is as follows:
(a) H3C-CO-CH3
(b) H3C-CO-CH2CH3
(c) H3C-CO-H
(d) H-CO-H ✓

49. H3C-CO-CH3, This is the formula of:
(a) acetaldehyde
(b) acetone ✓
(c) acetic acid
(d) formaldehyde

50. Formula of formic acid is:
(a) H3C-CO-CH3
(b) H3C-CO-CH2-CH3
(c) H3C-CH=O
(d) H-CO-OH ✓

51. =C-OH, This is the functional group of:
(a) secondary alcohols
(b) tertiary alcohols ✓
(c) secondary ethers
(d) tertiary ethers

52. The organic compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen as functional group are called as:
(a) amines ✓
(b) esters
(c) ethers
(d) ketones

1. Vital force theory was introduced by Berzelius in 1815.
2. First time Berzelius used the word organic compound for those compounds which are obtained from animals and plants.
3. According to Vital Force Theory, organic compounds can only be prepared in living tissues by vital force.
4. In 1828 the German Chemist Friedrich Wohler converted an inorganic compound ammonium cyanate into urea.
5. Urea is the first synthesized organic compound.
6. Organic compounds are obtained from living things (animals and plants).
7. Carbon is an essential element in all natural and synthesised organic compounds.
8. Hydrocarbons are composed of hydrogen and carbon atoms.
9. The study of hydrocarbons and their derivatives is modern definition of organic chemistry.
10. Organic compounds have weaker bonding than ionic compounds so they have lower melting and boiling points.
11. There are total of 118 elements that are currently known.
12. Self linking property of carbon is called catenation.
13. Pentane (C5H12) has three isomers.
14. Saturated hydrocarbons or paraffins are alkanes.
15. The compounds having same molecular formula but different structures are termed as isomers.
16. Due to catenation and isomerization millions of organic compounds are existed in the universe.
17. On the basis of chains organic compounds are divided into main two classes- open chain and closed chain (cyclic) compounds.
18. Saturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon single bonds.
19. Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons.
20. Unsaturated hydrocarbons contain carbon-carbon double and triple bonds.
21. Alkenes (C=C) and alkynes are (C=C) unsaturated hydrocarbons.
22. Organic compounds are insoluble in water.
23. Organic compounds are soluble in organic solvents like benzene, carbon disulphide, ether, alcohols etc.
24. Organic compounds have slow rate of reactions.
25. On combustion, all organic compounds produce one of the common product carbon dioxide.
26. The members of homologous series have same functional group.
27. Coal is also called black gold.
28. In Pakistan the name sui gas is used for natural gas.
29. The name of organic compound is composed of two parts: Prefix + suffix.
30. Prefix tells the number of carbon atoms and suffix tells functional group in each molecule.
31. Alkyl radicals are formed by the removal of hydrogen from alkanes.
32. A functional group is an atom or group of atoms that gives a molecule its characteristic properties.
33. On the basis of functional groups organic compounds are divided into different families.
34. Many organic compounds are used in perfumes, scents, paints, dyes and drugs.

  1. Acetaldehyde CH3-CHO
  2. Acetic acid CH3COOH OR CH3-CO-OH
  3. Acetone (Dimethyl ketone) CH3-CO-CH3
  4. Ammonium cyanate NH4CN
  5. Benzene C6H6
  6. Carbon disulphide CS2
  7. Chloroform CHCl3
  8. Dimethyl ether H3C-O-CH3
  9. Diethyl ether C2H5-O-C2H5
  10. Dimethyl amine H3C-NH-CH3
  11. Ethene C2H6 OR CH3=CH3
  12. Ethyne OR Acetylene C2H2 OR HC=CH
  13. Ethyl acetate H3C-CO-OC2H5
  14. Ethyl alcohol CH3-CH2-OH
  15. Ethyl methyl ether H3C-O-C2H5
  16. Ethyl methyl ketone H3C-CO-CH2-CH3
  17. Formaldehyde H-CO-H
  18. Formic acid H-CO-OH
  19. Glucose C6H12O6
  20. Methyl acetate H3C-CO-OCH3
  21. Methyl alcohol CH3-OH
  22. Methyl amine H3C-NH2
  23. Propyne CH3-C=CH
  24. Silicon Si
  25. Trimethyl amine (CH3-)3N
  26. Urea NH2-CO-NH2

