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Saturday 1 February 2020

English X - Chapter No.10 - Words/Meaning, About Poet, Central Idea and Summary

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1. AgedOld
2. BeneathUnder
3. ClaspHold in hand, Take hold of
4. CrystalTransparent, Clearer
5. DaisiesFlowers
6. DistantFar away
7. FairBeautiful, Good looking
8. FeebleWeak
9. FormShape
10. HueColour
11. Palms Of VictoryThese were given to a soldier or an athlete who was victorious, Prize
12. ScarcelyHardly
13. ToilingWorking hard
14. WearyTired
15. WrinklesFurrows on the skin

About Poetess
Ellen M. H. Gates (1835-1920)

This poem is written by Ellen M. H. Gates (1835-1920). She was born in Torington, Connecticut (USA). She wrote religious songs (hymns) like "The Home of the Soul" and "Eternity" for well-known magazines. Collections of her poems were published in 1897 and 1910.

Central Idea

This poem is written by an American poetess Ellen M.H.Gates. She wrote religious songs. Collection of her poems were published in 1987 and 1910.
Central Idea
Mother’s hands are the symbol of Love. A mother is a pivot, around which the whole family revolves. She relieves the tedium of life, sheds the divine light in the darkness, alleviates distress, does her duties by her children makes them happy, healthy and intelligent citizens of tomorrow. The progress of a nation depends upon the care and skill with which mothers rear up their children.
The theme of this poem can be expressed in the words of Napoleon that:
 “Give me good mothers, I’ll Give you good nation.”
“The hands that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.”


Poetess praises the hands of the mother for their spiritual beauty. She says that although these hands are neither good looking nor small and one can think that they were beautiful ones. She has seen these hands they were the imagination of an artists. For her they are still attractive. Further she says for the pleasure of children these hands worked very hard instead of sorrows and worries. Poetess is sad for these hands because they are growing weak with the pace of time. The marks of pain and old age are on fore head, heart and hand. She feels that her death is fast approaching and one day these hands would be buried under the daisies. But she is hopeful that beyond this world of sorrows and sins lies beautiful and eternal world and her mother’s hands would be victorious there and after death she would get an opportunity of holding her mothers hands.

Friday 31 January 2020

Urdu Paper II For Class XII (Commerce Group) Past Paper 2014

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