  • CNG Compressed natural gas

Friday 1 December 2023

Chapter No.2: Acid Base And Salt -Chemistry For Class X (2022 and Onward) - Multiple Choice Questions, Fill in the blanks, Concept Diagram

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Acid Base And Salt

Tick the correct answer from the following:
1. Corrosive effect on skin is caused by:
(a) acid ✔
(b) base
(c) salt
(d) both a & b

2. Preservatives are used to preserve:
(a) acids
(b) bases
(c) food ✔
(d) water

3. Which of the following is not an Arrhenius acid?
(a) HCl
(b) CO2 ✔
(c) HNO3
(d) H2SO4

4. NH3 can be a base according to:
(a) Arrhenius theory
(b) Bronsted-Lowery theory
(c) Lewis theory ✔
(d) both b and c

5. Which of the following is a Lewis base?
(a) HNO3
(b) CN ✔
(c) HCl
(d) AlCl3

6. A substance that can donate a pair of electron to form coordinate covalent bond:
(a) Lewis acid
(b) Lewis base ✔
(c) Bronsted—Lowery acid
(d) Bronsted-Lowery base

7. If pH value is greater than 7, then solution is:
(a) acidic
(b) basic ✔
(c) amphoteric
(d) neutral

8. Salt among following is:
(a) HCl
(b) KCl ✔
(c) HNO3
(d) H2SO4

9. Substances that react with both acids and bases are called:
(a) conjugate acids
(b) conjugate bases
(c) amphoteric substances ✔
(d) Buffers

10. The reaction of acid and base to form salt and water is called:
(a) hydration
(b) Neutralization ✔
(c) hydrolysis
(d) both a & c

11. Curd, vinegar, lemon, and orange juice have a sour flavor, they are:
(a) acidic ✔
(b) basic
(c) amphoteric
(d) neutral

12. Bitter-gourd, coffee, and chocolate have a bitter flavor, they are:
(a) acidic
(b) basic ✔
(c) amphoteric
(d) neutral

13. Alum is an example of:
(a) acids
(b) bases
(c) salts ✔
(d) neutral

14. It is used in batteries, paints, paper, fertilizer, detergent, and fertilizers.
(a) HCl
(b) H2SO ✔
(c) NaOH 
(d) Ca(OH)2

15. In our stomach, it is utilized to breakdown food.
(a) HCl ✔
(b) H2SO4
(c) NaOH
(d) Ca(OH)2

16. It is utilized in the soap and paper industries:
(a) HCl
(b) H2SO4
(c) NaOH ✔
(d) Ca(OH)2

17. Cement and plaster of Paris are both made from:
(a) HCl
(b) H2SO2
(c) NaOH
(d) Ca(OH)2 ✔

18. It is used in the production of fertilizers.
(a) Silver bromide
(b) Calcium chloride
(c) Ammonia ✔
(d) Calcium hydroxide

19. Silver bromide is used in:
(a) fertilizers
(b) photography ✔
(c) medicines
(d) paper industry

20. It is utilized as a drying agent:
(a) Silver bromide
(b) Calcium chloride ✔
(c) Ammonia
(d) Calcium hydroxide

21. According to Arrhenius theory, when acids are dissolved in water, they produce:
(a) hydrogen (H+) ions ✔
(b) hydroxide ions (OH-)
(c) protons
(d) electrons

22. According to Arrhenius theory, when bases are dissolved in water, they produce:
(a) hydrogen (H+) ions
(b) hydroxide ions (OH-) ✔
(c) protons
(d) electrons

23. A salt is a/an:
(a) ionic compound ✔
(b) covalent compound
(c) Both 'a' & 'b'
(d) None of them

24. According to Bronsted-Lowry theory, an acid:
(a) produces hydrogen (H+) ions
(b) produces hydroxide ions (OH-)
(c) donates a proton (H+) ✔
(d) accepts a proton (H+)

25. According to Bronsted-Lowry theory, a base:
(a) produces hydrogen (H+) ions
(b) produces hydroxide ions (OH-)
(c) donates a proton (H+)
(d) accepts a proton (H+) ✔

26. A Lewis acid is an:
(a) a proton donor
(b) a proton acceptor
(c) an electron pair acceptor ✔
(d) an electron pair donor

27. BF, is a Lewis:
(a) acid ✔
(b) base
(c) salt
(d) neutral

28. Pure water is considered as a:
(a) strong electrolyte
(b) weak electrolyte ✔
(c) strong base
(d) weak base

29. pH is the measurement of the concentration of Hydrogen ions in a solution. Which is true for pH?
(a) log[H+]
(b) log[OH-]
(c) -log[H+] ✔
(d) -log[OH-]

30. It can be defined mathematically as - log[OH-].
(a) pH
(b) pOH ✔
(c) pH scale
(d) pOH scale

31. pH Scale has values ranging from zero to:
(a) 7
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14 ✔

32. NH4C12, NaHSO4 and NaH2P04 are examples of:
(a) acidic salts ✔
(b) basic salts
(c) neutral salts
(d) All of them

33. Acidic salt solutions have pH:
(a) zero
(b) less than 7 ✔
(c) greater than 7
(d) greater than 14

34. Which one of these is a basic salt?
(a) NH4Cl2
(b) Na2HSO4
(c) CH3COONa ✔
(d) KCl

35. Which one of these has pH more than 7?
(a) Acidic Salts
(b) Basic Salts
(c) Neutral Salts
(d) None of these ✔

36. These salts are formed by the complete neutralization of a strong base and strong acid.
(a) Acidic Salts
(b) Basic Salts
(c) Neutral Salts ✔
(d) None of these

37. Which one of the following is NOT a neutral salt?
(a) NaCl
(b) K2SO4
(c) NaNO3
(d) K2CO3 ✔

38. Neutral salt solutions have pH:
(a) 7 ✔
(b) less than 7
(c) greater than 7
(d) 0

39. Most of the chemical fertilizers used in agriculture by farmers are:
(a) acids
(b) bases
(c) salts ✔
(d) metals

40. It is found in plaster of Paris which is used to make plaster casts for supporting broken bones.
(a) Na2CO3
(b) CaSO4.2H2O ✔
(c) CH3COONa
(d) NaNO3

41. Foods such as meat, fish, dairy products, eggs and grains are:
(a) acidic ✔
(b) alkaline
(c) neutral
(d) All of them

42. Natural fats, starch and sugar are:
(a) acidic
(b) alkaline
(c) neutral ✔
(d) All of them

43. Fruits, nuts, legumes and vegetables are:
(a) acidic
(b) alkaline ✔
(c) neutral
(d) All of them

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Chapter No.8: Industrial Chemistry - Chemietry - For Class X - Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

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Industrial Chemistry
Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

Prepared By Sir Waseem Ahmed Qureshi & Sir A. Rehman Turk
Whats-app Contact # 0315-0226373

Chapter No.7: Analytical Chemistry - Chemistry - For Class X - Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

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Analytical Chemistry
Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

Prepared By Sir Waseem Ahmed Qureshi & Sir A. Rehman Turk
Whats-app Contact # 0315-ch0226373

Thursday 8 June 2023

Chapter No.6: Environmental Chemistry II (Water) - Chemistry For Class X - Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

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Environmental Chemistry II (Water)
Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

Prepared By Sir Waseem Ahmed Qureshi & Sir A. Rehman Turk
Whats-app Contact # 0315-0226373

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Chapter No.4: BioChemistry - Chemistry For Class X - Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

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Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

Prepared By Sir Waseem Ahmed Qureshi & Sir A. Rehman Turk
Whats-app Contact # 0315-0226373

Chapter No.3: Organic Chemistry - Chemistry For Class X - Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

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Organic Chemistry
Notes By FAW Group (Happy Grammar School)

Prepared By Sir Waseem Ahmed Qureshi & Sir A. Rehman Turk
Whats-app Contact # 0315-0226373